Isolated Property - Bonus Scene 01

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He's not going anywhere, and neither is she.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/09/2023
Created 12/22/2017
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It had been a week.


No more than eight days.

Avery was face down on the kitchen table, arms attached to the far side, one ankle to either leg, his cum dripping out of her. He was whistling some nonsense while he cleaned the dishes from breakfast.

She tried to relax a little, focus on the task at hand. The first few days had been a blur, the assault constant and mind numbing. But she was sure that couldn't have lasted more than three. She counted again. Eight. He hadn't said anything more about being discharged but it was rapidly becoming clear that he wasn't going to leave anytime soon. It had served to snap her out of complacency. There would be no waiting this one out.

Her eyes fixed on his back as he scrubbed the pan, watching the muscles move beneath the large pirate ship on his right shoulder blade. Her eyes traveled down, following the faces and pictures that all flowed into one another and ended in a large serpent just above the swell of his ass. She imagined it coming alive, slithering up his back, over every bulging muscle, and wrapping itself around his neck, a mirror image of the collar on hers. It squeezed and he fell to his knees. She watched as his face turned red and then purple and finally he lay dead on the floor.

"Like what you see, Baby?" He smiled at her over his shoulder. She'd been caught staring at his ass. She didn't respond. He hadn't put the gag back in yet today. Every day she didn't speak she got more time with it off, so she played his game.

He came over, drying his hands on a towel. It was a blue and white design she'd brought from home because she'd loved it. It made her regret that she'd tried to have anything for herself because it was another thing he could take away.

His cool fingers ran along her spine and down into the crack of her ass. She clenched her teeth.

"You can say 'thank you' for your morning fuck." His fingers sawed in and out of her wet hole, his cum spilling out faster with the motion. She tensed but didn't speak. He grabbed her hair in his fist and pulled her head up as far as he could with the collar on. "If you won't I'll find another way to fill your mouth." He brought his sticky fingers to her lips. This time she didn't fight and they slipped in, heavy with the taste of both of them.

She lifted her tongue and cleaned them, trying not to hear his cooed praises.

"What do you say, Avery?"

If she ignored him again the gag went back in. Or worse, the ring.

"Thank you," she whispered.

He released her and rubbed his hands together. "I do believe you're getting the idea, Angel. And for that, I've got a special surprise."

Avery cringed. His surprises were invariably horrible. The last one had involved an elaborate harness, mind numbing vibrators, and suspending her completely above the bed.

There was nothing to do though; the cuffs and collar had not come off once. One gag or another was in place when he wasn't brushing her teeth or feeding her. If the new pattern held, though, he might ease up as she became more complacent.

Harrison disappeared out the back door and she heard him moving things around on the porch. The summer morning was probably still chilly but if he was going to take her outside she'd suffer whatever indignity he was planning. Anything to smell something besides him.

He came back in, locking her wrists behind her and her ankles together. He hauled her up on his shoulder and she wondered how much cooperation it would take for him to let her start walking again. When he put her down she wobbled on her bound feet but she looked out to the lake and took a deep breath. The smell of fog and foliage filled her nose and the lake misted orange in the early morning light.

She didn't look away from the scenery as he rebound her arms in front and to a rope hanging down from above her head, though the amount of slack seemed odd. Perhaps the rocking chair behind her had something to do with that. She fixed her eyes on the quiet woods and allowed the peace of the place to distract her for a moment. She imagined the feel of the thick weeds beneath her feet, the way the leaves would brush her skin as she ran past them. She would plunge into the lake, cold water cleansing her, flowing over her, washing away his touch. And she'd emerge on the other side to keep running forever, laughing as the wind tried to catch her.

He seated himself in the chair and reached to unclip her ankles from one another. She heard him squirt lube onto his hand and soon two fingers were pushing unceremoniously into her ass. She didn't move her feet apart to accommodate him, but she also didn't clench against the intruders.

"I figured this system out myself." He was excited, proud of himself even. "Been dying to see how it'll work."

Avery kept her eyes forward, deep breaths in, trying to focus on anything apart from him as the fresh air kissed her skin, the promise of freedom somewhere deep in those woods. His hands came to her hips and guided her back until his cockhead slipped between her cheeks and pressed rudely against her rear entrance. He would always pause right before he penetrated her, dragging the moment out so she could feel how completely he controlled every interaction, let her suffer the futile desire to make it all untrue right before he ruined that hope, over and over again.

He rocked the chair all the way forward and pulled her down, his cock lodging itself in her ass as she came to sit on his lap. It always hurt, but she adjusted faster now. The nausea was always the same, and somehow her lack of adaptation in that was comforting. He took one leg and hooked it over the padded arm of the chair, clipping it onto the side rail so she couldn't move it. The second followed. Her arms were stretched just to the point of pain and she grit her teeth as her legs were removed as a source of support so she sank even further onto his invading pole.

She tried to breathe, to lose herself in the lake, the trees, the fresh air.

Then he rocked back. The rope dragged on her arms, forcing her to flex and pull herself up as the chair moved away. His cock slipped out an inch or so and then he rocked forward, the cord slackened and she was one more impaled completely.

Avery tipped her head back to look at the restraints she'd barely noticed before. Instead of simply attaching to the roof of the porch, the rope threaded through two pulley wheels, one about a foot behind the other, before it disappeared straight down behind her. He rocked again and she was forced to leverage her weight onto her arms to relieve the strain. Her ass tightened over his cock as she flexed her legs what little she could manage. The rope moved with the chair as though attached. She groaned as she realized how he'd bound her so that she would be forced to fuck herself on his cock while he moved the rocking chair.

"Took me a hot minute to figure this system out." Harrison's hands rubbed softly over her back as he continued rocking, his voice revealing just how excited he was about it. "And damn it looks good to watch you ride me, Avery. I do believe we are onto something."

She didn't respond, though the desire to curse at him was a hard one to swallow. She focused on the motion, chair forward, relax; chair back, flex. The glide of his thick rod in and out faded a bit as she poured her attention into the view before her and the burn of her arms and legs as he rocked.

"I don't know if my grandpa had this in mind when he made this chair, but damn, I think he'd be proud." Harrison rocked faster so she landed harder every time. Avery was too focused on ignoring him to realize immediately what he said. Slowly the words made their way in and she stiffened, then jerked in her bondage, trying to pull herself off for the first time. He hadn't brought this here. The chair had been in the first picture on the listing she'd responded to.

"What?" she gasped, her body tense and struggling against him, making his penetration painful and he continued rocking, dragging her up and down despite the strain, her resistance never enough to make him pause.

"You haven't figured it out yet, Avery? How I found your little hideaway?"

She struggled, grasping the rope at her wrists to pull herself off him but her restrained ankles brought her up short. Then he rocked forward and forced her down with bruising pressure on her hip. He held her there until her muscles relaxed, grinding his cock further into her gut.

"I sold you this place."



Not impossible. She'd been looking into the option of a safe house the last time he'd taken her. She couldn't afford a new computer even though she knew he'd looked through it and it was a bad idea to keep it. She'd swept it for spyware and tried to make sure it was safe but somehow he'd managed it anyway.

"It must have seemed too good to be true, secluded, cheap, fully furnished. Well, almost." He chuckled, no doubt thinking of his pulley system as his new favorite piece of furniture. Or maybe her. He rocked the chair, forcing her up and down on his cock. She shuddered.

Cold, brutal truth poured over her. He had never lost control of her, and she had never been free. He had been there, letting her run when he wanted to, but there was never any question about him catching her when he chose to.

Harrison picked up the pace. His thick penetrating organ felt hot and branding inside her. Some strange mix of emotions took up residence in her chest. Fear, humiliation, the utter destruction of hope.

"I used to stay up here for long stretches with my grandpa."

Back and forth, in and out. She could feel him in her throat.

"He taught me to hunt, live off the land." He chuckled again. "I only sold you a tiny plot from the whole too, I own everything you can see from here and more." His hand came forward, sliding over her thigh to play with her clit as he rocked faster, her arms screaming as she lifted herself up again and again for his pleasure. The lake was forgotten, the landscape only another thread in the web he'd woven for her. She was completely and totally trapped.

He grasped the ring at the back of her collar and fisted her hair in the same hand, jerking her head back as he moved the chair, pulling her up again. His fingers still worked on her clit, dipping into her wet pussy and swirling the lubrication over her pulsing nub.

"I know you think you can run." He growled in her ear. "I see it in your face every time you look at yourself in the mirror, shoring yourself up, promising yourself you'll be free someday." He started lifting his hips as he rocked so he was slamming into her descending body with every forward movement.

"But there is nowhere I won't find you, Avery." The grip on her hair grew painful, the arch in her back and the strain in her limbs too much, and still the throbbing promise of release radiated out from under his busy fingers.

Avery sobbed when she came. It hurt more when she bore down on him, all of her muscles clenching, lifting her off as if in one final attempt to flee. Her ankles kicked against the resistance; the sound of the metal clips clattering on the wooden frame were out of sync with the persistent sound of the chair's runners against the porch. Despair inextricably mixed with the pleasure. He roared, giving up rocking and simply fucked her hard through her orgasm until she felt him pulse inside her.

He kissed her shoulder, the tip of his tongue running over her sweaty skin. He reached up and released her wrists, letting them rest on her spread thighs as he pulled her back flush against his chest. She was limp, the fight gone from her limbs. He moved her arms off to the side but didn't attach them to the chair. His hands stroked down her chest, rolling her nipples to tight points. He rocked them slowly as he played with her, her body pliant and still, her tears silent as they splashed on her chest. The summer air warmed as the sun shone over the landscape and she felt colder.

He tipped her head to the side and licked the salty track. He twisted her neck further, and placed a kiss on her lips for the first time ever. She didn't fight it. He smiled at her devastated face.

"You'll get used to it, Angel." He kept the gentle pace of the rocking chair, holding her against him, the position all innocence after what he'd just done. "Heck, we still have three more years left of that IUD you've got. By the time we need another one you'll be listening to me no matter what."

Somehow the fact that he knew even that dug deeper into her chest. There was nothing she could hide, nothing he didn't know.

All thoughts of running evaporated. In that moment it was clear she would never be safe from him if she took off again. There would be no cleansing dip in the lake, no flight through the trees. Even her plans to get the gun behind the mirror and hold him off as she got into the car, or to slip away the moment his attention wandered were useless.

But he thought the looks to the mirror were for confidence, not the weapon hidden behind it. As his hands cupped her breast, and his cock slid from her ass, Avery realized escape has never been an option. No matter how long it took for him to let her walk on her own, how cooperative she needed to be for him to allow her freedom of movement, if it lasted months or years, she would do it.

And the moment he left her long enough to get that gun, she was going to kill him.


That's what I have for Avery and Harrison for now. Tell me what you think in comments. I'm not averse to writing more episodes if the notion strikes (read: next time an exam makes me want to die) so if anyone has ideas for these two send them my way.

Thanks for reading!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

would have been better if she had got the gun nothing to recommend

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

@ Tess

Honestly I see your comments pop up everywhere and 80% of the time they’re always so VERY negative. Why do you feel like you should decide the genre of the story? Much less parts of the plot? Just because this isn’t your cup of tea doesn’t mean you need to basically bash the authors writing. Your praise is always so backhanded. I understand wanting to leave your opinion and that’s totally valid but this is just straight up whining. So please, if you don’t have something nice to say (or at least somewhat constructive criticism) then don’t say anything at all. :)

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 2 years ago

I feel as though I am reading someone's worst nightmare . Hope it's not yours. All I can see for Avery at the moment is insanity. I don't jump ahead. I have never leapfrogged to the back page. I shall read this through to the end. It's taken you 3.5 years to get through to scene 04 it'll probably take me the weekend.

I should just like to say I admire people in your profession who have worked long and hard to treat people like me who have suffered this accursed disease .

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is without a doubt a mental violation, this is the first part of the story that I tried to read. I didn’t even notice that it say bonus scene. It belongs in Horror, Non Erotic as much as in Non Consent. Hopefully the Reluctance aspect of the genre won’t come into play.

It’s disturbing and large chunks of it reek of realism which in turn makes it utterly sickening, as well as being a disservice to current and former military personnel everywhere, I can’t begin to imagine how this is supposed to be sexy.

In literary terms it appears to be well written and it definitely has an impact on the readers so in that sense it’s a successful piece of writing, that said it’s clearly so I would never enjoy so best of luck with your writing.

Tess (uk)

flufferstheunicornflufferstheunicornover 2 years ago

Avery and Harrison have been my go to masturbation inspiration for years now. I am desperate for some new material featuring the both of them. Anything, really.

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