It Ain't Paranoia if... Pt. 02 Ch. 05


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The whole weekend had been surreal, and it ended with my head still spinning. I slept restlessly, knowing tomorrow was the next day of a very unsettled future.


Our pilot dropped us at Midland, where we caught a small AA jet to DFW, then flew Lufthansa to Frankfort. We changed planes and landed at Budapest 19 hours after we left Texas. It was just after 9 am the next day, and we were unanimously pleased that I sprang for Business Class, because that was a long haul.

Ambrus Kovacs met us at the airport and transported us to our hotel in downtown Budapest in a government van. We were staying in the most expensive hotel downtown, at a mere $114 per room, which more than offset the airfare cost.

This was the first visit to the city for all of us except Clay, who gave us a brief introduction to the history and architecture. Most notably, that Budapest is really two cities, Buda on the west side of the Danube, and Pest on the east.

Ambrus proceeded on a roundabout route to the hotel that amounted to a mini-tour. We saw buildings with roots in the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Renaissance, and every period since, including gothic, neo-gothic, Romanesque and neo-Romanesque. The city is very hilly, has a Castle District, and the views of the Danube and of Pest are breathtaking. Ambrus was an enthusiastic guide, and his knowledge of and love for his hometown was apparent in every word.

We stopped at the 1913 Blu Beke hotel to check in, leave our luggage, and pick up Al Varga. He had been in town for several hours, having left from Baltimore at the same time we left Dallas/Fort Worth. Al was thrilled to meet Ambrus, not only as a negotiator but also someone with whom he could practice his Hungarian. We looked out the windows and let them chat until we got to the restaurant.

To be honest, the only Hungarian food I'd ever heard of was Goulash, which was Gulyás on the menu. Our guides recommended we try a variety of dishes and share the bounty. We agreed, so they ordered Gulyás, Fisherman's Soup (Halászlé), Chicken Paprikash (Csirke Paprikás), Meat Pancakes (Hortobagyi Palacsinta), Stuffed Cabbage Leaves (Töltött Káposzta), Meat Stew (Pörkölt), Sour Cherry Soup (Meggyleves), and Jókai Bean Soup (Jókai Bableves). We passed the overflowing plates and bowls around, took some, and sent them on.

Can't say there were any I didn't like, but I planned to order my own Gulyás and Csirke Paprikás for our next meals.

The wines - a red called Bull's Blood (Bikavér), and a dessert wine called Tokaji - were potent; I couldn't imagine the hangover if you got drunk on either. None of us drank much; after all, the negotiations were well underway, and this was not the time to be less than your best.

We were beat by this time anyway - jet lag and all - so Ambrus took us directly to the hotel.

Charlie had done a cursory electronics sweep of each room while we were putting our luggage away before we went to eat, but he was now conducting a more thorough examination while we sat silently in one room. Clay collected all the keys, then handed each to a different person than the one to which it was registered. We continued sitting in silence until Charlie returned, pointed at me and Ashley, and beckoned us to get our luggage and follow him.

I was now in a two-bedroom suite that included, in addition to the king bed and spacious bath, a small kitchen, a large table, and a desk.

Ashley was in the second bedroom of the suite, which had a door to the hall as well as a door into the suite. When reassignments were completed, Felix was to my left, Charlie was to Ashley's right, Clay and Armando had rooms across the hall from Ashley and Felix, respectively, and Al Varga was directly across from me in a one-bedroom suite.

Even after Charlie finished, he quietly warned us that we needed to be circumspect in conversations because he couldn't guarantee there were no sophisticated snooping devices in the room, or that interested parties weren't listening through windows.

Clay asked if there were rooms within the hotel I intended to use in planning, negotiations, or developing responses. Rather than try to secure a conference room, we decided to use my suite. Charlie and Felix went over it inch by inch, and then installed a 'white noise' device we could engage to protect conversations.

My ass was really dragging by then, and we had a late-morning meeting with the Ministry of National Development (MND) and the body that issues licenses for mineral exploration and development, under the jurisdiction of the MND. The Office for Geology and Mining (Magyar Bányászati és Földtani Hivatal), or MBFH would actually issue our licenses, and I was pleased they would be present from the start of face-to-face negotiations.

So far, things had gone swimmingly, but face-to-face mattered in Hungary as much as anywhere I'd been, and it matters everywhere. This way would we could establish solid working relationships with the policy makers as well as the policy implementers upon whom we would ultimately relay.

Ashley stuck her head in and called, "Good night!" just as I walked from the bathroom to the bed, making me happy I had decided to wear sleeping shorts. Not that I'm ashamed of what I've got, but she didn't seem to plan to catch me in the nude, so doing it would embarrass us both.

Or, maybe she was; the sheer nightgown she had on didn't hide her assets well, and she lingered just inside my room. She caught my surprise and watched my hunger blooming as she stood there a few seconds too long. My shorts started getting tight in front; she giggled and disappeared back into her room.

She had worn comfortable traveling clothes - tailored pants and a sweater - on the plane and to supper, and she sat behind me on the flight, so this was our first "encounter" in the past 26 hours. It seemed innocent enough - just a roommate saying good night. Her standing there in that nightgown, tho... I couldn't shake the memory until I dealt with the result manually.

It was the first time I'd cum with anyone but Kaitlyn on my mind in more than a year.


The hotel had a coffee shop that served breakfast, so we gathered there at eight-thirty. I was still a bit groggy and the others looked no better, but there's nothing like slurping a couple of cups of Turkish Coffee to ensure one becomes awake and alert. I was still wired when we left for the office of the ministry, which is near the remarkable and historic Hungarian Parliament Building on the Pest bank of the Danube.

The deputy minister of the MoND and one of the top officials at the MBFH greeted us courteously. Perhaps it would be more accurate that say that we were greeted courteously, while Ashley, in her fitted business suit and 4" heels, was fawned upon.

However, they quickly learned that Ashley was neither a shrinking violet nor a pretty face tagging along as arm candy.

The two-hour meeting was extremely productive, due at least in part to Al's bloodlines and local connections, and in part to Ashley's charm, intellect, and ability to steer a discussion headed for impasse toward workable solutions. My reputation as a trustworthy negotiator who brokers agreements that benefit both or all parties helped, but I attribute the success of the meeting to the contributions by Ashley and Al.

Not once during the two hours did Ashley use her physical assets to distract or to entice a negotiator to our way of thinking. That's not to say they - we - weren't distracted by her from time to time, but it was never due to her flaunting herself. To do so would have cheapened our presentation, earned her the wrong kind of business reputation, and most likely resulted in propositions for an after-hours meeting.

Instead the meeting ended with her having gained the respect of all parties. Yes, every one of us would have liked to proposition her, because she is that gorgeous and compelling, but that's who she is, not a result of suggestive actions or innuendos.

We parted with only two remaining sticking points. Al was silent until we reached the relative safety my room at the hotel assured. He then predicted that COG would be willing to give a little on both points if it meant they could get the projects underway more quickly.

I encouraged him to sell them on the fact that the money to be made would remain in the ground until we got the documents and the licenses signed. I likened it to arguing with a landowner who is holding out for $100 more per acre on his lease, when the first oil sale would cover the difference many times over.

He made his calls from the table while Ash and I huddled in the living area and went over the concessions we had made and received to see if we missed anything important. Even upon close examination it all looked good, so we considered our options for the rest of the afternoon and the evening meal.

Al returned during a discussion about whether there was time for the Buda Castle tour. He interrupted to suggest we take the evening river tour, which includes 'drinks and a gourmet meal'. That way we wouldn't be rushed, we would get us a peek at the historic sites along the river, and a preview of the longer ground tour, for which we should reserve a full day.

That sounded good, so he called his uncle for reservations; it seems the river tour is a family enterprise so we scored last minute tickets. We teased him about the family connection, but he swore we would love it.

He then smilingly changed the topic by reporting that COG was willing to concede the points if they could get resolution and signatures this week. That was the news we wanted: it looked like nothing of import was standing in our way!

Based on Al's suggestion, we dressed casually for the boat ride. Ashley's jeans weren't painted on but they left no questions about her shapely legs or bottom, or her flat belly. Her button-up shirt had only one button open, but the glimpses that offered made mouths water. Still, it isn't just her incredible body; there's something about the way she moves, the way she looks at you with those azure blue eyes behind those thick lashes, and, strangely, her obvious confidence and intelligence.

I didn't have high expectations, given the family connection, but the tour was much better than Al claimed. The historic buildings crowding the riverbank kept you walking from port to starboard to take it all in, the food was truly excellent, and we discovered Dreher Bak, a full-bodied dark Hungarian beer. We learned that most Hungarians drink a pale lager, and those we tried were okay. I just prefer more kick, and Dreher Bak certainly provided that.

Al had a jolly group sitting behind him in the van on the way home, except for Clay and Felix, who were on duty and cold sober.

Ashley again told stood in the connecting doorway to tell me good night. The lavender 'baby doll' nighty in which she posed was both naughty and nice; she looked like the world's hottest, longest-legged teenager! Which caused another incidence of self-flagellation. And even then she wandered around in my mixed up dreams of Kaitlyn, our children, and battles on land and in the air over the Davis Mountains.


Al sent the revised offer to the deputy minister the next morning; he sent word that he would review the changes with his superiors and get back to us tomorrow. With no obligations for the day, we decided to take the Buda Castle Tour and then visit the Castle Quarter.

Without turning this into a travelogue, Buda Castle, whose first buildings were raised in 1265 AD, served as the home of Hungarian kings. It sits on the southern edge of Castle Hill, and is surrounded by the Castle Quarter, famous for medieval, Baroque, and Neoclassical houses, public buildings, monuments, and churches, and it is a mecca for tourists. After our guided tour of the castle and Al's excited guidance through the Quarter, we all understood why.

If you've never been there, look it up; old in the US means 1700s - in ancient Buda that's modern.

The forecast high had been 55, and the weather was pleasant but chilly. The men wore jeans or khakis with sweaters or a light jacket, while Ashley had opted for a cable knit V-neck black sweater over black tights with black athletic shoes. Her attire, gleaming-black hair, and lean, graceful body earned her the nickname 'black panther' from Clay, which translated into a new Jumano moniker of 'Pantera Negra' or simply 'Pantera'. Appending the sleek feline to the sleek woman was highly appropriate, in my opinion.

She seemed blissfully unaware, but there were few men that didn't at least look when she passed by. She ignored the looks, chatted, took pictures, laughed at jokes, made jokes, teased, was respectful of the amazing sights, and generally acted as 'just one of the boys'. Even though I was captivated by the history, art, and architecture around me, I couldn't keep my eyes off her for more than a few minutes at a time - she was that enticing!

We malingered so much at the bars in the Quarter that on-duty Armando drove us back to the hotel with Al as a navigator of sorts, albeit a drunk one. It was dark, it was late, we were tired, and so we retired to our respective rooms. Ashley entered through my door, turned to go to hers, and paused.

I thought she was as tipsy as me, at least, but she seemed bright eyed and sober.

"Rob, I can't thank you enough for hiring me, and for taking me on this trip! This little Texas girl has had her eyes opened to so many new things - new opportunities and new possibilities she'd never even dreamed of, and she owes it all to you!"

Her sincerity made me take her thanks seriously. I walked back to her, and reminded her that she earned the job and this trip, and complemented her on how well she had presented herself and handled thing on her first trip abroad.

She beamed, and a mischievous smile crossed her lips. She held her hands out, looked down at her garb, and asked, "So you don't think I overstepped with these clothes? You and Clay were teasing me so much I wasn't sure."

"I'm confident no male encountered during our entire day has anything negative to say about your attire!" I said as I gestured from toe to head, "Although I did see some women who looked envious."

With a devilish grin, she got on her tiptoes and turned so I had the side view, and then pivoted to give me the back view. The sweater ended just below where her tights began, about even with her belly button in front. That remarkable ass and those long, lean, muscled legs were perfectly displayed in the tights, and her jutting breasts created a ski jump in front.

She was luscious and delectable, and my tongue wanted to taste her. "But not too much, right? Just casual, like you said." I shook my head and grinned; that's the first time she'd actually teased me.

She gave me another devilish grin, said "I need to get showered and ready for bed. Shall I come tuck you in and say your night prayers with you?"

I wanted to say, "Only if you want to get eaten and fucked!" Instead I said, "I'm a big boy now; you don't have to do that for me."

I thought I heard her mumble something as she walked away, but she closed the door so I went to shower. After I finished I checked my personal email account, read one from each child inquiring about Hungary, and quickly responded by sending a few pictures I had taken on our tours with a brief explanation for each picture, and a reminder that I loved each.


Maybe the jet lag was still bothering me, or the drink, but I went to sleep almost immediately... and awoke not long after. Someone was in bed with me, that someone was most definitely female, and she was naked!

"I know you are too much of a gentleman to do this, Rob, so I'm taking it upon myself! I've wanted you since I first laid eyes on you and I see how you look at me! This is not an employee in bed with her boss; this is a woman who is so attracted to a man she's risking humiliation by climbing in bed with him without an invitation.

"Are you going to humiliate me, Rob, or are you going to do what we both want and make love to me?"

"You're right about my attraction to you, Pantera, and I'm certainly not going to kick you out of bed. But I'm not going to make love to you, nor you to me, because we aren't in love. What we're going to do is explore, learn more about each other, have sex in creative ways, and see where this leads."

She purred, stretched, hooked one long leg over mine, rubbed those hard, ripe-cherry colored nipples against my chest, nuzzled my neck, and pressed that hot, bare, and very wet pussy against my thigh.

She was lying along my right side. I slid my right hand under her waist and cradled one of those tight cheeks in my hand. I stroked her back with my other hand, and then ran it over her haunch and down her top leg. She purred again and wriggled her body against mine, trying to get closer still.

My rock-hard cock was finding that wet pussy fragrance irresistible, but I wanted to explore, to see if that tawny body felt as good as it looked, and learn where its hot spots are. I rolled her on her back and began feasting on her mouth while my hands explored her upper body on down to her long, slender, and muscular thighs.

She was every bit the sensatory delight she appeared. Her skin was as soft, unblemished, and delicate as silk or satin to my touch, and my hands couldn't stop caressing, fondling, and squeezing her body parts.

My mouth left hers and worked its way down her neck and chest. Even my breath caused her round breasts to crinkle around the nipple, and nursing those perfectly pert breasts made her gush down below.

I feasted, her hand holding my mouth on each tit in turn, and when I gently bit and then suckled her right breast while pressing my hand on the junction of her taut belly with her mons, she had her first real climax.

It wasn't a big one, but it opened the way for the big one that was building.

Neither my hands nor her mouth were still during our exploration. She encouraged me with words and movements, coached me on her preferences, and rewarded me with praise, squeals, strokes, and wriggles when I did something she especially appreciated; otherwise, she just purred, pulled, squirmed, and humped in anticipation.

Her long, lean body offered an unusual panoply of erogenous zones. Licking her belly button, sucking the declivity where her taut stomach and flaring hipbone met, biting her toes, and anything that touched her tight little anus set off cries and convulsions. Unexpectedly, sucking the insides of her spectacular thighs brought her hips a foot off the bed and hands tried to pull my head into her honey pot.

Everything on her body that I touched, kissed, sucked, or bit was highly sensitive and responsive!

But it was my tongue lapping at her pussy that almost got me suffocated and drowned! Her vividly descriptive words were probably heard on the street four stories below as she writhed through climax number two.

I crawled up and entered her while she was still quivering and whimpering, and my god!

I'd never been with a jungle cat before, but at the moment of penetration she let out a yowl that I'm sure destroyed any undiscovered electronic surveillance devices. It was at that moment I realized mating with a panther might not be all that safe.

Although the felines are incongruent, the words to an old Buck Owens song kept playing in my head. "I've got a tiger by the tail it's plain to see, I won't be much when you get through with me..."

My cock sliding inside her tight sheath begat a powerful thrusting motion that made me want wrap my arms around her so I wouldn't get thrown off; she was that strong!

Once the yowling slowed down, she set a rhythm that I could only characterize as an 'all-in' approach that bordered on out-of-control! I thought I'd seen it all - hell, Kaitlyn is a demanding fuck bunny herself - but I'd never before engaged in sex that was this loud, physical, and exhausting!