Irene's Imprecation

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Irene's brother takes advantage of a curse cast on her.
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Irene backed away from the pastor, who by now was practically frothing at the mouth. She'd always thought that curses were the domain of gypsies, or witch doctors...when she'd asked Father O'Shea for guidance about losing her virginity, she certainly hadn't expected him to reply by putting a curse on her.

"Well, if you're going to become a harlot..." he'd said, standing fiercely and pointing one accusatory finger at her, "...let's see how much of a harlot ye can be!"

With that, he'd started chanting in Latin - she'd backed away, and reached for the door handle. She'd managed to get away, but not before he'd finished.

Irene had only studied Latin for a few years, and she was quite rusty, but she'd been able to make out a few words of Father O'Shea's rant - "whatever they say, you shall become" - something like that.

She was running across the front yard of the church she'd gone to her whole life, when she heard Father O'Shea's voice behind her. Looking up, she saw that he was poking his head out of the window of his office.

"I do wish you wouldn't run on the grass!" he said, and though Irene wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, she found her legs slowing down.

Without any conscious control, the dark-skinned girl moved over to the path. Only when she felt the firm concrete beneath her feet could she start running again, and she did, fleeing the sacred ground as quickly as possible, the mad cackling of her priest following her as she did...

Once Irene got into town, she slowed down, and sighed a breath of relief. A stranger stopped to make sure that she was okay - although his concern was probably inspired, at least in part, by her beauty. Irene stood at just under six feet tall, with long, toned legs and a large chest that she had no aversion to showing off. Sure, she was a church-going girl, but no one ever went to hell for showing a bit of cleavage.

"I'm fine," she said gratefully, turning to face him. He was older than her, in his mid-thirties at least. "I'm just on my way to my boyfriend's house..."

"I wish I was your boyfriend," he said with a chuckle, and Irene's body language instantly changed.

"You are," she purred, taking a step toward him, and putting her hand around his waist. "Thanks so much for taking care of me, sweetie."

Standing on her tip-toes, Irene gave the stranger a kiss. His eyes opened wide in confusion, but he soon returned her kiss.

While her tongue danced with the older man's, Irene wondered what the hell she was doing. She'd never met this man in her life, but here she was, making out with him like he they were dating.

They were dating, she suddenly realized. Even though she had no idea who he was, she couldn't deny the fact that yes, this was the man she was dating.

The curse.

Abruptly breaking off the kiss, Irene stared at the man in shock.

"I've got to go," she said, and began running before he could say a word.

She tried to stick to her original plan, and head to her boyfriend's house, but whenever she tried to remember where he lived, she just got confused, and ended up running around in circles. Her boyfriend was the man from the street, and she had no idea where he lived. Finally, she managed to trick her own brain by heading not to her boyfriend's house, but instead just to "Jem's place".

Irene had been dating Jem for almost a year now, and was the reason that she'd gone to visit the church in the first place. She truly loved him, and though they were both eighteen, she knew that he was the one that she wanted to lose her virginity to. Now, of course, they weren't dating...but if she spent too long thinking about that, her mind tied itself in knots, so instead she just focussed on her predicament.

Jem answered the door with a smile, but when he leaned in for a kiss, Irene recoiled. She couldn't kiss this man, and cheat on her boyfriend...truth be told, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to tell him about the curse. It all sounded silly.

"Irene, what's wrong?" Jem asked, and when she didn't reply, instead just staring at him sadly, he looked concerned, and began to make her a hot chocolate - her favorite.

"I..." she said, sipping on the warm liquid he'd brought her. "I...oh, Jem..."

Jem went to hug her, but when she again recoiled, grimaced impatiently.

"I do wish you'd tell me what's wrong," he said, and so she did. She told him of her visit to Father O'Shea, about the curse, she told him what the man on the street had said...Jem just sat there and listened patiently, but when she'd finished, an evil glint came into his eye.

"So you're saying that if I wish something, it comes true?"

Irene nodded dumbly. She loved Jem...well, she thought she did, but her was all so confusing.

"Okay," Jem said slowly. "I wish that you hated hot chocolate."

He immediately regretted the timing of his wish, as Irene had just taken a large sip - she instinctively spat it out...all over Jem.

"Oh, Jem, I'm so sorry!" she said, putting the mug of vile liquid down. "Oh please, let me wash that out for you!"

"You stupid bitch," he snapped, looking down at the stain on his shirt. "This was my favorite shirt, damn it!"

"Please, let me make it up to you!"

"I will," he said, glaring at her. "I wish that you'd strip off your clothes for me, right now."

Irene's eyes widened as her body stood up and began moving to an unheard tune. She'd never exposed herself to anyone, and she'd never imagined her first time was like this. She'd predicted romance, candle-light, a slow, mutual removal of clothes over the course of the evening...she certainly hadn't thought that Jem would just order that she undress, and watch her as she did.

"Yes," he said, as her midriff came into view. "Nice."

Jem had been driven wild by Irene's body for the entire time that they'd been dating - he thought that he'd been close to finally getting her in the sack, so when she'd told him the reason she was visiting Father O'Shea, it made sense. But the curse? The curse meant he didn't have to keep on doing any of that lovey-dovey shit. He could just see what he wanted...and then take the black bitch as his own.

His erection grew as she removed her bra, revealing two large-but-perky breasts.

"I wish those were bigger," he muttered under his breath, and was amazed as they began to grow before his eyes.

Irene, too, was shocked at the sight of her own rapidly-expanding breasts. They only grew a cup-size or two, and her heart sank as she realized that she was going to have to buy a whole new set of bras...

As if that's my main worry, she thought to herself, remembering her situation as she slid her panties down, exposing her hairy pussy to Jem.

"I wish that you were shaved," he said, and the two teenagers stared as her pubic hair fell off into a small pile onto the floor.

"Oh boy," Jem said with a grin, "I'm going to enjoy with yourself."

Irene just stared at him in shock, the boy that she'd fallen in love had immediately been replaced by a sex-hungry man with no regard for her.

"Whoops." Jem quickly realized his mistake. "I wish that you'd play with yourself...and blow me while you do so."

One of Irene's hands immediately dove between her legs as she fell to her knees in front of her...ex? She tried to distract herself by ruminating on the nature of their relationship, but just got hit by a wave of guilt as she realized that as well as being forced into sexual acts by someone she'd once loved...she was cheating on her boyfriend at the same time.

Her fingers played against her freshly-shaven pussy-lips, enjoying the different sensation, while Jem unbuckled his pants and pulled out his erection. She didn't hesitate and tried not to think about what she was doing as her mouth opened, and his rock-hard cock began forcing its way into her mouth.

Before they could continue, however, Jem's phone rang.

"Shit," he said, his eyes flicking toward the naked girl kneeling in front of him, and his home phone, ringing like crazy. He'd been waiting all day for the call - his brother was bringing around his old car for Jem to buy. A smile crept over his face as he realized that with complete control over Irene, there was no hurry - he could talk to his brother, and she'd still be waiting, naked and ready for him.

"I wish that you'd stay here," he said. "I wish that you wouldn't put your clothes back on, and I wish that you wouldn't call anyone for fact, I wish that you wouldn't even talk to anyone. And I wish that the longer you're away from me, the more turned on you get. I want you standing a pool of your own juices by the time I return..."

Irene just glared at him as he put his pants back on and ran into the adjacent room. She could hear him talking and laughing with his brother, and - just as he'd wished - she couldn't move at all.

Her phone began to ring, and while at first she just glared at it, when she realized that Jem's wishes hadn't prohibited her from answering, her face lit up with hope.

It was her mother, and though she couldn't speak, she could clearly hear what her mother was saying on the other end of the line.

"Hello? Hello? Irene, it's your mother...Irene? I hope you haven't sat on your phone or anything like that..."

Irene considered trying to tap something out in morse code, but when she tried, realized that the "no speaking" rule applied even to code. Just as she was about to give up, her mother said the magic words.

"I do wish you'd answer, Irene..."

"Mom!" she said excitedly, then lowered her voice when she realized that Jem was only one room over. "Mom, it's me!"

"Where are you, darling?"

"I'm...I'm at Jem's.'t you wish I'd come home?"

"Well, yes," her mother replied. "I'm going out, and I don't know if your brother has taken his keys. He's not answering - they're underneath the frog in the front yard. Can you come home and let him in?"

Close, but Irene's feet were still rooted to the spot.

"I wish I could..." she said hopefully, and was rewarded by her mother's response.

"I wish you could too," Irene's mother said, and before she could say another word, Irene interrupted.

"Okay!! I'll come home now! I love you, Mom!"

She hung up, and froze for a second. She thought that Jem's phone conversation had ended, but after a pause, heard his laugh once more. Bending down to pick up her clothes, a hot flush ran over her body when she found herself unable to touch them...

Her mother had negated two commands - not talking to anyone and staying put, but Jem's wish that she wouldn't get redressed was still in full effect.


The next forty minutes were, without a doubt, the most tense and humiliating of Irene's life. She managed to escape out Jem's front door without him noticing, and ran down the street without looking behind her, completely nude. At first she managed to stick to the suburban areas - the only people who caught sight of her were a few old folk, but as she got closer to home, she found herself in more and more populated areas.

By luck, no one wished for anything, but she still had to endure the catcalls of dozens of shocked people. A few boys from her school saw her, and though they drove alongside her for a few blocks, they didn't stumble upon the right phrasing, just managing to humiliate her with their words.

What's more, the longer she was away from Jem, the more turned on she got, until when she finally got home, she was literally dripping. The key was exactly where her mother had said it would be, and as soon as she got inside, Irene threw herself onto the floor of her house's front hallway, and began to furiously pleasure herself.

She came and came and came - she'd masturbated before, late at night, feeling guilty under the covers, but never like soon as she climaxed, she took a short breather, and then began again. Nothing helped - no matter how many times she got off, the burning need that she felt didn't subside, and it was in this position that her brother found her an hour later when he returned home.

"Irene!" he said in shock, opening the door to find his sister's freshly-shaved cunt pointing straight at him, her hand frantically rubbing her clit, her larger-than-he-remembered boobs bouncing up and down, and her eyes staring at him pleadingly. "What the hell?"

She didn't reply, just kept on playing with herself urgently, and when Toby tried to stand her up, she shook him off.

"I wish you'd talk to me," he ordered, and no sooner were the words out of his mouth than she did.

"Please, Toby..." she said. "I need to be fucked..."

For a second, Toby just stared at her, wondering if this was some kind of prank, but he took in the sight before him, he realized that she was serious. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, it only took him a few seconds to strip off and plunge his cock into his sister's soaking pussy.

"Oh, fuck..." he cried, and as Toby took his sister's virginity, she moaned and screamed his name, over and over. It didn't take long for the sibling pair to cum, but even after Toby had filled her up, Irene still needed more.

"Again," she said, and when he didn't respond, grabbed her brother's cock and began pumping it, quickly taking it into her mouth to get it hard.

She never stopped playing with herself, and as her brother's cock plumped up inside her mouth, Irene heard him mumble, "I wish I knew what was going on..."

As soon as he was hard, Irene removed his member from her mouth, and lined it up with her wet slit once more.

While her brother ploughed into her for the second time, she explained what had happened, in moans and gasps. The priest's office, the man on the street, Jem's betrayal...

"So hang on," Toby said, pausing for a second and enjoying the sight of Irene squirming underneath him. "You mean that Jem came back and found nothing but a pile of clothes..."

"And pubes," Irene said with a grunt as she reached up and forcibly pulled her brother back into her.

"And pubes," Toby acknowledged. "But surely as soon as he found you gone, he'd come straight over here..."

"Mmmm," Irene said, as her body shook with yet another orgasm. "Probably..."

"This is serious, Irene," Toby replied, his mind spinning. "We need to concentrate...I wish that you weren't so turned on."

In an instant, Irene's arousal faded, and she stared in horror at Toby.

"Oh my god..." she blasphemed. "Toby...what have we just done?"

Pulling his pants on and checking to make sure the door was locked, he threw a command back over his shoulder - "I wish you found incest hot."

Irene's revulsion didn't fade, but was matched by an intense arousal. She'd just done the most perverted, sick thing she could ever do...and she'd loved it. She was't as turned on as she had been a few minutes ago, but the knowledge of what had just transpired caused her arousal to simmer under the surface.

After Toby had scouted all the doors and windows, he sat down with Irene.

"Okay," he said. "Here's the plan. Firstly, I wish that you wouldn't obey anyone's wishes but mine."

"Will that work?" she asked, her mind filling with sick and erotic orders that her brother could give her.

"I dunno, but for now it's all we've got. I wish you could put your clothes back on, and I wish...what else did Jem tell you? I wish you could call for help when you need it. Oh, and I wish that you couldn't tell anyone else about my wishes."

There was a long pause, and Irene volunteered a question.

"Should I get dressed?"

"Not yet," Toby said, a wicked grin upon his face. "An opportunity like this doesn't come by often, so I plan on taking full advantage of it. I wish that you found me to be the sexiest person you've ever met. I wish that you'd obey my every command, even when they're not wishing. I wish that you were constantly horny, and that I was your only release. And I wish that you got turned on by anything I want...including my complete control over your body and mind."

"Toby," Irene said, shivering and shuddering as her brother's wishes came into effect. "What are you doing?"

"Oh come on, Irene...I've wanted you since your boobs grew in. And that ass...if we had time, I'd fuck it right now, but Jem will be here soon. You should probably get dressed."

As Irene went upstairs and put some clothes on - influenced by her brother's words that she found incest sexy, she couldn't resist putting on a much sluttier outfit than she'd normally wear - she wondered if all guys were like Jem and her brother, just waiting for an excuse to take control of a woman as soon as they found one helpless enough. She'd never even suspected her brother to have any interest in her, but he'd clearly been thinking about her in a taboo light for quite some time.

Once she was dressed, she looked out the window and saw Jem walking toward the house. Her eyes opened wide in panic, but then she noticed another figure behind him...Father O'Shea.

"Come outside, child," he ordered, his voice as loud as thunder, and even though he didn't phrase it as a wish, she decided to obey nonetheless.

By the time she got outside, she saw Father O'Shea deep in conversation with Jem. She stood to the side and waited patiently, and when they were done, the priest turned to her.

"Your boy here has explained exactly what he did...can I assume that you've been taught your lesson, lassie?"

She nodded mutely, looking at her feet, aware of the priests' disapproving eyes upon her body.

"Good," he said. "Now, other than this worm of a man, did anyone else wish?"

"Just a man on the street," she answered, her brother's order preventing her from a full disclosure. "And my Mom told me to come home..."

"So that's how...-" Jem started, before being interrupted.

"Very well," Father O'Shea said, and with a wave of his hand and a few muttered words, Irene felt her breasts shrink slightly. "I've removed the curse, young lady, and reversed all those wishes. You're free...and I hope you've learned something from all this."

"I sure have, Father," she said, and without hesitation, kicked Jem in the balls. "That is for taking advantage of me..."

As Jem buckled over in pain, Father O'Shea laughed, and Irene headed back inside, glad that everything was over and done with.

"Now," she said to her brother, getting down on her knees and pulling his hard cock out once more, "I believe we were halfway through something..."

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RyanrahlRyanrahlalmost 4 years ago
Great Start

Excellent set up but as it is, its mostly set up. You could do a lot with this if you continued it. 5/5.

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