It Shouldn't Matter, At All


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Dan hurriedly put one hand across his brow, although only after he knew he had looked at her for far too long.

"Sorry, Lori. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. It got kind of boring, and I think I drank too many beers while I waited."

"What are you still doing here?"

Her tone was angry. He peeked under his hand to see that she'd moved her arms to cover her breasts, but did nothing to hide the rest of her. He immediately retreated further behind his fingers, squeezing his eyes shut for good measure.

"I forgot your keys," he told her. "I thought I had them, but I didn't, and I didn't want to leave your place unlocked."

"You could have called my cell," she admonished.

"No. You acted like the evening was important to you. I didn't want to wreck it for you. It was no big deal."

"It was a big deal. You wasted your whole evening. And as it turned out, I wasted mine, too."

Her tone had softened. She was still angry, but at least now it wasn't aimed at him.

"You can open your eyes," she said into his darkness.

Dan lowered his hands and looked at her, only to see that she was still naked. She'd returned to the task of removing the earring, leaving her breasts exposed to him again. He forced his eyes up to meet hers as quickly as he could. Only when he met her eyes, her face strangely expressionless, did she turn to head into her bedroom.

"I'll be right out. I just have to get all of this worthless jewelry off," she said, her tone still annoyed.

Dan set about gathering up his beer bottles, guiltily feeling that he shouldn't have had so much of it at her expense. A part of his mind wondered why she'd let him see her naked. It felt weird. She was Stephanie's sister. She was almost like his own sister. Sometimes she even tried to act like his mother.

He tried momentarily to push the thoughts aside.

The incongruous image of Lori, nonchalantly standing naked before him, came vividly, unsolicited back into his mind. He wasn't sure what had gotten into her. It was out of character for her, unless she'd become so accustomed to his being around that she'd lost all pretense of modesty.

Unfortunately for Dan, she wasn't just "his ex-girlfriend's older sister." She was far too much of a woman for that. He felt an erection growing as he worked the memory of her body over in his mind, trying to recall every thing he'd seen, every detail. She was simply too good looking. He'd imagined himself with her any number of times, and felt no shame for having done it. He'd challenge any guy to look at her, spend some time with her, and not do the same thing, even while dating Stephanie.

Her breasts were not only large, but also firm and well shaped. Her long, perfectly straight blond hair had fallen partially in front of her shoulders, reaching just down past her nipples. They had been hard to see, in the dark, but seemed to be larger than half dollars, and only slightly darker in color than her smooth flesh.

He'd been so focused on her breasts, trying to see them without visibly taking his eyes off of hers, that he hadn't taken in much more. He did retain the impression of her overall curves, with a smooth, narrow waist above hips that bowed outward nicely, in a very feminine fashion, into the inviting swell of her hips, then back into strong, shapely legs. It was almost like looking at a living centerfold, he thought. It was too much like looking at a centerfold.

That was why she had trouble getting guys. That was why she had so little recent experience with sex. She was too damned gorgeous. It was intimidating.

* * *

Lori looked at her dim image in the dresser mirror as she removed the second earring.

Why had she done that? Why had she tricked Danny into looking at her? Stephanie would kill her if she ever found out. Lori was a churning sea of emotions this evening, seemingly unable to navigate herself safely through them.

The night had been a disaster. At first all of the guys, each and every one of them, had clearly taken notice of her. She could feel her friends cringe as they each realized they were coming in a distant second to her, or worse. Then it all fell apart.

Lori had tried to flirt, and to make herself clearly available. She even tried starting conversations herself a few times, instead of passively letting them make all of the opening moves. Maybe that was her mistake. Maybe she came across as desperate this time.

Lori tossed the earring onto the dresser with a tinny clatter. She was so damned horny she was going to burst. It had been a five moths since she'd been with a guy, five whole months, and the guy she'd had then was nothing to brag about. The harder she'd tried tonight, the more obvious it became that she was going home alone again. She didn't have to have the cutest one, or the funniest, or the sexiest. She would have taken any one of those guys and given them the night of their lives, if they'd just talked to her for more than a few minutes.

But no, it only took about thirty minutes for them to pair up with each of her friends, until she was left sitting there, on the outside, listening to them talk, the only person in a crowded bar that was alone with a half a dozen friends beside her.

Something had to change.

Lori felt emboldened. Maybe it was the drinks that the men kindly and needlessly kept buying for her. Maybe it was all of the frustration. Maybe it was the fact that she was just feeling hornier than she had ever felt in her life, as if she were a bitch in heat.

Fine, she thought, feeling a little angry at all men in general. She could be a bitch in heat. Watch her.

* * *

As Dan stepped out of the kitchen, he saw Lori standing by the window. He'd thought she'd go throw a robe on, or something, but she was still wonderfully naked. At least she'd had the decency to leave the lights off.

Dan tried to act as uninhibited as she was, trying to ignore the painfully obvious. He stood beside her, looking out the window at the city skyline.

"Rough night?" he asked kindly.

"Guys suck," she said.

"Not all guys. Not me."

She looked sideways up at him, expressionless, before turning to face him. He turned with her. Dan fought the urge, once again, to let his eyes fall lower to enjoy her body. He held her gaze solemnly, instead.

They stood there in silence for a while, facing each other. He looked down on her, trying to remember when he had shot past her in height, remembering his childhood days when he had always looked up at her. Eventually, she let her gaze fall to his chest, where she let one finger slowly trace the curve of the collar of his t-shirt. She didn't touch him, just the cloth of his collar, and even that very gently.

"You owe me," she said, looking into his chest with a distant expression.

"Owe you what?"

"I told you before. You said if I came home alone, you'd have to show me what I was missing."

Dan shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. She seemed so sad tonight. It was unusual. Something was very wrong. He knew he had to tread lightly.

"I didn't say it, you did," he answered, trying to sound firm without being cruel. "I didn't promise anything. You said I had to promise, but I didn't." The image of Stephanie came sharply and utterly unwanted into his mind.

"You said I was hot enough," she stated matter-of-factly, still staring into his chest.

"You are. Maybe too hot."

H regretted it as the words left his lips. Stephanie's face stayed clear in his mind's eye, and now it was angrily glaring at him.

Lori looked up into his eyes. He froze as she tipped her head up, keeping her eyes on his. She raised herself up on her toes, to bring her lips to within a hair's breadth of his. Once there she closed her eyes. She held herself there for a long while, utterly still, almost but not quite kissing him. After a time, eyes still closed, she dropped away.

Dan felt a slight pang of disappointment as she withdrew.

"Stephanie," he somehow found the strength to say, but only that.

"If you were another guy that kiss would have been gentle. It would have been just enough to let you know that I wanted you to push things further. And just in case, I would have pressed my tits into you, so you could feel my body, feel my needs, clearly. There'd be no doubt what I want, and need."

"Stephanie," Dan repeated.

"We won't do anything, Danny. We couldn't."

With that, she eased her body closer to his, looking down at her own nipples. Dan found his eyes compulsively drawn there as well. Once set, he couldn't take his eyes away. He felt his pulse pounding as Lori moved her erect nipples to stop just short of touching the fabric of his shirt. She moved them, ever so slowly, left and right, as if they were brushing his ribs, but not.

Dan realized with a start that she was looking into his eyes, while he was staring at her chest. He jerked his eyes back to hers. She wore a small, sly, tight-lipped smile.

"This isn't fair. You're overdressed," she said teasingly. Her tone was even, but a bit husky.

* * *

Lori had decided to go for it. She was going to play this game as much as she wished. She wouldn't go too far, but she'd go somewhere. To hell with everyone.

She reached forward with both hands to work on Danny's belt buckle. He quickly stepped back, out of her reach, so she stepped forward in turn.

"I'll do it," he said hastily, as if by doing so himself, and keeping her hands off of him, it would be okay.

Lori let her eyes rise up to look into his, giving him some sense of privacy, as he coolly unbuckled his belt and let his pants drop to the floor.

"Is that all?" Lori asked whorishly.

"Stephanie," Danny repeated.

"I'm not going to touch you," she replied. "I promise."

Danny hesitated, and then pulled his t-shirt over his head. Lori tipped her head to the side, giving him a look that loudly shouted her desire without making a sound. He hesitated just one moment more, then broke into a shy smile. She didn't often see that expression on his face. He wasn't the shy type.

"What the hell," he said, clearly fighting his embarrassment.

A moment later, he tucked his fingers into the waistband of his boxers, slid them down and stepped out of them.

"Okay, now we're even," he announced.

Lori stepped back to admire him. She brazenly let her gaze fall down to his crotch. She smiled in satisfaction not only at the sight of his cock, but it's excited state.

"You weren't lying. You do think I'm hot," she cooed, stepping back toward him.

She let one hand move toward his cock, fighting the conflicting urges to both grab it, and to stop this silly game, to turn and run into her room. It stood out in front of him, not quite straight forward, but actually arching upward, like a crescent moon. He stood perfectly still himself, now clearly confused and frightened.

She let one finger trace its outline, never touching it, simply moving down along the top of its length, around to the bottom, then again back toward her, beneath it. Next she formed a half circle with her fingers, to glide them along it, from base to tip and back, several times, as if stroking it, but all the while never, ever touching his flesh.

She looked up to see his eyes focused on her hand, watching her movements, just as hers had been helplessly focused on his delicious, forbidden cock.

* * *

Dan watched her hands moving over him. He was frozen in a combination of shock, anticipation and lust. This had all begun so quickly. He didn't know how to deal with it, or if he should deal with it. Part of him screamed that he had to get dressed and hurry out the door, that Lori wasn't herself. He needed to help her separate from all of this.

He and Stephanie had been broken up for more than two years. They'd tried to get back together, briefly, one summer, but it hadn't worked out. She still hinted that she wanted to, eventually. She still had never completely let go. But Dan had, he'd moved on, and wasn't turning back. She had no claim on him.

Still, getting together with her own sister would kill her. They were still friends. She'd probably never forgive either of them. Part of Dan knew that.

Another part of him, the stronger part, told him to let go. It told him to stop lying to himself, that he'd never wanted anything more than this. He'd never wanted any girl more than Lori. He had never seriously considered it, but he had fantasized about it. He felt no shame there. She was beautiful, and he knew it, everyone knew it.

Anyway, so far, this was harmless. She had never touched him. They wouldn't let it go that far. They couldn't.

"I can't touch you," she said huskily, as if reading his thoughts. "But you have to show me how we would, if we could."

He looked up to meet her eyes. He could play, too, he thought. He was the bold, experienced rogue. It was time to take charge.

Dan stepped forward, taking care to keep his erect cock from touching her belly. He lifted his open hands to place them behind her shoulders, as if pulling her to him. His hands hovered there, feeling the warmth of her in the thin air between his fingertips and her skin. She leaned forward toward him, until her nipples again hovered an eyelash away from of his own chest, straining to reach just a fraction further, to actually touch him.

He lowered his lips to stop just shy of hers. He let his lips slide ever so slightly up and down, left and right, much as he would if he were passionately moving his lips over hers, if they were actually kissing. He let one soft, warm breath escape from between his barely parted lips, letting it pass over hers, before pulling away.

He listened to her suck a long, deep breath in through her teeth. He let his hands almost caress her arms, taking a path down toward her hands. She looked dreamily down to one side, watching him glide over her. She languidly lifted one hand up to meet his. Their hands hovered there, in space, almost together, almost touching, almost holding each other. Their fingers were almost intertwined.

They stood that way for a while, moving their hands in space, dancing around each other, exploring each other's fingers in slow, sinuous motions, while almost, but not quite, caressing each other.

Lori smiled softly at him, a look of low simmering lust clear in her face. She stepped backwards toward her bedroom, keeping her hand near his. He hastened to follow, to keep their hands close together, as if she were pulling him with her into her room.

* * *

Once beside her bed, Lori let her hand fall away from Danny's. She put one knee onto the mattress, to crawl on all fours up to her pillow. She knew he would watch her ass as she did it. She purposely made the entire motion as slowly, swayingly erotic as she could. Once she reached the center of the bed, she rolled smoothly onto her back, resting her head on the pillow to look over at the darling boy.

He stood there, for her, in his glory. The very first day that he'd passed her in height, and looked down on her, she knew that was what he'd become. His torso was well muscled, and almost clean of any chest hair. That was disappointing. She liked a little more hair to mark a man as firmly masculine. She looked down at his stiff cock, and decided he didn't need it. He was more than masculine enough.

It looked so much harder, so much sturdier than any cock she'd ever seen. And thicker, and longer. She wondered briefly how it would feel, how hot it was to the touch, how large it would feel inside her. She dismissed the thought as soon as she could. That would be going too far.

"Show me how I would be seduced, Danny. How would you touch me, now?" she breathed at him.

He didn't need much encouragement. Danny eased himself onto the bed beside her, at first kneeling there, back straight, with his beautiful cock hovering just above her thighs, just out of reach.

His head came down then. With his eyes half closed, he moved his mouth and cheek to her breast, sliding near her as if nuzzling her. His lips formed a pucker, then blew a soft breath onto her nipple. She reveled in the thought that he'd moved so quickly to her breasts.

His lips parted slightly to glide around the curve of her breast, then shifted to the other, then shifted back. His hand reached out, letting the backs of his fingers trace a path along the underside of her tits, so close she thought she could actually feel him. Her breathing reflexively quickened.

His lips lowered to her skin again, drizzling a light rain of ghostly almost kisses down her belly, until his head hovered right beside her thighs. Lori heard herself whimper softly as he moved closer and closer to the source of her frustration, to her burning slit, yearning and sizzling with a long unfilled need.

* * *

Dan inched his way closer and closer to Lori's inviting mound of pubic hair. It took a while, partly because he enjoyed the slow, aching tease of taking his time, and partly because he honestly knew he shouldn't be doing this. Stephanie would be mortified. Yet as soon as he'd seen that her sister's pubic hair was a light golden brown, like Stephanie's, he knew he had to continue. It was beautiful.

And he'd never have a chance like this ever again.

With his face as close to her as he could get, he exhaled a long, hot breath onto her skin.

* * *

The feel of the boy's breath on the moist, outer edges of her cunt was unbelievable. Lori honestly thought that no other sexual contact she'd ever had, with any man, had ever matched what she felt at that moment. It took all of her strength not to beg him to go further, or even more directly, to simply thrust her hips upward into his face, forcing physical contact between them, breaking the barrier they'd foolishly erected, letting her fuck his face with complete abandon.

She had to do something. She had to let him know how wonderful this was. She let a long, breathy, high pitched squeal escape from her lips. She'd intended to do it, orchestrated it, but once it started, it took on a life of its own. She couldn't stop it. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push thoughts of Stephanie out of her mind.

"Lick me, Danny," she said, once her squeal had run its course. "Please, show me how you'd lick me."

* * *

Dan felt Lori lift her head to watch him. He had to move quickly, if slightly, as she shifted, to avoid accidentally touching her. Part of him thought, hoped, that that might have been her intention.

Once she'd settled herself on her elbows, he looked up into her wonderful, loving, glowing eyes. He made a show of snaking his agile tongue out, letting it cruise all around the edges of her beautiful cunt lips. He wished he could use his hands to spread them wider, to open her to him, but that was against the rules. He repeated the motion, but this time he cheated just a bit, letting his tongue barely touch and brush the tips of her shimmering pubic hairs, knowing that she must feel it.

He worked his way up to her clit, ever so close to touching her flesh, stealing occasional glances to see that she was still watching, and to enjoy the expression of animal lust on her face as he worked. Once he reached her swollen button, he stopped to blow on it, too. As she felt his breath on her clit, Lori squealed again, loudly, in delight, and then laughed.

"Oh, yes Danny. Yes, you're good, you're good."

She closed her eyes to enjoy the sensations. He waited until she was watching again to move his tongue in quick, tight circles in the air above her clit, blowing softly on it all the while. If he could actually touch her, he would stay here for hours, doing just this, working her clit over and over with his tongue until she begged him to fuck her, then longer still, until he couldn't take it any more.

* * *

Danny made a beautiful, precious "o" with his lips, shaping them as if he were ready to take her clit completely into his mouth, to suck on it lovingly for her pleasure. Lori threw her head back onto her pillow, immediately regretting that the act hadn't accidentally pushed her tormented pussy against his delicious mouth.