Interview with a Domme Ch. 02


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on him. As I made clear before, I put no financial constraints on him. I do not blackmail or threaten him in any way. I may dictate the entire sum and substance of his sexual being, but I place no mechanical encumbrances to enforce it. All of this is entirely within his control. He is free and able to put an end to any and all of it at any time he might choose. That he doesn't is due purely and solely to his resolute and steadfast character. That, and his overarching and unyielding desire to please me. I am the center of his universe. His greatest happiness is making me happy no matter what it takes or what he has to endure."

She took a long shuddering breath before proceeding with increasing vehemence.

"Raef is my husband ... my Boy ... My SLAVE ..."

A bit softer.

" ... But he's also my Stud, my Protector, My Knight in Shining Armor ... My Hero."

Softer still.

" ... My Lover and My Love ..."

" My Best Friend."

Back to vehemence.

"To be ALL of that and more, with all which that entails, every minute of every day, requires a strength and fortitude, a power of will that is almost beyond measure. That he lays all of that strength and will ... voluntarily ... at my feet, to be used how so ever I wish, is a gift of almost incalculable worth,

made more so especially as it is so freely given . It is a gift that also needs to be continuously cared for and nourished, and THAT is a responsibility which I take very seriously. I may be the driving and controlling force in our relationship, but it is Raef's strength and will, as much as his love and trust, that is the bedrock that sustains it, against ANY and ALL demands, and allows us both to be what we want to be, and live the lives we both want to live."

She paused for emphasis.

"Respect him, you ask? ... I AM IN AWE OF HIM."

Erica sat, stunned. This was beyond anything she could have ever believed. As the silence hung in the air she now felt that she only had one more question. And it wasn't for the Domme.

"Amy," she finally spoke up, "I really have only one more thing to ask, and I'd like to address it to Raef."

"Of course." Amy replied, calming herself down. "That's one of the reasons I've had him here for us the whole time."

Erica looked down at Raef, a clearly magnificent specimen of a man, whom she felt that virtually any woman upon first glance would like to get to know better. And she had to have the answer.

"Raef." she asked quietly. "I can now see, and even somewhat understand the ongoing attraction and benefits that this lifestyle has for Amy. But except for some occasional, apparently explicitly permitted moments of enjoyment and excitement, what can YOU possibly get out of all of this?"

Though permission to speak had obviously been granted, Raef turned first to look up at his wife, and a wide smile creased his face. After several moments, still gazing at Amy, he responded with absolutely no reticence at all.

"I get to love, serve, worship and adore the most beautiful, the most desirable, the most wonderful person in the whole world. A person who knows and understands me for what I am, and accepts and keeps me all the same."

He now looked back to Erica.

"It is extremely hard to describe in words for you the amazing high that I experience in the head space where I exist when I'm serving her. I may not like or enjoy everything that occurs, but isn't that true for everyone in every day life? And by giving myself up totally to her, there is no longer any conflict, only the peace that comes with complete surrender. To be used by her in any way that she desires, for her own amusement and pleasure, is for me the most exquisite bliss."

He continued on with passion. "And the miracle of it all is that she loves me unconditionally and cares for me unquestionably, and would do anything to have me be happy. So I will do anything to bring her the most joy that I can. I have placed my well being ... my very being ... in her hands. And there is no place at all that I would rather have it be. I strive every day to do everything that I am able to be worthy of all of this. And of Her. Without any question."

Raef fell silent and bowed his head, and Erica remained stock still, transfixed. She truly had nothing further to ask. Or to say. As the seconds of silence dragged on it became clear that this time she would not break it. Amy finally seemed to sense this. She leaned forward slightly and quietly asked.

"Do you have everything that you need, Erica?"

After a brief hesitation Erica gave a very small nod. Amy leaned forward and turned off the tape recorder. She then straightened up and asked another, more important question.

"Do 'You' have everything that You need, Erica?"

After another very long moment, a soft, barely audible reply.


Amy placed a hand on Raef's shoulder and squeezed slightly. He turned to look up at her again, and a silent communication passed between them. She then turned her attention back.

"You know, Erica," she began pleasantly, "I don't know anything about your personal life, or if there is a Mr Right in it. But if there isn't, and you're looking, you might want to consider some of the things we've been discussing."

Erica roused herself a bit out of her daze. "Oh yeah, right." she replied self scornfully. "I'm sure that there are any number of guys out there who are just dying to be for me what Raef is for you. Where are they? I've never met any of them."

"Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places, for the wrong person." Amy responded. She made a decision. "Look," she continued, "Raef and I don't feel the need to go all that often any more, but there are social gatherings of people in the lifestyle. They're called munches. They're totally non threatening and undemanding. Just a way for people with similar orientations and interests like ours to get together in a comfortable setting to greet old friends, meet new ones, and mingle together sharing companionship."

She leaned forward again toward Erica.

"There happens to be one next weekend that we were thinking of attending. They're usually held at a restaurant but this one is going to be at the home of one of our friends so it will be much more private, and maybe allow a little more freedom of expression, although they're always meant to be completely non pressurized and social in nature. We'd love to have you come as our guest. Many of the people who come are committed couples like Raef and I, but there are always a fair number of singles, usually more male subs than prospective Dommes, so you can look to be catered to and treated royally. And we'll be there with you to keep a close eye out. I'm not saying that you're going to meet Mr. Right, but I can tell you that we personally know of two couples who met at one and are now in long term, serious relationships. At the very least, if you can keep the reporter in you under wraps, it will give you another opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience with the lifestyle." She smiled encouragingly. "And once you're there ... well, who knows."

Amy was certainly right about one thing, Erica reflected. This would be a great chance to further her research and gather more information for the article. But deep inside she suddenly knew that it was far more than that. At the beginning of the day this possibility would never have been believed. But now, for reasons she couldn't yet explain, it seemed so ... well, as Amy had said ... who knows.

"I think that I'd like that very much. " she finally conceded.

"Excellent!" Amy exclaimed. "Raef can make all of the arrangements with you later for us to pick you up ... This is fantastic. I really think that you're going to enjoy yourself immensely. Believe me Erica, it's a whole new world out there."

To that, Erica found she no longer had any argument. And to her great surprise, that she no longer wanted one.

Amy now flashed her most dazzling and inviting smile of the day. And concluded brightly.


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Enrapturing! A simply esquire story. I really hope we get to follow Erica to the munch and see her journey of transformation from self-defacing reporter to self-assured domme in a WMD ;)

— Me

greenman440greenman440over 5 years ago
doesn't quite hit the spot for me

I really like many of your stories, but this one just goes too far toward the excessively gloating domme controlling everything for me. I prefer the more balanced relationship between sub and dom.

CodlingsbyCodlingsbyover 9 years ago
A very interesting story

A very interesting and very intelligent story - it challenged a number of myths and misconceptions very effectively and the erotic moments were delicious.

mel_pomenemel_pomeneover 10 years ago

What an incredibly hot second chapter! This is turning out so well - thank you tons and please have five lovely, shiny, Christmas-y stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Sublimely written! You have a wonderful way with words, and use it to describe a perfect life arrangement. I cannot wait for the next chapters!

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