Into the Maelstrom


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"Why? Why is it so important to you to leave now?"

"Because you're all driving me crazy, that's why! What is going on here? My head's swimming. I can't think anymore. I can't even breathe! And I keep losing my clothes! What is happening here? I don't understand!"

"Easy, honey," Fawn murmured as she continued to nibble on Carolyn's sleek aristocratic neck. Tamiko slid her right small hand between the tops of the Greek girl's soft inner thighs. She found that the crotchband of Carolyn's panties, still cruelly embedded into her sensitive cuntal flesh, were completely soaked with vaginal lubricants. Not satisfied, using her middle finger Tamiko tucked the material directly into the steaming vagina, until all that remained was a thin band of elastic running down the center of the stunned woman's crotch.

"I have to leave..." Carolyn moaned, helpless.

"You're safe here," Fawn said as her hands moved down Carolyn's back to her flaring hips. She then began kneading each firm buttock through the over-hanging blouse. Tamiko began working the panties' waistband slowly down the trembling woman's hips, stopping so that the band was just above Carolyn's lush pubic growth.

"Why...are you doing that?" Carolyn gasped. "Please stop it."

"Doing what, baby?" Fawn innocently replied, her mouth pressed hotly against the trembling Carolyn's neck.

"What you are doing me. To my body. makes me want to melt."

"Haven't you ever felt this way before?" Fawn whispered as she continued working, dragging her lips moistly slowly over the hypersensitive neck, her hands deliberately squeezing the firm buttocks through the shirt. Feeling a signal from Tamiko, she moved her hands away from the delicious buttocks and had them firmly move up and down Carolyn's back as Tamiko once more started Carolyn's panties on their downward journey.

"No, not ever. Please, you must stop. I can't think when you do that..." Carolyn lapsed into silence as she continued to be overwhelmed with sensations.

"Carolyn, you have to stay for Tiffany," whispered Fawn between kisses. "If she sees you leave for any reason, it will spoil everything! It's very dark in here. Besides, your blouse is long enough that it acts like a skirt. Everything's covered, really! See?"

Fawn slid her right hand from Carolyn's back to a spot directly over the front of Carolyn's blouse. To Carolyn's despair, Fawn slid her hand from the bottom hemline up over the front of Carolyn's half-open blouse, pausing to press her hand deliberately over her bulging pubic mound, her fingers directly on Carolyn's abused pussy lips, covered now only by the blouse's the thin material.

"Oh!" Carolyn gasped as she felt Fawn's hand on her most intimate of places. No had ever deliberately touched her there before. Carolyn almost collapsed when she realized that Fawn's hand wasn't moving away. It remained there! OH MY GOD! her mind screamed. She was being held by her pussy!

"See? What did I tell you? No one can see," the victorious Fawn murmured sweetly, pressing her hand firmly against Carolyn's steaming crotch, her fingers working the soft labia.

"But you're not supposed to..." The humiliated Carolyn couldn't tell Fawn that she was holding her by her crotch!

Fawn's hand continued its deliberate manipulation of Carolyn's helpless pussy. The confused Greek-American could only hold Fawn in desperation as what was happening between her legs tried to take over her very being.

"Yes, yes! I believe you!" the woman finally gasped, desperate for the girl to remove her hand. "You're right. Nothing shows!"

To Carolyn's infinite relief, Fawn's hand finally resumed its journey, moving up between the two tightly pressed women. It went up over Carolyn's soft stomach, past her full breasts until it rested on her left cheek. In Carolyn's highly flustered state, she didn't even notice that Fawn had used the opportunity to once again completely unbutton her blouse. Carolyn felt close to the end. Fawn's hand had nearly overwhelmed her. She must leave this place before it was too late for her, yet she couldn't go without her clothes. Carolyn knew that, despite what Fawn was saying, her blouse wasn't that long at all. It barely came to the tops of her thighs. She couldn't even sit down now without everything showing! This was just great! She'll have to stand until Tamiko (where was she, anyway?) returned with her slacks. And who knows when that will be! She knew she was still in control of the situation, but she wasn't sure for how long. Her body was rapidly going in fact out of control, acting in ways she never knew possible.

Tamiko continued to remove the totally distracted Carolyn's panties. She lowered the back of the waistband, gently pulling on the material out which had been embedded between the crack in the woman's ass. Next, she lowered the front, and carefully began removing all of the material from between Carolyn's now swollen pussy lips.

Carolyn stood there, conscious of sweat pouring from her every pore. She knew that what few clothes she had left were quite soaked. Her wet bra was becoming terribly uncomfortable, her swollen breasts feeling very sore from the constant manipulation from her two companions. Carolyn found she was having trouble breathing, having been reduced to simply gasping for air, her chest fighting the tight constriction of her bra strap.Her panties felt very wet as well, but at least they didn't feel quite so tight anymore. Even the bunched fabric was thankfully no longer pressing deep into her.

Carolyn continued to cling to the girl in front of her. She no longer really heard or cared what the continuously whispering girl was saying. Fawn had established a direct line into Carolyn's brain and Carolyn couldn't do a thing about it. When she found her bra undone for the umpteenth time that night, Carolyn didn't really care anymore. For the moment she was just grateful to be free of its terrible constriction. She would fix it in a moment.

Now she felt someone's hands pushing her bra cups away from her breasts. Her long suffering breasts were exposed at last into the hot air of the apartment. Framed by the open blouse and now-useless bra, her stiffened over-heated breasts seemed to seek the night air eagerly. The nipples, excruciatingly stiff and sensitive, grew even longer in their new-found freedom. In her relief at momentarily being free of her tight, constricting bra, Carolyn forgot that her proud breasts were now defenseless. Her one moment of comfort was abruptly shattered when the true assault on her hyper-sensitive nipples began.

Samantha gently tormented Carolyn's left nipple. She grasped the erect tissue between her pure white teeth. She then slowly bit down until Carolyn cried out a little in pain. By moving her head, she twisted the nipple first left then right, then tugged playfully on it until Carolyn's entire breast became taut, her nipple feeling as if it were supporting the entire weight of her full breast. The times that Samantha would momentarily release her bite, Carolyn's nipple would seem to become even more erect, as if (to Carolyn's dismay) it enjoyed this strange and unaccustomed attention.

The reason that Carolyn didn't protest this outrageous conduct against her person was because of what Fawn was doing to Carolyn's right nipple. While Samantha was carefully tormenting Carolyn's left nipple, Fawn was gently loving the other. Fawn suckled on the erect nipple, when she wasn't tweaking it gently between her slender fingers. She would periodically bathe the hard nipple in her warm saliva, being careful to include to surrounding areola as well. This nipple too responded in an astounding way to Fawn's careful ministrations.

The sensations radiating from her vulnerable nipples shot through Carolyn's entirely over-stimulated body like lightning. Even Tamiko's half-sensed and increasingly bold (yet still undetected) workings on her most private of places were totally drowned out by this new raging torrent of sensations.

For once in her life, the always-in-control Carolyn didn't know what to do! This dual assault on her breasts was driving her crazy! Not just that, but the girls' hands now seemed to be everywhere on her, although they still seemed to be especially fascinated by her poor breasts and nipples. Somehow she knew that they had by now even gotten into her panties. She could feel how probably Samantha had dipped her hands under the elastic waistband her panties and was now kneading her buttock-flesh directly. Someone's hands were actually touching her increasingly sensitive buttocks! Even her most private of areas, her vulva and vagina, was not immune to their reach. She was now sure that something was definitely happening there, but what it was her bewildered mind had not a clue.

Oh, damn this stupid idea of hers! It was just to have that silly bitch Tiffany become part of a group, but it was really spinning out of control. All she could do was to cling to Fawn like a drowning person would cling to a raft, as Fawn and Samantha continued to drive her mad. Carolyn knew that her ordeal would end only when Tiffany's initiation was complete. And the way Tiffany was reacting, this could go on all night!

Tiffany felt totally drained. Covered in sweat and vaginal fluid, she lay sprawled in a warm glow of total satisfaction on the couch, not caring for the moment of her surroundings. Her simple acts of juvenile masturbation were nothing compared to the mind-blowing experience of this evening. Already, the first twinges of guilt were entering her mind. She was only beginning to realize that, like it or not, she had just given herself totally to a group of women! My God! she thought. She had never even thought about doing it with one, let alone a group! And what if it shows in the morning? What could she do then? How would she ever face her parents after that?

Finally, the sound of a woman's groaning caused her to thankfully leave her disquieting thoughts. She sat up and looked around the apartment. In her part of the room, she was alone. However, she noticed in the semi-darkness that there was a large crowd of naked women over in that part of the room where she had last seen Carolyn Lord.

She rose from the couch and padded barefoot over to the group. Maria turned her head and, smiling, indicated that Tiffany should come and stand with her. Cautiously, Tiffany went to stand with her new friend, in fact (as she now remembered the group's term) her new sister. When she reached Maria, the woman silently indicated that Tiffany should stand in front of her. As soon as she did so, she was finally able to see what was going on and gasped with shock and delight at the sight.

Carolyn Lord stood almost naked, in the center of a semi-circle of nude women, virtually surrounded by three girls. The non-involved watchers all seemed to be either touching themselves or someone else as they stared fascinated at the scene.

The girl directly facing Carolyn, to whom the dazed woman seemed to be hanging on to desperately, moved to the side, thereby giving the group a better view of the action. Carolyn was only wearing her blouse, which Tiffany saw was completely unbuttoned. Through the open blouse she saw that Carolyn's bra was undone and that two hands covered her breasts. Her panties had been lowered to her thighs and there was another hand between her thighs coming from behind now over her pubic area. As the dumbfounded Tiffany watched Carolyn being worked on by the three lesbians, Maria pressed her nude form directly onto the teenager's body standing in front of her. Maria reached around the naked girl to grasp and contentedly knead Tiffany's pert breasts as they both waited for the glorious finale.

Carolyn felt her knees go weak. She knew she must break free off this torment or she would soon collapse to the floor. She must leave. She must!

Tamiko gazed in rapture at the firm naked buttocks quivering before her eyes, the now useless panties half-way down Carolyn's thighs, and decided that it wasn't such a bad job at that. Even if it did represent only a single evening's work, this proud Greek-American bitch was a fitting trophy to her skills. She who never even knew who or what had hit her!

Tamiko decided suddenly that it was Carolyn's time. While her left hand pushed three slim fingers deep into Carolyn's grasping vagina, her right hand reached underneath and, for the first time, paid loving tribute to Carolyn's clitoris.

"AAAaaahhhhh!" Carolyn's cunt consumed her totally! Her legs buckled and she almost fell. She was completely unable to do anything now except ride out the searing waves of raw sensation that was flooding her very being, as her vagina clamped strongly at the invading fingers.

Sensations were flooding the inexperienced Carolyn. She felt that if she couldn't sit down soon she would faint on the spot. Drawing on a surprising reserve of strength, she gasped "NO!" and broke free of the deadly grasp of Samantha and Fawn. Holding her unbuttoned blouse closed she staggered stiff- legged over to a nearby chair. As she moved off, the startled Tamiko withdrew her hand from Carolyn's vagina. She just had enough time to give Carolyn's lowered panties a quick pull and they fell unheeded down the moving Carolyn's legs.

Tamiko looked at the useless panties lying on the floor with a quiet satisfaction. Finally! she thought. This woman is mine! Later she would carefully clean them and add them to her collection. For now, however, there was the final movement to be played in tonight's concert.

Her very being sundered by unbelievable sensations, desperate for a respite from the constant stimulation her body had been receiving the entire evening, Carolyn stood trembling behind the chair, clutching the chair back desperately with both hands. The top of her head was spinning so badly it was all she could do to remain standing. She felt as if her soul was close to literally exploding, and there was nothing she could do to control it. She desperately needed time regain control of herself. Her over-stimulated body was screaming for release of the sexual tension which had been deliberately built within her from the moment she entered the apartment.

If only they would leave her alone! Carolyn had never really liked her body and went to great lengths to keep it under her absolute control. But tonight was somehow different. Her body was anything but in her control. She could only feverishly hope that no one would touch her any more, because if they did-- she knew she was lost!

Tamiko walked up behind the unsuspecting woman. Here comes the pay-off, you stuck-up American bitch, she thought gleefully.

"Carolyn, honey", purred the Japanese exchange student. "You look tired. Why don't you sit in the chair and rest a while?" She reached around Carolyn and pulled both sides of her open blouse back off of her shoulders.

"Wha.?" asked the shaken Carolyn.

"Sit down, honey," Tamiko said as she pulled the blouse still further off of the trembling woman.

Carolyn dimly realized that her new friend Tamiko was talking to her, telling her to sit down. She numbly nodded, and walked carefully around the chair, headless of her blouse now lying on the floor behind her.

Carolyn sank gratefully onto the chair, only to gasp in surprise as the cool satin fabric came into direct contact with the bare super-heated flesh of her unbelievably sensitive vulva. Oh my God, she thought wearily. Now my panties are gone. She then felt the chair's fabric on flesh of her back. My blouse is gone, too. What on earth was happening to me? she wondered.

Seated on the chair, covered in sweat and in just her unfastened bra, Carolyn knew that she must look a sight. What happened to my clothes, her stunned mind wondered. I know I was fully dressed when I came here. What happened? Tamiko must help me find my clothes and then I can get dressed, she thought. Just as the room stops spinning and my electrified body calms down. Yet, in spite of everything, Carolyn still knew she was safe. Tamiko had unexpectedly shown up once again to take care of her.

As her overcharged mind reeled with the fact of her nakedness, Tamiko and her cohorts moved in on the stunned Carolyn for the kill. The Oriental stood triumphant in front of the dazed woman. The nude Tamiko gazed deeply into the beautiful yet vacant eyes of the woman seated before her. She coolly pushed Carolyn's opened bra straps off her smooth shoulders and down her unresisting arms.

Carolyn Lord was now totally naked. Even her sensible jewelry had been carefully removed by the girls during the course of the evening. Tamiko seated herself on her haunches directly in front of Carolyn's primly closed knees. Carolyn sat spellbound and could do nothing as Tamiko easily opened Carolyn's knees and spread her thighs far apart.

"I'm a good girl," Carolyn instinctively whispered. Tamiko sat back to savor one final look, before sending this proud American bitch down a path from which she could never recover, or would want to.

Carolyn, naked and covered in sweat, sat with her back erect, her carriage still one of royalty before commoners. Her shoulders back, her perfect breasts thrust proudly into the darkness of the apartment, the nipples looking painfully distended.

Recognizing a familiar sour-sweet odor, Tamiko moved her right hand carefully between Carolyn's widespread thighs and confirmed that a growing puddle of vaginal fluids was forming on the seat cover.

Carolyn sensed that something important was going to happen, but had no idea what it was to be. She was vaguely conscious of someone seated directly in front of her, but that was all. She simply sat, gasping for air as she tried desperately to get her breath back under control and hope that-in ways she was beyond understanding-that her body did not betray her. For the moment, it was all she was capable of doing.

Tamiko slid both of her hands around Carolyn's narrow waist and placed them on the tops of her bare buttocks. With one swift pull, Carolyn, her bottom thoroughly lubricated by her body's fluids, slid easily across the chair's seat toward the waiting Tamiko.

"OH!" gasped the shattered Carolyn. What was going on now? she wondered.

Tamiko positioned her so that she was seated on the very edge of the chair, her vulnerable pussy now directly in front of Tamiko's eager face.

"I'm a good girl," Carolyn repeated. It was her last defense.

"I know, honey," replied Tamiko, not unkindly. "That's why I like you so much." Tamiko then fastened her mouth on Carolyn's delicious cunt and Carolyn went mad!

Now past the point of conscious thought, Carolyn only knew that her crotch had been plugged into an electric outlet and it was driving her insane! Her body jumped and shook, her hips bucking wildly, but Tamiko never loosened her grip on the prize she had sought all evening. Her tongue went deep into the hot, tight passage, her teeth nibbled on the swollen vulva of her struggling victim. Carolyn's gyrations finally caused her to fall from the chair onto the thick carpet below. On the floor she found herself too winded to move.

Taking advantage of this, Tamiko redoubled her efforts, concentrating on the woman's erect clitoris. Carolyn could only lie there and moan, her mind finally carried away to other lands.

The other girls, seeing the change in Carolyn's behavior, joined Tamiko on the floor. Soon there was not a part of Carolyn's body which did not have a sucking mouth, bathing tongue, or caressing hand upon it. Fueled by pure sexual energy, Carolyn's back began to arch, until only her hands and feet were still touching the carpet. Her sensuous body, so long denied any kind of sexual release, had taken over. Carolyn was awash in the unfamiliar domain of sexual pleasure, and her body was loving it.
