It All Started Innocently

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A married couple are coerced into experimentation.
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Thanks for reading.

I would like to say thank you to Randi, for her assistance and stellar editing work.

This story is an old fashioned loving wives tale. If you don't like to read about married couples experimenting with sex, then read no further.


It all started one dark and windswept night. That sounds very dramatic, but the reality was my wife, Annette, and I were waiting for a couple of old friends we hadn't seen for many years. They had been overseas working. It had been almost ten years since we had seen them last.

Annie received the call out of the blue; Coral and Pete were back in town and wanted to catch up. There we were, sitting at the bar in the restaurant waiting with a certain amount of nervous anticipation. Coral, Pete, Annie and I grew up together and we hung around, got into trouble, were best men at each other's weddings and generally spent a lot of time together. That was until Pete got an offer he simply couldn't refuse and they were off. We kept in touch as best friends do, but over the years it sort of dwindled down. After their phone call, Annie got all excited and we talked about what they would be like, whether they had changed.

We were at that stage of life where the kids were off our hands at school, and we were empty nesting it. Annie, especially, enjoyed it rather than suffered through it. We suddenly had time on our hands; we toured around the country and ventured overseas for a couple of short holidays. Unlike some women who struggle when the babies fly the coop, Annie enjoyed the freedom. She had her own circle of friends who shopped and shared the obligatory girls' nights out.

We enjoyed our long awaited freedom. Annie did suffer a little when she slipped through into the naughty forties, but it was short lived and she was now well past it. She was still an attractive woman, enjoying the gym and the occasional half marathon. She was fit as a fiddle and her role as media liaison officer for the local council kept her pretty busy.

There we were, waiting, her dressed to the nines with her tequila sunrise and me with my beer.

We saw them the moment they walked in. Yes, they were older, but we recognised them immediately. Annie and Coral jumped into each other's arms; Pete and I restricted our greetings to the expected handshake. Coral threw her arms around my neck and gave me a rather sloppy kiss, which surprised the hell out of me.

They ordered drinks and we quickly fell into conversation about what had happened over the preceding ten years.

I was a bit envious, I must admit, as they certainly enjoyed some adventures on their travels, and Pete seemed to have done really well for himself. As we talked, we slipped back into telling old stories and laughing like it was yesterday. It turned out to be an incredible night.

The following few days we saw plenty of them as they were house hunting. Annie suggested they stay with us while they searched, but Pete was quite happy to spend the company's money, after all, they were paying for his relocation home.

We compensated by having them over for dinner regularly and barbecues during the weekends. It was during one of those slightly inebriated late night barbecues that Pete dropped his bomb. "Have you guys ever considered swapping?"

It came from nowhere and it took me by surprise. I thought I knew what he was talking about, but I tried to turn it into a joke, "What are we talking, mate... lawnmowers... cars...."

He chuckled in that warm fuzzy forgiving way, "No, dipshit, wives... have you two ever dabbled?"

Annie just about choked and she gave me a horrified glare before yelping, "No, we bloody haven't, you dirty bugger."

He laughed it off, but I saw Coral blush bright red. Annie turned to her. "He's kidding, isn't he? Please tell me that was a joke!"

Coral shook her head slowly. "No, he is serious."

I interjected with a snort, "So you two have... you know, swapped with other couples?"

Pete nodded with his infectious laugh. "Yeah, actually we opened our marriage a few years ago."

I could see Annie was completely gobsmacked and confused, "What do you mean, open?" she probed.

Coral seemed embarrassed, but Pete... he felt no shame. "Well, it means that Coral and I are free to have sex with other people. Our only rules are we have to be honest with each other, no lying, and we must never do anything to embarrass our partner."

Annie grabbed Coral's arm disbelievingly, spilling her wine all over Coral's dress. "You mean you have sex with other men?"

Coral nodded, cleared her throat and squeaked, "Yes, a few, but I prefer it if we can find a couple we like. That way there's no animosity."

Well, that killed the conversation for a while. The tension built until Annie couldn't hold back. "When you asked before whether we... I mean Toby and I, had dabbled... were you suggesting that the four of us... well, you know..."

Pete, laughed loudly. "Yes, we were, actually. Look, Annie, there has always been a wonderful connection between us all. You are a very attractive woman and Toby... well he's all right for an old bloke."

I punched him playfully on the arm. "Hey, you bastard, a little less of the old, aye!"

He chuckled, but before he could speak, I said, "Anyway, you're bloody well older than me. Christ you're ancient by comparison."

Annie jumped up and asked me to help her in the kitchen... code for "I need to speak to you privately." The moment we were out of earshot she grabbed me tightly. "Please tell me you're not considering that!"

I smiled teasingly, "Oh, I don't know, hon. Coral is a real hottie, it might be fun!"

I thought she was about to burst so I pulled her into a cuddle, "Relax, hon, I was joking. No, I was not considering it."

"Phew, thank god for that. Crikey... what shall we say?"

"We'll just say thanks for the offer, but that's not our scene."

She nodded as she dragged another bottle of wine down out of the rack. "I would never have guessed, bloody swingers... Coral and Pete."

I sighed reflectively. "Yeah, who would have guessed."

We carried on as usual and we laughed, we even swapped dancing partners regularly. I called out to Pete as he swirled Annie around on the lawn, "This is as close as you'll get to swapping, mate."

He laughed back. "Yeah, well I tell you what, pal, give me an hour alone with Annie and we'll see about that."

Annie punched him hard and slipped out of his grip. He sighed apologetically. "Hey...I was only joking, sweetcheeks."

Once they were gone and we finished tidying up, we curled up in bed. As we made love, Annie whispered, "Do you think he was serious?"

At the time, my head was between her legs and my tongue lapped lovingly over her moist snatch. I had to stop to look up at her. "I don't blame him for wanting to be where I am right now. You are a gorgeous sexy little minx, and you taste amazing."

Her fingers toyed with my hair. "You bloody flatterer, but don't stop... I like it."

"What, the flattery or the pussy licking?"

"Both!" she squeaked as my tongue slithered back into her slippery slit.

We made love with a lot more passion than usual; I think Annie's mind was exactly where mine was, although she was probably wondering about Pete, whereas I was wondering what it would be like to be with Coral. Pete was right about our connection: there had always been a special bond between us.

After as we lay together, my mind switched from Coral and me to Annie and Pete, and as that thought flicked through my vivid imagination, I immediately knew I could never do it. There had always been a competitive element to our friendship, and he took every chance he could to get one over me... no I could never look at him the same again if I knew he had been with Annie.

That conversation thankfully stayed buried for the next couple of months. Pete and Coral found a house and were busy moving in. Annie and I were busy with life in general; work was especially busy for me.

The topic was raised again when we invited Pete and Coral out to dinner one Saturday night. As usual, Annie and I were already there and they were running late. We were already on our second drinks when Pete walked in by himself.

"Where's Coral?" Annie asked.

He leaned in close in a conspiratorial manner. "She's on a date."

"What do you mean, a date?" Annie spluttered.

"You know, a date, date. She met some bloke and they're off somewhere on a date."

I tried to make light of it. "Well I guess we better hope they don't turn up here... that might be a bit awkward."

He laughed along. "Yeah, although at least that way I would get a look at him."

Annie snapped, "And you don't care? She's off with another bloke and you're cracking bloody jokes. Shit, Pete, don't you love her anymore, or something?"

He glowered as he snapped curtly. "That's not fair. I love Coral with all my heart. I love her every bit as much today as I ever did. We realised a while ago that sex and love aren't necessarily related, well, let me put it another way... they can be separated."

I shuddered. "Don't you get jealous?"

He nodded as he considered my statement. "Yes, I do, sometimes, especially if I know who she's with. Yes, I get jealous, who wouldn't, but I hope they have a great night together. We will talk about it when she gets home and that will be fun."

"You're fucking shitting me!" I blurted out as the waiter arrived to shepherd us to our table.

After he seated us and left us to read the menu, Pete leaned over and whispered, "Toby, this might be hard for you to understand, but we enjoy it, okay, so back off."

Annie shook her head. "So do you go off with other women?"

He nodded. "Yeah, when I get the chance, but you have to understand. Coral is a very beautiful woman and me... well I'm a pretty ordinary bloke, so she gets more offers than me."

Frowning, Annie snorted, "How often does she go out on dates?"

He shrugged. "It varies, a few times a year, sometimes if she finds somebody she likes she might go out with him a few times over a few weeks, but then she might not see anyone for months."

"What about you?" I asked. "How often do you date?"

Again he shrugged. "The same, I suppose. Coral tries to balance the books. She turns down a lot of invites so it balances out."

Annie sniggered. "Christ, our best friends are bloody perverts."

We all laughed and the evening settled down to a normal dinner. As we were preparing to leave, Annie gushed, "Do you want to stay at our place? I mean, you don't want to go home to an empty house, do you?"

He chuckled warmly. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure what time she will be home. She might get home tonight."

The thought made me shudder, and I muttered, "Bbbbrrrr, oh god, that sounds awful."

"What's your problem, bro? Jeez, settle down."

"But she will have been with another guy, had sex."

"So fucking what... they wear rubbers; it's not like I'm getting sloppy seconds, although I don't mind that occasionally, so long as I know the bloke."

Annie shuddered, "Oh my god... who are you? When did you become some sort of kinky freak?"

He pulled her back into his arms, her bum pressed against his crotch with his mouth on her neck and moaned sexily, "Don't knock it till you tried it, sweetcheeks." He kissed her neck as she wriggled, flinging his arms off her.

As we drove home, Annie sighed. "Jeepers, Coral is off with another guy right now. I can't believe it."

That night our lovemaking was torrid. Annie was on a different level; unlike our usual bedtime theatrics, this was pure rutting, less lovemaking and more screwing, fucking. She was so inflamed there was almost no need for foreplay, she just wanted it.

It was a week later before we connected with them again. They came over for dinner, which was nice. Pete and I talked sports and work, but the girls... there were lots of furtive glances and unsaid questions. I tidied up as they sat around the table sampling a rather pleasant cabernet, when I heard a phone. Pete stood up, apologising that he had to take it. He walked out onto the deck and the moment he was out of earshot, Annie started her inquisition. "Oh my god, tell me... what was he like?"

They seemed to overlook the fact I was in the kitchen cleaning up and could hear everything.

Coral tittered, "You seriously want to know?"

"Oh god, yes, don't be a bitch... was he good?"

"Okay, you asked for it; yes he was fabulous, he's about twenty two, he is a personal trainer at the gym I go to, he is fit and oh god, his body is incredible." She giggled. "And if you want to know, he is hung, god he was huge, and unlike some guys, he knew exactly how to use it. When I walked out of his apartment I could barely walk."

"Bloody hell, girl, holy shit. Did you tell Pete how good he was?"

There was a little pause before she answered. "I told him most of it, but I left out the bit about how big he was. Men can be a little fragile over that piece of information. So I might have downplayed that a little."

Annie choked a little on her drink. "Shit, Coral, don't you feel guilty... embarrassed?"

"Why? Hell, Pete dates as well, maybe not as much as me, but he enjoys it when I date."

"What do you mean he enjoys it?"

More tittering and giggling. "Well when I get home he loves me to tell him all about it. We snuggle up in bed and I tell him all the juicy details, he is so anxious and excited, we make love. He loves it; I know this probably won't make sense to you, but Pete loves sloppy seconds."

"Ooooohhhh yuck, that sounds disgusting!" Annie snorted.

Coral sniggered. "You are judging me and Pete, as well, on your experiences, but as Pete always says, don't knock it till you try it."

"Aren't you afraid of diseases?"

"Annie, we use condoms, we only go down the naked route when we are totally confident about the other people."

I heard Annie slump back in her chair giggling, "Wow, I don't know whether to be disgusted or jealous."

"Oh, believe me, babes, you should be jealous. You are missing out on the most exciting adventures. Trust me, it is a lot of fun. It really invigorated our marriage; I think we are closer than ever."

"Doesn't Pete get ticked off because you obviously date more than him?"

"Well, if he does he has never said. If I thought that was the case I wouldn't do it. Annie, I love Pete, I adore him and I would never hurt him; it's why I keep some details to myself, like my lover's size or ability. I play them down so I don't bruise his ego."

There was another silence before Annie asked, "Are you going to see the guy again?"

Coral giggled. "I have seen him twice already, and yes I will see him again; he is a bit of a love drug he is so good. Next time might be my last, though. I don't like to get to close, and I prefer to keep them as only friends, not lovers."

Just about that time, Pete wandered back in. They fell back into their usual conversation, but Coral teased Annie by saying how inquisitive she had been about her lover.

Pete laughed it off and joined in teasing Annie for being envious. When I walked back in and asked what was going on, they all explained that Annie was asking lots of questions about Coral's date. When I glanced at Annie, she couldn't hold my gaze, and shifted her eyes quickly, her face beet red.

That night in bed things escalated quickly and we were soon deep into making love. It was afterwards when Annie, hesitantly squeaked out, "Have you thought about what Pete and Coral asked us about swapping?"

I chuckled. "You have the hots for Pete do you?"

She choked back a laugh. "Oh god, nooooooo. I could never do it with Pete; he is like my brother, only nicer; no, I could never consider that."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"God, I don't know really, hon; all this talk about sex and dating and all that. If I'm honest, it's got me revved up."

I sniggered. "You don't have to tell me, I have noticed."

She kissed my sweaty shoulder as she nestled closer. "Are you angry with me?"

"No, hon, angry isn't the word... unsettled, or maybe nervous. I mean, come on, this is something we have never talked about, never considered, and now from what I am sensing, you want to give it a go."

She stretched out beside me. "I guess they seem so happy, and I suppose now I'm curious. It seems to work so well for them. I mean, I'm blown away by Pete; he doesn't seem to get jealous or angry. In fact, he seems to be really into it."

"It works for them, and honestly, Pete's attitude stunned me. I have known him most of my life, we played rugby together; we got into trouble and had a few fights and he is no namby pamby wuss. The fact he lets other guys have sex with Coral shocked the hell out of me. I mean, he was always such a man's man, tough and uncompromising."

She nodded. "Yes, I know what you mean; it surprised the hell out of me, but he seems happy!"

I gazed into her eyes and I could see guilt and shame; she hadn't really answered my question so I probed a little deeper, picking at the scab, "So are you going to be honest with me? Is that something you want to try? Be honest, don't beat about the bush."

She winced. "Would you be upset with me if I said yes?"

Nodding slowly and gripping her, pulling her even closer, I said, "I don't know, this is new. I always thought we were happy and cruising."

She tensed in my arms. "I am happy. I think our marriage is perfect. I never thought about this stuff before. I always thought swingers were perverts, but honestly, seeing Pete and Coral and talking to her... well, now I'm curious, and if I'm honest, it excites me."

"So who would you like to swap with?"

She laughed. "God knows. I have thought about all our friends, and the ones I can think of that I think the men are nice, I wonder about whether you would be attracted to the wives."

We spent the next hour going over our friends, critiquing them, and she was right. We couldn't agree on any of them. If I liked the wife, she disliked the husband and vice versa. It was fun going over it, and she gave me some funny looks when I mentioned a couple of the women I thought attractive or sexy. She gave me more than one, "Really? Good god... you think she's sexy?" It was interesting for, me, as well, seeing her develop her list of possible candidates. She surprised me with a couple, not who I thought she would be attracted to.

It was an interesting exercise, which led into a little role playing in bed and conversation when we made love. Funny, really, we had lived together twenty-two years and we were only now unearthing some interesting things about each other.

Annie and Coral spent a lot of time together over the next month. Pete, in his role as regional manager, had to visit a lot of other branches up and down the South Island, from Blenheim to Bluff and everything in between.

I detected a subtle shift in relationships. Coral seemed hell bent on teasing me; if I hadn't known better, I would say she was trying to seduce me. She was so damn flirtatious. If I was in the kitchen, she was there as well, either sitting on the bench watching, toying with her hair, her head tilted gazing at me sexily.

If not on the bench, her hot body would be behind me, pretending to look over my shoulder, her succulent breasts crushed against my back, or even standing beside me, our bodies rubbing together.

Annie laughed it off at first, but then gradually Coral's name popped up in our role playing. If we were making love, Annie whispered, "I bet you would love Coral to be here right now, your cock inside her."

Or she would suggest, "Hhhhmmmmm, imagine Coral here, her mouth sliding up and down your cock, sucking you, licking you. Imagine that, you'd love that, wouldn't you?"

She kept imprinting the images deeper into my psyche, and it worked. Coral was becoming part of our everyday lovemaking. Even if Annie was quiet, I saw her in my head, it was Coral whose pussy I was in. I felt myself becoming a little infatuated.