Is This Your Girl? Ch. 02


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The kiss broke, and the stranger nipped playfully at her neck. She giggled, leaning back against him. The hand at her breasts kneaded at one, turning the giggle into a moan.

"Love these tits..."

She bit her lip, peeking back at him.

The hand landed a slap, making the pale flesh jiggle.

She stayed still as he landed more slaps, taking his time abusing the soft swells. Connor watched her eager allowance with wide eyes.

She just lets him do whatever he wants to her...

"Alright," the stranger drawled after one last slap, "back on your hands and knees."

She let herself fall forward into the doggystyle position.

The stranger took another firm hold of her hips.

The thrusts came hard and fast again, no time given to her to prepare or adjust. She nevertheless did not care, only moaning as the stranger vigorously fucked her.

"Goddamn, you're so wet..."

She answered with another moan, her head hanging meekly.

"Keep your head up, come on..."

"Sorry, Daddy," she murmured breathlessly, forcing her head back up, staring straight into the camera.

That gaze was riveting, pinning Connor to his chair.

"It's okay, baby girl, don't have to apologize. Just keep your head up, let the people see your pretty face."

The thrusts carried steadily on, rocking her, but since the pace was not as strong as it had recently been, she was able to stand against it, staying on her hands and knees, diligently keeping her head up.

"You're going to make me cum again," she whimpered soon, tossing her head at the building pleasure.

"Go ahead, cum for Daddy..."

Connor watched the mindless desire on her face give way to an equally mindless bliss.

The stranger moved swiftly and smoothly again, grabbing her by the forearms and yanking them back, bringing her upper body off the bed. Thanks to her ecstasy, she barely seemed to notice the maneuver right away. The pace continued, the stranger driving his hips against her, her breasts jiggling from the constant force, their perky swath shown off to the camera.

Not-Kayla cooed, finally coming down from the climactic heights, her hands wrapping around his forearms in turn, submitting to her helplessness, trusting in the hold he kept on her.

"Ooh yes, Daddy..."

The stranger tugged on her arms, bringing her further back. She just clutched at his forearms, unbothered by the predicament she was in, her upper half suspended above the bed with only his grip keeping it up. Her head did not droop or hang down, so she stared straight at the camera, communicating her lustfulness with the same look she had worn throughout the video.

Connor swallowed nervously, his cock still trying to swell back to full size but not quite able to muster the strength. Arousal nevertheless swirled through him again.

"Goddamn, I'm about to blow," the stranger grunted.

"Please, do it inside me, give me that load, please!"

A quiver washed over Connor, his mouth falling open in a gasp at her shameless whorishness.

"You want it?"

"Fuck yes, blow your load in my little pussy!"

Another quiver washed over Connor, sweat trickling down his brow, his cock twitching at that plea.

"Here it comes, baby girl, here it comes!"

She kept staring straight into the camera, her face plastered with desperate need.

"Please, Daddy..."

The stranger gave her one last hard thrust, and then the pace stopped as he held himself there.

The desperate need on her face became a drunken, dumb happiness, a dull smile crossing her lips, her eyes fluttering wildly.

"Ooh, yes, fill me up..." she murmured.

Connor groaned quietly, his cock jerking, her wholehearted acceptance of the insemination so wrong but so thrilling.

The stranger kept her in the same position, sighing as he came inside her, his hands tight on her forearms.

"I want every drop," Not-Kayla whined, her eyes fluttering again.

Connor could not stop himself from imagining the scene taking place inside her, the potent spurts firing out, the flood roiling through her channel, the creamy gouts splattering against the tender pink.

This guy's not wearing a condom, he remembered, the obvious detail overlooked until now due to his arousal.

And then a thought hit him, followed by a sinking feeling in his stomach. she on birth control?

A small part of him whispered that this was not Kayla, that this was just some girl who so closely resembled her, so the answer to that question did not matter.

But the rest of him knew by now, had already known in fact, had only been delaying his admittance of the truth.

It's Kayla. It's her. That's my girlfriend letting some guy cum inside her.

The stranger let go of her forearms. She had let go of his already, so she fell forward, purring in utter satisfaction as she slumped down on her stomach. she on birth control?

Since he and Kayla had never had sex, he had never even thought about the question.

Birth control is a sin. Of course, so is having sex before marriage and cheating on your boyfriend...

The stranger slipped off the bed and padded over to the camera.

The shot changed, the camera aimed at Kayla as she relaxed on the bed, her ripe backside in the center of the scene.

"Roll over," the stranger drawled.

She followed his direction, exposing the front of her nakedness, her breasts settling on her chest.

"Spread your legs. Show the people that cream pie."

Her thighs parted. Connor's eyes widened as he saw the trickles burbling forth, the pearly strands sticking to her folds. A few more trickles appeared, oozing from her stretched slit.

"It's a good thing you're on the pill," the stranger commented, "or else you'd be pregnant from all the times I've nutted in you."

Connor swallowed nervously.

She's on the pill. And apparently just letting guys cum inside her.

Another thought surfaced from the depths of his mind.

Are there other guys? Is she like a porn star on the side or something?

Kayla sent a few fingers down to her slit now, collecting some of those leaking strands. The stranger chuckled as she brought those fingers to her mouth and slurped his spent semen off them.

"Mm, delicious..."

Connor felt his cock twitch.

"Did you have a good time?" the stranger asked her.

She nodded emphatically.

"Mm-hmm. I always have a good time with you. Doing it on camera just made it more fun."

"And did I make you feel better?"

She nodded emphatically again.

"Mm-hm! I feel much better!"

"Good. Alright then, say bye to the people."

"Bye!" Kayla chirped, blowing a cheeky kiss to the camera.

The camera swung around, showing the stranger's face.

"Peace," he said, throwing up two fingers.

The screen went black.

Connor closed the tab, and sat back in his chair, his mind racing, a number of questions popping up. His lust quickly receded, replaced by shame, disgust, and curiosity.

After a few more minutes of thinking over those questions, he snatched up his phone.

"Hey man," Isaiah answered his call. "How're you doing?"

"It's her. Kayla. In the video."

Silence was the only answer for a few seconds.

"You watched the rest of it?"

"I did. It's her. I was just denying it yesterday, but it's her."

"Damn, man, I'm really sorry. I was hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me."

"No, you were right."

"So...are you going to bring it up to her?"

Connor sighed.

"I don't know. I have a lot of questions."

"Yeah, I bet."

"Like, she looked like she was dressed for summer. So, it must've happened a little while ago. But is whatever this is still going on? And are there other guys she does this with?"

Another short silence followed.

"There are more videos, man," Isaiah told him solemnly.

Connor felt his cock twitch.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Just scroll down and look at the thumbnails."

"Are they all with that guy?"


Connor narrowed his eyes, suddenly struck with a suspicion.

"Did you watch all of them?"

Isaiah hesitated.

"...yes. Just to see if they were all with her, though."

"Are they?"


"So, it's just the one guy then. And who is he? I didn't recognize him. Did you?"

"No. No idea who he is. I guess I could ask the friend who recommended the website to me."

"What is the website?" Connor asked. "Just some random porn site?"

"It's not random. It's an interracial site for black guys. Black guys with white women, with Hispanic women, with Asian women..."

"Okay...yeah, please ask your friend."

"I will. Although he probably doesn't know the guy. Can't hurt to ask, I guess."

Another silence followed.

"So, how do you feel, man?" Isaiah asked him.

A snarky answer began to bubble up, but he reined it in.

"Not good. Besides that, I'm not sure. It's disgusting, definitely, and she's cheating on me. I don't really know how I feel. I have a lot of questions, though."

"Well, if you want to talk about it, I'm all ears. I feel bad, man, I really do."

"No, Isaiah, you have nothing to feel bad about. Thank you for showing me this. It sucks, yeah, but you did what a good friend should."

"I try," Isaiah said drily.

"Thank you, Isaiah. I mean it."

"You're welcome, man. Look, I have to go, but if you want to talk, just call, or text. Okay?"

"You got it."

"Alright, good night."

Isaiah hung up, and Connor sat back in his chair again.

His phone buzzed with a text.

[Hey, you're not coming to hang out with me?] Kayla asked, a sad face emoji added to the end of the text.

He sighed.

[I hurt my ankle at the gym,] he lied. [On the couch taking it easy.]

[Oh no, babe! Did you take Tylenol? You should ice it too.]

He barked out a short laugh at her concern.

[Yeah, I did both. It's fine, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I just rolled it or something.]

[Okay. It'll be boring without you here, but I can manage.]

[You'll survive,] he texted back, faking snark.


The door opened. Connor glanced over as Kayla padded into the room.

"Hey," she chirped.

"Hey. How was the shift?"

"Oh, it was fine, just boring without you, like I said. How's your ankle?"

"Much better," he said, sitting up from his reclining position to show it to her. "The swelling's gone down a lot."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I was on the treadmill, and I think I just stepped wrong. It rolled or something."

"Well, you should take it easy for the next few days."

"Yeah, that's the plan."

"Oh, I brought you a cookie," she told him, reaching into her backpack, and pulling out a small plastic bag.


He moved his leg so she could flounce down onto the couch.

"You can put your leg up," she told him, gingerly bringing his foot into her lap.

"Oh, cool, thanks."

She turned her attention to the television, but he stared at her for a few more seconds.

Isaiah said there were more videos. Does that mean this is still going on?


Connor knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, it opened.

"Oh hey, Connor," Stacy greeted him. "What's up?"

"Is Kayla here?"

"No. Why, what's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to see if she wanted to go to the gym with me. We haven't gone together in a little while."

"Didn't you just mess up your ankle?"

"Yeah, last night. I'm not going to run or anything. Just do weights."

A sudden thought hit him, a slight addition to his plan.

"Do you know where she is?" he asked her.

A strange look crossed her face for a second.

"Uh...she' the library."

"Oh. She's probably working on her thesis. Eh, I'll go to the gym by myself. Unless you want to come with?"

She scoffed at his joke.

"I'm good."

"Well, it was worth a shot. See you later."

"See you later," she parroted, closing the door as he turned to leave.

Ten minutes later, he was in the library.

His plan was simple: look for Kayla in all her usual haunts, and then call her and see where she said she was. He had realized, when conceiving of the plan, that there were certain times of certain days when he did not know where she was, not because she did not tell him, but because he did not ask, being either in class, at the gym, or busy with something else.

I don't know where she is right now. If she's not where she says she is, she's lying. Of course, that doesn't mean she's with that guy, but it does mean she's hiding something...which is likely that she's with that guy.

The slight addition to his plan had been to ask Stacy for Kayla's whereabouts instead of just setting off on his search.

If Stacy lies to me about where she is, it means she knows about what Kayla's hiding. And maybe Rebecca and Grace know too...

Kayla was not in the lobby, so he entered the library proper, and began his search. He made sure to be thorough, checking every floor, every room he could peek into, every little nook and cranny. By now, he knew her preferred spots, but did not limit himself to them.

His search did not turn her up.

She's nowhere to be seen...time for the next step. I don't even have to look anywhere else. Stacy told me she was here.

He called Kayla.

"Hey, what's up?" she greeted him brightly.

"Where are you?"

"Uh...what do you mean?"

"Stacy said you were at the library."

"Uh...when did she say that?"

"Just now. I stopped by your room. Wanted to see if you wanted to go to the gym with me."

"What about your ankle?"

"I'm going to do weights, not run. I don't need my ankle for that."


"Anyway, where are you? I figured you'd be working on your thesis, so I thought I'd bring you some coffee."

"Oh...uh, I was at the library...but I'm not now. I'm...going to see Professor Morrison. I wanted to chat about my thesis."

"Do you want me to bring the coffee to his office?"

"No, that's okay," she said quickly. "Thank you, though."

"Okay. Guess I'll go to the gym. See you at dinner?"

"You got it."



He hung up, and then set off.

Ten minutes later, he was outside Professor Morrison's office. The door was closed, and the little window shade was down, but he could hear voices inside.

I can't hear them that well. It could be Kayla.

A faint hope had dogged him ever since he had conceived of the plan, a hope that the plan would reveal she was not hiding anything. But the hope was overwhelmed by his grim acceptance of what he had seen in the video.

He took up position down the hall from the office, far enough away that he could pretend to not be staking it out, but close enough that he could see if someone came out.

Luckily, he did not have to wait long.

After five minutes or so of waiting, the door opened.

He sprung to his feet and walked towards it.

The girl who came out was not Kayla.

"Thanks, Professor!" she called over her shoulder, not seeing Connor headed towards her.

He stopped short, pretending to only just notice her.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized. "Should've been paying attention."

"Nah, don't worry about it," he said, peeking into the office as he slipped past her. Kayla. No one except Professor Morrison...

He strode off, his heartbeat racing, anger bubbling up inside him.

She's lying to me.

A voice spoke up, full of hope and faith.

It doesn't mean she's with that guy.

Well, it means she's lying, came a firm voice in rejoinder. About where she is. And she's probably with that guy. Why else would she lie to me?

The first voice did not have an answer.


"What'd he want?"

"He wanted to know where I was. Stacy told him I was at the library, so he was going to bring me coffee."

"That's sweet. Why'd she say that though?"

"I don't know. Maybe she panicked. She's not good under pressure. Doesn't matter though."

Kayla put her phone down next to her, and then leaned forward, taking that cock back into her mouth, purring around the firm flesh.

"Ah yeah, there we go, baby girl..."

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Leroy371Leroy371over 2 years ago

Still like the story. Maybe a bit long "seeing" the movie. Anyway i hope it keeps the slutty way in the following chapters and not turning into a cuckold story, I would appreciate this. There is so much in the storyline. Keep it going.

Being very religious and not having sex with your girlfriend before marriage could cause problems. Fortunately not every relationship have this extreme constellation. So folks out there don´t fear the worst.

I hope the story hold the level. Let´s enjoy it.

octabrainoctabrainover 2 years ago

The story is awesome!

translover021translover021about 3 years ago

Absolutely love this story. It ticks all my Kink boxes. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please finish this thing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

could have been fun , but the forced interracial shite ruined it .

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