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Cuckold story fulfilling Oscar's fantasies.
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I wrote this story at the request of a real-live Oscar; however the story is one of fiction and only follows his fantasies. I would like to thank FromTheHeath who provided many welcomed suggestions and editorial advice.

Chapter 1 -- Just Lunch

Irene's and Oscar's were at their favorite restaurant for their twelfth anniversary. It was the first time they'd been out in several months since both worked and the demands of raising two daughters didn't leave much time for the two of them to be alone together.

Although the conversation was a little stilted as they struggled to talk about something besides their respective jobs or the difficulty of raising two pre-teens, the Tempranillo they shared relaxed and sent warm, intimate feelings washing over both of them. Feeling amorous, and looking Oscar directly in his eyes, Irene casually commented that a coworker had been hitting on her recently.

Oscar was very proud that his wife was vivacious and men often stared at her with looks of obvious desire. She was a petite five-two, had a delicious, tight figure, and could hold her own with women much younger than she. He enjoyed it when other men flirted with her, sometimes brazenly in front of him, or sometimes when he'd just walked away, then as he'd looked back to see the come-on look they had as they tried to strike up a conversation with his wife.

He'd told her several times that she should feel free to flirt right back. "It'll make their day," he'd said, with a wolfish grin on his face. Irene wasn't sure how to feel about this, but she stored the information away, wondering how Oscar would really feel about it in reality. She saw the lust in the eyes of the men who looked her way, and after Oscar mentioned it, she began to secretly touch herself thinking about the idea, and wondering if she would have the nerve to actually do it.

"Who's the guy," said Oscar, suddenly interested, and with a grin he added, "It is a guy... right?"

His wife rolled her eyes and shook her head as if she were annoyed. "Yes, it's a guy." Then she added, "And you don't know him. His name is Carlos. He's being groomed for some role in management and he's traveling to all of our offices. I'm supposed to teach him my job and he, well he's an incorrigible flirt."

"Do you mind?" asked her husband, stammering just a touch. "I mean... do you mind that he flirts with you?"

"Not at all," she said, giving him a devilish grin. "He's young, quite handsome and very fit." She looked at her husband, daring him with her smiling eyes. "You're not going to be jealous now, are you?"

"Heaven's no. I certainly don't think a little flirting is a bad thing," he stated a little drunkenly. "You know it makes you more desirable to me when men flirt with you."

"Yes, I know," she said smiling, but with a little shake of her head. Her husband had told her this before and she was beginning to think that he was going through some kind of a mid-life crisis.

Oscar leaned forward with a little glint in his eye and said, "So tell me about this flirtatious suitor of yours," he said.

Irene decided to tease her husband, so she continued. "Well he's about twenty-three, six-two and weighs about one-ninety. And I told you already that he's very good looking. He has piercing green eyes, and let's see, a muscular physique with broad shoulders and a flat stomach, and a very naughty smile on his face. He blushes even when he thinks he's being clever when I look right back at him. He's mentioned that he's been a little lonely when he visits Barcelona and he asked me if I would go out to lunch with him."

Oscar was a little taken-aback by how detailed the description his wife provided of her co-worker. He could almost picture him in his mind. "I suppose he's rich too," he stated.

His wife smiled. "Yes, I image so."

"And what did you say about his lunch date?" asked Oscar with a little too much enthusiasm.

"Well I had lunch with him. What could I say? I felt sorry for him." Her husband nodded for her to continue. "It was just a harmless lunch. I told him all about you and the girls and he told me about his family in Madrid."

"So, you've had just the one lunch date?"

"They weren't dates, just lunches."

"You've had lunch more than once?"

"He's just here for a week every month, so I had lunch with him a couple of times during his trip."

Oscar, hoping for more details, asked, "So how does this young hunk flirt with my strikingly beautiful wife?"

"He just teases me. He hasn't said anything overt or too forward, but he says he likes my outfit, or my hair; he says I have beautiful eyes. He smiles at me, and looks at me in a way that makes me feel desired. He's the owner's nephew so he's hinted that he could help my career. Really... nothing serious."

"Sounds serious to me," thought Carlos to himself. "You do have beautiful eyes my love. Are you going to go out to lunch with him again?"

"He's out of town until next week. I don't know if he'll ask me to lunch or not."

"But if he does, you'll go?"

"Dear, let's talk about something else. This is silly."

For the rest of the evening the two talked mainly about the latest crisis that their girls were experiencing, but Oscar's imagination was running wild. He knew that Irene usually made a lunch for the entire family each day and he decided that he would pay more attention next week to see if she failed to make one for herself.

That evening, after the girls were off to bed, Oscar walked up behind his wife, sitting on the couch. Leaning over he pulled her shoulder length, reddish-brown hair to the side and kissed her on the neck. "Want to go to be early?" he asked hopefully. His imagination was running red hot and he was hoping that they could make love. Now days, the sex was getting less and less frequent. In all honesty, Oscar wasn't particularly well endowed, and he wondered if that was why his wife rarely was interested anymore. He'd purchased several sex aids, hoping that they would increase her enjoyment, but she always poo-poo'd them, telling him that size didn't matter.

Tonight, it being their anniversary, Irene took pity on her husband and said, "Sure honey. Is it alright with you if I use the vibrator you bought me?"

Chapter 2 -- First Monday

The following Monday when Irene dressed for work, Oscar noted that she was wearing one of her nicer summer dresses even though it was still the middle of spring. "You look beautiful," he commented, and indeed, she did. The dress was light blue, sleeveless and ended several inches above her knees, with sheer stockings perfectly accentuating her lithe and shapely legs.

"According to the weather report it's supposed to be warm today. I thought I'd take advantage of it." She added, "I have some time; I'll make lunches today."

Downstairs, Oscar saw his wife making only three lunches but didn't say anything. In fact, Irene pointed out to him that she had made his favorite sandwich. He kissed her on the cheek and commented, "You smell delicious."

"Oh, thank you. I decided to wear the perfume that you bought me for our anniversary."

"I like it," he added as she headed out the door. "Bye love."

"Bye everyone," she replied, looking especially perky as she went out to the car.

Just before lunch time, Oscar told his boss that he wasn't feeling well and left work. Instead of driving home he drove to a spot just down the street from Irene's work, parked and ate his lunch while watching the front door. Shortly he was rewarded as Irene and a tall, handsome young man exited the building. He took her hand and slipped it through the crook of his arm, and she was laughing at something the man said. The young man had broad shoulders, dark curly hair and did indeed look very fit. Irene was smiling; talking cheerfully as they walked down the street.

Oscar quickly got out of the car, fed the meter, and walked after them as they turned the corner. They walked about a block and then sat down at a table out-of-doors and a nearby café. Oscar stopped following them and sat down on a bench in front of a pharmacy where he could watch. He watched while they ate, chatted and smiled at each other. They were clearly enjoying each other's company. When they'd finished eating, they got up and started walking back toward where Oscar was. He quickly went into the store and moved behind a display case and the objects of his surveillance walked by, arm in arm. After a moment he followed, but they went back to their office building to go back to work. "So, they are just having lunch," he thought to himself. But it was obvious that his wife enjoyed the young man's attention.

When Irene got home, she was surprised to see her husband already there. "I thought that I had a bug, so I came home early," he told her. He had prepared dinner for her and the girls and that was a pleasant surprise. During dinner, he watched his wife. She seemed more animated and happy than usual, which he took as a sign that she had enjoyed her day.

Again, the next morning, Irene dressed nicer than usual and didn't make herself a lunch. Oscar wasn't sure that he could come up with enough excuses to tell his boss so that he could keep watching his wife with the young man. For that matter, he wasn't even sure that he should as it was obvious that they'd just had a harmless lunch together. Still he couldn't let it go and then next day, he ate his lunch at his desk he found just what he needed online. He ordered a voice-activated recording device that looked like a pen that he thought that he would be able to easily hide in his wife's purse. He paid extra for a promised next day delivery at his office.

Chapter 3 --First Thursday

The weatherman was predicting rain so Irene decided that she couldn't wear any of the summer dresses that she liked, so she selected a brown cable dress and brown stockings. It had long sleeves and didn't show much skin, but it was still short and would show off her legs nicely.

Carlos had been profuse in his praise for her outfits all week so far and as she slid the stockings over her feet and up her leg, she hoped that he would like the outfit. Despite the chance of rain, she chose brown open-toed high-heeled sandals that went with her outfit.

When she went down for breakfast, she was pleased that her husband was fixing breakfast for the girls before they went off to school. She walked up behind him as he stood at the stove and kissed the back of his ear. He turned, surprised, and said, "You look especially nice."

"Yeah mom, you do," chimed in their youngest daughter.

"You smell good too," said her husband. She just smiled. "Can I make you a lunch?" he asked.

"No thanks," she replied. "I might be going out to lunch."

"Who with," he said innocently. "Is the owner's nephew back in town?"

"Oh, does mom have a new boyfriend?" said their youngest with a giggle.

"Don't be silly," said the older girl. "Mom's married to dad."

Irene saw that her husband was watching her, and she felt herself blush. "Of course I don't have a boyfriend dear," she said to the youngest. "You're sister's right. Your father and I are happily married, aren't we dear?"

Oscar turned around and kissed his wife and then said, "Of course we are," as he snaked his arm around her waist and kissed her again.

Irene kissed him back but was relieved when she was able to make her exit and head to work. Her commute was worse than her husband's and she always left first. But today, traffic was light and she arrived ten minutes earlier than usual. She was one of the first into the office and was surprised when Carlos appeared at her desk. Just the sight of the young man made her heartbeat quicken. He was dressed in an expensive silk suit that would have looked out-of-place on anyone else, but on him it looked splendid.

"Good morning luv," he said.

She looked around and saw they were alone. But still, she blushed and replied, "Good morning Carlos."

"You look especially beautiful today," he said.

"Thank you," she replied. "What brings you down to my office so early?"

"I just wanted to stop by and make sure that we were still on for lunch today."

"Of course; I'm looking forward to it."

After Carlos left, Irene had trouble concentrating on her work. She wondered why such a handsome man, several years her junior, would be so interested in her. She certainly didn't hold it against him; after all it was extremely flattering to be the subject of his attention. One thing that she knew for sure was that she should quit glancing at his crotch, wondering if the bulge in his pants was indicative of his manhood.

When Carlos appeared at her office door at lunchtime, she was almost relieved, but even so, she felt her heart rate increase as he walked in smiling. "Ready luv?" he said.

"Yes, of course," she replied. Gathering her purse, she locked her computer and stood up.

"You dressed sensibly today," he commented as he moved aside so that she could go out the door first. "Since it's probably raining today, I called for a taxi." He added, "If it's alright, I've selected a new restaurant."


That evening Oscar retrieved the recording device and downloaded the audio file to his computer and returned the pen to her purse before going back to his computer. Using headphones, he began listening to his wife's day. He fast forwarded through the morning until he got to her interactions with Carlos.

The only thing that stood out as Oscar listed to his wife and the young man make small talk was the man's obvious confidence in himself. Oscar's ears perked up about halfway through the couples' lunch when Carlos asked Irene how things were at home.

"Oh, it's just the same," said Irene in a monotone. "The girls are always testing their boundaries and Oscar..., well, he's just there." There was a short pause and they she continued, "I just wish..." She didn't finish and Oscar wondered why.

"So, things are pretty humdrum in the marriage bed, are they?"

"Oh Carlos, I don't want to talk about, well you know," she stated, but then continued, "Oscar, he's, well he's not very exciting in bed. I just wish..." There was a long pause. "I just wish he brought more to the table, if you know what I mean."

"More meat on the table?" laughed Carlos.

Irene laughed too. "Yes, something like that."

"There are other options you know," said Carlos. "You know I'm always available if you need, ah, some support, emotional or otherwise."

"Oh Carlos, stop it. Don't' tempt me," she laughed.

"I'm just saying that I don't have some of the limitations like some other lads."

"Limitations? What are you talking about?" and she giggled.

"Are you looking at my crotch?" he said mockingly.

"No, I'm not looking at your crotch, well not right now anyway." After a moments' pause she added, "What's that in your pocket?" Oscar could only assume that she was now looking at the man's crotch.

"I'll show it to you if you'd like."

Oscar could hear his wife struggling to talk, she was laughing so hard. "Okay, let's talk about something else."

"All right, when did your husband last make love to you?"

Irene stopped laughing and felt herself blushing. "Surprisingly, just last week," she finally replied.

"Were you satisfied?"

Oscar heard his wife answer, "Well I used my vibrator." She laughed nervously. "I'm not sure if I've ever been satisfied." And then she paused again. "There was that time I got smashed and got pregnant with Hailey," his wife giggled.

Chapter 4 -- First Friday

Friday morning arrived and Irene, knowing that it was the last day she would see Carlos for a month, decided to wear a tight red dress with sheer black stockings. It was too formal for work, but she was hoping that Carlos would appreciate it and no one else would pay attention. Of course, Oscar noticed when she got downstairs and he gave her a big smile as he looked her up and down. "Big day at the office?" he said.

"There's supposed to be some important customers visiting today and I wanted to look good for them," she fibbed.

"Well, you'll surely knock them dead.'

Despite why she wore the dress, Irene was please that her husband found her attractive. "You don't think that it's too, I don't know, bold for the office?"

"Darling, you look scrumptious. I wouldn't worry about what the others at the office think." "Well, at least I hope one person cares," thought Irene to herself. "Do you need a lunch?" her husband added.

"No, Señor Iglesias might take a bunch of us to lunch. But thank you anyway."


Soon after arriving for work, Carlos walked into her office. "My, my Señora Aguilar, you look good enough to eat."

"Carlos, stop it," she blushed.

Before he could continue, Señor Iglesias, the owner, walked by; saw them and stuck his head into her office. "Good morning Carlos, Señora Aguilar."

"Good morning Señor Iglesias," she said, "Uncle," said Carlos.

"How has your trip been this time," said the owner.

"Wonderful. Señora Aguilar has been most helpful." The owner beamed. "In fact," continued Carlos, "she's been so helpful that I hoped to take her out for an extended thank-you lunch today. Would that be okay uncle?"

Irene saw the look on Iglesias face change to a knowing smile. "Of course, Carlos; take as long as you like. You and Señora Aguilar enjoy yourselves." Irene felt herself blush. She knew that the owner would love to have a tryst with her but was too proper to ever suggest such a thing; but apparently it would be okay for his nephew to enjoy.

Lunchtime was near and Irene grew anxious waiting for Carlos to come and pick her up. Her heart fluttered when he walked into her office.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered. "It looks like it's started to rain again. I should have dressed differently."

"No," he smiled handsomely. "You look wonderful. We'll take a taxi."

She grabbed her purse and, on their way down in the elevator, Carlos kept looking at her with a big smile on his face. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing Irene. I'm just happy to be seen with a beautiful woman on my arm."

"Oh Carlos, what am I going to do with you?" And she smiled back.

"You know that dress really brings out the auburn in your hair," he added. She just smiled, pleased at the compliment.

When the elevator door opened, Carlos took her hand and crooked her arm inside of his. He'd already called a taxi and it was just pulling up as they got to the door. Carlos opened the umbrella he was carrying and escorted her to the back-passenger door. Opening the door, he stood there with the umbrella up as she got in.

As she climbed in her dress rode up on her thighs and she glanced up at Carlos and saw him staring appreciatingly at her legs. She slid over so that he didn't have to go around in traffic to get in but was surprised when he climbed in before she'd moved very far. He 'accidentally' put his hand on her leg, just above her knee and it sent a bolt of electricity up her spine.

"Oh sorry," he said, but as he removed his hand, he let his fingers brush her leg and another shot of electricity went up her spine. "The Mandarin," he told the driver.

She turned and looked at him. "Isn't that your hotel?"

"Yes, they have very good food there."

Irene was still in the middle and was just about to move over to the driver's side when Carlos put his arm around her shoulders and stared out the window like this was normal. She still hadn't adjusted her skirt, which was riding up at mid-thigh and with his arm around her she couldn't move so she just sat there for the relatively short drive to the hotel. He tipped the driver handsomely and held out his hand to help her get out of the cab. Sliding over, her dress slid up even further, but as soon as she was out, she pulled it back into place. Carlos grinned at her as they entered the lobby and he directed her to the elevators.