Interesting Hobby

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Hobby Shop Owner Finds True Love
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This is the first story I've written in awhile. Let me know what you think.

As the owner-operator of a small hobby shop, I've dealt with all kinds of people, and had a lot of experience reading the intentions of my customers. Every so often, however, one manages to surprise me, sometimes in a very pleasant way.

I stocked a full line of sports cards, which attracted all of the younger kids in the area to my store. After school and weekends were always hopping for me, and I got to know a lot of the kids pretty well. There was always this one boy who stayed in the background of his group, never once spending any money. His clothes were always neat and clean, if not a little bit shabby and worn. The only thing I really ever learned was that his name was Gabriel.

One Sunday morning, after the newest basketball cards had come out, I was surprised to see Gabriel come in by himself. He spent a long time standing at the counter, just staring at the hot cards in the cases. I started up a conversation with him, and discovered that he was a very bright young man, and that his mother worked very hard to make sure he had what he needed, but that there was rarely enough for anything fun. Over the next few weeks, he made a habit of coming in early on Sundays, before any of his friends came in, so that we could talk. I eventually offered him a part-time job, doing some light cleaning, card sorting, and things of that nature. He said he'd have to check with his mother first, but she wouldn't get off work until later that day. He promised to bring her in to meet me, so the three of us could discuss his working for me.

After he left, things had gotten pretty busy, and I had actually almost forgotten my job offer to Gabriel, so when he came in just before closing, followed by his mother, I was a bit surprised. Then I got a look at his mother. She couldn't have been much older than 30, if even that old. She was a bit on the heavy side, but that's never bothered me much at all. Some of the best nights (and days) of my life have been spent with larger women. She was very well endowed, and was wearing a waitress uniform that hugged every plush curve of her body. Her skin was pale and creamy, dotted with freckles in all the right places, and she had the reddest hair I'd seen in quite a while.

I welcomed the two of them in, and offered them a seat while I finished up closing the store. Gabriel was practically bouncing in his seat, he was so excited at the prospect of being able to get all the things he'd watched his friend's buy all this time.

I sat across from them, introduced myself to his mother.

"Hi. My name is Eric, and I'd really like to offer Gabriel a job here, helping out."

"I'm Elizabeth Baker. You already know Gabriel. He talks about you all the time, and when he called me to tell me you'd offered him a job, I was pretty surprised. Do you mind if I ask why you're doing this?"

"Honestly, I could really use the help, and having gotten to know so many of the kids in the area, your son is one of the few I think would really take this seriously, and appreciate the opportunity this is. I'm not going to work him into the ground, if that's a concern. My thoughts were that he could work maybe 5-6 hours a week, mostly after school. I can always use help getting things sorted and filed away, and I know Gabriel would do a good job for me. I'd pay him $6.00 an hour, and of course, his school work would have to come first."

I could see the surprise in her eyes when I said how much I'd pay, and even more when I mentioned his schoolwork. She paused a moment to think, and I could almost see the hope fighting with the skepticism.

"I think we can try this for a few weeks, at first. If it's okay with you, I'd like to reserve the right to change my mind on this if his grades start to slip at all. Gabriel is doing very well in school, and I really want him to work hard, to get into a good school later on…"

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Elizabeth. Can he start tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course. I know how anxious he is for this. Gabriel, say goodnight to Eric, and wait in the car for a minute, would you please? I'd like to have a few words in private with your new boss."

"Sure, Mom. Bye, Eric! See you tomorrow!"

We both laughed as he practically floated out the door, happy as he was.


"Why what? Why offer him a job?"

"Yes. Why do this, when you barely know either of us at all. Why go out of your way to do something like this?"

"Because I really like your son a lot. He's been coming in every Sunday morning for several months, now, and we talk about all kinds of things. Honestly, he's told me a lot about you, and how hard you work just to provide the basics for him. I know he wants to have the money to spend on the stuff I sell, but he also wants to help you, so you don't have to work so hard. You can't tell him I'm telling you this, but he really wants to make enough money to buy you a new TV for your bedroom. He says you never get to watch anything you want to see, since he's always watching the one in the living room."

Her eyes watered a little, and she smiled.

"Your son is a very good young man, and I'd really like to help him out as much as I can, without making him feel like he's getting something for free, or worse, charity. I'm going to make him work, but have fun at the same time."

As a small tear ran down her cheek, she smiled even bigger.

"You are a very good man, Eric. My son is very lucky to have you as a friend."

"I'm the lucky one, Elizabeth. I get to do something good, and not work as hard at the same time. The perfect plan, if you ask me!"

She laughed, and then surprised us both by giving me a big hug. Her breasts pressed into my chest, and reminded me of just how attractive she really was. I put my arms around her, and I could almost feel her relax into it, before she pulled away, wiping her face.

"I need to get him home, so he can do his homework. He'll be here right after school tomorrow, though."

"I'm looking forward to it, Elizabeth."

"Please, my friends call me Beth. I really hate to be called Elizabeth."

"I think I can handle that, Beth. I'll see you again soon?"

"Yeah, I think so, Eric. I think so…"

She turned and walked out to her car, and as she left, I found myself admiring her shapely behind. Smiling, I locked the door behind her, and went back to work.

The next day, right on schedule, Gabriel came in, and I put him to work. He really threw himself into his job, and did everything I asked him to do cheerfully, and with a real effort to please. We quickly settled into a routine, the two of us. He'd come in, work for an hour or two, and then do his homework, sometimes asking for help. I found myself looking forward to his time in the store, more and more. He talked about how happy his mom was for him, and said she always asked how I was, and admitted she had asked if I had asked about her at all. He laughed when I blushed just a little, and said he told her I asked how she was all the time. The thought of her wanting to know how I was sent a little shiver up my spine.

The end of the school year came all too quickly, and Gabriel brought his report card in to show off to me. He had gone from a solid B+ student, to an almost perfect 4.0 over the few months he'd been working for me. I told him how proud I was of him, and surprised him by giving him a $50 bonus. He looked at the money in his hand, and I would have sworn he was going to buy cards.

"Eric, do you think you could take me TV shopping tonight? I finally have enough to get Mom a nice TV."

I had forgotten his goal, and quickly agreed to take him. He called his mom, and told her I had asked to help with a special project, and he'd be getting him just a little later than normal. She agreed it was okay, then asked to speak with me. I was actually a bit nervous to speak to her, remembering that hug.

"Is everything okay? What's going on?"

"I, uh…need some help picking something up, and Gabriel offered to help out for a little while. I'll be sure to drop him at home when we're done, Beth."

"Oh, okay. Maybe you'd like to stay for dinner, tonight, then. I'd love to have you…I mean, WE'D love to have you stay…" I could hear her embarrassment through the phone lines, and laughed.

"I'd love to. It's a date, Beth."

"Great! I'll pick up what I need as soon as I leave work at 6pm. Will you be there by then?"

"If not, I'll call you and let you know. How's that?"

"Perfect! See you tonight, Eric!"

"See you soon, Beth."

I hung up the phone, turned to Gabriel, and told him the plan. He got this big grin on his face, but didn't say anything.

We went and did our shopping after I closed the shop, and we ended up getting there about 15 minutes before she was due home. Just enough time to get the TV in the house, and put a big bow on it.

Beth walked in the door, and stopped dead in her tracks.

"What's this? Where did this come from?"

Gabriel ran up to her, and threw his arms around her.

"I bought it for you, Mom! I saved up all the money I made from work to buy it for your bedroom!"

By this time, both of them were crying, and I admit, I had a tear in my eye, as well. Beth and I made eye contact, over Gabriel's shoulder, and she silently mouthed the words, "thank you so much." I shrugged, almost embarrassed by my small part in the whole plan.

Beth started dinner, and went to change out of her uniform. She came back in wearing a pair of jeans that clung to her like a second skin, and a loose top that accented her breasts, without showing too much skin. She had applied just a hint of makeup, and looked quite sexy to me. Dinner went over quite well, and Gabriel couldn't wait to see how the TV looked set up in his mom's bedroom. I helped him unpack it, and carried it into her bedroom for them. As I entered the room, I couldn't help but notice the fact that her room was cramped, but very clean, except for the pair of panties lying on the sink. My expert eye noticed they were thongs, which I absolutely love, especially on bigger women. I saw Beth run over and grab them, so I pretended not to have noticed. We made eye contact again, and she smiled, embarrassed. I grinned, and looked away, not before noticing she was checking me out just a little.

After we set up the TV, Gabriel went to watch his own show, leaving his mom and I alone in her bedroom. She sat down on the bed, picked up the remote, and flipped on the TV for the first time. I watched from the doorway, not wanting to seem too forward.

"You can come sit down, Eric. I promise not to bite."

"Maybe that's why I'm not sitting down, Beth. Maybe I like to be bitten." I said, grinning.

"Maybe I had no intention of keeping my promise. Unless you sit down, you'll never know, will you?"

"You do bring up a good point, but I was actually about to head out for home. I have an appointment pretty early in the morning. Rain check?"

I felt bad. I could see the disappointment on her face as she got up off the bed.

"Of course, you can have a rain check. I'll walk you out."

We left the room, and as I said goodnight to Gabriel, I sensed some disappointment there, as well. Beth walked out into the hall with me, closing the door behind us.

"Eric, thank you so much. You have done so much for Gabriel and I, that I wish I could repay you, somehow."

"Seeing the two of you happy is more than enough for me, Beth. I really do like the both of you a great deal."

Beth slid her arms around me, and looked into my eyes.

"I hope you mean that the way I'd like you to mean that, Eric. I am very attracted to you, and would love for you to stay the night with me."

"What about Gabriel? I don't want to do anything to upset him."

"This was his idea. He knows I'm attracted to you, and told me to go for it, no matter what. He wants this to happen, too."

I bent down, and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. At least, that was the plan. As soon as our lips met, passion took over. Beth pulled me closer to her, slipping her tongue into my mouth as she did so. Our tongues danced, and my hands moved up her body to her face. I broke the kiss reluctantly, and smiled.

"Perhaps we should move back inside?"

Without a word, she took my hand and led me to the bedroom. Gabriel turned around, saw me with his mom, and grinned. I smiled, and followed Beth. As her door closed, I could her Gabriel turning up his TV louder. We both got the giggles about that for a moment, until Beth pushed me down on the bed, and lowered herself on top of me. Our eyes met, and she smiled. She reached down and pulled her top over her head, exposing her large tits to me. My hands immediately went to work, kneading and caressing those large globes of fun. She moaned at my touch, and bent to kiss me again. I slipped my hands around her, and unclipped her bra, letting those babies free. She shrugged out of it, pinching her nipples and making them stand out more than they did already. I pulled her down to me and wrapped my lips around one, then the other, sucking and biting at them like a nursing child.

She pulled my shirt over my head, and rubbed her tits against my chest while we kissed. My hands rubbed and squeezed her ass as she ground herself against my rock hard cock, which was straining to be let free. She slipped down my body, kissing me as she went, and undid my jeans. My cock was trapped in my briefs, but not for long. Beth undressed me completely, then took my cock in her hands, kissing and licking her way up the shaft to the head. I almost came right there, she was so good at it. She worked my cock over for quite awhile, giving me the best head I'd had in a long time, if not ever.

"If you're not careful, Beth, I might not be able to hold back." I said.

She stopped her work long enough to smile at me.

"And that's a bad thing? I want to make you come. I want you to come for me like you've never come for anyone before…"

Hearing that, there was no way I could fight it any longer. Beth wrapped her lips around my cock again, just in time for me to explode. I felt like I was shooting gallons of hot seed into her mouth, but she never stopped sucking, swallowing everything I had, and wanting more. As I settled, she gently licked and sucked all the come from my cock, leaving me clean and spent, for the moment. She moved back up my body, and we kissed again. I tasted myself on her tongue, and loved it. She snuggled against me, but I rolled her onto her back.

"My turn, Beth. I want to do for you what you just did for me."

She moaned her assent, and I went to work. I undid her jeans and slipped them down her shapely legs. Her scent was overpowering immediately, and as I slipped her legs apart, I could see why. Her little gray thong was dark with her juices, she was so wet. I buried my face into her snatch, running my tongue along the folds of her pussy. Her clit was rock hard, and just begging to be played with. So I did. I sucked it, licked it, rubbed it between my fingers, used every trick I knew on her, to give her as much pleasure as she had given me. I felt her body quiver and shake, and knew she was close to her first orgasm. I slipped a finger into her, and she moaned long and loud, her juices gushing past my hand as she exploded into ecstasy. I kept up the rhythm, driving to the edge and beyond. Her legs wrapped around my head, and she pulled me closer to her tight pussy. I buried my face in there once again, bringing her to more and more pleasure.

Eventually, she pulled me away, totally spent.

"My god, Eric. No one has ever done that for me like you just did. That was incredible."

"I love to give pleasure that way. I've always had a gift for it, I guess."

"I'll say you have a gift for it, all right. I've never had so many orgasms in one stretch before. I'm worn out."

I smiled, and kissed her gently on the lips. We lay there together, close in all the right spots, her tits pressed to my chest, her wet pussy against my leg. I know we dozed off for a little while, because the next thing I knew, Beth was straddling my legs, and my cock was buried deep within her. She saw I was awake and smiled.

"You fell asleep, but this big thing was wide awake. I didn't want to waste it, so I put it to use. You don't mind, do you?"

"Never. I am your servant, forever and always."

She leaned down and kissed me, all the while riding my cock. We moved together in rhythm, giving and receiving pleasure from the other, Beth leaking her juices around my shaft as she came, again and again. Finally, I felt my own release approaching.

"Beth, I'm about to come, baby."

"Do it for me. I want you inside me when you come."

I couldn't have held back if I wanted to. My cock spit forth another heavy load of come deep into her waiting pussy, and she expertly milked me dry. She collapsed on top of me, and we lay there together for a time, each completely spent. Eventually, she moved to lay beside me, and whispered in my ear.

"Would it be forward of me to say that I'm falling in love with you?"

I turned to her and answered her with a kiss.

"Not at all. I fell in love with you quite a while ago. I want to spend the rest of my life making love to you, Beth. You make me feel like no one has ever made me feel before."

She laid a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I feel exactly the same about you, Eric. Never leave me."

We were married within a few weeks, and almost nine months to the day of our first night together, baby Lauren was born. I adopted Gabriel as my own, and together, the four of us lived happily ever after.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

wow! great story! brought a tear to my eye. keep up with the great work.

msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
A Great Story!

With a great end, that is only the beginning for them. Your story is both sexy and romantic. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

nice story, sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Don't know who the luckiest one is....

Don't know who the luckiest person in your story is... I would have to go with Gabe! He was able to take care of his mother in more ways than one, meet a great friend who now happens to be his dad! Congratulations... I asume this is a true story!

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