Intrigued Ch. 13

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The end... or is it?
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Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/12/2011
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I awoke to the phone ringing from the kitchen. Groaning, I sat up and swung my legs around the side of the bed. Exhaustion weighed heavily on my body... it couldn't have been dusk yet. Kicking myself for forgetting to turn off the ringer, I walked into the kitchen with zombie-like strides and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I growled, my sleep-laced voice reflecting my irritation.

"It's 2:15 pm, Keegan! You can't be a vampire! Vampires sleep through the day!" My mother's desperate voice squeaked into the receiver.

"Mom, I was asleep and I am a vampire," I said, exasperated. Blood from last night's hunt was gritty on my face. It's funny how when you change, little things like cleaning up after a meal fall by the wayside. Vampires would bathe in blood if we had the opportunity.

"Well, I don't believe you," she said curtly.

"Unfortunately, I'm too tired to prove it to you at the moment. I'll call you in about seven hours," I said, rubbing my eyes. I hung up the phone, careful to silence the ringer, and placed it back on the charger. I love my mom, but she had a way of being invasive at times.

I stumbled back to bed and wrapped my arms around Raven's deathly still, cool frame and welcomed the heavy sleep that drifted over me.


I opened my eyes and sat up in bed. Keegan was still asleep, so I took the perfect opportunity to run a very important errand. In seconds, I was out of bed and getting dressed, determined to complete my task before he woke up.

After throwing my hair in a ponytail, I exited the apartment. It was almost too early for me to be out, a red outline streaked the Western horizon, signaling the retirement of every vampire's enemy.

It did not take me long to make it to the fancy brick building. I opened the door and let myself in.

"Hello. Welcome to Hampton Jewelers! My name is Sharisse. Is there anything I can help you find?" A short, full-figured black lady asked me as I walked in.

"Men's wedding bands," I replied, taking in the vast amount of glass cases.

"Tell me about your guy," Sharisse said with a warm smile.

"Well, he's tall with grey eyes and shoulder-length black hair, thick, black tribal tattoos, pale skin, and wears a lot of black and gray," I said, giving her the basics.

"Alright," she said, nodding, "It sounds like silver, platinum, or white gold is the way to go. Would you agree?" She asked me, raising a immaculately arched eyebrow.

"Yes, I would. Platinum, please," I replied, nodding.

"This way," she said, gesturing to the display cases to her right, "Feel free to look around, but I believe I have exactly what you're looking for."

I looked around for a few seconds before Sharisse emerged from the back room with a ring that was Keegan all over. My eyes grew wide as I took in the ring: it was platinum with a wide, black stripe around the center, with a platinum and diamond cross on it.

After telling her how perfect the ring was, thanking her, and paying, I hurried home, wanting to be back in bed before Keegan woke.



I opened my eyes and looked around, something didn't seem quite right. I heard nothing and Raven wasn't in bed. My brain flooded with worry. What if something else happened to her? I had to find her. I had to know that she was okay. I was almost out the door before I saw the home phone light up on the charger. I checked the caller ID, it was a private number. Heart sinking, I picked up the phone.

"Raven?" I questioned, nervously.

"No, it's your mother," Mom said matter-of-factly.

"Mom, this really isn't a good time-," I began, only to be cut off.

"When is it a good time, Keegan?!" she yelled, "I find out last week that my baby boy is either out of his mind entirely or he's a monster! You tell me when it's convenient to speak with you."

My shoulders slumped in defeat. It was hard to believe that a week had passed since I spoke with my mother, but it was mainly because she goes to sleep early. This had to be a hard pill to swallow for her... it was easier for me to accept because I, at least, knew vampires existed beforehand.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to blow you off... I know you stayed up late just for this conversation," I said, apologetically.

At that moment, the door opened and Raven came inside. Seeing that I was on the phone, she mouthed 'I am sorry'. Waving her off, I threw her a glare that demanded an explanation when I got off the phone and she disappeared into the bedroom.

"Yes, Keegan. You know that I love you unconditionally, but I need to know: are you really a vampire or do you just think you are?" she asked, her voice sounding almost fearful of my response.

"Mom, I'm really a vampire. I have the fangs to prove it," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"So you...kill people?" she asked slowly, completely ignoring my jest.

"Only bad people and only to stay alive. Raven doesn't believe in feeding on women, children, or the innocent. That's the good thing about staying in the city: there's a lot of bad men here. Call it population control," I explained to the best of my ability.

"Keegan, I didn't raise you to be a murderer," she said softly.

"You also didn't raise me to be a vampire. I'm sorry, Mom, but it comes with the territory. Any other questions? I really need to grab a bite." I said, again trying to make light of the situation.

"Whatever, Keegan," she huffed, hanging up the phone.

After staring at the phone in disbelief for a few moments, I opened the bedroom door. Raven was in bed, cross-legged, staring intently at me.

"Don't worry, Dear... it'll get better," she said in an almost maternal voice.

"Ah," I said, waving her comment away. "Where the hell were you, Raven?"

"I was just getting something for a wedding," she said with a smile.

My annoyance evaporated and was replaced with curiosity. "Whose wedding?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Oh, just a couple of vampires I know pretty well," she said, examining her nails.

I crawled in bed next to her, lying on my stomach. "When does this said wedding take place?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well," she began with a huff, "the thing is: neither of them decided on a date. I guess the vampiress figured that the date would fall into place... in time, but she did not anticipate wanting to be his wife so badly. She wants to be his, fully and completely and the wedding could not happen fast enough for her."

Hearing this come from Raven, my Raven shook me to the core. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love her more, she says this. My heart felt like it swelled two sizes and was making my throat ache. I sat up, pushed her on her back, and crawled into my rightful place between her legs. I brought my face down to her, never breaking eye contact with her and allowing my lips to graze her's.

"I love you so much," I whispered, grinding my cock into her hot crevice.

"So what do you say?" She asked, biting her bottom lip, seductively. She reached her soft hand between us and massaged my balls, eliciting a groan from me.

"Yesss," I hissed as my fangs extended.



'What the fuck? Am I really doing this?,' I asked myself, nearly panicking. I was certain that if I were still human, I would have been a nervous wreck, heart pounding and sweating. I looked at myself in the mirror. My tux gave the air that I was in so much better control than I actually fucking was and my hair, to Raven's request, was pulled back in a ponytail. My eyes, however, were wild as if I were a wild animal looking at its cage for the first time.

Was I really about to get married?

"Are you okay, Keegan?" Raven's soft voice echoed behind me, causing me to spin around. The sight ahead of me made my eyes bulge. She was so beautiful. At my request, she was wearing a slim white dress and her long hair was in a bridal updo with small, white flowers peeking out ever so often. Her face was flawless as usual, though today she opted to wear makeup (this was my first time seeing her in makeup). Her appearance sent surges straight to my cock, which had no problem 'rising' to the occasion. My fangs began to extend but I willed them back.

"Raven," I groaned, feeling the searing discomfort of my erection pressing impatiently against my pants, "what are you doing in here? It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

"Well, I had the feeling that I was about to have a Runaway Groom, so I came in here to check on you," she said in her God-forsaken maternal voice. She walked over to me, rested her hands on my chest, and looked up at me with those big brown eyes and said "Since when have you been superstitious?"

I looked down at her hopelessly as she innocently nibbled her bottom lip. This woman was gonna be the death of me... before I knew it her hands were on either side of my face, pulling me into a heated kiss. Hell yeah, I was getting married and I was marrying her because she made me feel this way, as if I was the only thing that mattered to her. I allowed my hands to slowly travel down her corseted back and gripped her round ass. Today was the day she's officially be mine. I slowly began to inch her dress up on her hips, thanking God that the material wouldn't wrinkle. I backed her up against the desk that was in the room and sat her on top of it. I heard her voice whispering my name... this had to end.

"Raven. You. Have. To. Go," I said, wanting nothing more than for her to be right here.

"Why?" she asked through hooded eyes, fangs extended. God, she was fucking amazing.

"Because we're getting married in less than an hour and I believe there is something wrong with man taking his soon-to-be wife on a pastor's desk in a church," I said evenly in an attempt to calm myself down as well as her.

"Keegan, this is hardly a church... it is a chapel and this is not a pastor's desk, it s a manager's," she argued, lust still lacing her eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was silenced by her lying on her back and separating her smooth brown thighs for me. My eyes grew wide as I took in the sight of a sexy white g-string soaked in her juices. My cock was excruciatingly stiff, I didn't know how long I would be able to resist.

"Fuck me, Keegan," she whispered and I lost it...


As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I had him. Without another word, his pants were down and his cock was out... it was slightly purple with an angry red head. I knew he was hurting and that I was in for it...

He let out an inhuman growl and slammed into me with no warning. I screamed in pleasurable pain as he filled me completely. I screamed his name and squeezed my eyes tightly shut. My fingernails scratched his clothed back, ripping the back of his vest to shreds. It was a good thing we could cover it with his jacket. The delicious sound of fabric ripping would have had me doing more of it but we had a wedding to attend. I knew it must have taken immense self-control for him to avoid doing the very same to my wedding dress.


I knew this was wrong on a couple of different levels, but I didn't fucking care anymore. I snaked my arms around her waist as I continued to pound her.

"Fuck, Raven," was all I could say when I felt her pussy begin to death-clutch my shaft. I fucked her through her orgasm which only made her scream louder. It was fucking music to my ears. She looked up and me, eyes rimmed in red.

"Don't cry," I said, slowing down, "we wouldn't want you to mess up that sexy dress, would we?"

After she came down from her high, she surprised me by switching places with me faster than I could blink. I watched as she slowly lowered herself onto my cock. I watched as the head disappeared into her puffy, pink lips and my shaft soon after.

"Fuck!" I groaned again as I closed my eyes and wrapped my hands around her hips and pushed her down on my cock, relishing in the feeling of being in her to my full extent. When I finally released her, I opened my eyes and stared as she slowly began to ride me, dress hem in hand.

She tilted her head back and increased her pace. I was getting so fucking close. I gripped her ass again and bounced her vigorously.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Stevens, are you okay?" Joseph, the chapel manager's voice said through the door.

"Ah, ah, I'm fine, Joseph... just dealing with some wedding jitters," I lied as Raven leaned forward, rested her hands on my chest and began to slam herself down on me like she was possessed.

"Do you need help?" he asked, turning the doorknob.

"NO!" I yelled a little too loudly, " I mean, no. I can deal with it, thanks though."

"Okay, Mr. Stevens. I just thought you may want to know that we can't find your fiancée," he said and Raven still wasn't letting up.

"It's okay, Joseph. She called me, I know exactly where she is," I said, sinking my fangs into Raven's exposed shoulder to stifle the groan as I shot my cum inside of her.

"Alright, Mr. Stevens, let me know if you need anything, if not, I'll see you in thirty minutes" he said. It wasn't until I heard his departing footsteps that I released her.


After we cleaned ourselves up, I returned to my changing room and fixed my flaws. I looked into the mirror in disbelief, in less than ten minutes, I would be Raven Stevens and I could not be happier.


Raven adjusted her bouquet and began walking down the aisle when cued by the start of the Bridal Chorus. The ceremony was very small but very nice and all who attended were relatives of Keegan. The attendance was so lopsided that Joseph had some of Keegan's relatives sit on Raven's side to make things look more even.

As she entered, everyone stood but Raven's eyes were straight ahead on Keegan... her Keegan. He, however, was having issues focusing his eyes on anything because as soon as he saw her, he began to tear up. His family did not know their secret, no one except his mother. Blinking back tears, he was finally able to finally see her. She was even more beautiful than she was a half-hour earlier.

Her walk down the aisle seemed to take forever to Keegan. This was the moment he had been waiting for and now it was seeming to go in slow motion. No one was there to walk her down the aisle and give her away and it was questionable to some of his family.

When she finally made it to him, he let out a sigh of relief. When the music stopped, the officiant wasted no time getting things started, which was a relief for both Raven and Keegan.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Keegan Stevens and Raven Hart in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore -- is not by any -- to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly -- but....," the man began but was lost by both of them. This was it: the first day of their new life together.

After what seemed like forever, he finally got to 'the good stuff' as Keegan liked to think of it.

"Beginning with you, Keegan. Do you, Keegan Stevens take Raven Hart, to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health? With respect for her integrity and faith in your union, do you promise to unfailingly seek out the best you can in her, loving her very day, in every way, until the end of your forever? If so, please answer: I do."

Keegan swallowed the lump in his throat and uttered, "I do." It gave him small comfort that he never had to worry about sickness or poverty. After he said the words, he took a glance at his mother and saw the poor woman was blubbering her head off. She alone knew what the true meaning of 'forever' was in this case.

"And now you, Raven. Do you, Raven Hart take Keegan Stevens, to be your lawfully wedded husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health? With respect for his integrity and faith in your union, do you promise to unfailingly seek out the best you can in him, loving him every day, in every way, until the end of your forever? If so, please answer: I DO."

Raven blinked her eyes several times, opened and closed her mouth several more times but was unable to say the words. Her mouth grew drier when she realized that she couldn't say it. She nodded her head buthe the officiant said, "We need a verbal response, Ms. Hart."

It wasn't until that point that Keegan began to get scared. He was terrified of rejection and the fear was only amplified by the crowd. He swallowed his pride and grabbed her hand, tracing reassuring circles on it with his thumb.

She smiled at him, nodded again, and said softly, "I do, forever and ever."

The officiant took no real note of her hesitation and continued the ceremony and it went by quickly. Keegan battled tears again when he saw how perfect his wedding band was. She knew him better than anyone else and that gave him comfort as well.

Raven's ears perked up when it grew closer to the conclusion. Soon, the officiant was saying: " is with great pleasure that I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. Congratulations! You may kiss the bride."

This part required no hesitation, Raven looked into Keegan's beautiful grey eyes that were rimmed in red and knew that he was perfect for her in each and every way. He was everything to her and she was delighted to embark on this journey with him.

Today was the beginning of the rest of her life, their life, together.

Raven's eyes were like mirrors to Keegan. Everything she felt, he saw in her eyes and he felt the same way. It only felt right to lean down and allow his lips to touch her's. He loved her and knew that he would do anything for her, she was all that mattered.

"It is with great joy and honor that I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Keegan Stevens!" The officiant concluded, followed by an eruption of applause. Anyone with eyes could see how much they loved each other and it was only right that they were together.

They joined hands and walked back down the aisle. When they were out of sight, Keegan kissed Raven. "I love you," he said, thumb tracing shapes on her cheek.

"I love you more," she said, smiling.

"Never," he replied, shaking his head.

"Forever," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

The End

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Trinity71Trinity71almost 8 years ago

Sad to see this story end. I would have liked reading about the adventures of the Stevens Vampires lol.

Than you for the great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I am obsessed with vampires....... and this I wish.... I wish i could meet one in real...and... I wish he .... i mean.... I loved this story...

magiczeesmagiczeesabout 12 years ago
5 stars!

I love this story from beggining to end. I would love to see another series to finally concluded this story of it's just deserts. Bizzy_Bish you are a amazing writer an I truely enjoyed this story.

I hate to see it end also.

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 12 years ago

This is certainly an unusual ending for a vampire story. Very sweet.

MzMagicBeautyMzMagicBeautyabout 12 years ago
It was Okay

I think it was rush and it doesnt seem to flow with that last chapter. But it was a great story and im sorry to see it end.

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