Into the Vampire's Lair Ch. 02


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"I told you I was engaged," he replied tonelessly.

Arrogant bastard!

Draven turned to look lazily at Amber before moving towards the storage box to help himself to the sample. He wasn't really interested in interacting with this Werewolf, even though she smelled divine. He gave a small shudder to dispel the thought and picked up one of the two test tubes containing Fiona's blood.

"How soon can you give me the results?" she asked, clearly annoyed.

"I'll fax it to you when I'm done," he replied, moving towards the door.

Amber gave an irked huff, finding herself staring at the man's back. Initially she had pegged him as self-absorbed, haughty, and annoying but on hindsight decided there was only one word to describe him: frigid.

What was it about cold, emotionally-unavailable men that just attracts her? In other words, Draven exuded the same calm yet icy demeanor as Eian did before he met Fiona. The only difference was that the man beside her was of the Vampire variety. Still, she wouldn't deny that she was attracted to him; superficially or not.

"Have dinner with me." The words blurted out of her before she could stop herself.

Draven who was about to leave, stopped in his tracks even though his hand was already on the door handle.

"Pardon me?" he said, turning around slowly.

"Have dinner with me. You know... eating and drinking... being civilized."

He gave her a considering look and leaned his back against the door.

"I do not have mortal needs of eating, unless you're offering yourself as my meal. Now that would be uncivilized. I don't do wild animals."

Amber was taken aback. Part of her was insulted yet the other part was curious. He was looking at her without an ounce of emotion and yet his sentence seemed loaded with innuendos... or was she just imagining it?

"I can't figure you out, Draven... seriously. We're supposed to work on this together and you act as though you're superior to me; walking in whenever you want, taking whatever you want. I am as equally qualified as you are, if not more."

Draven tilted his head back and laughed.

"Wolf, you may have a MD but I have been around much longer than you have and so I am superior to you."

Her eyes widened slightly to express the shock she was feeling. It took her awhile to get over it but when she did, she looked up without an expression on her face.

"I see. Well then, I'll wait for the fax," she said, watching as he opened the door. "Oh, just for your information, Fiona was heartbroken when she left."

He heard her but didn't stop this time. Walking himself out of the medical centre, he felt slightly guilty. He knew she wasn't lying when she said Fiona was heartbroken. He had read it in her mind. Maybe she was right... he should have been there for the consultation. Looking at his watch, he decided it was too late to call Fiona. He'll probably do it tomorrow.

Draven massaged his temples slightly to quell the headache he was getting. Clutching the test tube, he decided that the best thing to do right now was to get to work.

That should give him time to mull things over.


The next morning...

Fiona was putting back books that others had browsed, back to the respective shelves. She was feeling better today or rather; she was feeling neither sad nor angry. She tried to immerse herself in work to forget the whole baby issue. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to push for a baby so soon.

Her hand picked up the next book on the trolley: Pregnancy Journals.

"Oh god..." she moaned, pressing her head against a shelf. She gave herself two minutes to self-loathe then breathed in deeply to get some control over herself. "I can do this... I am happy and contented with my life..." she said, repeating the suggestion over and over again, like a mantra.

It didn't work. It seems that anger was still the only spark to ignite her abilities. Chucking the book carelessly, she made her way to the counter.

"Erika... I'll be back. I don't feel well..." she said before dashing out of the bookstore. Erika was clearly stunned but didn't protest. Fiona knew she'd have to come up with some excuse later but for now, she needed to get somewhere quiet in case she lost control.

The moment she got outside, she leaned against a brick wall and tried to breathe calmly.


Fiona looked up and saw Alaron stepping out of his car. Her mouth quivered slightly before she burst into tears and ran up to hug him.

"Get me away from here... please..." she begged.

"Ok, get in."

He kept on driving until they reached a secluded section of the city and parked his car. He didn't say anything but looked at her with concern. She was still crying.

"Alright Fi... at the risk of being subject to your scary abilities, I'm going to ask the painful question: Why the hell are you crying? Is it that dog? If it is, I'll kill him for you."

Fiona gave a sniffle and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm a bad wife..." she mumbled in between sobs.

Alaron wasn't prepared for this. What the hell does he know about being a good wife? He decided to just remain silent for now.

"I... I went for a checkup... yesterday," she started, hiccupping slightly. "And... and it's not going to be easy Al... I might not even get the baby past one month..." she moaned and buried her face closer; tears drenching his shirt.

"Shh..." he tried to soothe her as he patted her head gently. "We don't know anything yet Fi... don't lose hope like that..." he said. "Remember the first time you took in Father's blood and you felt like you wanted to die? Remember what you told me?" Alaron rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was about to say. "You said you'd take the pain as long as you have Eian; as long as you know you can always go back to him. Remember?"

The sobs stopped and she turned her head to look at him. "You... you remembered that?"

"You're evil Fi... really. Now I need to scrub my tongue off the aftertaste of that sentence."

Fiona sniggered a little and put her arms around him. "Thank you..."

"Ah... don't mention it," he said, smiling a little. "Now will you please get off me? You're so ruining my shirt."

Fiona pouted her lips and took a closer look at his shirt. Suddenly, she pulled him by the collar and took a look at the label at the back of his neck.


"Valentino? Looks like someone's trying to look impressive..."

"I am not..."

"Yes you are... admit it!" she exclaimed with a laugh.

"Yes!" he blurted out then rolled his eyes. "Damn it Fi! Don't do that! It's not fair when you always use your abilities to get what you want."

"No I don't." The laughter died only to be replaced by a soft voice. "I wish having a baby would be as easy as suggesting it to myself."

Alaron kept quiet for a moment. Hadn't she realized that she had issued a command without being angry? However he could be wrong. Patting her thigh gently, he tried to cheer her up.

"You know Fi... maybe you could try that. Who knows? Eian's little soldiers might just do your bidding," he said before bursting out into laughter.

"Hey!" she giggled and slapped his arm playfully.

"Okay, okay..." Alaron took a deep breath and tried to stop laughing. "On a more serious note... I think you shouldn't worry too much. I read that stress isn't going to help with the conception."

"Aww... are you saying you did some research for me? That's so nice of you..."

"I'm always nice."

"No you're not." She sniffed at him. "You still smell the same... wait, what's that smell? Is that cologne?"

"No it's not!" When she raised her eyebrows at him he stuck his tongue out. "Alright, alright, yes it is."

"Oh my god... you like her! You like my boss!" she exclaimed suddenly, all her worries forgotten as excitement washed over her. "Oh my goodness! How could I have overlooked this?"

Alaron stiffly tried to adjust his shirt collar and looked at himself in the rear view mirror.

"No, I do not like the human."

"Oh this is so exciting! I'm gonna tell her!" Fiona literally squealed the last few words.

"Oh no you are not because there is nothing going on!" said Alaron firmly. "Do not... I repeat, do not say a word to her!"

Fiona wasn't listening.

"Wow... all those awkward visits to the bookstore, finding excuses to get me a book..."

"Fiona!" he shouted in exasperation.


"Please don't tell her... please?"

A sly smile curved at her lips. "You do like her..."

Alaron gave her a soulful look. "Promise you won't tell her?"

"Only if you don't work hard to help me get pregnant," she replied with a laugh. At Alaron's stunned expression, she continued, "I'm kidding! Oh... but this is such a weapon..."

"Who is this woman I'm sitting with..." he muttered, shaking his head.


Fiona managed to get through the rest of the day, fueled by her excitement at the thought of Alaron finally finding someone.

"Someone sure is happy," whistled Erika as she counted their daily sales.

"Well, just a little," smiled Fiona, turning to study Erika. The woman was clearly of mixed heritage with the Irish tilt in her voice obvious every now and then. Her jet black hair was long, growing past her waist and yet always carefully tamed into various braids and hairstyles. However what was most striking about her was her fashion sense. Today she was wearing something that didn't even remotely looked like an actual dress. Fiona knew she wasn't really wise in the clothing department but if anyone could put together random shawls tied around the body without looking like a mummy; that would be Erika.

"You know Erika... I guess I should apologize about earlier today. I was feeling uh... nauseous."

Erika smiled but didn't look up. "Is that the good kind of nausea or the bad kind you get from food poisoning?"

"Eh... neither." Fiona walked closer to the counter. "We're still trying..." she sighed. "Oh Erika, I really want to have this baby so much."

"Then maybe you should try again," she replied, humour twinkling in her eyes. "I just saw your husband park outside."

Fiona turned sharply and saw Eian's figure leaning against his car.

"You go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow," said Erika, flashing a broad smile.

"See you." Fiona kept her smile until she reached the front door then scowled. Why was he picking her up again?

She wanted to be angry at him but somehow the thought seemed to dissipate when she saw the bouquet of red roses in his hands.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" she asked, taking in the scent of the flowers.

"That depends... is it working?"

"Mmm... maybe..."

"Well, then it's a bribe," he said, opening the passenger door for her.

Before he started the engine, Eian turned slightly to look at Fiona. "You know Sweetheart... I've decided that I'm not going to push you to tell me about the thing at the medical centre yesterday... If..."

Fiona gave him a suspicious look. "If what?"

"If you promise not to be angry anymore at me."

"How can I not be when you lied to me!" she exclaimed in exasperation. "You made me think I was going mad inside my head!"

"Well... then we're equal now aren't we? You kept your secret and I kept mine."

Fiona stared opened mouth at him. He was just inconceivable!

"Are you trying to argue with me about lying?"

"I didn't lie... I just... didn't get to the whole truth," he said defensively, hitting the accelerator to be on their way home.

Fiona crossed her arms around her chest and leaned back, fuming to herself. She wanted to remain angry at him but knew that she was angrier with herself. This mate bond connection was a good thing so why was she acting like it was something unforgivable?

"Sweetheart... tell me what's really bothering you?" said Eian gently, placing a hand on her thigh. "I can't always tell what you're thinking..."

"I thought you can?"

He patted her thigh lovingly. "I am only given privy to your thoughts when you allow me to. But you're closing up... and honestly, it's breaking my heart..."

Fiona sat quietly in her seat for a few moments, the guilt settling in. They were nearing the compound when she finally spoke, "I want a baby but I'm scared I can't."

Eian froze, slowing the car down as they approached their home. "And... you went to the medical centre to do what exactly?"

"I... I don't really know what has to be done... but I'll do anything to have one."

Eian let out a long, deep sigh as her brought the car to a stop. He was in a dilemma: his inner wolf was clearly overjoyed but his rational human mind wouldn't allow it. He's happy with how things are at the moment but who knows what a pregnancy could do to her.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to look at her. "Fiona my love... I don't need anything from you, except yourself... so don't put yourself through this agony," he said, assuring her in his kind and gentle voice. "I've waited a very long time to find you and I am happy that we are together. I don't need more... I promise."

Fiona lifted her gaze to stare into his eyes and knew that he was just trying to say the right thing.

"Don't you want children?"

Eian smiled and caressed her cheek gently with his fingers. "Of course I do... but when the time is right."

"And when is that?"

"I do not know when... but the important thing is to let nature take its course."

She didn't seem convinced but she just nodded anyway.

"I mean it Fiona," he said with a hint of warning in his voice.


Draven was seriously annoyed. He had been staring at his computer screen for the past eighteen hours, analyzing the blood sample he had taken from the medical centre hours ago. He had no idea why he was so agitated or why he was pushing himself without rest for the past 36hours.

He told himself it was for Fiona's sake; that he wanted to deliver the results to her as soon as possible but he knew that was just the icing on the cake. The truth was, he couldn't quite wipe the image of that she-wolf's disappointed face out of his mind. She had been really hurt when he told her that her MD was meaningless to him.

But he was just stating the obvious. He was at least a few hundred years older than her and his years of research had resulted in various advancement in the medical and biochemical field. Hell, she probably studied the science that he had pioneered along with other scientists over time. What did she know?

When the light of dawn began to illuminate the sky, Draven's head shot up to look at the time. It was almost seven o'clock.

Resting his head on the desk, Draven gave a loud sigh. His father had raised him up to be too much of a gentleman that it was inexcusable for him to behave like that in front of a woman. Sure, he was a noble and she a commoner but that didn't give him the license to treat her like dirt. Now that was Alaron's territory or so he thought. Somehow his brother seemed to have mellowed down a lot since Fiona's marriage.

Whatever it was, he had to apologize to her. Otherwise it would reflect badly on the Culzean family name and as the eldest son, it was his duty to preserve their reputation. With a resigned sigh, he calculated how much time he had, considering that the centre opened in an hour's time. If he wanted to reach there on time, he mustn't take more than ten minutes to get ready.

"The lengths I go to for this family," he muttered to himself as he whizzed his way through a shower and got dressed, taking just a minute more to make sure his hair was combed back and that he had slapped on some aftershave.

Rushing over to the computer, he saved whatever data he had analyzed, gathered the rest of his reports and sprinted to his car.

His watch showed it was 7.20am. He had roughly forty minutes to cover 180miles...

"Okay, so I took two times longer than planned... I can get there on time..." he assured himself, hoping that he wouldn't have to break the speed limit. He really wanted to catch her before she started work, and then at least they'll have some time to talk before the whole rush hour starts.

By 7.52am, his car was parked neatly in a lot outside the medical centre. It had him speeding on the highway close to 200 mph, if not faster. For all the hassle and possible fines, he didn't want to waste anymore time but headed straight to her consultation room, not even knowing if she would be there. Without knocking, he barged in.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, spilling coffee all over the front of her blouse. Annoyance, more than anything flashed across her face as her daily ritual of savouring her first cup of coffee was ruined.

Apparently that didn't put him off for he was currently looking at her with sharp, intense eyes. Amber was sure that one could actually melt in the heat of that gaze. Not in the sexual sense... but in the volcanic destructive sense.

"Yes?" she asked irritably and watched him take a deep breath before slapping the files he was holding on her desk.

"Alright, here it goes... I'm sorry Dr. Amber MacFarlane at my lack of civility and human compassion with regards to yesterday's incident. I acknowledge you as a highly trained medical professional and I take back whatever insults I said yesterday." He paused, gauging her face for a response. When she remained silent, he shifted uncomfortably. "I don't... usually apologize to women, regardless of species."

"And I don't usually ask obnoxious cold-blooded Vampires out for dinner either. That's a mistake on my part and I apologize for my lack of foresight." Taking her gaze away, she looked down at the files on her table and opened them. "Are these the results?"

He nodded, watching the arrogance disappear from her face, replaced by a look of pure concentration.

"I'm impressed... you did all this in less than 48 hours? Damn... my own lab hasn't even started working on my sample yet."

Again he nodded and watched the arrogance returned to her face.

"Thank you. You can go now. My shift's starting at eight."

Draven heard her order and yet he was still standing rooted to the ground. It was the lack of sleep, he reasoned, that was propelling his feet forward, grabbing her by the back of her head and yanking her out of her seat.

His actions were so fast that Amber almost didn't register the sensations of his lips pressed against hers. However, when she did, her eyes widened in shock and she valiantly tried to push him away.

He didn't budge an inch and she was slowly losing the strength to resist. His kiss was firm and strong, yet tantalizing enough to make her insides go mushy. Very soon, she found herself surrendering to the onslaught of his kiss, her tongue willingly wrestling with his.

I want you... but I can't. This is a public place and the nurses might barge in at any time.

He must have heard her for he pulled away reluctantly and looked straight at her, seeing the disappointment and lust pooling in her eyes. Just for a second, he felt the need to respond to her lust as though it was calling out to him. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of him being subject to this Were's mating pull. That can't be.

Draven gently let her go, distancing himself from her.

"I've got to go now." He had to leave before something unavoidable happened. "If you need any clarifications, just email me."

Then he was gone before she could protest.


He needed to get away from her... needed to forget that he had been attracted to her on such a carnal level for it was unacceptable for a Vampire of his stature and lineage. Feeling somewhat lost, he followed his instincts and drove towards the Alpha's home. Checking up on Fiona might put his mind off the incident for awhile.

As he pulled up along their driveway, he saw that Fiona was locking the door while Eian was in the car waiting for her. It took her less than a second to sense his presence. A bright smile flashed on her face and she walked towards him.