Internal Combustion

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Sometimes cheaters just burn themselves.
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First - my sincere thanks to the superlative editing talents of shadysweet. This was the first time I asked for the assistance of an editor and it was a great experience. She was great with communication and honored all of her commitments. I'd without hesitation recommend her.

Now, dear readers - like so many of us, the Loving Wives category is a guilty pleasure for me. I find the entire BTB, Cheating Wife, "Honey We Have to Talk" genre is fascinating. However, one thing that always seems to leave me wanting is that the wronged husband rarely maintains his dignity. He either slinks away completely defeated or scorches the earth leaving nothing but complete destruction in his path. But sometimes, just sometimes, if you play your cards right, sit back and be the better person, the assholes just simply burn themselves!

This is my attempt at seeing that the MC gets that satisfaction without losing his dignity.

My Sins:

  1. Being a faithful, loving husband
  2. Being a dedicated, loving father
  3. Being a selfless, loving friend
  4. Being way too trusting

My Penance:

  1. Losing my wife, my home and my plans for the future
  2. Becoming a Part-time father to my kids
  3. Losing my friend (foreshadowing - see bullet #1 above)

I could tell by the smarmy, condescending way they were treating me that this was going to be my opportunity to say what I had been holding inside for the better part of three months. I was at the house (my former marriage home) and just as I was finishing the last walk-through to ensure I hadn't missed anything she just had to say, "Jim, you know you are welcome here anytime."

I sighed, looked at her and said, "Well, a couple of things about that. First, the fact that you put a restraining order on me so I couldn't come here kind of tells me otherwise. And second, this will be the last time I ever darken the door of this place. At one time, it was full of great memories - now, it's just the scene of the crime to me. So, no, Peggy, I won't be back."

She winced, "I know that was harsh and we really wanted to avoid it, but my lawyer thought it best for the safety of the kids that you weren't allowed to be here until everyone calmed down and everything was sorted out. It was as much for your protection as it was for ours."

"Well, thank you for thinking so little of me that I wouldn't be able to control myself. You know as well as I do, I've never raised a hand to you or the kids and barely raised my voice. And if it was about me confronting Dickwad, you needn't have worried. If or when I take my pound of flesh, it won't be here in front of the kids - again - you should know me better than that. But I guess that's what you get when you hop into bed with an asshole like that and a man-hater lawyer like you hired."

Just then, Dickwad made his appearance. He walked over to my soon-to-be ex-wife and put a possessive arm around her shoulder. At least he had the decency to look almost embarrassed, but his words belied his body language. "Jim, with due respect. I know you were the best of us when we were in the service, but you've been out for over 10 years. I was truly afraid you'd come at me in anger when this all started and I didn't want to hurt you. I've done enough damage to you and it's the one part of all of this that I regret."

I flashed back to three months ago when I arrived home after work. I was met on the front porch with Peggy, Dickwad, a process server and what looked like some hired muscle. I was served with divorce papers, a restraining order and given a suitcase with a week's worth of clothing. I was also told that the happy couple was so kind as to prepay for a week for me at the local Holiday Inn, but after that I was on my own. She looked at me with a pained expression on her face and simply said, "I'm sorry Jim, I didn't plan for this to happen - Barry and I just, I don't know... we've always gotten along and while he's been here since he retired, we just... got .... closer and I'm so sorry. I know this is a shock and it's going to be painful but we want to make it as easy as we can for you."

I simply picked up the suitcase, turned and walked back to my truck. I was pretty much nuclear but wasn't going to show them and didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize things with my kids. I hopped in the truck and drove off in the opposite direction of the fucking Holiday Inn. I sure as hell wasn't going to accept their charity - petty, I know, but that's where I was.

I found myself alternate accommodations and over the next week ignored all the "I'm sorry" and "Please, reply to me and tell me you are ok" texts. I consulted a lawyer and found out that I was pretty much screwed. Because she was a stay-at-home mom and I traveled a fair amount, she was sure to get, as she had requested in the petition, primary custody with "liberal visitation." She would retain the house although they would have to buy me out of my half. I just wondered how they were going to do that, given her lack of income and his very recent entry into the workforce after retiring from the army after all these years, but I'm guessing that they found some mortgage company willing to give an "ex-service" man a mortgage to thank him for his service. She had done everything else pretty much by the book. The only thing I balked at was her going after my pension - that was going to get messy.

I had taken the week off and after I got the lawyer bullshit all straightened out, crawled into (for a couple of days) and out of a bottle. I was still white-hot with rage but knew if I did anything stupid, it would impact negatively on the access I would have with the kids. So, I found a nice little three-bedroom house in the kids' school area and moved in. That brought me to today and the agreed-to access to the house where I could remove anything that was mine.

Once they realized I wasn't going to make a scene Peggy told the court-appointed supervisor that he could go, but I insisted that he stay. I wanted everything documented so it wouldn't blow back on me later. I smiled bitterly when I asked where my kids were and was told that Peggy and Barry thought it best that they spend the day with her folks - that it might be "too hard for me."

"Well," I said, "What was too hard for me hasn't been too much of a concern recently, now, has it?"

"Jim," she started, "I know I've broken your heart and I'm so very sorry - it was never my... our.. intention. I know we've no right to ask, but would you be willing to sit with us so we can explain? You've not given us a chance since this all happened and I think if you let us talk to you, it will make more sense and help you come to terms with what has happened."

"Yeah, buddy," Dickwad added, "I'm sure you can't see it right now, but I really think we can find a way through this. I just know our friendship and your love for Peggy and the kids is strong enough that we can make this work."

"First, I'm not your buddy anymore - turns out I never was and second, there is no way through this - you are dead to me. I will have to endure dealing with my Cheating Whore of a soon-to-be ex-wife when it comes to my kids, but let me be crystal clear - you and I are through. Now, if the two of you feel the need to try to assuage your conscience by explaining how all of this "just happened", I'll sit for a minute - it should be entertaining to see how you can spin this."

"Hey! I know you are hurting, but I won't let you disrespect the woman I love. You know it would not turn out well if we got into it."

I looked at Dickwad and just smirked, "Oh, we will "get into it" - don't you worry. Just not here and not now. Just rest assured that I won't blindside you as you did me - your so-called "brother-in-arms." So, I'll call my soon-to-be ex-wife a Cheating Whore if I want - cause at the end of the day, that's exactly what she is."

Dickwad jumped out of his chair with fire in his eyes. I mirrored him and said, "Oh, please, give me a reason - take your shot - come on you fucking coward!"

Peggy leaped up and grabbed Dickwad's arm - "Barry!! Stop it! - this will solve nothing! You can't blame him - We did this to him. Now sit down!

After Dickwad sat down, I considered taking another shot at him for being pussy-whipped, but thought better of it. This was war and the battle we just had was inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. After we all calmed down and I turned down the offered coffee I said, "It's your shitshow - let's get on with it so I can get out of here."

"Jim, first of all, I want you to know that this has nothing to do with how good of a man you are and how good of a husband and father you were. I've always respected you, loved you and up until five months ago I was totally happy with our marriage and was one hundred percent faithful to you. I still do love and respect you."

"Well, you've got a fuck of an odd way of showing it," I said.

"Jim, please, I know I've hurt you. You've every right to be upset, but being rude like that isn't going to solve anything. I can't tell you how conflicted I've been since all this started. I knew I was going to hurt you, but I had to follow my heart. I couldn't live the rest of my life settling for less than what I know is the perfect person for me. Barry is my soulmate. It's like he's my other half. I feel complete with him. Surely you wouldn't want to deny me that. You have to admit that up until this happened, I was a good wife and mother."

I looked over at Dickwad who was trying fairly unsuccessfully to keep the smug look off his face. Oh, how I wanted to punch that fucking face into next week - another time - I'll get my chance. But, first things first. Time to bring Miss Fucking High and Mighty down a peg or three.

"I'll give you this Peggy - for a woman who has cheated more than once, you weren't bad. And yes, you do a decent job of being a mother - I'll give you that too."

Now it was her turn to leap from her chair.

"How dare you! Until Barry came to live with us, I never cheated on you! And for you to say that I did is a complete lie! I know you are upset - but you WILL take that back - and take it back immediately!"

"Sit the fuck down - now! I'm so fucking sick and tired of your holier-than-thou attitude. It's time you both got a goddamn lesson in humility."

"Barry - just.... Let's just humor him. We've tried to be kind and understanding - obviously he needs to take out his anger on someone. Better us than the kids."

They both just looked at me with these smug, self-satisfied looks on their faces and Peggy said, "Well? Let's get this over with!"

"So, Dickwad - you're her soul-mate, are you?"

"Yeah, more than you could ever be!"

"Well, maybe, but until I invited you into my home and offered you a place to stay until you got on your feet, we were just fine. I'll never forgive myself for allowing an immoral predator in my home with a wife that I knew was a cheater. THAT and only that was my mistake. Trusting people I know I shouldn't have. I'll never make that mistake again.

"Jim, you keep saying that I cheated on you - you have no proof of that because you know it isn't true - again - I demand that you take that back!"

"Oh, I'm getting to that. But first, Dickwad - back to the whole soul-mate thing. What was it she said? Soul-mate, her other half, she feels complete with you? Fair enough - she has a way of making you feel that way for sure. But, give me a second, will you?"

I pulled out my phone and started tapping and swiping until I found what I was looking for. I handed it to him and said, "Hit play, Dickwad."

Another withering glare but he tapped the play button. It was a video from about 16 years ago and just happened to be our wedding day. I had it cued up to a specific spot. I listened as they watched.

"Jim, my love, I've waited my whole life for you. The moment I met you, I knew I'd found my soul-mate. You are the other half of me. You complete me."

I let that sink in for a bit and then said, "Call me crazy, but if I'm her other half and YOU'RE her other half, doesn't that make her like one and a half person? I mean, she's put on a few pounds since we married, but not that much!"

I could tell by the look on Dickwad's face that he was not expecting to see that. Peggy went into damage control mode, "Barry, don't give that a thought. Everyone is entitled to make a mistake - Jim was mine until you came along." And with that, she hooked her arm into his and leaned into him, kissing him on the cheek with and fixing me with a smug grin - but I could tell I'd gotten to Dickwad.

I smiled and said, "Ah, my lovely cheater - but I wasn't your first mistake, was I?"

She looked totally perplexed and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about Jim - and STOP calling me a cheater!"

"So, Dickw-"

"Jim, will you STOP calling Barry that! Grow the fuck up!"

"So, Dickwad, do you remember where it was that I met your "other half?"

"On Paros when we were on leave - what of it?"

"Exactly right. We were on leave and hopped the cheapest flight we could find and ended up on Paros. We're sitting in The Mad Hatter bar and in walk these two hotties we just knew were American. Peggy and her nursing partner were on vacation from their gig in Riyadh and came to Paros to find some hot Greek men to fuck for the week. Well, Peggy ended up fucking this American man and falling in love. I honestly was looking for a week with a hot Greek woman, but this hot-blooded American beauty stole my heart. The fact that her home stateside was only an hour from my home was a huge coincidence and made us both believe it was meant to be - and it was, wasn't it, my favorite Cheating Whore?"

"Would you STOP with that - please!"

I ignored her.

"So fast forward a few months. I'd rotated home, she finally finishes off her contract and I'm waiting at the airport for the love of my life. We're going to move into together and start our new life. I'd retired from the service and transitioned into private life. I was ready. And guess what? Peggy didn't get off the plane. About an hour later, I get a call from her telling me that she had to delay her arrival for a couple of days, but don't worry, she'll be there soon. I was so in love I didn't care, I didn't question it and I just went home and waited."

Peggy interrupted, yet again, and said, "That's because there was nothing to question."

I ignored her, yet again.

"Finally, our wedding day comes. You were there, Dickwad. And before we go any further, let's take a look at my wedding video again. Here, take a look at my face as the Cheating Whore is telling me I'm her soul-mate. Does that look like the face of a man that's sure of what he's doing to you?"

I looked at the two of them and saw the confusion on Peggy's face. "I've never noticed that before. Jim, were you having second thoughts on the day we got married?"

"Well, up until ten minutes before the ceremony, I had zero second thoughts. You had no idea how close I came to walking out."

"But why? We loved each other. We were totally committed to each other. We were starting our life together. Why would you question that?"

"Let me ask you - why do YOU think I would question it. What possible reason would I have to question your love and loyalty to me?"

"Jim, I have no idea why you would have questioned that on our wedding day - I was totally and completely committed to you."

I sighed, "Okay - don't say I didn't give you a chance to come clean. So, I'm standing outside the church with my brother just before you arrived and this guy I've never seen comes up to me and asks if I'm Jim. When I tell him I am, he congratulates me on marrying you. I ask him if we know each other, but he says no, but he knows you. I ask him his name and he tells me it's Dave Rebstock."

As I say this, I look over at Peggy and watch her eyes bug out and she simply says "Shit."

I look over at Dickwad and continue, "So my new buddy Dave proceeds to tell me that up until a few months ago, he and his fiancé were busy planning their own wedding. And guess, Dickwad, who his fiancé was?"

Almost in a whisper he says, "Peggy."

"Got it in one! And would you like to hazard a guess as to whether or not they were engaged when Peggy and I met? Let me save you the trouble! Yeah...they were! And how bout another guess as to whether or not the Cheating Whore ever thought to mention that fact to me? I'll save you the trouble. No...she didn't! And guess where she was when she didn't get off the plane! She was back home kicking old Dave to the curb!"

I looked over at Peggy with a fierce stare. "So yeah, when you say you've never cheated on me before Dickwad here, I tend to believe you. But if you weren't so fucking high and mighty, you'd have realized I didn't say you cheated on me - but I did say you were a Cheating Whore. Which you absolutely fucking are. So don't EVER look at me with that superior, smug look again, because you are a serial fucking Cheating Whore!"

I looked at the shell-shocked duo. The way their mouths were flapping I thought I was in a bass derby and I'd just pulled the two of them onto my boat. I decided to finish off the Cheating Whore before I turned my sites on the Dickwad. I reached into my jacket pocket and handed Dickwad three sheets of paper that were neatly folded together.

"So, Dickwad, what I've just handed you is what my new buddy Dave handed me at the end of our conversation - turns out they were the wedding vows he had written out for your soulmate here when HE was supposed to marry her. He had told me that he wished me well. I had told him that I had no knowledge of him before today and he believed me. He really was a decent sort. Good looking, good shape and a solid dude. In different circumstances, I could see that we could have been buddies - but not in these circumstances. Humour me and read the part out loud the part that I've highlighted."

Peggy protested, but it was barely above a whisper. "Barry, you don't have to read it, I know what it says."

With barely contained fury, I hissed, "Fucking read it!"

"David, my love, I've waited my whole life for you. The moment I met you, I knew I'd found my soul-mate. You are the other half of me. You complete me."

I couldn't help myself, "Jesus Peggy, it's gotta be getting pretty fucking crowded in that body of yours." The look she gave me was less than warm, but I wasn't letting her off the hook that easily. "You sit there all fucking high and mighty and tell me that you can't deny your feelings, that you found your so-called "soul-mate" and I just need to understand. Well, fuck that. You're nothing but a selfish, entitled Cheating Whore!"

By the time I got to the end of my diatribe I was pretty much shouting. She looked stunned at the ferocity of my emotion. She could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I had raised my voice. I had always been able to get my point across with her and our kids with a very calm, but very assertive manner. I've never liked blowing up - to me it showed weakness - but if there was any occasion that called for fury, it was this one.

She tried to fight back, but it was a feeble attempt. "So, if I was so horrible, so unworthy of the "wonderful Jim", why did you marry me? Why didn't you just walk away?"

I sighed, "Very simple answer. Ask Dickwad beside you or ask your other victim, Dave. You're good, you're very, very good. You made us all believe that we were the one. I know I did and Dave told me the same. And I'm sure Dickwad is thinking he's the one as well, but history has shown that that's simply not the case, hasn't it?"

I looked over at him - I saw an odd mixture of disappointment and defeat and I thought, "Oh, you have no idea. I'm just getting started with your disloyal ass."