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After dinner, they all sat around watching TV as they played cards and dominoes. Belle and Delvon were hoping that Rob might get tired, but he didn't. For the second night in a row, Belle slept with her husband while her boyfriend slept alone in the next room.

Monday morning, Rob's early alarm woke him and Belle. Rob dressed quickly and planned to grab some coffee and an egg sandwich at the McDonald's up the highway. Belle walked him to his car and kissed him goodbye. Rob told her he would be back at about 7 PM.

As Rob drove away Belle walked back to the house and went straight to Delvon's bedroom, shedding her night gown and bathrobe along the way. She climbed into bed, kissed Delvon awake and said "Good morning, handsome!" Delvon kissed her back and within minutes he was on top of her, pounding her pussy as she screamed in ecstasy. After they both came, they snuggled and Delvon spoke gently but directly.

"I want you to sleep with me in this bed tonight."

"I want that too, but my husband will be back at seven o'clock," she responded, snuggling closer.

Delvon looked Belle in the face and said, "I want to fuck you to sleep. You want that too, don't you baby? (Belle nodded yes) Well, I think it's time for us to stop sneaking around like a couple of naughty kids. Since your husband hasn't figured it out yet, you need to tell him that we're having sex."

"I guess you're right," Belle sighed. "I'll break it to him, somehow, tonight, before you and I go to bed."

Belle and Delvon got up and got dressed in their swimwear and tee shirts, had some breakfast, then spent the day hiking, swimming, boating, skiing, watching TV, drinking, drugging, and fucking. Lots of fucking.

That evening, Rob arrived back at the lake house a few minutes past 7 PM. When he entered the house, Rob found his wife wearing Delvon's football jersey, with his infamous number "23" across the front and his name across the back. It was much too big for her but she looked cute wearing it. When Rob asked why she had it on, she said Delvon gave it to her.

Delvon mentioned that it was an actual game jersey, worn when he ran in a touchdown against the Packers. Rob got excited and said, "you know, if it was autographed it would be worth some money!"

Delvon laughed and said, "Well then, I'll autograph it right now!" Delvon went and got a marking pen, then he approached Belle and said, "To be really valuable it has to be autographed on the numbers on the front."

Rob's smile faded away when Delvon cupped his hand under Belle's braless right boob and lifted it up, touching the young wife's breast in a way that Rob found totally inappropriate. Squeezing the plump tit and holding it still to provide a writing surface, Delvon scribbled his first name on the jersey's number 2. Belle smiled, leaned her head back, and murmured an audible "ooh!" when Delvon cradled and squeezed her left tit as he wrote "Smith" on the number 3.

"I'll even autograph your wife, Rob!" Delvon chuckled as he wrote "DS" in big bold letters on Belle's arm. Rob looked a little angry at Delvon for fondling his wife and marking her.

"Hey, chill out, buddy!" Delvon said to Rob with a grin. "Just having a little fun. It's a permanent marker but it'll wash off her skin in a couple of days.

Rob forced a smile too and said, "Yeah, sure, thanks Delvon."

Rob went to the bedroom to change out of his business clothes and returned to the living room where he realized that he had interrupted a quiet, private conversation between Delvon and his wife.

As he went to sit in the living room, Rob noticed a silver tray on the coffee table in front of the couch. On the tray were six neatly formed lines of white powder and two short drinking straws.

Pointing at the tray, Belle smiled at Rob and said, "We're going to do a little coke. Why don't you try some? The rush is amazing!"

Rob stared at his wife in disbelief. As Belle and Delvon seated themselves on the couch in front of the tray, Rob spoke up. "You know, smoking a little weed is not the worst thing in the world. It's still illegal in this state, and it's probably not good for you, but cocaine is something else altogether. It's a hard drug. It's addictive and it's dangerous."

As her husband continued his anti-drug lecture, Belle pressed her right nostril closed with her right index finger and used her left hand to hold one of the straws to her left nostril. She leaned down and in one rapid motion, she vacuumed up one line of the powder with a loud "ssssnnnifffff".

Belle instantly sat straight up, shook her head, and shuddered. "Wooooooooo! Oh shit!" Then she looked across at Rob, smiled some more, and held out the straw, offering it to him. Rob shook his head "no" as Delvon leaned down and snorted a line himself.

Belle turned toward Delvon and said, "One more, okay?" He nodded. She repeated her actions, reversing hands and nostrils to snort up the right side of her pretty little nose. She shuddered involuntarily again and let out another loud "Wooooooooo!"

Leaving the cocaine tray on the coffee table in front of them, Belle and Delvon both leaned back on the couch cushions with matching dopey grins on their faces. They were sharing a welcome state of euphoria, feeling elated, empowered, and increasingly emboldened.

Still stone-sober himself, Rob glared at his wife and their friend, and was surprised to see them each slowly move a hand to join the other's, interlacing their fingers, alternating black and white. When Belle leaned back further, the jersey she wore hiked up a bit and Rob was also surprised to glimpse her bare pussy as she was wearing no panties.

Rob's consternation was obvious as he asked, "So, what exactly did you two do today?"

Belle gazed at Rob, her eyes increasingly glassy. "What did we do today? Let me think. A lot really. We took a walk. We went for a swim. We took the speedboat out on the lake and Del taught me how to water ski. I did pretty good. Del says I'm a natural. We watched some TV. Oh, yeah, Del showed me how to snort coke. It was my first time, and I was scared too, at first, but once I did my first line, I liked it right away. You really should try it, honey. It's amazing. one more thing. We fucked each other."

Rob went wide-eyed and he pronounced every word, "You. Fucked. Each. Other."

Belle leaned forward, still holding hands with Delvon, and said, "I can't believe that you're so naïve, Honey. Yes! Yes, Rob! We fucked! More than once. You know, you went and left me alone with him! What the fuck did you expect?! Did you really think I'd be able to resist this guy? He's a god! A fucking god and you know it! You worship him yourself on the football field. And just look at this thing!"

Rob's jaw dropped when Belle reached her hand into the elastic waist band of Delvon's baggy shorts, grabbed his cock and pulled it into view as she kept speaking.

"It's so beautiful -- big and black and powerful. Tell me that if you were a woman you wouldn't want it too!"

Belle paused for a moment, looked longingly at cock she was holding in her hand, and loudly said, "Oh, what the hell! Fuck it! I want it again, right now!"

Then and there, right across from Rob, Belle slumped down on the couch and sucked Delvon's cock into her mouth. Now oblivious to her husband, she moaned as she worked her lips and tongue up and down the Negro penis as it became increasingly erect. Rob sat dead-still and watched, paralyzed by a sight that his brain struggled to process.

With the big black cock occupying his wife's mouth, Rob looked toward Delvon and their eyes connected. Delvon smiled at Rob and said, "She's good."

After a few minutes of cocksucking, Belle rose from her knees, pulled off her autographed jersey and yanked Delvon's shorts completely off. Then she climbed onto his lap and passionately kissed his mouth. During the kiss, Rob could see his wife reaching her hand down between her legs to grab Delvon's cock and point it into her pussy. Rob was amazed to see the obscenely large cock glide into his wife.

"Oh yes!" Belle groaned. "Oh, that big black cock feels so fucking good inside me!" She started to rise and fall on it, slowly at first, then faster. She moaned out an "ah" sound with every descent. Then she screamed, "Oh shit! I'm coming!" She wailed and shook as an earth-shattering orgasm overcame her. She stood up, her feet on the couch cushions. Rob had a bird's eye view of Delvon's huge cock, glistening and dripping with his wife's juices. Belle then rotated, now facing Rob, and impaled herself again. As Belle resumed her fucking motions she kept her eyes open and looked at her husband's face. Belle moaned and smiled intermittently as Rob sat in his chair and displayed a dumb stare.

"Oh Rob," Belle groaned as she bounced up and down on the cock penetrating her, "Del's big black cock feels so fucking good in my pussy!"

Delvon laughed out loud, watching Belle as she shimmied her hips and pressed down, taking that massive, dark cock to the hilt. "Look at her, Rob. I think your little bitch is in heat!"

Belle had three more overwhelming orgasms before Delvon grunted, "I'm gonna cum. You want it in your mouth or in your pussy this time?!"

Belle shouted, "In my pussy! Oh yeah, cum in my pussy, Sweetheart! Belle slowed almost to a stop and Delvon took over, bouncing Belle's body up and down as he thrust up into her with all his might. He grunted "nnnh, nnnh, nnnh, nnnh, nnnh, nnnh, nnnh," as he fired his cum like a cannon. After a few moments, the action and the noise stopped. Just a little panting.

Belle freed herself from the cock lodged within her, slowly rotated to once again face Delvon and she kissed his lips and said, "Thank you Del, honey, for fucking me better than I've ever been fucked before." Glancing toward her husband, she added, "Better than I've ever been fucked by anyone else!" With that, Belle eased herself off and stood. Facing toward her dumbstruck husband, she smiled and gave him a wink.

Belle strolled naked into the kitchen, Delvon's cum oozing from her pussy. She gave it a quick wipe with a paper towel, then returned with the first of several rounds of bottled beer. Belle and Delvon sipped theirs as they cuddled, still naked, and talked about insignificant things like the forecast for tomorrow, the bird's nest they saw, gas for the boat, etc. They frequently displayed their affection for one another, alternately holding hands and kissing.

Rob guzzled his beers, one after the other, and said nothing. His only plan for the moment was to get drunk and pass out, just to escape his surroundings. He succeeded after about an hour. Belle and Delvon left him snoring in his easy chair when they went to bed, first to fuck again and then to sleep together.

The lake house, minus one

The next morning (Tuesday), Belle heard faint noises beyond the bedroom door. She looked lovingly toward Delvon, peacefully snoozing beside her, then she got up, slipped into her bathrobe, and padded out of the bedroom.

Rob was dressed for work and was just about to walk out the door when Belle approached and said, "Good morning, Honey."

Rob paused and tersely stated, "Morning. I'm on my way out."

Belle moved closer, positioning herself in front of the door to delay her husband's exit and said, "He'll want me to sleep with him again, but I'm going to tell Del that you and I need some private time when you come back tonight."

"I'm not coming back here tonight!" Rob barked. "Not tonight. Not ever. You and Delvon will be alone for the next three days, and nights. You can fuck each other to death for all I care, if you don't overdose on cocaine first! I'll have three days to pack up your stuff."

"Don't you dare touch my stuff!" Belle fired back. Then she softened and extended her hand to touch Rob's arm and said, "I don't want to leave you. I love you. And I don't want you to leave me. On Friday I'll come home and we'll get back to normal. Now, I'm still gonna want to see Del, every now and then. You can't really blame me, can you? You saw what our sex is like. I can't give that up, and I'm not going to. But it'll be okay. Really, it will. You'll just have to learn to share me a little. Lots of men share their wives with other men. Most of them just don't know it."

Rob was unmoved. "Maybe I don't want to share. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, you know, and I don't think you and Delvon are going to like them!"

Belle's expression turned from caring and sympathetic to intense. "I hope you're bluffing, Honey, because you don't want to do anything to piss Delvon off. You wouldn't like him when he's pissed. And I'll guarantee you one thing -- if you make him mad he'll cancel that big insurance policy that he bought from you. You'll go from being top agent in your office to worst agent in your office. And I think they call it a "charge-back" when a policy is canceled and you have to repay the commission money that you got. You don't want that to happen."

Belle paused, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then she spoke again in a matter-of-fact manner.

"You know, this thing with Delvon, it's really all on you. You made it happen."

"Bullshit!" Rob yelled angrily. "I don't remember ever telling you to go out and find some nigger-rich son-of-a-bitch to fuck you, like a fucking whore!"

"Keep your voice down," Belle cautioned. "If you remember correctly, when we met Delvon, on our anniversary, you were a whole lot more into him than I was. I didn't even want to give him my phone number, but you made me do it. You made it happen, Honey."

The expression on Rob's face showed that he was assessing her assertion, and it resonated to some extent.

"I really have to go." Rob stated, taking a step toward Belle and the door behind her.

"Okay," Belle said calmly. "Well, drive safely, and don't do anything foolish. We'll talk more on Friday. We'll work this thing out. It'll be alright. I love you."

Without an "I love you" back, or a kiss, Rob eased past Belle and left the house.

During his long drive, Rob did nothing but think about what Belle had said that morning, and what she had done the night before. He thought about what would happen if Delvon actually canceled his multi-million dollar insurance policy. All the prestige that he enjoyed as top agent would evaporate. Worse than that, he would have to repay the commission money, and he couldn't do it. Unbeknownst to Belle, Rob had spent all the money on a motorcycle that was being custom-built for him.

Then, Rob had an epiphany. He thought to himself how Belle was currently "on cloud nine", getting pampered and well-fucked by her millionaire sports-star boyfriend. But how long could it possibly last? Rob figured it wouldn't be long at all before Delvon kicked Belle to the curb. Rob chuckled to himself that it will serve her right when she gets dumped. Just a matter of time. In the meanwhile, it seemed like he had little choice but to resume his married life on Friday and take each day one at a time.

When Delvon woke, Belle told him that Rob was gone and wouldn't be back. They celebrated by fucking each other longer and harder than usual. Belle thought that being with Delvon all day and all night might cause him to tire of her. She knew that he'd fucked hundreds of women and had them fawning over him constantly. But, if anything, Delvon was becoming more attentive. Delvon told Belle that he enjoyed her more than any other woman he had ever known. Belle admitted to Delvon that she had been infatuated with him since their first dance, but she was beginning to feel something much, much deeper, not just in her pussy, but also in her heart.

For the remainder of the week, Rob redoubled his efforts at work, to reinforce his status as a leading insurance agent, but also to keep his mind occupied. At night, though, he had nothing to do but think. Thinking about what his wife had said, and how his options were limited. He conceded to himself that he would continue to serve as Belle's husband, and he would learn to share her, as she had suggested. Having plenty of time on his hands also resulted in Rob having plenty of cum on his hands. In the evenings, he masturbated frequently, and he loathed himself for jerking-off as he conjured up visions of his wife, staring him in the face, her luscious tits bouncing, while sitting on Delvon's lap with that big black cock filling her pussy.

Marking her return

Late Friday afternoon, Delvon drove Belle back from the lake house to the home she shared with Rob. Rob saw the car pull up and stop in the driveway, but he noticed that Belle did not exit right away. Rob watched through the living room window as Belle and Delvon sat in his parked car, passionately kissing each other. Finally, Belle left the vehicle, approached the house and opened the front door, announcing "Honey, I'm home."

As Rob stepped toward his wife to help her with her overnight bag, he noticed a sizeable mark on her right bicep.

"What's that?" Rob asked.

Belle answered, "It's a tattoo. Del wanted me to get a tattoo. And I wanted it too."

Rob moved closer to examine the tattoo, which covered most of his wife's upper arm, then his blood pressure shot up when he saw that it was red heart with Delvon's player number, 23, in the center.

Rob snarled, "Wow, that's just great! I guess he wanted to permanently mark you as his property!"

Belle just shrugged her shoulders.

Rob persisted. "What are you going to do with that tattoo when Delvon loses interest and moves on? Have you ever thought about that?"

Belle cocked her head and said, "I guess I could just have it colored in, or cover the number with some swirly lines or something." Then, looking Rob squarely in the eyes, she stated, "But I don't think that'll ever be necessary."

Home sweet home

Relations between Rob and Belle were somewhat strained the day that she returned from the lake house, but their lives almost immediately returned to something close to normal. Everyone was busy that week and Belle only got with Delvon one time. On Wednesday, Delvon fucked Belle for most of the day at the hotel downtown. Belle didn't really care if Rob knew, but then again, she felt no great need to tell him. So, as far as Rob knew, Belle had not seen Delvon since their time at the lake. He began to think that maybe Delvon's interest in Belle was already fizzling.

But, the next Tuesday, as they were both getting dressed for work, Belle casually mentioned to Rob that he would be on his own for dinner because she was going out.

"I have a date with my boyfriend tonight" she informed Rob. "Delvon is picking me up at 7 pm and I'll be sleeping at his place."

Rob just said "okay." He didn't let it show, but he was distressed.

When Delvon came to pick Belle up for their date, Rob opened the door for him and they shook hands and made small talk until Belle entered the room. She was wearing a tight little red party dress, high heels, and no bra. Rob could detect no panty lines either, so he assumed that she was "going commando." As if Rob wasn't even there, Belle hugged Delvon, kissed his lips and sweetly told him, "you have no idea how much I've missed you." As she strolled out the door hand-in-hand with Delvon, Belle said to Rob, "See you tomorrow."

The scenario was repeated when Belle told her husband that she had a date with Delvon Saturday night. She didn't return home until nearly midnight Sunday. Rob had already gone to bed when he heard her come into their bedroom, drop her clothes and step into the shower.

Belle's sleepovers at Delvon's mansion became more frequent and lasted longer as the days stretched into weeks. Contemplating the situation, Rob wondered why Belle chose to split her time with him when she could continuously enjoy superior sex with her black boyfriend in the lap of luxury instead of sharing her husband's mundane middle-class accommodations.