International Copulation Day

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Even my worst enemy's sister has to celebrate it.
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All characters are over eighteen. This story involves non-consensual sex being treated as acceptable under certain conditions. In real life, International Copulation Day would be inherently immoral and illegal. If you have a problem with this, please leave now.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. Constructive criticism is invaluable to every author. I encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well. Finally, I would like to thank my editors for their time and help.


As far as I'm concerned, the image of the computer geek being a loser with oversized glasses who lives in front of their monitor was created solely out of jealousy. I was a software engineer in my late twenties with a six-figure salary, and I had an active social life.

Despite being able to leave most people baffled with my talk of tensors and instruction architectures, I never had any problem with the ladies. The fact that I'm consistently told I'm handsome, funny, and in great shape might have something to do with it.

One of my favorite jokes was to ask people if I went missing, would they tell the cops I was a nice young man no one would want to harm or not. Everyone would laugh and say yes. No one had anything bad to say about me.

Well, almost no one. One of the security guards was named Cheng, and he hated me. I wasn't even sure why until fairly recently.

Much to my surprise, I was assigned to mentor one of our newest hires, a young woman by the name of Ling. When I asked my supervisor, she informed me that most of my female coworkers spoke quite highly of me.

Ling told us her parents immigrated from China when she was young. I think the most important thing I taught her was how to genuinely enjoy programming instead of only thinking of it as a job. She later told me that was some of the best advice anyone had ever given her.

While I did consider Ling attractive, I never pursued a relationship beyond mutual respect. I didn't want to risk her career. Our workplace was more lax about relationships than most, but there was no point in tempting fate, especially since I knew she needed the money.

It was only after I saw Cheng drive Ling into work one day that she explained Cheng was her boyfriend. They were childhood friends since their families had moved to America at the same time, and he often acted as her protector in the rough neighborhood they lived in. Apparently, he took the fact that Ling sat next to me the wrong way.

One fateful Friday afternoon, I returned from lunch to find a box waiting for me. Our office has a mailing system setup that allows packages to be delivered to our desk. Problem was, I wasn't expecting any packages, and the mail room had pasted my desk number over the shipping label, so I had no idea who it was from.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a pre-owned model of an older type of phone. I won't tell you which brand I prefer, but I will tell you that I think Apple is building its own closed universe.

I couldn't find a slip or any other information to indicate the intended recipient. As a last-ditch effort, I tried turning it on. You wouldn't believe how often people forget to wipe their data. Sadly, it looked like the previous owner had the sense to keep his or her Google searches hidden.

"Hey, asshole! That's mine."

Cheng was fixing me with a look of pure hate, as if I'd stolen a priceless family relic. Under normal conditions, I might've just handed it over, no questions asked. For whatever reason, I decided to let things play out.

"Cool it, big guy," I said. "The box was on my desk. It even has my number on it."

"It's mine," he growled. "Hand it over!"

"You want it?" I asked innocently. "Saying please always helps."

Cheng reacted to my jest by trying to slam his fist into my face. I dodged at the last moment by twisting my body to the right. Cheng wasn't so lucky. Long story short: he smashed some equipment, got some deep cuts on his arm, and even hit his head on an uncomfortable edge that left him seeing stars.

I applied first-aid until the medical responders arrived. When security arrived, everyone testified that I hadn't done anything wrong. Once they reviewed the cameras and confirmed my story, I was cleared to leave. Regrettably, my plans for a perfectly good Friday night were ruined, but it could've been worse. I had a feeling Cheng wouldn't have much to look forward to once he got out of the hospital.


Confession: I started out Saturday feeling downright melancholy. I'd been hoping to celebrate the day with someone special, but I'd never found anyone I was interested in sharing a life with.

I could've if I wanted: all my female companions thought highly of me. My life wasn't devoted solely to sex, though. What I really was looking for in a companion was a challenge. I believed that one of the keys to making sure a relationship lasts long-term was to make sure it never gets stale. To that end, I'd even taken conflict-resolution classes.

The forecast was blisteringly hot, so I was much surprised when the door rang. It sounded in quick succession, suggesting whomever it was had little patience.

"Coming!" I yelled.

My visitor turned out to be a young woman who looked to be around my age. I have to tell you: I've worked with a wide variety of people from every background imaginable, but I've never met anyone as cute as the tiny little East Asian girl on my doorstep. She couldn't have been more than five feet tall, and she had smooth, creamy skin, black hair, brown eyes, and a gorgeous round face. She was dressed for the weather, with a sleeveless top that exposed her navel and a miniskirt that accentuated how slender and petite she was. I could see sweat forming on her forehead, but that failed to distract from how sexy she was.

I was certain I would've remembered someone as cute as her, so I was befuddled by the furious look in her eyes. If looks could kill, she would've subjected me to a thousand torments first.

"Hi," I said politely. "How can I help you?"

"You stole my brother's phone!" she snarled.


"Cheng is my brother. He says you stole his phone from Ling's desk and attacked him when he tried to get it back."

"I'm afraid your brother is prone to exaggeration, sweetheart," I told her. "I never laid a hand on him, and the package was left on my desk."

"And why should I believe you?" she snorted derogatorily.

"The box had my desk number on it. Security can show you the video of him trying to smash my face. I suggest you call them."

"What is this? A fucking court? Just give me my brother's phone."

"You never said anything about handing it over. I was merely answering your question. As for the phone, you're in luck. I have no use for a piece of junk like that. May I please have your name?"


"Very well, Li. I'll be right back."

I didn't give her permission to enter my home, but I didn't object when I heard her follow either. Li was indescribably cute when she was angry, and I was more than happy to have a chance to prolong our encounter.

Picking her phone up from the table, I turned to her and asked, "Is this really that important to you?"

"Yes!" she insisted. "It took him a long time to save up for it. Our family doesn't have much money. My brother and I share the same apartment."

"That would explain a lot," I remarked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, sweetie, surely a lovely young thing like yourself yearns for a bit more space than that," I raised an eyebrow suggestively. "You sure you aren't looking for another place to stay."

Li's eyes narrowed. "Not if your life depended on it!"

"I was just making an offer," I said innocently. "Between Cheng's hospital visit and probably losing his job, it sounds like money is gonna be tight for you guys."

"No thanks to you," she spat.

"I already told you, dear. I didn't lay a finger on your precious brother. He just went all alpha male on me when I didn't hand over the phone that was on my desk the instant he demanded it. He's the one who needs to learn to control his temper. Let's see if you can do better. Can you say 'please?'"

Unlike with her brother, I was fully prepared for when Li tried to hit me. What I hadn't expected was that when I stepped out of the way, her momentum would make her slide right across the table. I heard objects falling and breaking, but my attention was focused on something of greater significance.

The table was at just the right height so I could see her cute little pussy. It appeared she'd chosen exceptionally thin panties because I could tell she had a pair of short, pouty lips that looked remarkably tight.

If that wasn't a sign, I don't know what was.

"Shit!" Li swore meaningfully. When she tried to maneuver herself off, I pulled her back before pressing my hand on her back to keep her in place. "What are you doing? Let me go!"

"Actually, I don't think I will," I said. "Do you know what day it is?"

"October 25th," she said before falling silent for a beat. "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me!"

"That's right," I nodded exultantly. "Happy International Copulation Day."

After the entire world population took a nosedive thanks to wars and falling birth rates, every nation came together to create International Copulation Day. Every major feminist and philosopher signed a statement of support endorsing it as a practical and ethical way to repopulate the planet.

"Judging by your reaction, I can tell you're not on birth control," I deduced. "Why not? You know that since the government provides free pills, being fertile on International Copulation Day is presumed to be a deliberate act."

"I was planning to ask my ex-boyfriend," she said. "We broke up a few months ago, but I was still considering asking him until I decided he was too much of an assh..."

Li fell silent as she realized she'd just trapped herself in one of the day's provisions. The law clearly stated that any woman who claimed to be in a relationship was protected, but self-identifying as single meant one was fair game.

"Thanks for clearing that up," I told her. "As you probably know, one of the terms of ICD is that if an eligible woman commits a property crime, the victim is entitled to demand copulation as compensation."

"I haven't broken any laws," she protested.

"I never gave you permission to enter my house," I pointed out. "You also damaged or destroyed several items I own. Technically, you're breaking and entering."

The diminutive little girl on my table slowly twisted her head to glare at me. "I hate you so much."

"You're entitled to that," I conceded. At the same time, my hand slowly caressed her soft leg and up into private territory. "You are not, however, entitled to go against the rules of International Copulation Day. It's our duty."

I was right, and we both knew it. That's why she couldn't say anything when I pulled her panties down. She did, however, emit a small gasp when I began rubbing her smooth mound.

It quickly became apparent she was a great deal more excited than she wanted to admit. I heard the distinct sound of muffled moans as I pressed a single finger inside her pouting lips. Her body eagerly welcomed me, easing my passage and allowing me to plunder her as I wished.

"Well, aren't you wet," I observed. "You secretly turned on by the thought of fucking your brother's enemy, or is your pussy looking forward to an interracial breeding?"

"No!" she cried, but the high-pitched squeal behind it made it obvious she was trying to conceal the raw pleasure eating away at her nerves. "I'm only doing this because it's a duty. Just get it over with."

My grin widened considerably as I stripped naked and prepared to replace my finger with my cock. "Li, sweetheart, I intend to savor this delectable Chinese pussy for as long as I can."

I pushed, and my cock slowly eased past her lips and entered her warm, wet cunt. The pleasure was so great I couldn't help exhaling in relief. Even Li couldn't help making a sound of enjoyment. Her ex-boyfriend had no idea what he'd given up. A pussy like this was worth pampering.

"Sweet Jesus, you're tight," I groaned.

She murmured in neither agreement nor dispute, giving me time to enjoy the feeling of her tight Asian cunt wrapped around my cock. Li appeared to have withdrawn, likely in an attempt to block out how good our act felt. I couldn't have that, so I took advantage of her distraction to remove her top and bra, leaving the tiny girl with my cock inside her completely naked.

I delicately cupped her tits in my hands, drawing another long mew from her. Li wasn't hugely endowed but I actually preferred small, natural tits like hers. Reluctantly, I removed my hands and grabbed her waist. Very slowly, I sawed in and out of her tight pussy, taking my time so as to learn what she enjoyed most.

Far from objecting, Li pushed her hips back, driving my cock deeper into her fertile depths. If we had an audience, I don't think they would've been fooled by her half-hearted denials.

"No!" she cried out as I picked up speed. "Fuck!"

Every time I thrust forward, our bodies seemed to meld together. She absorbed the impact and allowed my rock-hard cock to penetrate deep into her welcoming cunt. Her legs rubbed against mine while she remained spread over the table, her arms outstretched as she increasingly gave in to the physical pleasures her pussy was providing.

Within minutes, her vocabulary degenerated into nothing but a series of cries, groans, and deep moans as I continued to pound her fertile cunt. While there may have been some expletives in there, I could say with complete honesty that at no point did she proclaim, "I don't want to do this!"

I knew the only reason she was taking my bare cock was because of International Copulation Day, but that didn't prevent me from enjoying the feeling of her velvety pussy wrapped around my manhood. That was actually the reason I made no attempt to hold myself back. Li seemed to be enjoying my faster pace, and I still hoped to convince her to make this more than a one-time thing.

Her behavior certainly gave me cause for optimism. She objected out loud because her pride compelled her to, but her warm, wet cunt was telling me it would love to sleep in my bed every night and it would gladly keep the offspring resulting from our copulation.

Without pausing the mad humping of our hips, I looked down at her tiny body and tried to picture it with my baby growing inside her. I imagined her walking around with her stomach swollen, the petite Asian woman paradoxically big as she carried our child. It made me tighten my grip and thrust harder and quicker than ever, which her affirmative sounds confirmed was precisely what she wanted.

Li gasped as I bent over and placed a series of tender kisses along her back, moving up until I whispered in her ear, "You're so beautiful."

"Mmmm," she murmured in response.

I shifted to longer and more lingering strokes, allowing her to guide me to the ideal pace while freeing one arm to explore her body. Running my hand down her side, I could feel every curve of her young body before she took my seed. Her soft skin glistened with sweat as she lay on my table, accepting my cock without being adverse to the consequences.

At the same time, I felt her passage narrowing and I could detect a subtle change in her gasps and cries. It suggested she was increasingly forgetting about who I was and why she supposedly hated me and had just resigned herself to the physical sensations of her body. When I heard desperation and excitement enter her tone, I knew she was about to cum. Eager to please my new mate, I pounded her with long, powerful strokes until she erupted.

My cute home invader collapsed and cried out her relief, her pleasure more important than something as stupid as her pride. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, each one marked by a desperate squeeze from her cunt as it invited me to join her and fill her with my load.

I fought back the urge and allowed Li to enjoy her moment of bliss to its fullest. She looked incredibly beautiful as she lay there, eyes closed, a look of deep serenity all over her face. After one final shudder, her pussy loosed its vice-like grip while she remained limp, drained of all energy and unable to do anything except breathe as she recovered.

Her climax left me very close to my own, so I quickly resumed my former pace. Li remained motionless save for gently bouncing from the force of my thrusts, allowing me to focus on filling her fertile pussy and giving the young Chinese woman my child.

That was what International Copulation Day was all about. By cumming inside her, I could guarantee Li's belly would swell with our offspring. No matter what happened to me, I'd know her baby was mine and I was the one who gave it to her.

Her clean-shaven pussy accepted every frantic thrust as I kissed her back, shoulders, neck, and cheeks, each drawing out different degrees of moans from her. Seeing the strong and anger-prone woman so vulnerable, I couldn't help sneaking one hand under to gently caress her stomach, feeling its shape before she took to motherhood.

"I'm gonna cum," I murmured, though I wasn't sure she heard me in her post-coital state.

Seeing Li so ready to take my seed, I buried my cock as deep in her cunt as possible and surrendered. I roared triumphantly as I filled her fertile womb with my cum. Knowing she was unprotected and I was knocking up the sister of the man who hated me drove me to new heights as I claimed her, groaning with pleasure each time my cock pulsed and increased the chances of a successful copulation.

After I withdrew, I stared in awe at the sight of her beautiful pussy planted on my table, clearly stretched from our recent activity. My eyes remained fixed on the pleasing sight until Li abruptly pushed herself up before turning around to glare at me.

"I'm going home," she said crossly. "I'm keeping the baby, but I never want to see you again. I hate you!"

"Very well," I sighed. "I'd love to have you stay, but I'd never keep you here against your will."

Li watched me suspiciously before turning away as if I was beneath her notice. I ignored the slight. Part of the conflict resolution lessons I mentioned was to just let egos play out. Accordingly, I observed the sway of her cute little ass until calling out at the last moment, "Li, you forgot the phone and your clothes!"

The naked girl froze in my doorway, confirming my hunch she'd been just a bit too eager to leave because she was trying to salvage what was left of her pride. She hastily shut the door and searched around for her clothes before noticing I had them in my arms.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

I took my time blatantly running my eyes up and down her body before slowly answering, "Picturing how hot you're going to look in a few months."

Li's eyes narrowed into slits as she fumed impotently at me, knowing she couldn't do anything. I smirked and wrapped one of my arms around her back. "Come on. How about a nice, warm shower before we discuss some terms for some financial assistance for you and your brother?"

"Sure," Li said with a hearty roll of her eyes as I led her away. "Why not?"


Cheng did end up getting fired. Nothing I could do about that, but I helped considerably by paying for his hospital bills. More importantly, I allowed Li to move in with me while she continued paying for his apartment while he found another job.

Li was filling out with our baby just fine. Her breasts swelled, her nipples darkened, and her belly was unbelievably big as our child grew inside her. I was more than happy to pamper her with ice cream and massages in exchange for seeing that wonderful belly every day.