Irene Reveals More to Husband

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Her nephew brings his sister. Part 3 and 4.
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Author's note: One study, published in 2019, tied better sexual communication with greater sexual satisfaction. "More than 50% of women reported they had wanted to communicate with a partner regarding sex but decided not to; the most common reasons were:-

not wanting to hurt a partner's feelings, not feeling comfortable going into detail, and embarrassment.''

But the survey results also showed that ''those who did share their fantasies with their partners reported having the most satisfying sex lives''.

This story is about one couple who unconventionally used communication to increase their sexual pleasures. Their story began in 'Irene Reveals all to Husband, Parts 1 and 2.'

The story continues:-


Oscar thought about the last two months. The sex with his wife had never been better with Irene wanting it as much as Oscar. However, despite feeling happy there was a concern about tomorrow, a situation which, Oscar felt, might upset the relationship with his wife and he began to think of what might happen next.

He looked at Irene, asleep, her wavy reddish-brown hair partly covered her face, her full breasts on display. She used to be very shy about sex, not wanting to talk about it, reluctant to try out new positions. She had changed. Last night they had watched their homemade porn movie. It was erotic today as it was when it was made two months ago. And yet, he was worried that Irene might soon feel different towards Oscar because her lover, Matias, was coming back tomorrow from his home in the Caribbean.

Oscar reflected on when young Matias had first arrived and changed their lives for the good. His parents in the Caribbean wanted their son to attend university in Europe. As Oscar and Irene were uncle and aunt to Matias, and they lived in the city where the university was located, it naturally fell on Oscar and his wife to look after their nephew.

Irene and Matias had become lovers but instead of Irene attempting to keep it a secret from Oscar, she had told her husband. The detail of their meetings as told to Oscar had had a revival effect on the husband and wife sex lives. Instead of Oscar rejecting his wife, their sexual relationship was rekindled.

Then Matias returned to his home during the university summer break which left Oscar and Irene enjoying each other for the last two months while their nephew was away. With Matias returning and flying in the next day, Oscar guessed that Irene would want to regularly see her lover again except for one important fact. Matias was bringing his younger sister and this was bound to have an impact on everybody.

The following morning, on their way by car to the airport, Oscar asked Irene, ''Have you any idea what she's like?''

''I haven't seen her for years. My sister said that Alma had just left school and wanted to travel. The plan,'' said Irene, ''is for Alma to live with Matias until she moves on to other parts of Europe. Apparently, brother and sister get on well together.''

''How will this affect your relationship with Matias?'' Oscar's question was a sign of the communication that Irene and Oscar had achieved, an openness about sex with no secrets.

''It's over between Matias and me because my nephew is bringing his sister and they want to share an apartment together. Whatever I did with my lover must remain confidential because it was incest and must not happen again. If Alma finds out she'll tell her parents which will be a disaster.'' Irene sounded tearful. ''I can't bear the thought of my sister finding out that her son and I made love all the time AND we made a video of us!''

''With my help.'' Oscar didn't quite believe he'd taken part in the film.

They parked the car at the airport and waited at Arrivals. Matias came through first wheeling his bag. Now age 19, he seemed to have matured slightly, more confident, more handsome. His dark eyes and hair which touched his collar and his tanned skin still made him look like a beach boy surfer. Oscar felt a bolt of adrenaline by just looking at him as the memories flooded back. Irene looked flushed and nervous.

Twenty yards behind came Alma. His niece reminded Oscar of the singer Ariana Grande but without the long flowing ponytail. Alma had espresso-coloured eyes and her straight hair hung either side of her face to her boobs. Her lips were full and the point of her tongue occasionally licked her lower lip.

The journey back into the city was full of excited chatter while Oscar remained quieter as he drove the car. The apartment that Irene had secured for her nephew and niece was where they drove to and, once inside the apartment, Irene stayed with the others to help them settle in and to take them to the local supermarket. Oscar soon left the others and he walked back home which was only 15 minutes away.

Several hours later, having had a family supper, Irene took Matias and Alma for a stroll along the promenade while Oscar looked after the children. Eventually, Oscar and Irene were alone in bed and able to talk privately.

He said, ''Matias still has that playful manner of his like a boy but innocently charming. He has smouldering eyes for you though.''

''He's a naughty boy. Did you notice his hand touch me from time to time? Mind you he was careful to make sure nobody was looking. But on the promenade this evening he hugged me several times saying how happy he was to be back.''

''What did Alma say?'' Oscar found Alma a softer personality compared to her brother, more calm but observant.

''Oh, she laughs a lot in a girly way. She held my hand sometimes like a child and mother. I don't think Alma has any idea that Matias was more than my nephew.''

''How old is Alma?''

''18 last week.''

Oscar did the maths. ''Your sister had her children in quick succession. You can sense our nephew and niece love each other's company. Do you think Matias wants to carry on being your lover?''

Irene lay on her back and whispered to the ceiling, ''When Alma was dipping her feet in the sea Matias had his hand on my bottom and asked if his seed had made me pregnant. I refused to tell him.''


''Because when he knows I'm not pregnant he'll want to try again.''

For some strange reason, Oscar felt disappointed. ''I can't blame Matias for wanting you. You are a sexy woman with curves in the right places and gorgeous legs. Besides, it was as a result of your lover that our sex life took off.''

''It's impossible, darling husband, to contemplate such things when we have Alma to think about.''

''If Alma were not here, would you consider having Matias again?''

''It's not possible so it's not worth planning.'' Under the sheet, Irene put her hand out to touch Oscar's thigh. ''And I don't want to upset you. I don't want to change what we have because I love you.''

''Thank you. I think it's okay to love two men especially as it brings a new dynamic into our own love-making.''

''Alma will find out. She'll tell my sister, her parents. The whole family will know that I fucked my nephew and I'll get the blame.''

As Oscar held his wife's hand he said, ''If we can persuade Alma to keep a secret, would you like to rekindle your relationship with Matias?''

Irene turned her head to look at her husband. She intertwined her fingers with his and moved their clasp over to her stomach. By inching down to between her legs, Oscar let Irene press their fingers against her pussy. Her legs widened. ''All this talk, Oscar, makes me want to masturbate.'' After a minute, Irene had become wet. Their joint fingers were slippery. She said, ''Let's do ourselves and be voyeurs.''

As they pulled back the covers they turned to watch each other. Oscar used both his hands to stroke his shaved cock and balls and he said, ''I've also seen Matias's cock and I know it's larger than mine, longer, his girth bigger, his balls heavier. Are you imagining him inside you?''

''Yes.'' She smiled at her husband. ''It's not possible to have the real thing again and must remain my fantasy.''

''But would you like him to fuck you again?'' Oscar used his thumb to spread precum over his cock head, his small gland.

''Alma won't keep it a secret so what's the use in thinking about it?''

''I'll talk to Alma. If she agrees to keep silent, will you want Matias? What would you like him to do to you?''

Irene had two fingers inside her which made a squishing sound. ''I want him to take me from behind, deep inside me.'' She sounded breathless. ''Can you try persuading Alma?''

''I can do it.'' He sounded confident but wasn't at all sure what to say to his niece.

''Oh fuck. I want him,'' said Irene. She used the cup of her hand to rub her clit. ''I'm near to coming. Are you?''

''Think of how deep Matias can go. Remember all those days when he had to get you used to his size.'' Oscar was on the verge. ''I'm ready.''

His wife groaned, ''Together now.''

They watched each other come, Oscar shot his juice into his spare hand and rubbed his bare groin with it. Irene blinked to make her eyes stay open and the faint noise of pussy liquid slapped against her.

Two days later was a Saturday. Each of their properties was within walking distance of the seafront so they met the others there on the sand. Towels were spread before they all, including the little children, went into the sea. There was much splashing and playing but there were several moments when Irene and Matias were separated from the group and alone.

Oscar also had time with his niece. She was like a child, having fun and full of energy as she dived into oncoming waves and played with the children. Although she was reserved and a little shy, Alma didn't seem to be aware of her body or the bikini which only just stayed in position. The small hips gave Alma a boyish look and her breasts looked not fully grown yet. The white bikini top she wore gave a clear outline of her prominent strong nipples which, Oscar noticed, were more conspicuous and protruded more than Irene's nipples. Several times she flung her arms around Oscar before disappearing into the waves like a fish. Handstands in the water were a part of her liveliness.

Eventually, everyone was out of the water and ready for a drink. The beach bar was only 50 yards away and the children went into the play area where they met school friends. This left the four adults to lean against the bar which was the same bar and same barman as two months ago when they often came here with Matias.

It was Oscar's suggestion to have himself and Matias sit on barstools and have the girls sit on their laps. Oscar noticed Irene's hesitation but Oscar put his arm around Alma and she sat on his lap. Oscar remembered how it was two months ago when he and Matias often shared Irene at this bar during their many visits here and the resulting sex afterwards.

''Come on Mummy,'' said Matias, ''sit on me.'' He helped her up.

Irene slapped his knee. ''Enough of this mummy thing. I'm your aunt.''

Alma giggled at Matias. ''Where did that come from?'' She swivelled her body on Oscar's knee to look at Oscar. ''I could call you Uncle which makes you sound old or I may call you Daddy which gives me a squeegee feeling.'' She laughed.

''What does squeegee mean?'' asked Oscar and his question was repeated by Irene.

''It means,'' said Alma, ''a warm feeling leading to whatever you desire.'' She had emphasised the word 'desire' by saying it slowly in a lower voice. Her eyelids fluttered like a butterfly.

Oscar's stomach flipped. And flipped again as his wife asked Matias if he wanted to squeegee her. They all laughed loudly as well as the barman who'd heard everything. Oscar reckoned that the barman knew everything anyway from their last visits which made Oscar laugh even more.

After a snack lunch reclining on the beach, Alma stood up and said she wanted to stroll along the water's edge to the far end. ''Anyone coming with me?''

Oscar got up and without looking back they walked together along the surf. They took off their flip-flops and took their time to amble along the wet sand and retreating waves. It still remained a mystery to Oscar how he was going to open a discussion regarding Irene and Matias to persuade Alma to keep it a secret. They talked of other things.

After a while, they came to an area where there was an outcrop of rocks into the sea. Alma jumped from rock to rock to explore but Oscar preferred to dive into the sea and swim. When he came back out he found his niece sitting in shallow water and holding her foot. She had slipped and scraped the inside ankle on a sharp rock.

He said, ''Let me get you to sit on a dry boulder before I have a look.''

It wasn't a bad cut although Oscar took his time. He didn't ask Alma to sit like she did, one leg straight out and the cut leg hitched at a right angle inwards so that the sole of her foot touched her other knee. The half crossed-leg position meant that her injury was easily viewed but also her pussy-covered area. Sitting next to her outstretched good leg, Oscar had difficulty concentrating on cleaning the cut with seawater. ''Does that hurt?''

''A little,'' she said as Alma moved her stretched good leg wider. Did Alma know that the white fabric of her bikini bottom was wet and stuck to the outline of her pussy? The shape and small delicate curves of her pussy lips were unmistakable. He pulled his eyes away. She leaned over, nearer to Oscar. ''I should have stayed with you and swum with you. Will you make me do that next time, Daddy?'' Her tongue stroked her lower lip as it often did.

After a few seconds, he smiled, ''Best not to call me that in front of my children.''

''But you don't mind with me in private? Matias won't mind. Will Mummy be upset?''

He caressed around her cut. ''I need to talk with you about my wife and your brother.''

Her eyes seemed to have got larger and her mouth opened enough to see her tongue. ''Will I be shocked?''

Oscar spent the next half-an-hour telling Alma. As the conversation continued, Oscar knew he'd be retelling it to his wife tonight and it would form the base for what would happen next between Irene and Matias.

With Alma's foot feeling better, they walked back to the others. It was while Matias was at the bar using clean water on Alma's ankle that Irene and Oscar were alone and sat together on the sand. ''You were away a long time? Did you talk to Alma?'' From Irene's sitting position she kept her eyes on the bar.

''As I suspected, Alma is aware that Matias has a close bond with you. She hasn't said anything to him but Alma recognises there is a relationship between her brother and you but she doesn't know how deep it is.''

''Was Alma upset?'' asked Irene. ''I feel worried that I might offend her. She's so young and may not have come across a situation like this where a boy age 19 has the hots for an older woman.''

''Alma loves her brother of course but she also said how much she finds you, Irene, a lovely person. She's never been able to confide with her mother, to speak about private thoughts or entrust information to her mother. On the other hand, Alma feels she could do such things with you. This is what she thinks Matias is doing with you.''

''Oh, poor girl to be without that daughter-mother closeness. My sister is rather a cold person sometimes. I see now why Matias calls me Mummy.''

''Alma called me Daddy but I told her not to because it'll confuse our children.''

''I agree. Maybe I can explain to Alma how it is with Matias and me. Matias has been touching me often when nobody is looking and I've avoided being alone with him. I must tell him that it's not the same this time with his sister here.''

It was time to leave the beach for a joint supper and Matias walked back holding Alma's hand. Oscar noticed that his niece had eyes on her uncle most of the time. And Matias had eyes on Irene.

Several hours later, after Matias and Alma had left to go to their apartment and with the children in bed asleep, Irene and Oscar lay in bed ready to talk. ''I don't know what to do, Oscar.'' She turned her body to him. ''Matias whispered for me to come over tonight. He said he'd lock his bedroom door so that Alma couldn't surprise us. It's ridiculous. And anyway, I'm a bit of a screamer when I come very strongly.''

''Not often with me,'' said Oscar, ''but I don't mind. A lover like Matias brings out the animal in you!'' Oscar remembered the noise his wife made each time she climaxed when, two months ago, they made the porn movie with Matias.

She chuckled. ''No offence to you, Oscar, and you're the perfect husband but when I'm fucked by my lover-boy there is something special that takes over my body. I can't help it.''

Oscar didn't need to ask because he knew Irene wanted sex now. He climbed on top. As he slowly made love, he whispered, ''You want him badly, don't you?''

''Yes, but no, I mustn't. It's wrong anyway to have sex with my nephew. It's incest. And even worse if my baby niece knows about it.'' Irene moved her hips in sync with her husband and stroked a finger over her clit. ''Have another word with Alma and say 'what if I visited Matias one evening and we went to his bedroom?' Maybe Alma won't mind.''

''That's a tricky conversation for me to have. Alma might be shocked with you alone in her brother's bedroom. Then the noise you make. Matias would need to stuff your knickers in your mouth.''

''The answer,'' groaned Irene as she flicked across her clit, ''is to persuade Alma it's okay.''

''I can do it. I'll win Alma over.'' Oscar had reached the point of no return as the orgasm took over his groin.

''Would you mind if I had my lover again?'' asked Irene.

''It's good for our sex. I'm coming now.'' Oscar jerked and came.

Irene raised her knees and moaned. ''When Matias comes, his cock expands,'' she whispered, ''and I can feel every part of him. I'm coming as I think of him.''

After they parted and regained their breath, Irene wanted assurance that her husband would still agree to allow Matias to fuck her. ''I'm relying on you, Oscar, to help Alma understand, to reassure her. Otherwise, I can't possibly have my lover again.'' She sounded desperate and started to cry. ''Please try your best, Oscar,'' she said tearfully.

Oscar found Alma attractive but he recalled that his wife had told him many times that he was never to have sex with any other woman. Besides, to have any sort of sexual contact with his niece was so taboo and Oscar wouldn't contemplate it.

Three days later, Oscar sat at a cafe during an office lunch break. Matias was involved with something at his university which meant that Alma was free and Oscar had invited her for lunch. She wore black full-length leggings which hugged every part of her body from her ankles to her small hips. Her white long sleeve shirt was too short to tuck into the leggings which left her belly button bare. Eyes turned in the cafe as she kissed Oscar on his cheek.

After a light meal, they strolled into a park and sat in the shade of a tree. The silence lasted 10 seconds. Alma suddenly said, ''Matias wants to see more of Auntie and I think he's frustrated. I wonder whether he wants to invite her around to the apartment while I go and do something else, give him space. I didn't tell Matias I like you and I imagine you as my Daddy but maybe I should tell Matias?'' Her large eyes blinked once before Alma extended her hand to hold Oscar's.

His stomach churned. ''I like you calling me Daddy but only when we're alone. When was your 18th birthday?'' He wanted to make sure he was talking to an adult.

''I'm 18 and two weeks. Why does my brother want to see more of Auntie?'' She ran her thumb over Oscar's forefinger. ''Is Daddy afraid to tell me?''

''You have innocent questions, Alma, but these are adult thoughts, adult ways. And yes, I'm afraid to speak of these things because Matias and my wife want to spend more time together and the situation is complicated.''