Intimate Relations

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Teasing leads to trouble for Helen.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/11/2003
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Richie was my younger cousin. He lived a few hundred miles away but the main family lived in a different County. However, he and his two sisters, one younger and one older often came to stay with our Aunt or Aunty as we call them in this part of the world. Her name was Carole and she lived alone in a house quite remote from the nearest neighbours. It was an ideal place to spend several weeks in the summer holidays and this had been the norm for years. Sometimes we went to stay with them over Easter but always in the summer they came to the countryside. Aunty Carole had cared for her father through a long illness and he had sadly passed away. Carole was my mother’s youngest sister and at the age of 29 she had given up much of her social life for her father and had not been married.

Carole was a looker as are nearly all of the women in my family. That is what gets you into these situations isn’t it? Highly fanciable relations! I’d seen her walking about the house in jeans and bra when my cousins and me had stayed. Long brunette hair, Nice skin, good tits, and flat stomach…yup, perfect masturbation material.

Helen, Richie’s oldest sister was five years older than we were. BIG blonde. As you can guess I’m talking big in the tit department. She was good looking, great body and everything but it was the huge knockers that immediately got your attention. She always wore tight jeans and white T-shirts in the summer. Her nipples poked prominently through on many an occasion and yup, I’d had a few wanks thinking of getting my dick between those babies!

That sets the scene and you should have more idea when I tell you how what happened happened. If they’d both looked like bag ladies then incest would still probably be only a fantasy with me.

I had waited for Rich’s arrival with baited breath. He had sent me a letter that had me VERY curious. In amongst all the normal chitchat he had written;

“Wait till I tell you what happened when Carole came to stay!”

Carole was with Helen upstairs in the big old house and Rich and myself were in the lounge.

“Spill the beans then…what’s got you so animated” I asked

“The bitches stripped me!” He whined.

“They came into my bedroom at home and I was just wearing jeans and boxers. I was lying on my bed reading. They grabbed me and Helen held my hands up over my head and Carole sat on my stomach facing my feet.”

I was enthralled. This was VERY interesting!

“Then Helen said they’d caught me perving at them in the bathroom in just their undies.”

I must admit Rich and I had tried to do this a few times. The lucky bastard had succeeded when I wasn’t around. Bloody typical!

“Then Carole said something like it was payback time and started to unbutton my jeans. I started to try to throw her off but her weight and Helen holding me down was too much. The bitch undid my button, unzipped me and tried to push my jeans down. She only got them as far as my knees though, she said she couldn’t get them off and she needed Helen’s help!”

I was amazed but boy was I turned on!

“Go on! Go on!” I urged him.

“Well then Carole shimmied backwards onto my chest and Helen moved around and started working on my jeans. Helen practically ripped them off me! I couldn’t believe it when Carole started feeling my dick through the fabric of my boxers!”

“What happened next!” I implored.

“Well I wasn’t struggling any more that’s for sure. Helen looked at Carole and Carole said “Pull them off him” and the next thing I know my sister is pulling my boxer shorts over my hard on”.

“Fucking hell” I whispered. I nodded for him to continue.

“Helen pulled them from me and they both had a play with my dick and then just when I thought I was going to shoot my load guess what they did!”

“What, what!” I almost screamed


“Wow! That’s an anti climax….” I was very pensive for a moment.

“So what you are saying is that your twenty three year old sister and your twenty nine year old aunt stripped you, got you hard and then left you? What the hell happened then?”

“Then Carole came back here and Helen has teased me about my dick ever since. She brags about debagging me as she calls it”

“What! She’s took the piss cos you got a small dick!” I laughed

“I have NOT got a small dick!” Richie shot back. “She takes the piss because she played with it .”

I spent all of that day looking at Carole and Helen in a different light. I gave them looks that couldn’t be misinterpreted as anything other than a male interested in a female. I let Carole catch me looking at her ass and Helen caught me staring at her nipples that were forcing themselves nicely against a tight blouse. I let them catch me on my bed on my own…nothing. They obviously weren’t up for a replay with me. They had contented themselves with Richie.

I thought it was probably because I was bigger and more powerful than he was.

And then it dawned on me! If Carole and Helen were up for a bit of fun at our expense perhaps it was time to take the lead.

I approached Richie with my idea.

“How about this Rich? We go on the attack instead of the defensive”

Rich raised an eyebrow quizzically.


“Be great to see Helen and Carole naked wouldn’t it?”

“We tried. They always close the doors and curtains.” He stated with a shrug.

“How about we turn the tables. Instead of them holding you down and getting you stripped this time we strip them!”

“Nah! Never work. We couldn’t keep them down. They’d fight like hell.”

“Then we plan it all out first. No half measures. We won’t get a second chance because they’ll be on their guard.”

Rich was interested. The fact Helen was his sister obviously didn’t bother him. Mind you, it hadn’t bothered her as she’d played with his dick.

“We’d need to split them up. Less chance of one of them getting away.” Richie said.

Good boy! I thought now we are thinking strategy. I could almost imagine myself fucking them already.

“Who first?” I asked

“Carole is the prettiest. Real babe material.” Richie replied.

“Your sister has a fantastic rack though….” I mused

“I want to see them both.” Rich whispered.

“Well we’ll do Helen first. Carole has to go into town tomorrow to go to the bank. Helen doesn’t normally go into town with her. Bingo! Means, motive and opportunity man! Your big sis is gonna be so stripped naked!”

“What then?” Asked her brother.

I reached into my pocket and brought out a small pair of handcuffs. Richie’s eyes lit up as I jangled them in front of him.

“Your sister is a babe man. We may only get one crack at this if everything goes pear shaped. I’m not rushing and leaving when it gets interesting like the girlies did with you. I reckon they only stopped with you for fear of getting caught. I mean what would your parents have said if they’d caught the girls playing with your dick. A sister and aunt getting a poor eighteen year old boy SO aroused…I say we strip the bitch and play with her till she can’t take any more!”

Rich seemed delirious at the thought. His eyes seemed to glaze over as he positively salivated at the thought.

“Yeah” he mused…Payback is a bitch!”


The next day couldn’t come around quick enough. Rich and me were up very more ways than one!

Carole looked delectable as always. Short black skirt, white blouse showing a bit of lacey white bra beneath. Power dressing for the bank manager. I knew she had a black jacket ready to complete the ensemble. However, other fish to fry today. My aunt was going to get hers but not today. Pity though, I mused. Would be nice to strip that gear from her. Her long, dark hair shimmered in the sunlight and she smiled at us sitting at the kitchen table eating our cereal.

“I’m out for a couple of hours this morning boys. Got to charm the bank manager. Be good. Helen will be up in a mo. She’s got a few things she needs a hand with so help the girl out. I’ll bring a few Big Mac’s back for lunch.”

Richie looked at me as Carole exited through the main door. We watched that sweet ass of hers wiggle in that tight skirt down to the pick-up.

“I can’t wait to strip her. She is Dee fucking Lightful!” He sighed.

“Yeah. But first to matters in hand. Your sis is alone upstairs with no one to protect her from two eighteen-year-old perverts! We are wasting time. Let’s get Helen where we want her.”

“Sure thing cuz.”Richie replied as he followed me up the creaky old stairs.

I went to Helen’s door and listened. Just the noise of her brushing her long, blonde hair. I pushed the door open as quietly as I could but it was an old house. As the door groaned heavily on it’s hinges and Helen whirled around and smiled.

“Oh! You pair spying on me again! Too late children…I’m dressed”.

Helen obviously saw us as no threat as she turned once more to the dressing table mirror. She scraped her hair into a ponytail and fixed it with a scrunchy.

I motioned to Richie and in a synchronized effort we pushed Helen to the floor. She stood no chance against two fit young men. It was an untidy scramble of arms and legs but she was soon overpowered.

“What the..Hey this isn’t!…”

The temptress was starting a lot of sentences but her mind was awash with thoughts of what the hell was going on. She never did finish with anything coherent.

“Flip her onto her back. Easier for us later.” I explained to Richie as we forcefully subdued the blonde.

Helen couldn’t believe her eyes as I produced the cuffs and pulled her outstretched arms back. As she lay helpless on her bedroom floor with Richie holding her down with all his strength I clicked one cuff on her left wrist.

“Don’t struggle Helen. The more you struggle the tighter these babies shut and they ain’t coming off till you’ve been a good girl and behaved yourself.” I informed her

I fed the free cuff around a large bed leg. It was an old house with old furnishings. The bed was a large four poster with a brass-railed headboard. I had planned to get my cousin cuffed to that but the fight she had given us had put that plan on hold. As the second cuff clicked securely on her right wrist I felt Helen stop struggling.

“Okay boys. You’ve got me hitched to this bed. What do you intend to do to me?”

She looked curious as to our next move. I guessed she didn’t think we’d do much to her. She was older and worldlier than us. I was pretty sure she still thought of us as kids she could have fun with and no comebacks. She hadn’t realized just how much she had inflamed her brother’s lust when she had played with the poor boys dick.

“You stripped Richie bare and had your fun with him. You and Carole are both going to get the same. We are gonna strip you first. You won the lucky gold ticket. No point fighting us. You are trapped. Can’t lug this big old bed far.”

As I was talking quietly to Helen both Richie and I had been making ourselves comfortable. We had knelt by the side of the blonde and now began our fun.

“Please boys!” Helen implored. “Richie, Wyatt. I know I went too far but COME ON! This has gone far enough!”

I felt Helen tense as I slipped my hand under her white T-shirt. It was tight on her body and those nipples were poking through nicely. I swear they rose even more as my hand caressed her flat, toned stomach.

I looked at Richie who hadn’t moved a muscle to touch her. He was just staring at the prostrate form of his sister lying in front of him totally helpless.

“Help yourself” I said to him and nodded at her tits. “Your turn to strip her! Don’t be shy!”

“No!” Helen pleaded “I’m your sister for God’s sake”

The cuffs held her firm as she struggled against them for the first time

“You should have thought of that before you stripped him!” I said with a smile.

In reply to her plea Richie and myself slowly pulled the cotton material upward over her bra-clad tits. They looked even bigger as they were held in place by a bra that was struggling to contain them. The bra wasn’t of the see through variety but had lacey bits that enhanced the sexiness of it. The vision of her in that brassiere is indelibly burned into my fantasies to this day.

“Okay, okay boys” Helen gabbled out. “I can see you mean business so how about we cut a deal?”

“What kind?” I enquired.

“If I kiss you both..You know…like you’ve never been kissed before…then you let me go.”

“Topless.” I said sternly.

Helen looked back and for and saw two horny teenagers. She gulped.

“Okay. But uncuff me and you’ll enjoy it better…”

“Yeah sure” Richie scoffed “Like that’s gonna happen. Cuffs stay on till you keep the deal.”

With that said Richie eased the T-shirt up over her head and pushed it up as far as it would go out of the way.

I found my voice once again. My cousin was becoming subservient to us. Time to get the blonde more naked.

“The jeans come off as well Helen. I want to see you topless and in just your panties. No problem with that I hope.”

I shot a look at Richie who gave me a big grin back. This was going great. Helen seemed putty in our hands.

“Okay…slide them off me.”

Helen raised her nice ass off the bedroom floor and Richie and myself eased them down, inch by inch.

“You can struggle if you like big sis…more of a chance of the panties accidentally coming down as well” Rich chuckled.

Helen glowered at us both but she moved her legs to enable us to remove them down.

Her panty-clad bush soon came into view. It was a sight Rich and I had dreamed of. The promised land. And the wisps of hair showed a natural blonde. Bliss!

Helen was wearing a pair of panties that tied at the side. The thin red material did little to hide her pussy from us. We could hardly tear our eyes away as we stared intently.

Her jeans were cast into the corner of the room with a flourish.

“You won’t need those for a while.” I told her with a sly wink.

Considering her predicament Helen seemed totally unperturbed. She shook her head and her ponytail swung sexily. She moved onto her stomach allowing us easy access to the clasp of her brassiere.

Her little brother soon had it unclasped and he pulled it from underneath her. Helen made no attempt to move and just lay prone.

“Flip over cuz. I can’t wait to see those babies!” I said urging her on.

Helen shuffled around slowly, teasingly. A little smile played on her lips as she saw the look of awe on both our faces. God they were awesome! They hung down invitingly. Too invitingly. I reached out and started to play with the nipples that had poked provocatively at me for so many of my formative years. I went for the kiss I’d been promised and Helen wasn’t lying. It was like no kiss I’d ever tasted before. No previous girl had anything like the eager tongue of my cousin. I was in heaven. As my tongue explored her welcoming mouth my hands took control of her tits.

Richie, who had been a spectator for the last couple of minutes, found his voice.

“Christ Helen, you’re not putting up much of a fight!”

“I’m tied up and at your mercy…” she whispered. Her breathing was rapid and shallow. Boy was she turned on!

“You heard your sis. She isn’t going to struggle. Join in Richie. Get her panties off her!”

“No! I didn’t mean that!” she snapped.

I jiggled those massive tits in my hand and whispered in her ear.

“You are going to lose those panties sooner or later Helen. You’ve got two teenagers with massive hard ons playing with the biggest set of knockers in town…do you really think you’re getting off lightly?”

Helen looked down as her brother sucked greedily on her right tit as I played her nipple to full erectness on her left. I moved a hand slowly down over her toned stomach and onwards to the loose band at the top of her panties.

“Please” Helen pleaded raggedly as I smoothed the sparse hair on her pussy. When I found her slit I found what I expected…Helen was Sooo turned on! I reluctantly withdrew my digit.

“You undo your side and I’ll undo mine” I motioned to Richie.

Helen just looked on as her own brother untied one side of her panties.

“They have to come off Helen. They are soaking…you are gagging for it aren’t you?” I goaded her.

I untied the last remaining side and slowly, as slowly and provocatively as I could I pulled them from her. I raised them to my face and inhaled deeply. For the very first time Helen looked really shocked. I smiled at her and passed the small scrap of red material to her brother.

“Smell the scent of a woman aroused. Your big sis got you aroused and left you with a hard on you had to wank off into her panties. That’s right Helen, he took your panties out of the hamper and emptied his cum onto them.”

For the second time Helen looked shocked. Shocked but aroused. All the time I was talking to her I was smoothing her pussy mound .She was wet and getting wetter. In her state of arousal she had eased her legs apart slightly to enjoy the sensations I was giving her. Her trimmed bush was glistening with her own juices.

“What if Carole comes back?” She whispered hoarsely.

“Then she’ll be tied to the bed next to you. Aunt Carole got me and Wyatt hotter than hell too!”

“She’ll like that” Helen giggled.

She made no protestations as I pushed her thighs apart. The big titted blonde was now totally nude and on display to her cousin…and her brother.

“What makes you say she’ll enjoy it?” I asked pointedly.

Helen had closed her eyes and was giving in to the feelings washing over her. She couldn’t hide her enjoyment anymore. I pointed to her pussy and Richie knew what to do he spread her lips apart. His mouth found her moistness and his tongue moved into the folds of her womanhood.

“I said what makes you think she’ll enjoy it?” I repeated.

“It was her idea to get Richie’s cock out…she said he was always ogling us and to give him a thrill.”

I could barely hear her feint voice as she gave herself over totally to her brother’s tongue. I knew however that I needed information from her, especially in her aroused state. I was sure Helen would answer anything as long as the tonguing continued.

“Do you and Carole fantasize about getting fucked by me and Richie? Come on Helen..spill!”

“Nnngh..God yes!”

“Do you want to see your brother’s cock again Helen?”

“Mmmm….Yeess!” She gasped.

I looked at Rich and he was already stripping his clothes off as quickly as he could. If I could get Helen to take her brother’s dick inside her she would be ours for the summer, of that I was sure. As Richie was busy getting naked I kept Helen horny by kissing her neck gently and whispering into her ear.

“We have fantasies too Helen. Mine is taking you doggy style while holding your ponytail. You like my fantasy Helen?”

“God yes.! I like that!”

“At the same time as I’m fucking you hard from behind you are sucking on your brother’s cock. You like that idea too Helen.”

“Oh yeah…please do me like that Wyatt!”

“You want your little bro to show you how grown up he is by fucking you too Helen. Tell me now!”

“Mmm...I want my brother’s cock.”

“Say again Helen…tell me where you want it.”

“I want it in my puss. I want both of you to take me and fuck me hard!”

I was gently kneading the soft flesh of my cousin’s tits and ever so gently kissing her ear as I whispered my suggestions to her. Rich was now stripped naked on front of her, his hard on waving in front of her. He looked quizzically at me as I took the key and began to unlock her cuffs.

“It’s okay Richie. Once the cuffs are off Helen is going to be a naughty girl for us aren’t you Helen?”

Helen nodded her agreement with all thoughts of resistance gone.

The cuffs came off and Helen rubbed her wrists vigorously as the blood pumped again. Now was the test though. Would my blonde cousin try to run and perhaps lock herself in the bathroom?