Island Love


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"Right young man, when I get you to the apartment tonight you have to learn new ways about sex... okay."

"It means at least fifteen minutes from when you first touch me before you put it in?"

"Oh very well, but what will we do in the meantime?"

"You have no idea of what 'petting' means or what erogenous zones are, do you?"

"Usually I just grab a tit and the babe wants it straight into her. You react like that."

"I've learned to adjust."

"Fifteen minutes? I'd have time to read."

"No you won't. Roman you may be my boss here but when we make love I'm the tutor so that makes me the boss and I'll kick your butt if you become a wayward student, understand?"

"Yes Mrs Adams."

"Oooh, good boy," Paula-Jean purred.

To his astonishment, Roman had four great nights of sex. Returning to the island on Friday afternoon he'd called Clyde who'd met him at 3:40 at the terminal and they went off to the restaurant for dinner, having a few beers before they ate at 7:00.

Clyde said he was sorry they'd missed seeing another the previous weekend but he'd arrived home late on Thursday night after having gone straight on to Sydney from the airport when arriving from the States with Rosella.

"As soon as I stepped into the door she had me on the floor. That woman is killing me mate."

Applying his knowledge from his sex instruction, Roman said, "Keep calm Clyde. She's still acting as if she's on her honeymoon. You set the pace when she returns from Oz and she'll fall into line."

"But what if that's not enough for her. You'll have to fuck her mate although she cried and said you wouldn't touch her."

"Oh come on mate, even I'd have to think twice at doing both mother and daughter."

"Dora is right off you."

"Who says so?" Roman growled.


Roman grinned.

New beers arrived. The first bottle always was finished quickly.

"Mate," Roman said, pushing his sunnies into his hair. "You give it to Rosella as much as you feel comfortable with and then if she's not satisfied she'll go off to her box of toys."

"What toys?"

"Vibrators and dildos, even double ended ones."

"What's the other end for?"

"Oh come along old-timer, you are lost in the ninetieth century."

"You mean twentieth."

"Well okay. The other end is for a girlfriend if she has one, or you or hers."

"Her what? "Holy heck, you don't mean...?"

"Yeah, I do. I have it on good authority that the box will be under her side of the bed, with perhaps a vibrator and butt plug in a drawer beside her side of the bed or if she's getting enough the arsenal will be in the third shoebox down on her side of the wardrobe, which is where most women keep them, knowing men never, never look in shoe boxes."

"Jesus mate, thank for that info. You know I heard Dora and her mother going on about you the night before they went to Sydney. I reckon Dora's hooked on you, not because of your dork but because of your buddy, buddy manner. It's what got to me; you're my youngest pal by almost twenty years. Why do you think that is so?"

"Because you are infatuated by my smile?"

"That's exactly what I mean," Clyde grinned wide enough to show his missing tooth. "There's still a small boy in you and you know how to make a guy laugh. Dora told me it's your remarkable persona."

"But she only wants to get fucked."

"Yeah that too but that's not what she was saying about you. I'm telling you mate, she's already on your leash if that's where you want her."

"I want her to remain free and be her own woman buddy. I'm feeling happy as I usually am with you. I think it's time for whisky chasers."

Roman drove because he was less than a risk at the wheel when they were both drunk.

"You ought to buy my old Toyota 4WD and keep it in our basement when on the island," Clyde said.

"Rosella won't like that."

"Fuck Rosella."

"No thanks mate."

They laughed and Clyde said Rosella wanted him to buy Jeep.

"No mate. Buy Doug Hastings's two-year-old Toyota Land Cruiser. It already has some scratches and a couple of small dents so you won't get nervous when Rosella drives it. Dougie is leaving the island and has managed to sell his house but not the Toyota. I'll come with you and negotiate. He'll probably swear when he sees me and ask you to name your price."

"Good one mate, Rosella's going to hate you over this."

"Clyde I'll keep low for a couple of days and then she'll invited me for a meal. She adores me whispering my greeting, "Hi, great tits."

"Yeah right Roman. We've just passed the entrance to our places."

"Fuck a duck."

Roman attempted to turn on the one lock on the narrow road but the left front wheel went down into the side ditch, too deep for Rosella's front-wheel drive sedan to extricate itself. They waiting ten minutes and a car came along and two burly Maori men who Roman knew helped him lift the front of the vehicle and Clyde gingerly backed it back on to the road.

"Don't let Clyde drive," one of the drunk Maoris said. "He's pissed as a newt."

It was this camaraderie and relaxed life-style where police roadblocks to catch drunken drivers were almost as rare as tails on frogs that continued to endear Roman to island life. He pulled the reluctant Clyde from the driver's seat and they made it home, Clyde saying he better stay with him until the women returned. Roman agreed, deciding to settle into his reduced business hours in Auckland and return each afternoon because Clyde was one of those guys who couldn't cook or even care for him when left alone.

* * *

A babe with a delightful voice suggesting sexual potential called Roman on Monday, saying she was a feature writer on theSunday Herald and would like to do a feature on him.

"Okay Jennifer, what say you come to my apartment tonight. I'll cook you a meal and you can interview me while I cook and over dinner and any time after that."

"B-but Mr Gulliver, you have an unsavoury reputation. I'm a married woman with two children aged forty-two in case you are thinking I'm one of those tight-skirt bimbos."

"Well Jennifer, please yourself. Those are the terms of being interviewed and I guess you and your husband want to become clients?"

"How did you know that?"

"When you first spoke to me there was honey in your voice, suggesting you wanted something from me."

"Well yes, but not what you are suggesting."

"Have you had any extra-marital occasions Jennifer?"

"That is none of your business."

"Well that ends our conversation Jennifer."

Roman waited, unworried about what he was putting the woman through.

"Wait Roman... I've strayed twice."

"Well come and get fucked darling. I'll give you a great interview and will call into your office tomorrow by appointment for my photograph to be taken."

"Ooh Roman. You are a darling. I'll tell Mike I'm required to work a double shift but I'll need to be home by 11:00."

"How long does it take you Jennifer?"

"What, to interview you."


"Ohmigod, aren't you something?"

Roman explained to Paula-Jean he'd decided to commute to the island daily as from next day. He asked her to find an office double the size of their existing office."

"I'll speak to the company managing space in this building."

"But all the offices are the same size."

Paula-Jean said leave it to her.

Two hours later she introduced Roman to Bruce, general manager of the management company.

"Paula-Jean said you want to double the size of your office?"


"And that you'll take me on as a client without paying the establishment fees?"

Roman glanced at Paula-Jean who was looking away, fluffing her hair. "Yeah."

"I'll bring in a crew Wednesday to move you to the lower of our two penthouse floors."

"Can I see Waiheke Island from there?"

"For sure."

Roman scratched the back of his head. "Um rental?"

"Set for four years at twice you're paying now for twice the space... um providing you pull Rosemary and me from the crap we are in over our investments."

"By the end of four years from now?"

"Yeah, we are in for the long haul."

"Good mate that's the key. Draw up the papers and fetch them back for me to sign and we'll have a couple of beers."

When Bruce hurried off Roman grabbed a handful of Paula-Jean's butt and said, "We're on the move babe. Call around and find what office equipment companies are prepared to do great deals for cash. You and I may as well have new work stations and we require seven more."

"Roman, don't you think you should go forward slowly?"

"If I were addicted to doing that I'd never had gotten into your pants?"

Paula-Jean's face took the colour of sunset and when Roman said he was being interviewed that day for theSunday Herald Paula-Jean relaxed and said if he interviewed well desperate people would flock to them.

"Yeah. Isn't that why we are in business?"

"Yes Master."

Roman then called Clyde who sounded disappointed Roman wasn't coming home that


"Listen mate, I want you to book into a restaurant for dinner at 6:00 and have no beers until seated at the table and I want you to go both ways by taxi."

"Aw mate can I go to the restaurant at 4:30 and have a couple of beers?"

"Yes, but promise me no whisky chasers."

"Okay mate, you're the captain."

Roman put down the phone confident Roman would do as instructed and wouldn't attempt to seduce the waitresses and the battle-axe manager because Clyde had accepted he was under orders of the captain.

When the existing tenants of No. 2 penthouse floor with their rent-owing bill vacated, Roman sucked in breath when he saw the size of his new premises and he looked out and felt woozy in the head when he saw his beloved Waiheke in the distance. Paula-Jean said breathlessly "Oh my own office" and bent over the desk, due to be repossessed by the owners, for Roman to have his way with her. He took a great deal longer than she was used to from him, applying the techniques she'd taught him.

"Ohmigod, Roman I want you to fuck me forever," she gasped, releasing over the oak desk. Fortunately the wood was sealed.


"Hi Rosella," Roman said when Clyde and he met the two women off the ferry. Rosella's lips curled when she realized he'd not whispered great tits. Clyde suggested he avoid using that greeting. It appeared to work. Rosella looked to be experiencing angst.

"Hi Dora."

"Hi Roman."

He whispered, "What magnificent tits and I'm so glad to make your casual acquaintance again."

Clyde had told him to greet her like that to suggest a new beginning. Roman thought she now looked rather panicky.

Dora said jerkily, "Casual acquaintance?"

He'd not expected that reaction and Clyde hadn't suggested that uncertainty might happen, so he was on his own.

"Um yes. Our last encounter had left you seething, humiliated and determined to castrate me."

"Castrate? Ohmigod, that's the last thing I'd want. How could you...? She tailed off and then said, "Mother expects I will have gotten over you."

"But with my dick up you and me brushing back your hair and saying what an adorable young woman you are..."


By now Roman's own motor was running. He was in familiar territory and this time he felt she was in the state to accept compliments.

"Yes you are like no other woman I have tasted."

"But you haven't gone down on me as far as I can remember?"

"I mean the taste of your sheer presence darling."

"Oh god," she wailed. "Let's fuck."

Roman looked at the mother who had a hand down the front of Clyde's trousers so they had not interest in the young couple at that point. "I believe we are going to Cable Bay for dinner Dora. Could your pulsating pussy wait until then?"

Dora murmured incomprehensibly.

Two hours later Roman left the restaurant with Dora, Rosella and Clyde. He felt like a stranger, not used to leaving a restaurant or bar feeling decidedly sober. Still if a guy had to made a sacrifice to win and hold his girl that's what a guy had to do. Dora had only had one glass of wine and spent most of the meal looking at him under hooded eyebrows. Rosella had noticed that and made a searing comment, only to be snarled at by Dora, "Butt out mom." Rosella had to push a hand on to Clyde's chest to retain her confidence.

Roman stopped outside his cottage, pulling his carry bag from the tailgate. Dora was at his side saying, "Pass me my two bags; I want to be with you."

"Dora," called her mom, voice quavering.

Her daughter said firmly, "Mom, you are not always right. Clyde has given you a second chance and you're happy. This is my first chance so please, relax and wish me well. I begin painting him tomorrow."

Rosella began sobbing so Dora went to her.

"See you mate," Roman called to Clyde. "Don't let her wear the end off it."

"No show of that mate, I'm horny."

Roman took the three bags to the cottage, leaving Dora to calm her mother.

Dora arrived smiling sweetly. "She's okay."

"Roman snorted, "Bloody temperamental American women."

"I'm a young American woman," Dora said a little icily and relaxed when Roman said well she was different, having had international exposure and had been exposed to him."

She stripped off and said, "Is this the kind of exposure you're meaning?"

Roman gaped, her tits were standing out so proud and she'd completely shaved since he'd last parted her small tufts of blonde hair.

Roman worked on her for twenty-five minutes, kissing behind her ears and stroking the side of her face and licking but not biting her nipples – not yet – just as he'd been tutored. And then, just as Paula-Jean had said would happened, Dora was scratching him, gasping and screaming, "Put it in, put it in!"

Well Roman did what was expected of him, having no wish to disappoint the

writhing hot-hot babe.

It turned out to be an awesome encounter.

Feeling as if his balls had passed through the eye of his dick he panted, "Please marry me."

"Yes, providing you seduce my mother first; I can't bear carrying the weight of not knowing whether you two have done it."

It took Roman a good ten minutes of smooth talking before Dora finally agreed to drop that condition.

Dora was so happy she dripped tears into his eyes and attempted to suck them dry before asking coyly, "Are you ready to go again?

Dora and Roman were married a month later on the island. It was a big wedding, with Rosella taking command and doing a wonderful job of organizing the event and even the sunset cooperated and was the best for ten years, according to a handful of knowledgeable inebriated guests.

When the minister concluding the marriage ceremony earlier at Stefano's winery had said, "You may kiss the bride" As the kiss was concluding Dora had whispered to Roman the very words young brides inevitably say to their new husband, "I think I'm pregnant."


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JPBVJPBVover 9 years ago
former vs. formal

Early on you have a fundamentals error, one is not "formerly" dressed (unless you mean once, in the past), but "formally" dressed, as in wearing a tuxedo.

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxalmost 12 years ago
much better

This yarn is slightly reminiscent of old Crumpy. Good humour and over-stated characters. Damn good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Hey Kiwi

I felt that the "kiwi male" stuff, although typical, was a bit overdone. Also Dora talked more like a snotty Pom than an American. Quite a few typos - "Greenland" off the GS Road? Nah. Maybe you've got autocorrect switched on? Otherwise a really good read. Keep it up.

ddpmanddpmanover 15 years ago
Always dependable

When I saw your name as the author I knew it would be a good read. Your handling of the NZ vs USA attitude was full of good humor. This was very pleasurable reading all the way thru. Thank You for a pleasurable hour of reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

was a great kiwi story even with the few typo's was able to read between the ora bro thanks again for great story......has it got a follow up?

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