
Story Info
Changed by aliens two actors struggle with their new life.
27.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 03/29/2024
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'Fuck!' Tank Zaffra thought as he sat up and immediately regretted it. Clasping his head, he tried to remember what the hell had happened last night. Tank had a dinner appointment with Julie Angelina, that part he remembered. But he couldn't remember even getting to the restaurant, let alone meeting her.

He and Julie were slated to make a movie together --another episode in the Salt universe. Tank was to star as her love interest and main protagonist. Julie had phoned his agent, demanding a meet and greet. Even though Tank was new to Hollywood, at sixty, he was significantly older than her. Tank had suddenly hit fame when a TV ad he'd featured in went viral. After that, he'd had small parts in a couple of minor films. All of Tank's performances received glowing reviews, and one received an Emmy nomination.

Then Sly took a chance and cast Tank as the rebel leader in his latest The Expendables movie. That movie catapulted Tank onto Hollywood's A-list, and he was suddenly the hottest male star in that debaucherous town. And now, the Goddess herself had asked Tank to star opposite her in her movie. Yet, somehow, as he always seemed to do, he'd fucked it up and ended up here instead of at Spago, hoping not to embarrass himself before her.

Looking around, Tank now wondered where the fuck he was. In a hospital bed, that much was obvious, but where and why? What had happened that he needed to be here? Tank tried to get off the bed, only to find he'd been chained to it. Only by the left wrist, but there was still no walking away. Tank assumed by the bracelet holding him to the bed he was under arrest, but had no idea for what.

Tank had been in the limo Julie had sent, so he wasn't driving. Yes, he'd snorted a gram of coke to settle his nerves before he left my hotel room, but he wasn't carrying. Nor was Tank carrying any weapons. As far as he knew, Tank had no outstanding traffic or parking infringements. Therefore, he couldn't think of a single reason he'd be arrested and detained. Plus, Tank didn't recall being in an accident during the drive to the restaurant, so why was he in what I assumed was a hospital?

Tank sat back on the bed, adjusting the hospital gown around him, trying to remember what had happened. When he sat, Tank immediately noticed something had changed. He grabbed his crotch. Disbelievingly, he pulled the gown aside. Looking down, Tank saw the largest cock he'd ever seen. Easily ten inches long and incredibly thick to go with it. It wasn't his. That, Tank knew! His was a nicely sized seven-plus inches. This? This was enormous!

As Tank watched, fascinated by what he saw, it began swelling and filling, and as it hardened, it grew! By the time it had reached fully erect, it must have been closer to eleven inches than not! And his balls! Tank's were averagely sized, like ripe plums. What he now had were almost tennis ball-sized.

Amazed, Tank took his new cock in his hand. It was him, alright. The pleasure of gripping and tugging on his thickly erect, 'new' cock felt as intense as it had when Tank was a horny teenager and only beginning to experiment with how to stimulate himself. Tank cupped his huge balls, feeling their firmness and fullness, instinctively knowing that they were full of baby-making seed. He wanted to see how much, so Tank closed his eyes and imagined the scripted love scene with the divine Ms Julie Angelina. Only, in his fantasy, the scene was real.

Tank was close, and he couldn't believe how delightful the sensations in this larger cock were. In his dream, Tank was between Julie's gorgeously toned thighs with the head of his enormous cock poised at her entrance. But before he could plant it inside her, a voice went, "Ahem. Sorry to interrupt, but you really shouldn't be attempting to do that just yet. We've only recently corrected the congenital defect that prevented you from growing your complete sex organs. Too much pressure on your penis might tear the vessels, and then we'd be back to square one."

Tank opened my eyes to see a man standing before me. At least, it resembled a man, but a little off, as if the picture was a little fuzzy, perhaps. Too many questions ran through his mind to fully grasp all of the answers. The primary ones were: Who the fuck are you? What do you mean by 'your complete sex organs'? They were followed by: 'Where the fuck am I? What have you done to me?' And, 'what do you mean by 'your complete sex organs?'!'

"Oh," the voice said. "You haven't noticed yet. Move your hand off your testicles and a little further along towards your anus."

Unsure how to respond, Tank did as he asked. His fingers rubbed over a weird little nub. A thick piece of flesh hooded it, but when he pushed that aside, Tank touched something that felt remarkably like a clitoris. A sudden sensation of enormous pleasure blew through him when he touched it, and Tank felt wetness running between his thighs.

"Keep going," the 'man' encouraged.

Tank slid his fingers further along and felt pussy lips and then an entrance. He dipped a finger inside, and it felt no different to any of the pussies he'd fingered before.

"Unfortunately, we couldn't create a hymen for you," The 'man' said sorrowfully. "But, we stimulated the dormant genes in your body, and you grew what you should have been born with."

"I'm human," Tank said confusedly. "We're typically born male or female. Not something combining the two."

"No," the 'man' corrected. "You're one of us. We seeded this planet over 60,000 years ago to ensure the survival of our species. We were involved in a war to the death with Aridians from the far side of our galaxy. When they attacked, their technology far outshone ours, and it was a slaughter. However, we Providians are a resourceful lot. After studying the technology in their spaceships that we'd managed to bring down, we were able to improve on them and fight back."

"Okay," Tank replied, sick of what was clearly bullshit. "This is some kind of set-up for a TV show, right? Something like Candid Camera, Gotcha!, or something else, right? There are no Aridians, nor are there Providians. What happened? Did your speech writers draw a blank when it came to naming new lifeforms, so you just used a derivative of the first name?"

The 'man' looked at Tank quizzically, "Ahh, yes. This is some of what you humans call humour, is it not? Our early historians tell us that we, too, had humour, but it was lost during our 70,000-year war with the Aridians."

Angry, Tank snapped, "No! It is not humour! I want to know what the fuck happened to me!"

The 'Providian's' face cleared up, and he answered, "Yes, of course. You're wondering how you came to be here and not on your way to meet the actress Julie Angelina. You may even wonder what happened to her, your driver and the others in her party. We used a teleportation beam to transfer you from your vehicle to our ship. Our sensors indicated that you were a superior member of our evolved, some would say devolved, race and that this human female, Julie Angelina, would be a suitable mate for you, so we teleported her, too. Unfortunately, Ms Angelina seemed to suffer the same genetic defect you have, so we repaired her deficiency, too."

"What do you mean 'deficiency'?" Tank asked, fearful of his captor's response.

"All Providians are born with an XXY chromosome," the Providian 'man' explained. "The only way to tell those that prefer to be women to those that wish to be men is the women have breasts, Breasts at least as significant and beautiful as Ms Angelina's. Unfortunately, someone had mutilated Ms Angelina's breasts, so we removed her disgusting implants and used our regeneration chambers to return her to her previous glory."

"Julie had breast cancer, so she had no choice but to remove them before they killed her," Tank muttered.

"Cancer! Yes!" The Providian exclaimed. "We were able to remove the genetic deformity that caused that horrible affliction some 40,000 years ago. Cancer does not exist in Providian society."

Tank thought about what the 'man' had said. "Wait!" He said, stunned by his thought. "You mean that you have Julie Angelina here on this ship?" He nodded. "And you 'fixed' the same genetic abnormality in her as you did with me?"

"It was similar," he explained. "You had only two chromosomes, an X and a Y. You were missing the extra X chromosome. Ms Angelina had two also, but she was missing the Y chromosome. We manipulated your DNA and reinserted the missing chromosomes into you. Then we placed you into our regeneration chambers so we could allow and control the changes having these extra chromosomes would make to your bodies.

"As you can see, you grew a larger penis and bigger testicles. Plus, your body grew the female sexual organs you should have been born with. Namely, a clitoris, pussy lips and vagina. You now have a completely functioning reproductive system as intended."

"A 'completely functioning reproductive system'?" Tank queried. "You mean I can bear children like a woman can? I have cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and eggs?"

The Providian beamed, "Yes!" He excitedly stated. "Now you can choose to give children to another by impregnating them or carry a foetus to term after allowing someone to deposit sperm into your vagina."

Tank felt his chest, "I don't have breasts, though. Wouldn't I need them to raise children?"

"If you desire breasts, imagine them in as clear a detail as you can and hold that image when you sleep. By the time you awaken, you will have them as you imagined them."

"And if I wish to get rid of them later?"

"If you wish to present as more masculine, you follow the same procedure. Imagine what you wish yourself to be, hold that image and sleep. Then, the same changes will occur, and you will present as masculine."

"Facial hair?" Tank asked. "Muscles? Cock size? Ball size? Are these things changeable, too? Am I stuck with these extra female parts, or can I 'imagine' them away, too?"

The 'man' looked confused. "Your mind can determine your outward appearance," he tried to explain. "Things like large muscles, as you already have, facial hair, and breasts --these are... hmmm... like optional extras on your car. You can choose to have them or not.

"However, things like your genitals or reproductive system are like the base of your vehicle, and they cannot be altered without surgical intervention. But why would you mutilate yourself like that? You are now a perfect specimen of a Providian man. Just as Ms Angelina is an ideal specimen of a Providian female, she is beautiful, perfectly proportioned, with all her reproductive systems in place and with her magnificent breasts returned to normal and without the horrid implants."

'The Providian called me a 'perfect specimen', Tank thought. 'Hah! For sixty, I do alright.'

When Tank had hit the big-time, Cosmopolitan named him the 'the thinking woman's sex symbol'. Tank is tall, well over 190 cm. Strong, he can deadlift over 270 kg and bench press more than 160. He has black belts in Shotokan Karate and Taekwondo and a PhD in Philosophy. In Australia's Mastermind, Tank had the highest score by any contestant ever. After this appearance, Tank was invited to star in a Solo soft drink commercial. The rest, as they say, is history. Of course, his stage name, Tank Zaffra, was created for Hollywood, but it looks good on movie posters, so he kept it.

Tank's memory replayed what the 'man' had just said --'with all her reproductive systems in place' --"What do you mean, 'All her reproductive systems in place'?" He asked. "You mean that you've given Julie a cock and balls?"

"Yes, of course," The Providian replied. "I've returned to her what 60,000 years of devolution have removed."

"Is she close? May I see her?"

"Of course," the 'man' replied, releasing the cuff on Tank's wrist. "This way. She has only recently awakened, so I'd prefer to keep you two separated for now. But you can view her as she discovers her true body." We walked towards the door when the 'man' suddenly said, "I am called Teneriffe. I understand that you use Tank. Is that your preferred name, or do you wish me to call you by your birth name?"

Tank looked at him quickly before replying, "People have called me Tank for so long now that I'm used to it. So, Tank is fine."

Tank wasn't sure he should be spying on Julie, but he had to admit that he was fascinated about discovering what her 'true' body looked like. Tank followed the Providian out of the room and across the hall. Stopping at a window, he saw that Julie was still sleeping. She was naked, and two nurses were carefully washing a gel-like substance from her gorgeous body. The gel clung thickly to her, hiding her skin. But when the nurse holding the sprayer directed the nozzle at Julie's groin, what their regeneration chambers had given her came into view.

"Wow!" Tank gasped, instinctively grasping his swiftly inflating dick. Julie's cock was at least a match to his. The spray seemed to arouse her, and her magnificent appendage stiffened and grew, raising off her belly and bobbing salaciously in the air. Tank knew he should immediately turn away and leave Julie to her privacy, but he was fascinated, drawn in by the exotic sight of the most beautiful woman in the world sporting an enormous erection.

Tank's dick swiftly hardened and grew, but there was also a strange ache and wetness further under. Confused, he instinctively reached between his legs. Before he could grasp his shaft, Teneriffe slapped his hand and said, "I already told you, don't touch. It's too soon and will possibly cause damage. If you're horny, play with your vagina."

Confused, Tank asked why he could play with one and not the other. Teneriffe answered, "We had to grow your vagina from scratch. It is, therefore, completely whole and intact, ready for instant use. Your penis, we had to detach several muscles and ligaments before we could allow it to grow to its current dimensions. Several blood vessels ruptured during its formation and needed repairing and reattaching. If we did not, you'd have trouble achieving an erection. Something I'm sure you are grateful to us for!" He smiled, "Now, watch. This will be better than any of your earth porn."

Teneriffe gestured towards Julie. Tank turned his head and gasped. They'd finished washing the gel off Ms Angelina, and now both nurses were entirely naked. Their massive cocks stood tall and proud from their gorgeous bodies. Neither was as thick or long as Tank's or Angela's, but they were all at least eight to nine inches in length. As he watched, the blonde-headed Providian bent at her waist and took the red-headed woman's cock into her mouth. Without pause or apparent effort, the blondie swallowed the redhead's shaft until blondie's lips pressed against the redhead's pelvis."

"Wow!" Tank gasped, aching to play with his enormous throbbing cock. He contented himself with reaching past his balls and touching his new clitoris. Another gasp escaped from him as he felt that incredible sensation again. Tank could only imagine what it would feel like to have another touch it for him.

Blondie sucked the redhead's enormous cock until Tank saw the redhead's hefty balls tighten against her shaft. They pulsed as the redhead ejaculated into blondie's mouth. Blondie swallowed every spurt before straightening up and kissing the redhead. The redhead's cock wilted to a little more than half-mast but didn't totally soften. Tank thought the show had ended until the redhead climbed onto the bed and straddled Julie.

Blondie took Julie's enormous tool in her hand and positioned it at the redhead's entrance. With a sigh they could hear in the hall, the redhead lowered her pussy onto Julie's cock, gliding down until her balls sat on Julie's pelvis.

"How come Julie can use her cock, but I can't?" Tank asked, enraptured by the exciting spectacle on the other side of the glass, his balls and new clit aching with need.

"For the same reason you can use your new vagina," Teneriffe explained. "We needed to grow her a whole new appendage instead of having to repair her existing one. You could take a cock inside your vagina now. Your body would enjoy it, but we deemed your mind would reject one of us doing that to you because of your society's ridiculous hang-ups over same-sex relationships."

Curious, Tank asked, "How is that red-headed woman able to take Julie's entire cock inside her cunt? A human vagina is seven inches deep at most. Julie's cock has to be at least as big as mine, close to twelve inches."

Teneriffe smiled and replied, "That was another deformity we had to fix. For some reason, your species' cervix has devolved to allow passage in only one direction and will only dilate while giving birth. This prevents the most efficient fertilisation of the egg --filling the uterus with semen. No wonder your people have difficulties conceiving when the sperm has to swim from the vaginal canal to the fallopian tubes to achieve fertilisation.

"We have repaired this with Ms Angelina, and she will be able to take cocks even longer and wider than the impressive member you have. Although all Providians have much larger cocks than you devolved humans, it's rare for that penis to be as long or as thick as you and Ms Angelina have. It is incredibly unusual for a reformed one to be as large as yours. With Ms Angelina, however, we feared that because she is so strongly female, she wouldn't respond to our treatments, and her penis would be deformed and only be around the seven-inch length like you were before you entered our regeneration chambers."

"Wait," Tank replied. "Julie and I have bigger cocks than even you pure Providians have on average, but she and I are now both able to take even bigger cocks still? Why?"

Teneriffe chuckled, "Because some of the species we interbreed with are even bigger than you and her. The Aridians are all thicker and longer than you and Ms Angelina."

"Why would we be having sex with Aridian people if we're at war with them?" Tank asked.

"I have studied your Earth history extensively, Tank. You Americans and the Russians have been at war for almost eighty years, yet there are many marriages between your peoples. Why is that? Why are you having sex with and marrying them if you are at war?"

"Good point," Tank grinned before turning back to the action in Julie's room.

The redhead's enormous cock had returned to full mast. Blondie was back sucking it as Red rode Julie's even more enormous tool. As Tank watched, Julie's eyes opened, and she stared at the beautiful redheaded woman riding her cock. She mustn't have had any idea what was happening, but the pleasure of having what he imagined was a very hot and wet cunt sliding up and down her new appendage overrode her fears, and Julie moaned as she gripped the redhead's muscly hips and helped her to bounce up and down on her cock.

Tank saw Julie mutter, "WTF!" but then her eyes rolled back, and she orgasmed into the willing redhead riding her cock.

Julie continuously moaned as she ejaculated into the young woman who was riding her very new cock. Tank's dick throbbed as he imagined it was him, but what was confusing was that he didn't know if he wanted to ride Julie's magnificent cock or slide his improved appendage into her newly re-made cunt.

Once she'd finished cumming, Julie's eyes rolled back, and she slipped back into unconsciousness. Teneriffe guided Tank back to his bed and helped him to settle. Surprisingly, Tank was exhausted by the small amount of exercise. He was concerned, but Tenerife assured him it was his body adjusting to the new hormones flowing through it and that he'd feel better after a decent rest.

Tank woke sometime later with his ragingly erect cock in his hand again. Still worried about what Teneriffe had said, Tank removed his hand. However, he was about as horny as he'd ever been, so he released his shaft and ran his fingers over his new, large balls and found his clitoris. Rubbing that delightful little nubbin as he would if it belonged to a lover, Tank revelled in the sweet sensations it sent through his body.
