It Only Seemed Fair?


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I was going to miss my staff meeting and go home a little early. Brad usually gets home around 5:00 or so. I planned on getting there with Ruth around 5:20.

As we pulled into the driveway, I noticed Mark's car was not there. Where could he be?

We walked in the house. It looked like he had been there, but he did not answer when I called out for him.

"He usually leaves me a note when he comes home, and then has to go somewhere." I told Ruth.

I walked into the kitchen where I immediately saw something on the kitchen table. It was a letter to me from Mark.

My Dearest Julia

I am so sorry for what I did to you. I didn't plan it, or go looking for it, but it did happen, and I can't change that. I don't blame you for what you did with Brad. I drove you to him. You needed closure, and I truly believe that in looking for that closure, you found something much better than me. I am a failure as a husband, and a lover. You said he was better than me, so it must have been a wonderful night for you. How could you ever want to make love to me again after that? I said I could not live without you, then so be it. I love you with all my heart Julia. I really do.

Your Loving a Husband


PS: On this day at sunset, two hearts became one.

On this day at sunset, two hearts are now, only one.

Ruth was reading the letter with me.

"Oh my God Ruth. What have I done. What do these last two lines mean? What is today Ruth?"

"It's November 14th. Why?" She said.

"Holy shit. With everything going on I had forgotten. It was on November 14th, eleven years ago today that Mark proposed to me. It was at Inspiration Point, at sunset. He drove us up there to watch the sunset over the city. It is beautiful this time if year. He pulled out a ring, and asked me to marry him."

I read the last line again.

"What is he going to do?"

"Oh no, I think he might be going to commit suicide. Come on, we have to get up to Inspiration Point fast."

We jumped in my car and headed to the Point. Fortunately, it wasn't that far, but it was a winding road up to the top. I called 911 as we were speeding up the road. I told them I had good reason to believe that my husband may be trying to kill himself at Inspiration Point. They said they would dispatch an officer to the location.

The officer was right behind me when we arrived, and sure enough, there was Mark's car. We opened the door to find him slumped in the seat. He was still conscious, but very groggy. He had the pill bottle in his hand.

The officer began trying to get through to him to find out how many Vicodin he had taken. I told him I thought maybe there were 8 or 9 pills left in the bottle. The officer called for an Air Life helicopter. It arrived pretty quick, with just enough light left to land in the parking lot.

They loaded him up, started the IV's, and got him to the hospital pretty quick. I rode in the helicopter while Ruth took my car.

I don't know how many prayers I said, but it was a lot.

About three hours after we arrived, the doctor finally came to the waiting room to inform me that Mark would be ok. I cried, thankful that my wonderful husband had not been taken from me.

The doctor said I could see him, but he probably would be pretty fuzzy until the next morning. I sat with him all night just holding his hand. I would wait until he could understand before telling him everything.

I told Ruth to go home, but she said she was staying the night with me. She called and arranged for us to be off tomorrow.

I fell asleep sitting by Mark, holding his hand. Ruth went to the waiting room to sleep on a couch.

I woke up feeling Mark squeezing my hand.

"I must be in heaven, because there is an angel holding my hand." He said. He smiled at me.

"Oh my gosh, Mark honey, I am so sorry. I thought I had lost you. I did something pretty cruel to you, but I need Ruth to help em explain. Let me call her." I said.

Ruth came, and I began telling Mark the whole story.

"I tried to tell you this last night, but you didn't believe me. What I am about to tell you is the absolute truth. There is no Brad. I made him up. I just wanted you to feel some of the things I felt when you confessed about Jenny. I took it way to far. I hurt you far more than I ever intended. All I did that night is have dinner with Ruth, then we went to her house to drink some wine. I got a little drunk as we planned the story I would tell when I got home. I got carried away, and took it too far."

"It's true Mark, she was with me that night. Brad is just someone we made up to make you jealous. You're wife loves you with all her heart." Ruth said.

"I feel so bad at what I did Mark. You were sincere and honest, and I was mean and deceitful. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. You are a wonderful husband, and my best friend in the whole world. I could never ask for a better lover than you. You always put a glow on my face after we make love." I said.

"There was no Brad?" He said.

"No honey, there is no Brad, only you. It is you who I love, and want." I said.

He started to cry as he said, "I thought I had lost you. I couldn't live without you. I saw no other solution. It was stupid of me I know, but I couldn't stand the thought of you with Brad. I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me?"

We embraced, then kissed. I didn't want to let him go, and he didn't want to let me go.

That afternoon Mark was released from the hospital. They determined he was not addicted, and it was just an overdose. They recommended counseling since it was an attempted suicide.

Mark and I decided that all we needed to do is sit down and talk. He made a mistake, and I made a mistake. We could deal with it.

We sat up and talked well into the night, finally collapsing from exhaustion, both physically and mentally.

The next evening Mark took me out to dinner. We had a wonderful time. On the way home I said, "Mark? I am ready to start a family. What do you think?"

"Are you serious? You bet I'm ready. I want children as soon as possible." He said.

"Well you know that means we are going to have to make love as much as humanly possible. You need to plant as many seeds in me as you can. Of course I would have to use my sucking skills to get you back up every time after you finish." I said.

He gave me a big grin. "Wanna practice a little right now?"

I unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He was already so turned on I was afraid he might waste a little in my throat. I didn't care. I just wanted to please my husband.

I had quit taking the pill a couple of weeks before in anticipation of Mark being ready.

We made love four times that night, in various positions. I made a lot of noise, and let him know what a great lover he was. It wasn't an act. He is an awesome lover, he is my lover, and my wonderful husband.

We continued the drill the next couple of weeks as often as possible, even though we were both getting a little sore.

Three weeks later, I tested positive. The boy had done his job.

Nine months later we had a beautiful, healthy, baby boy. I have two wonderful guys now, and I love them both.


I can't wait to get home from work everyday to see my beautiful wife, and darling little son. They are both such a blessing. As I think back over the events of a year ago, I am thankful things turned out as they did. I still can't put my finger on what made me do what I did, in both instances.

No matter what the temptation, I know I could never cheat on Julia again. I also know that I have everything to live for, and all I have to do is look at my wife and son to see that.

I did learn some lessons, and they are lessons that won't be repeated.

We never mention what happened, and we have no need to. Life is good for us, and we deserve it. It only seems fair. Right?

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