It Doesn't Just Happen On Holidays

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Katie and Dave re-create their Turkish holiday experience
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Thanks to all those who enjoyed my short story 'A taste of Turkish delight'. I never intended to write a sequel but so many people asked for a follow up that I felt obliged to write one.

If the original story wasn't to your taste then I suggest you don't read this one.

I wanted to talk to my husband about his last comment at the resort but I didn't get the opportunity to ask him on the journey home from Turkey. A crowded coach, then there were a lot of people at the airport and finally the flight was full, meant I had to keep the conversation I wanted to have with him until a more suitable time.

It was quite late when we eventually arrived back at our house so all we wanted to do was get to bed and sleep. So once again, the discussion would have to wait, this time until the Sunday morning.

The sun was streaming through a gap in the curtains when I awoke. My husband was still asleep so I slipped out of bed and went downstairs to start the unpacking.

I had just put the first load of dirty clothes in the washing machine and was in the process of making coffee when he appeared in the doorway.

"Making me one?" his voice startled me.

"Sure." I turned and smiled before pouring him a mug.

"Sleep well?" I put our coffee's down on the table and dropped into a chair opposite him.

"Pretty good thanks." He took a sip from his steaming mug.

"Dave?" I gave him a searching look, "What did you mean at the resort?"

He seemed puzzled by my question, "What about the resort?"

"You know. When I asked you if you got what you wanted?" I reminded him, "And you said that depends on you but I'll let you know next time we go to The Lounge."

"Oh that." He went quiet.

"Yes that?" I pressed him for an answer.

He stared down at the table and concentrated on drinking his coffee.

"Dave?" I raised my voice slightly, "Tell me what you meant? What do you want?"

"I... err... I... well I... umm." He stammered still refusing to meet my gaze.

"You want me to do it again? Over here at The Lounge?" I answered my question for him.

He nodded.

Sighing, I spoke again, "Dave, talk to me. If this is what you really want, we need to discuss it."

With that he finally looked up at me, "You must think I'm weird or a pervert or something?"

Reaching across the table I took his hand, "No babe none of those. Not now, not after what happened in Turkey."

"So, you would do it again?" his voice was tinged with surprise.

"In principle, if it's what we both want, yes" I said unequivocally.

For the next half-hour we sat and drank our coffee, talking over what had happened on holiday and discussing what we both wanted now. There were no conclusions reached or decisions made but we both knew we had a lot to think about.

The rest of our Sunday was spent unpacking, washing, getting the groceries bought and a myriad of other household tasks, which was probably the best thing for both of us.

We were back at work on the Monday so it wasn't until that evening that we were able to re-visit our conversation over dinner.

"Have you thought about what you said you wanted?" I final broached the subject.

"Yes, I have." Dave responded simply.

"And?" I was equally as brief.

"I... I want you to... to do It." he told me hesitantly, "But what do you want?"

Pausing my fork half-way to my mouth, I answered, "I want to do it as well. For you as well as me."

We were agreed. All that was left was for us to work out the details.

"I guess the first thing to decide is who?" my husband suggested.

"No one we know. It has to be a stranger." I was adamant about that.

Dave nodded, "Makes sense. I guess that helps us work out the where and when."

"And I want you to be involved." I set down rule number 2, "That way we can discuss it afterwards."

"Sounds like getting picked up at The Lounge might be the best way to approach this. At least to start with." He offered after thinking about it for a moment.

My heart was already pumping faster at the thought of what we were proposing to do, "And if I do get chatted up?"

"We'll have to play that by ear I guess." Dave offered, "A lot will depend on who it is and how you feel."

"What if he wants me to go home with him?" I raised a possible obstacle.

My husband grinned, "Then I guess I'll have to wait for you to come home the following day."

"No." I stated firmly, "If you aren't there then it won't happen."

We finished dinner and cleared away leaving me with a lot to think over.

For the next couple of days, we focused on work and left the subject of me getting fucked alone. There was plenty to keep both of us busy and I wanted some time to come to terms with what I had agreed to do.

Despite the fact we had decided go ahead I was still concerned how it might affect our marriage, although Dave seemed much less worried than me. He did point out, in answer to my apprehension, that I had actually fucked another man on holiday and we were still happily together.

Having thought it all through I knew, deep down, it was something I had to do. The experience in Turkey, with Mehmet, had awakened something sexual inside me and I knew I would find it hard ignore the feelings it had aroused in me.

Fortunately, my husband wanted me to indulge the fantasy for his own pleasure.

"Do you want to try The Lounge tomorrow night?" Dave asked me on the Thursday evening.

Tentatively I nodded, "I... I guess so."

He looked at me quizzically, "You don't sound sure?"

"No, no I am sure. I want to. It's just... I don't know... the final step." I told him honestly.

He smiled, "I think we took that in Turkey babe. This is just carrying on down the path."

"I guess so." I giggled, "I just wonder where the path leads to?"

We talked things through for the next couple of hours. Not trying to make any decisions, those had already been established. Just discussing the possibilities and options that we might be faced with the following evening.

The one thing we did arrange was that, where possible, I would make sure my husband knew what was happening.

Friday was spent in a state of anxious anticipation. As much as tried I couldn't stop thinking about the evening we had planned. It was a huge relief when the end of day bell finally rang and I could leave school and head home.

Once indoors I prepared a quick meal for us and then, leaving Dave to clear away, I went to take a bath. A long soak and a quick application of my razor and depilation cream left me nicely smooth before I towelled myself dry and started on my make-up.

I have a routine when I'm going out and tonight wasn't any different. I always begin with my nails, painting these black, my favourite colour.

False eyelashes and mascara come next, followed by my eye shadow and then foundation and lip gloss.

Finally, I turned my attention to what I was going to wear.

Rolling the black stockings up my legs and attaching them to the straps of my red suspender belt felt extra sensuous tonight, knowing what might happen. I slipped on a matching red thong but decided to go without a bra. My breasts are quite firm and modest so I can easily get by without any support.

My top was a strapless blue bustier with a zip up the front. Quite provocative but definitely eye catching.

A black A-line skirt that just about reached mid-thigh and my strappy black stiletto heels completed my outfit.

"Jesus you look incredible." My husband told me when I came down from the bedroom.

I grinned and did a twirl. The outfit looked slutty in the bedroom but I knew in the bar I would blend in with all the other scantily clad girls on a night out.

We drove across to the bar together, neither of us wanting to say very much as we were immersed in our thoughts about the forthcoming evening. Dave parked a short distance from our destination and switched off the engine.

"Are you sure about this? It's our last chance to back out." I turned to look at him as we sat in the car.

He looked back at me, "I do and I don't. If that makes sense?"

"Let me put it another way then. There's a chance I'll be bringing home another man tonight and opening my legs for him." I stated bluntly, "How do you feel about that?"

My husband looked at me sheepishly, "The idea of you getting fucked by someone else is an incredible turn-on and I know it's something we both want."

I grinned and undid my seat belt, "Shall we go then."

Dave went in to the bar a few minutes before me, leaving me in the car waiting for his text.

A few minutes later my phone pinged making me jump,

Look's good, come on in

I've got you a drink

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car and made my way in to The Lounge. It was quite busy inside but not overcrowded and I soon spotted my husband standing alone over towards the side wall.

I had been right about my outfit, what had appeared slutty at home fitted in perfectly in the bar.

"How do you want me to do this?" I asked Dave once he had handed me my drink.

"Much like last time I guess, I'll make myself scarce in a bit and see how you get on." He suggested.

We took our time and finished our drinks before we separated. Dave disappearing into the throng of people while I made my way to the bar to get another drink.

Standing waiting to get served a voice at my elbow made me look around.

"Well, well if it isn't the disappearing wife."

It was Jared.

"Oh... err... hi..." I was a little embarrassed.

He moved in alongside me, "Vodka and Coke isn't it?"

I bit my lower lip, "Umm... yes... please."

Ordering drinks from the barman he turned back to me, "So what happened to you the other week?"

My face coloured, "Oh... I... err... I had... an... umm... emergency, I had to leave."

If he didn't believe me, he didn't say.

Collecting our drinks, he led me away from the busy area around the bar and across to where it was a little quieter where we found a high table to put our drinks on.

"Out on your own again?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

He looked at me questioningly, "So that wasn't your husband you were with earlier."

I blushed, he had obviously seen Dave and I together when I came in.

"I... er... it... umm... no it was just someone I know." I stammered not knowing what to say.

"I think it was." He grinned at me, "So what's the game you're playing?"

I shook my head, my long blonde hair swaying a little, "No, no it wasn't. Honestly."

"Ok if you say so." It was obvious from the way he spoke he didn't believe me.

"So, what have you been up to?" I changed the subject.

We stood and talked for a while slowly finishing our drinks before Jared suggested we go and dance.

Out on the dance floor I was very aware of how short my skirt was and the fact that I flashed the tops of my stockings on several occasions as we danced.

The second song finished and the DJ put on a slow number, primarily so that people would go and buy more alcohol, but Jared pulled me against him and we stayed on the small floor.

I could see my husband standing in the crowd, watching intently, so I slipped my arms about Jared's neck, putting my head on his shoulder and allowing my body to press tightly to his.

His hands almost immediately slid down to my bottom, gently squeezing my rear as he ground his crotch against me. I turned my face up towards his as he looked down and we kissed for the first time, his tongue probing between my lips.

It wasn't a brief kiss, our mouths were glued together, tongues delving into each-others mouths, my eyes closing as my hands pulled his face to me keeping his lips against mine.

We broke apart as the song ended but stayed on the dance floor for the next number, another slow one, with more kissing as we swayed in time to the music.

The song ended and the DJ switched back to normal fast tracks and I let Jared escort me off the floor, his arm now firmly around my waist so that everyone could see he was marking me as his.

Back at the bar he ordered us another drink and I was introduced to two of his friends; Brett and Rob, although from the way he kept hold of me he was making it clear to them he had claimed me.

I stood with the three men at the bar as they talked, joining in where I could although most of what they were saying was irrelevant or of no interest to me. What I did do was snuggle in to Jared, giggling at the appropriate moments, and ignoring it when his hand dropped down to squeeze my arse, making it clear to him I was interested.

A couple of times he kissed me in front of his friends, confirming his ownership, albeit temporary, of me while his hands wandering up and down my back and onto my arse.

"I need the loo." I eventually said to Jared so he would release his grip on me.

He grinned at me, "You gonna run away again?"

"Depends," I told him flirtatiously, fluttering my eyelashes.

I got back the obvious answer that I expected, "On?"

"On whether you're going to drive me home or whether I need to get a taxi." I hoped my reply made my intentions clear.

Jared grinned at me, "Sure babe, I'll drive you home."

"Then I'll be back." I told him and walked off to the girl's bathroom.

As soon as I was out of sight of Jared, David came across to talk to me and find out what had been arranged. He listened without interrupting as I gave him all the details.

"Do you really want to take a lift off him?" he asked with a knowing grin making me blush, he obviously knew what my answer would be.

"Yes. You just go home and make sure you're well hidden. I'll keep him in the lounge." I gave my husband his instructions.

"Ok, I'll hide myself in the understairs cupboard, don't worry. I'll be able to see everything from there." he added, smiling.

So, that was settled and with my husband's blessing, I went back to find Jared.

He seemed surprised that I had actually returned when I got back to him and immediately slipped his arm around me again. We hung around with his friends for a little while longer, finishing our drinks, before he said his good-bye's and we left the bar arm in arm for him to drive me home.

The drive back to my home didn't take very long and by the time Jared pulled up outside our house he knew a bit more about me. He already knew I was married, but I told him a story that my husband worked away some of the time and when he did I went out looking for some fun.

What he didn't know was that my knickers were soaked with anticipation of what I hoped I would soon be getting.

"Would you like to come in for coffee?" I asked, making the offer quickly before he tried to kiss me.

I wanted to get him inside as quickly as I could just in case a nosey neighbour might be watching.

"Sure." he grinned, turning off the engine.

With that I led him into the house and through to our living room, noting that the understairs cupboard door was slightly ajar. Although in the dim light I couldn't see my husband hiding there.

I told Jared to take a seat while I made the drinks and turned to go to the kitchen.

"On second thoughts I'll give the coffee a miss." He grabbed my arm and pulled me round against him so I had to look up into his eyes.

I could feel my heart thumping against my ribs, my fingers splayed on his chest, as he leaned down and kissed me. At that point I totally surrendered, slipping my arms about his neck and opening my mouth for his tongue while visions of Mehmet and the pleasure he had given me filled my mind.

As we kissed his hand slid up between us, briefly cupping one breast then dragging down the zip at the front of my bustier top. I didn't protest, simply let the garment slide away from my modest chest, so that his fingers could find and grope my naked tits.

"Mmmmm that's nice." I moaned softly, my eyes closing, as he delicately kneaded my breasts, pinching my nipples into hard peaks.

A moment or two later, when he lowered his mouth to my small, aching mounds and drew a hardened nub into his mouth, I couldn't help but groan out loud.

"Oh god... yes! Yes, oh yes suck them!" my voice rose a little higher as he suckled hungrily working from one nipple to the other.

His hands had meanwhile found the clasp and zipper on my short little skirt. Quickly undoing the fastenings, he eased it over my hips so it fell in a puddle around my feet.

Jared was still fully dressed at this point in his shirt and trousers so I eased his face away from my chest and coyly asked, "Are you going to get undressed too?"

He needed no further prompting and, with my help, he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. I inhaled sharply at the sight of his naked well-muscled body, a tingle of anticipation flooding my loins. Then, when he grinned at me, I swiftly took the hint and dropped down onto my knees my lithe eager fingers moving to unbuckle his belt and drag down the zipper on his trousers.

Face to face with his boxer shorts I let my hand lightly brush across the prominent bulge as I moved to grip the sides and yank them down. As his member sprang free directly in front of me my eyes went wide and my jaw fell open.

"God its fucking huge!" I gasped, licking my lips at the thought of having it inside me.

Glancing up at him I could see him grinning, enjoying the surprise on my face.

Slowly I reached for it, wrapping my hand around it, my slender pale fingers unable to reach around the whole of its thick girth. I held his gorgeous rod in my hand for a moment feeling its heat then gently licked along the entire length, starting at the base and gently working my way up to the tip.

The taste was intoxicating. I could feel the pulsing veins with my tongue as I worked my lips up and down the full extent of his huge shaft before opening my mouth wide and taking the head into my warm wet orifice.

"Mmmmm ... Mmmmmm... uummmmm!" softly slurping on the head, I looked up at him, working the tip of my tongue along his tiny slit.

The taste of his pre-cum was on my lips as I pushed my head down and engulfed as much of his cock as I could. Then, sucking hungrily, I began working my mouth up and down on his prick, going a little farther each time I swallowed him.

A shudder ran though my body when I felt his manhood hit the back of my throat and I realised that I had managed to accommodate barely half of it.

"You are a dirty little married slut, aren't you?" he groaned as I greedily sucked on his swollen length.

Jared let me continue for a few minutes, until I had thoroughly coated his hard rod with my spit before wrapping his fingers in my hair and pulling my mouth away from the task of pleasuring him.

"Jesus your good at that but I need to fuck you baby!" he leered down at me, totally dominating me with his presence and making me shiver in expectation, "let me get a rubber while you get on the sofa."

"It's alright, you can do me bareback if you want." I told him breathlessly, as I wriggled off my panties, leaving me in just my stockings.

"Even better!" He smiled and then laid me on my back at the edge of the couch.

I opened my legs for him, exposing my shaven vulva to his gaze, as he knelt and nudged the bulbous head of his erection between my labia and pressed it into the entrance to my slick pussy.

Feeling him tease me as he ran the tip of his erection up and down between my puffy pink lips made me gasp softly.

"Oh please... don't tease me."

In an attempt to stop his teasing, I bucked my hips up but he pulled himself away briefly and then slapped my clit with the head of his engorged pole.

"Someone is an eager little married slut, aren't they? Tell me what you want?" his words were so degrading and yet they aroused me even more.

I responded eagerly, looking up at him, my eyes almost pleading "Please, I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me with your big cock."