Island Discipline Ch. 17


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"Now I want you to move back to the table and lay yourself back on to its top," Mistress A commanded.

Again concentrating fiercely, Kristy managed to rise with more grace than she would have believed possible at the beginning of the session and made her way with small, gliding steps to the table. She slid herself backwards until her torso was completely supported by the table top and lay down, wondering what was now in store for her.

Mistress A pressed a latch at the base of the table and raised the two sturdy lengths of wood that appeared two thirds of the way down, locking them into place when they were upright. She undid another latch and a grooved extension slid out from under the table. She drew it out to full length and again latched it into place. She ordered Kristy to place the heels of her boots into the groove. Kristy had to slide down the table slightly in order to comply. This brought her upper legs parallel to the uprights. Mistress A unhooked the leather strap from between Kristy's boots, then took two wide, leather straps and proceeded to secure the slave's thighs tightly to the uprights. Then, one by one, she lowered each length until Kristy's knees were drawn down & out. Finally, when Kristy's legs were splayed as wide as possible, Mistress A relocked the wooden staves in place. Kristy was in slight discomfort from being stretched so widely but was wise enough to maintain silence. Mistress A unhooked the strap between Kristy's legs leaving her pussy completely exposed to view.

The instructor took the keys that David had given her and one by one unlocked the rings keeping Kristy's pussy lips closed. Kristy stayed completely still, barely breathing as she apprehensively wondered what was to happen next.

"Nice work," Mistress A mused, inspecting the 4 matched pairs of rings that had held Kristy's inner pussy lips tightly closed. "I sense it is the work of Mistress C, am I correct, slave?"

Kristy blushed and murmured "Yes, Mistress."

"Speak up slave," Mistress A demanded.

"Yes Mistress," Kristy replied more loudly.

"I believe this was done as a result of your disobeying your Master and giving yourself an orgasm without either his permission or his presence?" Mistress A continued.

Kristy blushed with shame. "Yes Mistress" she admitted.

"Very well, then my payment is as follows," Mistress A said. "You will play with yourself and I shall watch. You will bend all your attention to bringing yourself close to orgasm but I will dictate when you will cum. If I am not convinced that you are expending your best efforts, I shall whip your pussy and your breasts."

Kristy blushed in embarrassment but knew she had no choice. Tentatively she moved her hand between her legs & lightly started to stroke. She was startled by the rap of the cane against her hand.

"I warn you slave," Mistress A advised, "if you don't act as if you mean it, I will lose patience. If you think I was harsh before, you will see what happens when you anger me!"

Blushing furiously in embarrassment at being forced to masturbate in front of this old woman, Kristy nevertheless bent to her task with diligence. She spread her inner lips & found she was already moist. She used her fingers to lubricate her slit, rubbing them up & down, slipping them inside her pussy before bringing them out & playing with her clit. The piercing in her clitoral hood was making the sensations more intense and even the slight sting from the healing piercings in her pussy lips were adding to the intensity. She started to move her fingers faster, rubbing her clit harder, using her thumb, whilst she started to thrust her fingers into her pussy.

Mistress A had drawn over a chair and placed it directly in front of Kristy. She now sat with a clear view of the action.

Kristy's breath started to come in short pants as she slowly started to rise toward orgasm. Her fingers were now working feverishly & her thumb was rubbing her clit hard & fast. Mistress A could see that Kristy's pussy was dripping and timed her command to perfection.

"Stop!" she commanded.

It took Kristy a moment to absorb the command & reluctantly obey. She was rewarded by the kiss of the cane being brought down on her pubic mound.

"When I say stop, I expect to be obeyed IMMEDIATELY, slave" the old woman demanded.

"Yes Mistress," Kristy replied in a chastened voice. That sharp line of fire across her mound had effectively doused the orgasm that had been building.

"Now, continue," Mistress A ordered.

Once again Kristy found herself stroking her pussy & teasing her clit. The tingling that was the aftermath of the cane's impact on her mound added more intensity and this time Kristy was quicker to reach the point of orgasm.

"Stop!" came the command once more.

Kristy groaned in frustration, but this time stopped immediately.

"Better," was the only comment. Mistress A waited until the flush on Kristy's body died down, then said "Continue!"

She kept this up for an hour. Every time Kristy was on the edge of orgasm, she halted proceedings. Frustration was surging through Kristy and her body was screaming protest at the persistent denial of release.

"Enough!" Mistress A finally said. She stood up & taking care not to touch Kristy's pussy or clit, she locked the rings back together, and refastened the strap, closing off access once again.

Tears of frustration leaked down Kristy's face and she was mentally cursing the old woman in front of her.

The door to the studio swung open and Sue walked into the room & across to where Mistress A stood.

"An intense session, but one that produced excellent results," Sue complimented Mistress A.

The old woman turned and fixed Sue with a stern glare.

"You have been entirely too lenient with this slave!" she accused. "She is lax in her manner and clearly retained nothing from your session with her yesterday! You have obviously let the sight of a pretty face and half-decent body sway you from the discipline required to be a true Mistress! You have a long way to go if this is the best you can achieve. You can be sure I shall be speaking to Master D about this!"

With that, she strode out of the door, her cane marking time with each step. Sue was left fuming in her wake, trembling with shock & indignation, made all the worse by the nagging feeling that the woman was right!

Sue turned her attention to the cause of her embarrassment. Kristy was trembling where she was bound to the table. The last thing she had wanted was to expose her Mistress to any kind of censure but now realised that her personal dislike of old people had caused her to lose concentration and consequently forget the lessons of the previous day, thereby leaving her Mistress vulnerable to criticism!

"I'm so sorry, Mistress!" she said in a trembling voice.

"Did I give you leave to speak, slave?" Sue asked coldly.

Kristy shivered at the ice in her voice and mutely shook her head.

Without saying a further word, she unbuckled the straps surrounding Kristy's thighs and attached a leash to the posture collar. She dragged Kristy off the table and strode towards the door, anger vibrating through every fibre of her body! She paid no heed to the dejected sub who did her best to maintain an elegant glide despite the speed at which she was being pulled along and the excruciating pain shooting through her feet. She managed surprisingly well, much to the interest of David and Mistress A, who had joined him at the monitor.

"Well, well, well," Mistress A murmured. "It seems, nephew, that Your new sub has formed a powerful attachment to Your new Mistress! Look how eager she is to make up for her transgression and to assuage the sting of my censure of her Mistress by demonstrating how much she has now absorbed."

David followed the two women thoughtfully with his eyes. "I think you may be right Aunt Augustine," he mused. "This gives me an idea as to how to proceed with this one's training!"

Augustine looked over fondly at her nephew. "You always were the brightest of my nephews, David," she said. "I still remember how you took the knowledge of my Lifestyle in your stride, never once questioning or censuring my decision! Indeed, I think you have turned into an exemplary Master!"

David smiled at the older woman whose hand rested on his.

"Well, without your guidance and training I might never have found my true path," he replied.

"Oh, I'm quite certain that you would have, young man," she said. "You were already frustrated with your prim & proper life when you came to England to study at Cambridge. I know the student scene there opened your eyes to other possibilities. I just happened to be in a position to direct your, shall we say, particular talents to an area where they would be best utilised!"

The two of them shared a quiet, private moment of companionship. It was true that David had felt confined by his family's ideas of propriety and had relished the freedom he had found when studying law in England. It was from student common room chat that he had first heard about bondage and sadomasochism, and had resolved to find out more on the subject. The next time he had visited his aunt at her country house, he had availed himself of her library and been amazed by the sheer number of books she had on the entire bondage, D/s, M/s scene. He would visit the library in every spare moment until one day, lost in the depths of a book detailing what it called the Lifestyle and outlining the differences between Masters and submissives, he was surprised by the appearance of his aunt standing at his shoulder! Embarrassed, he tried to hide the book he was reading but she only smiled at him and asked if he had found something to interest him. He haltingly tried to explain that when he had heard rumours about the scene from fellow students, he had wanted to find out more.

"Well in that case," his aunt had said dryly, "you had better follow me!"

What had occurred next had totally changed the direction his life would take. She had taken him to a wing of the house that he had never been in before. She had opened one door after another, explaining what each one room was used for, gradually working toward the final room. His eyes had virtually fallen out of his head when the dungeon was revealed to him. His aunt was watching his reactions carefully and what she saw was surprise, yes, but no shock. She carefully introduced him to each item of equipment, explaining what each was used for, from the large frames and tables to the smallest of clamps. David absorbed all the information like a sponge, eyes alight with interest. He surprised his aunt by asking intelligent questions that went further than the mere physical. He wanted to know about the mental aspects of the scene as well.

"For that, I think you need a practical demonstration, boy" his aunt said. "Give me a few days to set something up. I'll call you next weekend to give you the time and place."

And that was the start of David's induction into the D/s Lifestyle. Slowly and carefully, his aunt undertook his training. From the very first gathering that she arranged, it was clear where his tendencies lay. He was always going to be a Master and she saw to it that he received the most thorough education she could give him. Every weekend, except when he had exams, he made the journey from Cambridge down to her country estate and they studied everything from basic scenes through to the most complicated psychological training techniques. David was a natural and when it was time for him to return to the States, his aunt gave him a cheque that took his breath away. When he looked at her, eyes wide in surprise & shock, she smiled at him.

"This money is to help you set up as a Master in your own right," she explained. "This way you won't have to use any of the money your parents give you or explain what you are using it for."

David grinned at her. Truth be told, he had been wondering how he was going to achieve the kind of set-up that his aunt enjoyed. He already knew where he would establish himself. The family owned a mansion in the Florida Keys which they never used, much preferring their spacious dwelling in Georgetown, Washington, enabling David's father to carry out his duties as a Supreme Court judge without the strain of the commute. Indeed, the Washington property was filled with modern conveniences whereas the Florida mansion was dated and old fashioned. The family had refused to sell it, however, as it was their original ancestral home.

With this in mind, on his return to the States, David applied to the best firms in Miami and Boston, and as luck would have it, the best offer had come from Malinson & Partners, an old and extremely well-respected law firm. Indeed, many of the firm's partners had gone on to hold prestigious posts, including judges, state governors and even a senator or two! It also gave David the perfect excuse to ask his parents if he could take over the house in the Keys. They agreed and the rest is history! The sound of the studio door recalled David to the present day. He looked over at his aunt and smiled at her.

"So, Aunt Augustine, what do you truly think of our new acquisition?" he asked.

She took her time to answer, eyes thoughtful.

"I think in the end she will become an outstanding submissive. It's clear you've already done some excellent work. From what you've told me, she's been a hard nut to crack!" She paused, as an idea came to mind. "Have you checked into her background, to see where she came from?" she asked. "Attitudes like hers are usually the result of something in the upbringing".

"That's something I hadn't considered," David mused. "It would certainly explain why she is so brittle & obnoxious around others! I'll get Sue to check into her background!"

"Ah," Augustine said, "about Sue. I'm sorry that I had to speak to her like that, but you know as well as I do, how difficult it can be to train as a Master or Mistress, especially if the person was previously a sub! I agree with you that Sue will make a good Mistress, although perhaps not in the same class as you, but you cannot allow her to identify too much with the slave. It will negatively affect the potential of both of them!"

David's mouth had tightened slightly as his aunt said this, but then his body relaxed as he realised the comments had not been meant as criticism of him but rather as the guidance of one very experienced Mistress to the man who had been her protégé! It was true that Sue was the first Mistress that David was training. He usually specialised in training very high quality subs, and he hadn't realised that the might be a possibility of Sue identifying with Kristy due to her former position! However, now that he was aware of it, he could take steps to rectify the matter & he thought he knew just how to do that!

Turning to his aunt, David said "You are correct, as always, Aunt Augustine. I should have noticed what was happening earlier. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will be taking immediate steps to correct the situation. On another note, are you still willing to spend the rest of the week training Kristy in deportment?"

"Oh yes," was his aunt's immediate reply. "The girl may not know it, but she has a real talent. You know that my specialty is orgasm denial and I was reasonably impressed by the amount of control she showed. Most new slaves feel the kiss of my cane on their pussy as they fail to control their orgasms in my presence. Yours, although she was sorely tested, never once slipped. I expect that by now her body is screaming out for relief!"

"Then might I ask you to join Sue & I for dinner tonight?" David asked.

"I think that would be unwise, nephew" his aunt replied. "I think you and your Mistress-in-training have some serious issues to discuss and my presence would inhibit the necessary candour, especially if one of those subjects is what I suspect! No, I shall take myself down to a small club I know in the area. You may rest assured that I shall be well entertained!"

With her cryptic comment hanging in the air, Mistress A turned & strode briskly from the room, leaving David to wonder just how much his aunt had deciphered in the short time she had been in the mansion!

Back in Kristy's cell, Sue was still shaking with indignation and Kristy was very well aware of how volatile her Mistress was! Without prompting, she sank gracefully to her knees, placed her hands behind her head and silently waited for further instructions.

Caught up in her own thoughts, Sue failed to notice how changed Kristy's attitude had become. She was too busy running the scenes of the last few days through her head! Eventually, after intense scrutiny, she was forced to admit that Mistress A was correct. She had allowed herself to soften towards the slave! Her face went hot as she realised that she had been swayed by the exquisite pleasure that was the result of the slave's talented mouth. When she had been a sub, she had always been extremely grateful when David had allowed her to reach the peak of orgasm, and if another woman had pleasured her it was usually as part of a training exercise for one or both of them so that they could more effectively learn the required techniques to pleasure a Mistress. Somehow she had forgotten that as a Mistress, it was now her absolute right to have a slave/sub service her & give her the pleasure she demanded!

Coming out of her reverie, she noticed the slight tremors running through Kristy's body as she knelt submissively on the cell floor. Although Kristy was in part to blame for the censure Sue had experienced, she now realised that she must shoulder some of the blame and not take it out on Kristy. To that end, she ordered her to stand up & face the wall with her hands placed upon it.

Kristy complied swiftly, and this time Sue did notice the grace with which she accomplished the move. David's aunt did employ very effective training measures, but the proof would be if Kristy could sustain the grace from today onwards. Tomorrow's deportment session promised to be very interesting!

With Kristy obediently standing in the position instructed, Sue removed the posture collar and unlocked the corset, drawing it away from the girl's body. She cried out as this action let the weights on the nipple clamps drop free, causing the clamps to bite deeply into her already swollen nipples. Her skin where the corset had been was hot & sticky, graphic evidence of the rigorous session she had just been put through! Kristy took a deep breath as the constriction of the corset was removed and swayed as the oxygen rushed into her system, the cried out again as this action caused the weights to swing & further tighten the clamps.

Sue ignored her cries and wrapped wide leather cuffs around Kristy's wrists securing them behind her back. She then made Kristy walk across the room to the bed, each step setting the weights swinging, although now that Kristy had finally learned how to glide, their action was not as pronounced as it would have been a mere 2 days ago!

Finally Kristy reached the bed and gracefully sank down upon it, trying hard not to set the weights swinging again. Leaving the clamps in place for the moment, Sue unlaced the ankle boots and drew them off Kristy's feet. She ignored her cries as crippling cramps set in. Earlier, she might have massaged the cramps away, but now resolved to make no further slips, Sue impassively watched Kristy suffer. Kristy doubled over in pain which again caused the weights to swing & drag against the nipple clamps. By now these were so tight that her nipples were turning a deep purple and white hot heat was shooting through them. Sue waited a few moments more then quickly loosened the clamps before ripping them off the swollen nipples. Kristy's eyes rolled up into her head and she would have fainted, overwhelmed by the pain from both her feet & her abused nipples but was prevented from doing so as Sue sharply slapped her face.