Isle of Seduction


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Madison made a slow and instinctive reaction; she closed her eyes and pushed her buttocks backwards into him. James tried to think of baseball statistics, but he could not remember the names of any players.

Despite his efforts, he felt his manhood slowly stirring to life, his trousers quickly tightening; they were not designed to hold what growing in them.

Madison was under a total spell! It was so strong and intense that she would have dropped the golf club if he did not have his hands over hers! As she pushed back, he pushed forward, and a light moan escaped her lips.

He slowly moved his hands away from Madison's, tracing up her arms. He intended to do it to ease her nerves, but it had only multiplied her goosebumps. He then returned his hands to hers, and gripped them tightly.

James could swear that he smelt her passion, that musky odour that women produce when they are ready to make love. He did certainly smell her shampooed hair; it had a fruity essence to it. Her perfume was there as well, faint as it was, and lastly he could detect the odour of sweat. Her skirt and short-sleeved shirt did a lot to keep her from overheating, but it did not make her immune to the sun's effect on her body.

He brought his mouth to her ear and spoke. "Once you line-up the club with the ball, look where you want the ball to go, then swing with the appropriate force."

He stepped back far enough to give her space to swing, and waited.

She regained her senses, took a breath and swung, without a word, or looking at him. The ball flew up and towards its destination.

"You know James, you're a real asshole!" Madison said to him, she seemed very flustered.

"What ever do you mean?" He replied as innocently as possible.

"I think you just dry-humped me to throw my game off!" She said.

"I was helping you improve your game." He said in an innocent tone.

Madison was going to say more, but then closed her mouth. She was silent for a few moments before speaking. "Two can play this game."

James had nothing to say in reply, so she picked up the bag of clubs, and they walked to where his ball had landed.

He suspected that she'd do something to throw him off his shot, but had no idea it would be. He lined up his ball, and swung his club back when he felt it. She had tossed the remainder of her drink at him, splashing him from his neck, and down his back. The coolness of the drink felt good on his skin, and he complete his swing. It was not as good as he had hoped. She did indeed throw him off his game.

"Ha ha, that was a good one!" He said stating the obvious.

"I'm a true competitor, I play to win!" she replied.

"I doubt my ass can take, the punishment you have in mind." He replied, as he continued laughing.

"Well you better play better!" Madison declared walking towards her ball.

When it was her turn to swing, he yelled. "Hey!"

After that the two of them took turns yelling odd things to throw the other one off. Their scores were very close throughout; with each swing they became more daring and brave.

When they reached the ninth hole, and were standing on the green, when James put his hand on the back of his neck, and felt the sticky residue of the drink.

It was his turn to go, and if he got the ball in he'd win, and if he missed, it was quite possible for her to succeed.

"You really don't play fair Madison!" He stated, his sticky hand now on the club.

"I'm in it to win it, which reminds me..." She said as she walked from behind him to a few feet in front.

"Your glass is now empty, what can you do now to distract me?" He asked, looking at her in the eyes.

"Good luck looking at the ball, when you have these staring back at you." Madison teased as she lifted her shirt to reveal a bright red bra.

"Very nice, but you'll have to take it up a notch to throw me off." James replied.

"I've seen your eyes wandering today, you are a boob-man, and I have your kryptonite right here!" She exclaimed grasping the under wire of her brassiere, pulling it out and then up over her breasts.

She had indeed found his kryptonite, he had been staring, and mentally undressing her since he first set eyes on her! Just Madison planned he was thrown off! His jaw opened, and he was suddenly silent.

She was 38DD, and they were perfectly shaped, her nipples were a light shade of brown, and very erect, despite the heat. He was a true blue boob-man; during foreplay he always made a point of going at a woman's breasts right away. He loved suckling on nipples, and shooting cum on breasts.

'Her nipples are the colour of my skin.' He remarked in his head.

"You know, we aren't they only ones here on the course." He said aloud, his voice finally returning to him.

"I'm proud of my assets," She remarked, "and the whole world can admire them!"

James inhaled deeply; he wanted to win more now then before. 'Any woman who would show her tits over a golf game, would certainly go even further.' He thought.

He tapped the ball and it slowly rolled towards the hole. He had played his worst game ever on the course; she had done an amazing job at keeping him off balance.

He kept his eyes fixated upon the ball, forgetting about Madison, and her big, beautiful breasts.


She stood there holding her shirt up, and watched with the knowledge that she had distracted him so much that the game was hers.

She had no plans to insert anything into him, but she did plan to tease him about it. If he won, well, she always paid her debts, but giving a blowjob to a stranger was really pushing her limits.

In the two years she had dated Cory she had never cheated on him, didn't even go and see the Thunder Down Under when they were near Charleston. A growing sense of worry grew in her, what if someone saw her with her shirt up, and her tits out, what if they told Cory?

Her worry moved to dread as the ball went into the hole, with a loud ker-plop noise James leapt into the air screaming at the top of his lungs.

"YES!" he cried, "I won!"

He jumped again into the air, and then fellow on to his knees, and tore off his shirt. Madison then noticed his abs, "He truly is ripped!" She thought.

Seeing him on his knees crying out, it reminded her of lady soccer play who did something similar when she had won. The thought didn't stay in her mind for long; James dropped his shirt and ran over to her, and engulfed her in a massive hug.

She felt his hard muscles pressing against her bare breasts, and his powerful arms wrapping around her. The tightness of his grip around her increased, and she quickly realized what was going to happen next.

"James NO!" she cried, but it was too late. He had lifted her into the air.

She was no size zero, Cory could not have lifted her up, but this man before her did, and did so quite easily. When he pressed against her earlier she almost came, she had men press against her in the past. But none were as large as James, it felt like a... a big cucumber, or maybe a huge banana, it would certainly hurt a great deal if he tried to have sex with her.

"Oh my god!" She thought, "he will expect me to put it in his mouth, my jaw will hurt for a year!"

He wasn't hard this time, but the rubbing and grinding was having an effect, she had brought her legs up and around him. Her feminine parts were pressed against his hard flat stomach. All that stopped her moistened lips from touching him was her panties. They were very damp from the dry humping James was giving her.

Madison steadied herself on him with her hands on his biceps, but moved them to his neck from the jostling he was doing. His face ended up in the sweat filled space between her breasts. When she touched his neck she gasped at how sticky he was there.

Her moans increased in volume, and she could not control herself, she felt her pleasure growing. It was like a runaway train, even if Cory walked out of the jungle, he would have to sit and wait until it was over.

She had reached the point of no return, and screamed at the top of her lungs. She was not one for fake moans to satisfy a partner's ego, but this time she could not help herself.

If anyone could see them, it would seem like quite the sight. James's shirt and ball cap lay on the ground, and Madison had her shirt and bra pulled up. His face buried in her chest and each of hands squeezed an ass cheek tightly.

Her orgasm was incredibly powerful, her body shook in his arms, and her hands and nails dug into his sticky back, and neck.

"Oh fucking Christ!" she said as she came down from her orgasm induce high.

James slowly came to his senses as he lowered her down, helping her to regain her balance on her feet. The two of them began to dress in a wordless silence.

"I won?" James said in a low whisper when he had his shirt back on.

"This was wrong..." Madison said, as a new sense of dread filled her. "I have a boyfriend."

He looked at her, and said, "Yes, you're right..." and then he grinned "but a deal is a deal!"

Madison looked at him in disbelief, and then joined him in laughter; it was all she could do to relieve her tension. She was unsure if what just happened was cheating, but she did know that oral sex was crossing the line.

"James," she began, "just forget about it all. We played a game and had some laughs."

"We sure did!" He said laughing. "I'll collect on the bet later tonight."

Madison couldn't help herself, and once again erupted into laughter. He gathered up the bag of clubs, and they made their way back to the clubhouse.

"Sure," she said, "whatever you say."


At the clubhouse James returned the clubs and balls to Albert and took a couple more drinks. Madison had gone to the bathroom to compose himself, the look he got from his friend once she was gone was priceless.

"Must be nice," Albert said looking at his large silver watch. "I spend my time delaying tee-offs for rich white men, who tip handsomely, while you are banging their wives!"

"Keep it down Albert." He replied, pulling out his wallet to hand him several large denomination bills in US currency. "I always take care of you."

"You high-yellow bastards are all the same!" Albert replied, "next time, why don't you just share the women with me?"

"I can give you several reasons." James said.

"Like what?" Albert questioned.

"One, you prefer black women over white." James said holding up a finger.

"Two, you prefer to get paid and not laid." A second finger went up, and Albert nodded.

"Third, you don't have the patience to listen to women to win them over." Albert stopped nodding.

"Fourth, you got two baby-mamas here, and one in Moose Jaw, you don't need another." Albert began to frown.

"Fifth, and final, you couldn't handle tag-teaming a lady with me! One look at my tool, and you'd turn green with envy!"

At this Albert threw up his hands and yelled. "You caramel coloured, graham-cracker, half-baked Octoroon!"

James burst out laughing, and Albert joined him.


Madison looked in the mirror, she felt ashamed as she tried to fix her hair, she managed to clean the sticky residue from her hands, but it somehow it got into her blonde coloured braids.

She knew she needed a shower, she felt dirty all over! It wasn't from the sweat, and grime of the day. Her shame continued to grow, she has a feeling that she had to do something to alleviate it. Looking in the mirror again, she remember that she still wore her soaking wet panties.

'I'll take them off, throw them out, and have a quick shower while Cory sleeps.' She thought to herself, dreaming up her plan. 'I'll tell James to forget everything, and put it all behind me.'

Madison pulled off her wet panties, before tossing them into the garbage pail. She then smiled to herself for a job well done as she made her way out of the rest room. She saw James laughing with the man from the clubhouse, the one with the giant silver wristwatch, if she had to describe him, she'd say he was the colour of dark chocolate, but he certainly wasn't as sweet. He kept heckling James as they left.

"What did he call you?" She asked, as she accepted a cold drink from James. "Octo-mom? Or was it Octopus?"

"Octoroon?" James replied.

"Yes?" She asked as she stopping under the shade of a palm tree to take a sip from her drink.

"Good-old Albert found a thesaurus a while back, and he loves using the words in it." James said. "Octoroon is Spanish for someone who is one-eighth African, and seven-eighths European."

"Oh?" she mused taking another sip, the cold rum drink tasted good to her.

"Yeah, he's a fool; I'm only half and half." James replied.

Madison had finally worked up enough liquid courage to say what had to be said.

"Listen James, what happened today, can you forget all about it? I have a boyfriend, we've been together for two years now, and I don't want to ruin it, ok?"

There was only a moment of silence, but it seemed to last an eternity, James was taking a huge sip from his drink, and didn't want to rush the moment.

"Our deal is off! So just please promise me that you'll forget it all?" She pleaded.

James had finished his drink, and set it on a nearby table. "Of course, I can do that. I am a gentleman after all, and a good sport."

Madison smiled looking into his eyes.

"Promise me!" she pleaded again.

"I promise." He said. "I won't bother you any more, but please keep in mind; I work sixteen hour days, six days a week."

Her eyes bulged, and her jaw dropped.

"You'll see me often is what I'm saying, so don't think I'm a creeper, or anything like that." He said.

"Ok, that's fine. I understand." She replied.

"Cool, I actually have to get back to work, if you want to talk, I'll be on the grounds trimming the trees." He stated.

Madison felt relieved, she truly believed he'd respect her wishes. She then moved closer to give him a hug, to thank him, but stopped dead in her tracks.

"You need a shower!" she said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I do don't I?" he replied.

"So we're ok?" She said.

"Sure." He said, "Now give me your empty glass; I'm on the clock now."

She handed him the glass, sharing a nervous laugh. She then turned to walk away, stopping for one last glance.

"Oh," he said, "I'm also around if you change your mind and want to pay off your debt."

She continued her laughter; it was full and deep, as she walked away.


James returned his empty glasses back to the clubhouse, and proceeded to have a shower there as well.

Later after he changed into his work clothes, and started trimming the bushes of the resort, he noticed a man in dark shorts and a vest coming towards him.

"Jack Sparrow I presume?" James said, and cracked a quizzical smile.

"I've been called that, and a few other things today, ha ha!" The man chuckled.

"You can call me Charles however." The hairy pirate replied.

James had another look at the man, he had seen Charles first thing in the morning, he was begging for weed right off the bus! He also remembered the lady with him. She was petite, and busty, 'It's a shame I didn't entice her to golf as well.' James thought to himself.

He was almost as tall as James, but where he was muscled, Charles was swarthy in complexion, and lean. His dark shoulder length hair was tussled, and a mess. The goatee he sported was also unkempt. He marked Charles as a general labourer, strong, but not too bright.

"What can I do for you this afternoon Charles?" James asked.

"Were you able to score any weed for me?" Charles said with a sly smirk.

"I'm afraid not Charles, this isn't like Bob Marley's island, marijuana is illegal here." James said, his face now expressionless.

"Right, well can you help a brother out." Charles asked, "I have money."

James stood there for a moment as if he was thinking it over, then returned to his trimming. Charles let out his now common laugh, and marched off in search of plunder elsewhere.


Madison smiled to herself as she walked, everything seemed ok, no one saw them dry humping, and James, who worked at the resort certainly didn't want to loose his job, which would happen if he told on her.

"They aren't allowed to interact with the tourists are they?" Madison thought to herself as she climbed the steps to their room. She quickly forgot her train of thought when she smelled the pile of towels in the hamper nearby her room. The odour was awful, and she hurried away from it quickly.

When she reached the door, she swiped her card quietly, not wanting to awaken Cory. She planned on slipping in the shower silently, then checking on him afterwards.

She opened the door to the room, Cory seemed to be on the phone, speaking loudly, the TV was quite loud as well. He nodded to her, then put his hand over the receiver and said. "Hey babe, this nap really recharged me, I feel great! I'm just fighting with the front desk, we need more towels, I'll be a sec."

Relieved that she didn't have to talk to him for a moment she pointed at the bathroom, and he nodded to her again.

The bathroom spelt like that hamper, it appeared that Cory tried his hardest, but he was definitely no housewife. There was one towel left, a large hand towel.

"It'll do." She thought to herself.

Her shower had done wonders, all her fears and worries seemed to wash away. She also realized that she was so very hungry; based on her watch it was almost dinner. Cory was awake, healthy, and completely unaware of what had happened. In her heart, she hoped to keep it that way!

Madison developed a plan of action while in the shower. The best lie contains a great deal of truth, she'd tell him she went golfing, and if pressed she'd reveal that it was James that helped her. All talk of bets, blowjob, and dry humps would be left out!

After getting dressed in a new set of clothes; a black mini-dress, which was so low cut in the front that she feared that if she took a deep breath, her breasts would spill out. To go with it she wore a matching black push up bra, and thong. She wanted to wow and distract Cory, and get their vacation back on track.

She opened the bathroom door, and she could hear Cory yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Those god-dammed apes!" he yelled, "Dam those filthy monkeys!"

"What's going on Cory?" She said timidly.

Cory walked over to her, the TV blared in the background. "Nothing, it's just those fucking spear chucking monkey's, they think they rule the world!"

In the blink of an eye, Madison snapped, the stresses of the day had built up, and like a dam overflowing with water it all came out. She smacked Cory very harshly on the cheek, turned, grabbed her shoes, and purse, as she left the room.

She may have yelled more to him, but it quickly became a tear filled dash across the resort. She didn't know where she was headed, she just knew she wanted to be rid of Cory.

Madison noticed that people were staring, so she slowed down, and wiped the tears from her eyes. Her breathing was ragged and she tried her best to calm herself. She finally stopped and sat on a nearby bench, pulled out her pocket mirror and began fixing her make-up.

Couples streamed by on their way to dinner, and she did her best to avoid eye contact, that and to appear busy. Eventually she spotted the familiar outlines of Charles and Leanne, she slid over on the bench, and prepared to crawl under it if they came closer.

They however continued past her, unaware of their surroundings, the hand rolled cigarettes they held, along with the strong and distinct odour of weed, told her that they had found what they were seeking.

The sun was setting Madison began to feel the pangs of hunger, she had done a great deal of drinking today, and had precious little food to absorb it. She felt like crying once again, everything had gone wrong, and there was precious little she could do to fix it.