Intrusion Ch. 08


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"Hey, look, I was under orders! I don't have any authorisation to release this to foreign nationals. I'd need to get specific permission to tell you any of this!"

"I don't give a damn what authorisation you've got, if my team is in danger from these things, or anything bad happens as a result of you withholding relevant information, I am going to hold you personally responsible. And, believe me, I can make things really uncomfortable for you if I want to. Because I do have high-ranking contacts in the US military and intelligence community if I need to use them. So start talking!"

"Okay, okay, look... I guess what's done is done, now. Just let me go, will you?" He shook her off, and she didn't bother to resist, just stood there, waiting for an explanation.

"So, okay, how it happened," he began, "we got the signal of this coming in from deep space. You know that much. Monitoring from US Space Command, and all that. What we didn't tell you was that we got a second signal shortly after. Something was coming in after your sphere, and it went down in the North Sea, just outside your territorial waters."

"Our guys didn't tell your guys about it, but we had a naval ship on manoeuvres nearby, so we sent it over to investigate before anyone else noticed. It took a while to dredge it out of the water - I swear this happened after I was assigned to you. Yeah, so we knew that there was a second object, but we hadn't retrieved it then."

"Anyway, we picked this thing up, and it's like a miniature spaceship, or something. Not as small as your sphere, nowhere near, but you couldn't fit a person inside it. Everything was fried, like it had some sort of self-destruct built into it to stop the technology falling into enemy hands. But what it did have was three empty compartments. Best we can figure, this craft deployed three smaller objects, probably just before it hit the water, or we'd have picked them up on the radar."

"Three objects the size of our mysterious 'drones'?"

"I ain't seen the detailed specs, but, yeah, that's what I've been told. And once we knew that, and once you guys picked up the first drone back in London, I got tasked with finding the other two. Which I guess has happened now, and... well, you're not going to let me near them, are you?"

"You know as well as I do that any requests on that are going to have go through Five Eyes protocols."

"Yeah, I figured. But I swear that's all I know. If any of the tech guys know more than that, they haven't told me. They just told me to get a sample, or at least some intel; they probably know less than you do as to what these things' capabilities are. Or what they're up to. Heck, I'd like to know that as much as you do."

"But, okay, okay, I'm sorry. You know what it's like with Top Secret information, I can't just go giving it out, even if I think it's the right thing to do. I guess there's no point hiding it from you now, although I'd appreciate it if you kept this conversation secret. For what it's worth, your team seem like decent people, and I never meant for them to get harmed. My bosses may forget it sometimes, but we're on the same side here."

"That's all you know?"

"I swear it."

"Don't let it happen again. If there's something I need to know, especially if it endangers life in any way, then tell me. And, yes, I won't tell anyone about this little chat. God knows how I'll explain it away, but I'll think of something."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," he actually looked really relieved, slumping back against the wall, although she couldn't help noticing that his eyes, as they often did, kept dipping down to below her own eyeline. At the moment, she reflected, she was breathing rather heavily, and it probably showed.

"If there's anything I can do to make it up to you," said Curtis, "just let me know."

His gaze dipped down again, and there was no doubt in her mind about what he was really looking at. Fuck it, she thought, why the hell not? Let's make those nurses jealous.

"Actually," she said, "there is."


It was not until much later in the day that she had any chance to put the promise into effect. They had spent much of the day dealing with the fire brigade and cleaning up the mess of the two remaining drones, not to mention hoping that Georgina would wake up and talk to them, which she did not.

The alien entity had evidently gone to ground. With the drones apparently out of the way, they should have had nothing to distract them from their search for it, but that did not make locating it any easier. Helen had he uncomfortable feeling that they were simply chasing round after it, that it remained one step ahead. Even if it tried to take over somebody else, how would they find it? Somewhere, somebody would be having sex, likely in the privacy of their own home. How could anyone possibly work out where that was happening?

And that was even if it was still actively searching for new hosts. As far as they could tell, it had come up here to the outskirts of Manchester, identified an apparently random school cleaner as its most suitable new target, and then gone into hiding somewhere. There was a new police alert out for Raina now, but it probably wouldn't be hard for she and Marcus to stay hidden, at least for today. She had also tasked Brandon and Richard, back in London, with tracking down further information, but they had barely started on the job.

There had to be something special, even some clue that they had overlooked. But so far, it was not at all clear what it might be. The alien's motives, let alone those of the drones following it, remained a mystery.

In the meantime, she was going to give Curtis what she rather suspected he had secretly wanted since they had first met.

They had booked a hotel some distance outside of Macclesfield. It was a much more pleasant place than the cheap overnight hotel that Marcus and Georgina had been staying at, a three-story brick building on the outskirts of a small village, overlooking open fields. The rooms were spacious, with all mod cons, and, if the online reviews were to be believed, the breakfast was excellent. Yet, because it wasn't strictly a luxury hotel and was, in any event, quiet at this time of year, she had been able to secure enough rooms without, she hoped, raising the eyebrows of anyone looking over her expense claims.

"Hey look," said Curtis, still apologising as he followed here into her room, "you're upset, I get that. And I am sorry. Whatever I can do to make it up, name it. Uh... it's not something illegal, right? I do have a country to protect..."

"Britain and the United States are allies, right?" she asked, taking off her jacket, and placing it in the wardrobe.

"Well, yeah, of course, but we've got a lot of intelligence agencies, and I don't have access to everything..."

"Don't worry," she said, turning round, hands on hips, "I'm not going to ask you to betray your country."

He relaxed, visibly, "yeah, gotta respect the flag. So... uh... what is it you want?"

"The same as you, if I'm any judge. We've been working on this case for a few days, right? During which time this alien thing has gotten quite a few randy twenty-somethings laid. Why should they have all the fun? We're adults, and nobody should need to be possessed to have fun." She undid the top few buttons on her shirt; if there was one advantage to having the body-shape she did, it was that she had quite an impressive cleavage. "But, if I've misread the signals, then..."

"You haven't," said Curtis, eyes widening as he got the message.

Helen glanced down to see a bulge beginning to form in his trousers, and stepped towards him. "Then let's see about some real transatlantic cooperation," she said, moving her gaze up to fix her eyes on his.

Almost immediately, they were on each other, the sexual tension of the last few days finally finding its release. She pressed him up against the wall, and, unlike earlier in the day, he did nothing to resist, his hands roving over her upper body, pulling the shirt loose from the band of her skirt. His crotch pressed against her hips, the bulge now quite unmistakable as he own hands reached under his jacket, feeling the shape of his taut muscular body beneath his shirt. Their lips fastened together, separating only briefly as they both began to pant with the rising excitement.

Curtis' hands gripped her buttocks, and slid down over her wide thighs, hitching her skirt up as he did so. She was already grappling with his shirt buttons and squeezing his tight behind as they continued to kiss, the outside world forgotten in their mutual lust. Grabbing onto his tie, now partially loosened, but not entirely undone, she pulled him over in the direction of the bed, still stealing kisses as they went.

She threw herself back onto it, undoing the remaining buttons of her work shirt, lying with legs akimbo, skirt still hitched up, just about revealing the top of her dark stockings. She finished undoing her own shirt, leaning up on her elbows to push her chest forward, allowing Curtis to feast his eyes on how well she filled out her sensible M&S bra. He stood at the side of the bed, directly over her, breathing heavily, and began to undress.

He wasn't exactly a bodybuilder (fortunately, to her mind), but he clearly worked out, with well-developed pecs, a nearly hairless chest and a washboard stomach with a hint of a six-pack. As she continued to watch his every movement, he struggled with his trousers, socks and shoes, and finally pulled his shorts down. Helen's breath caught in her throat.

In fairness, the American was not some near-deformed porn star, but there was no doubt that he had absolutely the largest cock she had ever seen... in the flesh, as it were.

"So there was another secret you were keeping from me," she told him.

He grinned in response and clambered onto the bed, kissing her and helping her pull her arms free from her shirt. Her hands roved over his body, no clothing now separating them, feeling the muscles beneath his skin, the warm smoothness of his back, the firm shape of his tight buttocks. His cock lay against her inner thigh, pressed against the nylon of her stocking.

He fumbled with the clasp of her bra, but she pushed him away, doing it herself. He leaned back on his knees, partially upright, to watch her unhook it, gasping as her ample breasts tumbled free. She watched his expression as he got his first real look at what he had evidently been dreaming of for the last few days. He certainly gave the impression that it had been worth the wait.

"Oh, fuck..." he muttered, and placed his hands on either side of her body, slowly sliding them round and forward to cup the objects of his desire. His eyes were definitely not focussed on her face as he stroked her mounds, at one point gently hefting them, making them bounce slightly. Then he leaned in, pushed her down onto her back, and pressed his face into her, showering kisses over her breasts before hungrily taking one of her outsize brown nipples into his mouth. His hips bucked involuntarily, cock rubbing against her thigh as he devoured first one side and then the other, hands squeezing and moulding her breasts as he did so.

Helen closed her eyes, savouring his obvious enjoyment of what she regarded as her only physical assets. Then, somewhat to her surprise and delight, he moved away, pressing kisses against the curve of her belly, unclipping her skirt, and then pulling back to tug it off. She opened her eyes and pushed herself back onto her elbows, raising her hips as he followed up by pulling down her knickers, exposing her hairy bush.

As she watched, Curtis climbed back off the bed, kneeling on the floor, and spread her thighs, running his hands up their inner surfaces to the top of her stockings. He glanced up briefly at her face, eyes silently questioning, and then looked back down between her legs. God, was he going to...?

"Oh, yes!" she breathed as he ran his tongue along her slit, lips kissing her folds. His tongue darted inside, and she muttered another word of encouragement.

"Talk to me," he said, pulling away for a moment, "I want to hear your voice. Tell me what you want." And then he was back in again.

"I want this," she told him, obliging his request. For all she knew, he found her accent sexy, and was getting off on pleasuring the British boss lady as much as anything else. She saw no reason to disappoint him.

"Yes, that's right," she said, "a little slower... like that... now deeper, and up a little." Damn, he didn't need much instruction, really; he was good at this. She had only had oral sex a couple of times before, and only as a brief prelude to the main act, but Curtis was taking his time, and it had never been quite like this before. "Yes, keep going... don't stop... right there... on my clit... keep doing that... oh, God, yes!"

She raised herself up on one arm, staring down at the American's chiselled features as he continued to please her. She placed her free hand on his head, tousling the sandy hair briefly before pushing him into her, hips moving back in response as he dove deeper, the suckled on her clit.

"Yes! That's it! Fuck... please... Curtis!" her voice involuntarily rose in pitch. "Oh, God, I'm going to cum!"

And, with a sharp exhalation of breath, she did, thighs pressing hard against the American's head, body arching before she fell back onto the blankets and released him, gasping.

He climbed back onto the bed then, wiping his mouth with his hand, her juices visible on his lips. They kissed, and she tasted herself as he did so. Curtis began to adjust himself over her, and she felt the tip of his cock press against her still damp vulva.

"Oh no, you don't," she told him, pushing him away easily, and rolling him onto his back. He looked surprised, confused, but only for the moment it took her to move around and straddle him.

She looked down at him, and ran one hand over his muscular chest while the other stroked his cock against her bush. Yup, he was big all right, she reflected, and no small girth, either. Once he realised what she was doing, Curtis grinned, and reached up to cup her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her erect nipples. He was not only big but also, right now, exceptionally hard.

"Now it's my turn," she told him, mock sternly, finger running over the tip of his circumcised penis.

"Yes, ma'am," he breathed, "whatever you say."

"You're going to do what I say from now on? No more secrets?"

He nodded. She raised herself up, off of him, so that his cock was posed between her thighs. She stroked the base, holding it straight up towards her.

"What do you say?" His hips bucked, pressing his tip against her folds, but she didn't let him go further. She wiggled her body a little, squeezed a breast with her free hand.

"Jesus Christ, Helen! Please just fuck me, will you?"

"That'll do," she replied, and plunged herself down onto his cock, thrusting his full length inside her.

She actually surprised herself with the volume of her cry as she did so. Fuck, that felt even better than she'd thought it would!

The thickness of his cock, more than just the length of it, made it a little awkward to begin with, spreading her lips wide as she straddled him, but soon they managed to build up a rhythm, her riding him as his hips bucked in response. His hands gripped her fat, stockinged thighs, then her round buttocks, before moving up to cup her heavy breasts, now bouncing with her exertions.

"Fuck... fuck..." he kept whispering, eyes wide as her fingers dug into his chest and his own squeezed and tweaked her large nipples.

For her part, she kept talking to him as she rode him, repeatedly driving him hard into her body, only occasionally stopping to catch her breath before starting up again.

"Fuck me hard," she told him, suspecting he would enjoy crudity in what he perceived as a refined, even masterful, English accent, "use that fucking cock! Squeeze my tits! Do you want to suck them?" She pulled free of him for a moment, leaned forward to press her increasingly sweaty mounds into his mouth, letting his tongue desperately lash her before pushing herself down onto his erection again.

"Yes! Yes! Is this what you wanted, Curtis? To fuck me like this? Yes? Because it's so fucking good. Give it to me, make me cum again. You want to make me cum again? Yes, you do, don't you? Well, you're getting there. God, it's good! You want to go faster, harder? Yes? Want to make me cum on your cock?"

"Yes, ma'am..." he gasped.

"Say it!" she said, between her gasps, pounding harder, breasts bouncing against his hands more than ever. She didn't even really know what it was she wanted him to say, just gave him the instruction for the sake of it. "You're going to make me cum. Say it! Just fucking say it! Jesus fucking God...!"

Curtis grunted as her motions reached a peak, his eyes practically bulging out of his head as he looked at her.

"God save the Queen!" he said, and ejaculated, sending Helen over the edge into a second, and even more magnificent orgasm, her ragged cry echoing around the room.


Unaware of all this, Rebecca was pacing her hotel room, the events of the day still buzzing through her mind. There was the undeniable adrenaline rush of the fight with the alien robots, and the worry about what their presence might mean. In all her time working for Room 42, things had never become so directly confrontational before.

And yet, what really kept coming to the forefront of her mind was Kate. What had she felt, with the security officer lying on top of her like that? They had been so close to... well, yes, to kissing. She was straight, of course she was, she had only ever been with men before, and it might not have been quite as good as erotic writers would generally have you believe, but it had been enjoyable enough. It certainly didn't mean that she wanted to try... that.

But, in that moment, none of that had mattered, and something had stirred within her that she thought she had long buried. In her teenage years... well, teenagers were often confused, weren't they? And she had never acted on anything, even if she'd thought about it once or twice. And thinking about it didn't really count, certainly not at that age.

But Kate... Kate... it was her face, and those beautiful blue eyes, that captivated her as much as anything. Those lips were so kissable, and, now that she thought about it, her body was surely well toned and...

Gah. She had to do something to take her mind off things. At first, she tried doing some work on her laptop, but her thoughts kept drifting, and she couldn't concentrate. Right, okay, that wasn't working, so she had to do something else to stop thinking about what might be, something that took her away from work and thoughts of her colleagues altogether.

She pulled up Amazon Prime on the hotel connection, and scrolled through the menu. I need something that isn't too heavy, she thought, something lightweight and fun, so not the Westworld Tv series, or The Martian... okay, Supergirl. Nobody could accuse that of being hard sci-fi.

She was most of the way through the episode before she reached a scene that it was obvious faded to black just before Alex Danvers and Maggie Sawyer had sex.


She switched it off, and stared at the blank screen for a while. What was she going to do now to force herself to get her mind off the subject? She was supposed to be a scientist, not to mention a geek girl extraordinaire. There had to be something else she could come up with. Something to help her stop thinking about what Kate's lips would taste like, how it would feel to... stop it!

She sat there for a while longer. This really wasn't working.

Sod it, she thought eventually, unzipping her jeans and sliding her hand down inside her knickers with a sigh of relief. And then she didn't think about anything but Kate for what seemed like quite a while.