Iron Rose Ch. 03


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Toby opened his eyes slowly and he was welcomed by a really sharp headache that pounded him like something he couldn't explain. It was so painful that he couldn't help but scream out in pain. His entire body was reacting too. It was as if something really sharp was cutting him piece by piece and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Ah..." He screamed at the top of his voice.

He looked around and he was in a confined room without any windows. From the information that he had gathered, he was in a basement and the people that had brought him there didn't care.

His clothes were torn... his entire body was swollen from all the beatings that he'd gotten from the stupid scary henchman of Miguel. He was bloody and the wound that Miguel had inflicted on him with his gun had been bleeding and hurting terribly. It was probably infected as he couldn't move his arm without any pain.

He was chained to the wall that was a little bloody as well. His left eye was really swollen that he could barely see and he had a terrible cut just above his right eye. He had been suffering for the last three days that he'd spent there. He was getting weaker and weaker.

"Help!" He cried at the top of his voice. "Please!"

"No one will hear you, stupid man." A really deep manly voice said followed by an evil chuckle.

He moved his eyes to the voice and saw a really handsome, muscular man with his hands in his pocket coming towards him. The man had his short dark hair combed perfectly and he was wearing a dark blue shirt that was perfectly tucked in a blue designer's trouser with brown shoes on his feet.

He had light green eyes and his look scared the shit out of Toby. The man seemed evil, and super rich and though Toby couldn't recognize him, he had seen him somewhere. He was with the henchman that had been beating him with him behind.

"The hunter has become the hunted." The man gave a scared laugh. "Isn't this funny. I have been waiting for this moment my entire life and I now I get to meet the famous Toby."

"Please." Toby was thinking of something. "I will pay you any amount you want. Let me go and I promise..."

"Really?" The man got dangerously close to Toby, smiling brightly while shaking his head.

What he did next scared Toby a lot. He furiously gripped Toby's jaw, applying pressure on it. It hurt like hell and he wanted to scream but all that could be heard were muffled screams and cries with tears following. It was really painful, especially for an old man like him.

"Do I look hungry to you?" He growled, gripping the man's jaw even harder. His nails pierced in the man's skin until he started bleeding there. "I don't need your dirty money. All I need is to cause you pain so that you can suffer for what you did to him. I will make you pay."


No word came out Toby no matter what he did. The man's powerful grip on his jaw was too painful. He couldn't take.

"Maybe I should kill you right now so that I can get you out of your misery."

"Not yet, Brandon!" Miguel's voice sounded throughout the room.

Hearing Miguel's voice, Brandon quickly let go of the man's jaw and turned, wearing the most beautiful smile ever. When he set his eyes on Miguel after what had felt like forever, his heart simply melted. His eyes shone with love and his lust came back in full swing. He couldn't shake off the tingling sensation that was going up and down his spine. It was so sweet that it travelled to his very cock, making it rise slowly in his pants.

Miguel was coming towards him though with a stern look, he was really breathtakingly beautiful. He was wearing a violet shirt that was unbuttoned with a beautiful white vest inside that was tucked in a sexy black skinny jean that totally revealed his sexy body. His red hair was on and that face took Brandon to the parallel universe where he was making love to Miguel in that basement.

"He still hasn't told me anything yet." He moved his eyes to Mark, staring at him. "Has he squealed?"

"Not yet, don..." Mark said with a sigh in his deep manly voice. "He still refuses to talk."

"I won't say anything to you, you bastard." Toby yelled, trying to move his body but ended up wincing. "If you want me to tell you anything, let me go."

"Miguel, let me kill this bastard."

"No!" Miguel gave an evil grin as he got closer to him to the idiot on the wall. "He's gonna tell me himself who the last dragon is. That's all I want from him and then maybe I can make his death a little less painful and quick."

"You won't get anything out of me."

Miguel laughed, getting closer to the man that he hated more than the devil. "Really now?" He chuckled like an evil sorcerer, shaking his head. "We'll see about that."

He furiously got dangerous close, feeling his heart pounding really hard in his chest. He was really angry. Reaching the man, he angrily gripped his shirt and tore it into shreds, throwing it to the floor. Toby looked at Miguel like he'd seen a ghost.

Then wearing an evil smile, he slowly unbuckled his belt, letting his trouser fall to his legs. He was now standing there with a white boxer brief, still staring at Miguel with a look of confusion. He had no idea what Miguel wanted to do.

"Mark!" He held out his hand.

Mark nodded and went to the table where there were torture weapons and brought Miguel a really sharp knife which Miguel held out to him.

"Now..." Miguel slowly moved the knife to Toby's chest, tracing it all the way down to his crotch. "...tell me what I wanna know before I remove this thing." He pressed harder, hearing Toby's breaths changed.

He was now breathing like something terrible was chasing him. He was scared, really scared because after the days he'd spent in that basement, he was bound to be scared of Miguel. He had been tortured so hard and he was weak. But he couldn't give up.

"Even if you kill me, I won't tell you anything."

Miguel chuckled. "You think I am fucking with you?" He smiled evilly.

Then he did something that Toby hadn't expected. He applied pressure on the knife that it pierced part of Toby's dick and he started bleeding instantly.

"Uh..." He cried at the top of his voice. "...please..."

"So you can beg?" Miguel screamed in his face. "Tell what I wanna know."

But all the man did was scream at the top of his voice like a ninny. His face was already wet and he was hyperventilating. By that time, his brief was already bloody and some of the blood was starting to go down his legs. He was trembling so hard, breathing like he was about to die.

Toby had never experienced such pain. "Please!" He screamed, crying like a little baby. "I am bleeding. I need to see a doctor."

Hearing him, Miguel felt really disgusted. He furiously threw the knife on the floor and turned to face Mark who was standing there staring at the idiot without mercy on his face.

"Torture him, do anything you want to him but don't kill him." He ordered. "I want the name of that last idiot. Understand?"

"Yes don!"

He took a glance at Toby, shaking his head furiously. "I am going to give you the worst pain you've ever experienced. You're gonna regret ever crossing my father's path."

He spat angrily and started going away but stopped in his tracks and stood still without moving. His mind took him back to his past, that very night. He started reliving all the moments, all the pains that he had experienced that night.

He felt his body get hot as his temper started rising and pain started slipping through him. He wrapped his arms around himself as he suddenly started feeling cold. He felt like something was crawling up his body, making him feel disgusted.

He took a harsh and furiously turned with an evil grin on his face.

"You're playing with me." He laughed, slowly getting closer to the man. "You're fucking playing with my mind but I am smarter than you think. What do you think? You're gonna get out of here alive?"

But Toby was quiet. He was getting weaker especially since he had lost a lot of blood from the wounds inflicted on him.

Miguel took the gun from the table near him and pointed right at Toby's head, seeing his eyes widen. He knew exactly what Miguel was talking about and he also knew that he was screwed. Miguel wasn't playing with him.

"That night..." He gasped, cocking the gun. "All the men except for Lambert had masks on their faces and I couldn't see them. Maybe I wasn't the only one that didn't see them but all of you motherfuckers too. I remember them saying they needed to protect their identities. They didn't need to protect their identities from me if I was already dead but from all of you."

Toby started breathing harshly, his heart pounding deeper in his chest. He got so scared that he started peeing his pants right there and when Miguel saw it, he simply smiled. Toby was already a dead man.

"Wow Toby..." He chuckled bitterly. "...why are you that scared? You know I am telling the truth."

Toby wanted to speak but he couldn't. He was scared shitless.

"Get out of here!"

The two men Miguel was with didn't need to geniuses to know that he was talking to them. Being in the state that Miguel was in, they knew that they didn't need to fuck with him so they left, leaving him with Toby.

"For so many years I have lived in pain..." He said as tears started forming in his eyes. His pain was coming back. "...I have asked God so many times why my parents had to die when the bastard that murdered them in cold blood was roaming free still plotting my down fall.

Men like you don't deserve to live because you're useless to mankind. You're worse than the devil himself. I only met you once but you destroyed my life that same day, my identity." He yelled, his face now getting wet. "You're thirst for power and money. That's all you know how to do. You don't know how to maintain relationships but to destroy them."

Miguel got the surprise of his life when he heard Toby laughing at the top of his voice. He was laughing so hard, acting like he was strong but deep down he was really scared.

"You know I can see that you're just as stupid as your father." He laughed really hard, getting Miguel angry. "I remember that he tried to act as smart as you but even if you kill me... You'll never be able to get back what you've lost."

Miguel grinned, raising his eyebrow while dropping one of his hands to his hip. "You are dumber than I think, Toby. I have it all planned out. Everything that you've ever stolen including the little that you've had will all be mine and as for your allies..." He chuckled, pointing to Toby's stupid forehead. "They'll regret ever working with you."

He furiously moved the gun, pointing to Toby's shoulder, the same one he had shot the first time and without even thinking about it, he put the trigger, shooting him there.

"Fuck!" Toby cried as pain shot through his system, making his vision blur for a second.

Blood started gushing out from there uncontrollably to the floor.

"You bastard, that hurts."

"You think that's pain?" Miguel cocked the gun again, a tear going down his cheek. "Who knows what pain my father and my poor mother had to go through right before you killed them?"

He pulled the trigger for the second time, shooting Toby on the other shoulder. He cried like the hounds of hell had just bitten him. It was so fucking painful and before he could even realize what had happen, he heard the gun go off once again and a sharp pain went through his entire body making him pee his brief again. Miguel had shot him on the same arm and now he couldn't feel both his hands.

He was screaming, crying but no one came to his aid. "Please!"

His blood was all over the floor.

"You think you're in pain." Miguel screamed as more tears flooded his face. "Try getting raped by four bastards that... that..." He sobbed uncontrollably, his hands shaking like a leaf. He was getting really weak. "...that literally crush your very soul. Try getting that and then surviving. You and your gang have turned me into a monster. You turned into something worse, something that's thirst for revenge. You destroyed my life."

Toby was gasping, quivering and his heart was beating so fast that he thought he was gonna die. He remembered how he had killed Angelo's father and his mother. It hadn't been something that worse. He was really in pain.

"I... I have a son."

"Fuck you!" Miguel pulled the trigger once again, this time shooting him both in the knees severally. The man fell to the floor in his own blood but since he was chained, he couldn't really reach the floor. He also couldn't feel his legs and the pain was slowly blinding him.

His eyes started getting red as veins shot up there. The more he breathed, the more painful it got. He was losing a lot of blood within seconds and he knew he wasn't gonna survive it.

Miguel looked at the dying man and the only thing he felt was anger. "Even death wouldn't be enough for a bastard like you, Toby. You didn't even think twice that my parents were leaving a ten year old son alone.

You didn't even feel remorseful and you still came after me until you almost killed me. But you'll pay for everything..."

"You... You..." He couldn't speak. Something really painful was preventing.

"Hurts doesn't it?" he knelt down, chuckling in the process. "I have waited for a really long time for such a moment and now that it's here, I need to grab it." He got up and cocked the gun, smiling like a villain in a vampire movie. "I want my face to be the last thing that you'll ever see and even in hell you'll remember it and even in your next life, you'll never forget this face." He pointed.

"Say hi to Lambert and your fellow pigs for me."

With those words, he pointed to Toby's chest, pulling the trigger instantly. The gun went off and shot Toby right in the heart. Before a second even went by, he was gone but Miguel just continued shooting furiously, screaming at the top of his voice until he emptied all the bullets into his body. Then he stopped and let go of the gun.

He stared at Toby's body, seeing him lifeless there with bullets holes all over his chest.

"Good riddance!" He screamed.

Then he quickly turned and left the basement. When he got out, he found Brandon outside moving from side to side looking really nervous. He was gripping his hair, saying something that Miguel couldn't hear.

"Don!" Mark rushed to him, standing still.

"Get rid of the body." He commanded, rubbing the sweat from his forehead. "And make sure that the whole place is cleaned thoroughly, the same way we do it."

"On it!" Mark said as he rushed past Miguel into the basement.

Brandon quickly came to Miguel and stared at him, getting worried. He could see Miguel's hands shaking and he knew he wasn't well.

"You shouldn't have done that yourself." He said in his deep manly voice. "You know the relationship you shared with that man. In fact, I don't think you should go back to that house."

"What?" Miguel chuckled, wondering what Brandon meant by what he said. "Are you serious? I can't do that, not when I am this close..." He gestured, shaking his head. " achieving my goal. Just concentrate on what I told you to. You need to help Mark keep an eye on Daniel. I need to know the name of the last dragon soon."

"Yeah, he told me but..."

"Not now, Brandon!" He raised his hand, shaking his head. "I need to rest. I will talk to you later."

He left Brandon standing there while he walked up the stairs weakly and when he reached the room upstairs, he locked it, stripped his entire clothes off and went to take a long shower.

He stood in the shower as the water washed his body...

"You're next Jack..." He said clenching his fists. "Get ready."

He wasn't gonna stop until all of them had paid for what they did.


Jack was moving about in the living room, staring at the clock on the wall like he was expecting something to come out of there. He was really impatient, equally looking towards the entrance to see if his husband was just gonna pop out that door and give him a kiss or something.

He was wearing a dark blue skinny jean and black t-shirt with nothing on his feet. His hair was a mess and he had no makeup on his face. He was breathing harshly and his heart was racing. He didn't know what to do anymore.

His husband had left home the previous evening and he hadn't returned home. Jack had literally stayed up in the living room waiting for him but he hadn't returned. It was almost 9 am and his husband was still not home.

He had called all the friends he knew Gabriel was found with but all of them were just saying that they hadn't set their eyes on him or heard his voice since the party. Now he was extremely worried and somehow upset.

He knew that Gabby had probably slept somewhere and probably cheating on him. He wasn't gonna let it go. He was gonna finish the shit that Gabby had started that same day. He wasn't gonna let it go.

Taking a deep sigh, Jack rubbed his hands through his hair, trying to find any possible ways that he could calm down. But it wasn't working.

"Fuck!" He sighed, diverting his eyes towards the entrance.

That was when he saw him, his husband slowly coming towards the living room. Seeing him, Jack simply lost his cool. His husband was coming towards him with a serious look on his face, walking slowly and looking like he hadn't slept the entire night. His eyes were a bit red and he looked a little pale. His hair was a mess and he had some dirt on his clothes.

"Where are you coming from Gabby?" He snapped, pointing angrily at him. "Where did you sleep? Do you have any fucking idea how worried I was? How dare you leave this house and not come back?" He was screaming his lungs out but the guy was just staring at him.

"Which whore were you fucking?" He glowered, his hands trembling. "Did you feel good? Did he make you feel satisfied?"

But the guy was just standing there without a word, making Jack's temper to rise. He just wasn't angry. It was beyond that. He was filled with a myriad of emotions that he felt like killing someone.

"Do I need to fucking keep you on a leash?" He yelled in the guy's face. "Where the fuck were you?"

Jack expected Gabriel to give him a good answer but what he said to him shook him to his very core.

"Where were you?"

"I went to visit Angelo at his grave!" He barked, giving Jack almost a heart attack.

Jack's heart pounded really deep in his chest, making his vision blur for a second. Then there was a sharp vibration up his spine to his brain that he felt a bit dizzy and took a step back. His eyes widened so wide and by the time he was realizing what his husband had just said to him, his hand was already heading for Gabriel's face.

He smacked him so hard across the face that it left a mark.

Gabriel on the other hand felt a sharp pain on his cheek and he was quick to react. Adrenaline filled him so much that he clenched his fists, trembling like he was left in the cold in winter. His heart started racing as his jaws shook uncontrollably.

With a groan, he furiously raised his fist, directing it towards Jack's face.

"Are you stupid? Are you crazy?"

"Ah..." Jack screamed, shielding his face while he moved a step backwards. He'd never been so scared of his husband before.

He was expecting a hard knock but when he didn't feel anything, he slowly opened one eye and found his husband's fist still in the air. He was scared and his eyes were widening. He covered his mouth in shock. His husband had just attempted to beat him and from that time, he got to realize that his husband was no longer the same. For the past one week, all they'd been doing is argue and argue but now things had gotten worse.

"I will not beat you because my mother taught me better than that." He angrily dropped his fists, staring at Jack like he'd just grown another head. "Now sit down, I want us to talk once and for all."