It Started with a Massage


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"Sorry, babe. Don't worry, I'm not upset or anything. The feeling of cumming in your mouth is an amazing bonus, and it's up to you what you do with it. I wouldn't be upset if you didn't do it in the first place though, as much as I like it, because the awesome journey makes up for any destination you choose."

She giggled and reached up to give me a kiss, then tried to tuck my shrunken member back inside my pants.

"Yeah, we should get decent," I laughed, "but I can get that."

"Then bathrooms, elevator, and leave early," she finished, "now that we've got our immediate needs taken care of. I need to see you soon though. If it takes you more than thirty minutes to get to my car, I might be a little upset."

Nodding my head, I waited until we were both decent before opening the door and poking my head out. When I didn't see anyone in the area, I looked back at Alyssa to give her a thumbs-up, then walked down the hall as she walked the other way.

( .)(. )

Even though I was in the parking lot twenty minutes later, I was still a little worried about being late. I had forgotten to ask what should have been an obvious question, but I was a bit distracted. I had no idea which car was Alyssa's. It could have been an SUV, sedan, sports car, or hell, even a motorcycle.

Five minutes had gone by while I was walking up and down the rows of cars, looking out for her smiling face, when I heard a yell. Looking around, I saw flashing headlights and walked towards an older model minivan with darkly tinted windows. When I got closer, I could see Alyssa in the front seat waving at me.

"Really? A minivan? I didn't see you driving one of these."

Alyssa shrugged her shoulders as she started the engine. "I don't care what vehicle I drive, as long as it starts and stops when I want it to. It's just transportation to and from work or the store, not a status symbol. Besides, if it gets wrecked or stolen, I'm only out a few grand, they are easy to replace, and whatever I drive is usually way down the list of most frequently stolen vehicles. Do you think less of me for driving a soccer-mom beater?"

"No, not at all," I laughed, "I just never thought of it that way. I usually ride the bus, but only because I don't want the hassle of traffic and parking. When I do drive, I like to do it in comfort. Now that I think about it, your way is probably a lot smarter than mine. So where are we going?"

"First to your house so you can pack a weekend's worth of stuff. Well, if you want to, that is. If you don't want to spend the weekend with me, I'll understand, I'm sure you have plans for the weekend, and I don't want to intrude."

"Intrude away, Alyssa. I'm fairly boring, so I didn't have anything planned other than a marathon session of eating pizza, drinking some beer, gaming, and watching TV. Are you sure you want me to spend the weekend with you?"

"Tonight is the party thingy, which will probably go late, then we're going to bed, which will keep us up later, so yeah, I want you over. We'll figure out the rest later."

It was weird how easily we switched into casual conversation. Even though we had worked together for a long time, we had almost never hung out, to include company events. Now it was if we had been good friends for years, and that subtle undertone of attraction that some friends possess was now a constant thing, although we had already done some playing around and had already mentioned more would be happening.

We went to my apartment, and I was so happy that I had cleaned up the night before. Having my apparently new girlfriend see a trashy place probably wouldn't be a good start to things off. Excluding the frequent pauses to make out, it took me less than five minutes to pack my things. As much as I wanted to throw Alyssa onto my bed and ravage her, and I could tell she wanted it too, she said we had to get going because we were now on a schedule. While I was packing, she had been texting someone, and she wanted to meet them before we headed out to the party.

The drive to her house was completely different than the trip to my apartment. She barely said a word, and now I was starting to worry that she was having second thoughts about me staying over. Or maybe her parents weren't very accepting of outsiders, and they would get upset about her boyfriend of one day was sleeping over. I don't know. It's so hard to figure someone out when they won't talk. When she parked in her driveway, she still didn't speak, she just waved her hand at me to follow her.

It was even more off-putting when she wouldn't wait for me at the front door, but at least she left it open for me. I took off my shoes and put my bag down by them, not really sure if I would need to make a hasty exit, then walked down the hall until I saw her in the kitchen, sitting on the counter holding a glass of amber liquid.

"Would you like a shot? Yes? Fine, there's one or so waiting here for you, I'm sure you'll need it."

Surprised that she finally spoke to me, but worried that her question plus how she answered for me were all done in one breath, I walked up to her and picked up a glass. A smell told me it was some type of whiskey, and it looked like Alyssa was one or two ahead of me. Wow.

"Sure, I'd love one, thanks m'dear. So what are we drinking to?"

"For the first, truth" she whispered, "and for the second, difficult questions."

"Don't questions come before the answers?" I asked, then stepped back at the glare she gave me. Instead I raised my glass. "To truth."

It was actually pretty good whiskey, I thought, not too harsh, and I didn't feel like I could breathe fire after I drank it. A second one should be fine, but any further and I would have to use a rocks glass for a sipper.

"And the second, to truth." Alyssa repeated, holding up her own glass, which I copied.

The second was just about as good, but not quite so smooth. I'd have to take this easy. It was still good though, not like the rot-gut stuff you get at a bar.

As if she had read my mind, Alyssa poured out two more drinks into a small glass, one of which she handed to me as she walked into another room. I followed to find a simply decorated living room, slightly frugal, but still comfortable and showing a woman's touch which my apartment clearly lacked.

"OK, can we be done with the silent treatment?" I asked quietly, hoping to rekindle the easygoing nature we had shared on the first half of the drive.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm sorry for being distant, this part is kind of hard for me."

"Not a problem. Don't worry, I won't be judgmental. I think," I chuckled, then stopped when I saw the look on her face.

"Remember back at the office you had essentially asked what prompted me to act out some and stop being so shy about flirting?" When I nodded my head, she continued. "A lot of it was because, ummm, someone I know seemed to be lost to me, and I remembered how she had lost a boyfriend that was dear to her. The situation kind of spoke to me, reminding me that if I didn't act on my feelings, that my feelings would never be known. I know, it sounds weird. She had told me a few of her experiences and how most men's minds work, and even though we didn't share the same situation, I thought it applied. I saw girls doing the 'bend and show' routine that I did with you, and how the guys reacted, so I tried it. As you can tell, it worked like a charm. But then today I really stepped up my game because I had some insider knowledge."

When Alyssa paused to take a drink, I did too, and I was even more confused than ever. I knew that women's minds sometimes worked in a vastly different way than men's did, but this talking in generalities was getting to me.

"Insider knowledge? What do you mean by that?"

"Let's just say that a little birdie told me that you had feelings for me." Alyssa kind of giggled as she said it, and I'd like to say that I kept a straight face, but I don't know. My mind went into overdrive, trying to think if I had ever told anyone about my fascination with Alyssa. Nope, not that I know of. She was a colleague, and that was that. I don't date at work. Who could I have said anything to? Nobody! I couldn't even remember saying Alyssa's name to... Shit. Risa. How could Alyssa known?

"Your face just told me that you know who I mean." Alyssa said. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

In shock and confusion, I looked back at Alyssa, but I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Her face was like a mask, simply a blank look. It wasn't that much different than if I was looking at her in a meeting at work when I was sure her mind was wandering.

"But how could you... But we still..."

"Yeah, I know how it sounds, Nate. It's a small world sometimes, and sometimes things have a weird way of coming around. That person I told you about a minute ago was my cousin, and I lost track of her about a year ago. I loved her dearly, and she was supposed to come visit me, but she disappeared off the face of the planet, or so it seemed, and it wasn't until a few days ago that she got ahold of me."

"Your cousin? A year?" I blurted out, only half conscious of the fact that the last two times I spoke, I couldn't form a complete sentence.

"You can hear the full thing later, but the short version of the long story is that she was brought to the US to work in a slimeball type of place. She was very lucky, by the way. She did decent for herself and had very few bad experiences, and one awesome experience. After that great one, she got in trouble but found a way to escape her situation and called me that night. Anyhow, she got to a pay phone and called me and I came to pick her up, and she's been here since. She told me a very interesting story about this one guy, and she was very intrigued to find out that I work with a guy named Nate. Stop me if you've heard any of this story, will you?"

Sitting still mostly from shock, I think I babbled out something. I felt my mouth move and sounds came out, but I don't know what the hell I said, much less what language it was in. Alyssa now had kind of a smirk on her face, and I think she was laughing at me, at least on the inside. I was so damn embarrassed to think that Risa could have told Alyssa what I had said about her, but then again, if I hadn't said anything, then all the fun that Alyssa and I had today might never have happened. While I continued to stare at the table between us, I felt someone moving in the room, but I didn't look up to see what was going on.

Looking up, I shook my head to clear my double vision, but I wasn't seeing things. Alyssa was still sitting where she was before, and to her side sat another Alyssa, just a little shorter and younger. Sure enough, it was Risa, and I could see it was her even though she looked cleaner and happier, including the fact that she was dressed in normal clothes now.

"Risa doesn't have the best words to explain herself, and she's kind of feeling shy at the moment. Nate, she wanted me to say 'Thank You' for the other day. Apparently you made an impression on you, and when you said something about knowing a girl named Alyssa that looked like her, that was a huge boost to her as well."

"I don't know what to say," I said numbly as I looked between them, my emotions mixed between excitement, embarrassment, and indecision.

They looked at each other and smiled widely, which made feel a little nervous, but I don't know why.

Alyssa stood up and finished her drink, then turned to face me. "I have Risa to thank for the way I changed my actions, and what it led to, and I have you to thank for Risa."

"You don't have to thank me, either of you. Really. Whatever I may have done, if it ended up helping you two out, it was completely accidental. I'm glad it helped, but it was truly a coincidence."

Holding her finger up to her lips, Alyssa shushed me. "You may remember that I said we have a family party tonight, right?"

With all of the weirdness that had just happened, I had actually forgotten, but this was something that sounded like it would help get me out of this awkward situation. Jumping to my feet, I started walking towards the door, but I was stopped by Alyssa, and she pushed me back to the couch and sat down next to me. Before I could ask her what she was doing, I felt the couch move on my other side, and I turned to see Risa sitting next to me, her hands folded in her lap as she stared at her knees.

Smiling sweetly at me, Alyssa kissed me gently on the lips, then reached up to turn off a few switches, taking away half of the light in the room.

"You know, I never did tell you how many people were going to be at this family party," Alyssa said as she bit her lip, "and I did say it would be small, so I hope you don't mind if it's a really small party."

"Ver quiet party," Risa whispered as she picked up my hand, "sank you for coming."

As I turned in shock to face Alyssa, I felt her kiss me on the cheek, then Risa was kissing my other cheek. As my heart started pounding, Risa stood up and left the room and Alyssa swung her leg over my lap, kissing me deeply, pulling my hands up between our bodies to hold her breasts. Slightly distracted, I responded to her touch, but in the back of my mind, I was still wondering what was going on. After maybe a minute of kissing her, Alyssa pulled back and stood in front of my feet. Leaning over from the waist, she kissed me again, pressing down on my eyelids so I couldn't see her.

Smiling, I heard her removing her clothes and regardless of the weirdness of the evening, I felt myself getting hard again, anticipating her coming back to my lap. After the noise had stopped for about thirty seconds and I couldn't hear anything, I opened my eyes and my jaw fell open in shock. I looked back and forth between Alyssa and Risa as they both stood up in front of me, completely naked.

I had a feeling that this was going to be a very long night.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Well damn.

I don't usually enjoy stories past 3 pages. But I must say I was consumed with this one.

Just simply awesome. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good Story, would like more...

From a comment above: "Never heard a Chinese or Japanese person say 'more better' or 'you go with me now' in my life."

I have. It is generally with people just starting to learn American (as opposed to English). I have said things just as bad when I was learning Chinese (Mandarin), all it is, is that is the only way you learn, you try what you think sounds right and if you're lucky the other person will tell you politely what it should be. I have had 3.5 years of Spanish, and the equivalent of a College Degree in Mandarin (I was a Translator/Interpreter) so I know from actually doing that it is hard to learn another language well enough to have native speakers both understand you and not laugh at you.

crazyoldcootcrazyoldcootabout 6 years ago
Very well done story

A really good storyline with a lot of feeling and buildup. A part two would be interesting, but my imagination already has that covered. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story, ignore the morons

For the idiot taking issue with the broken english, offensive? Really, your comments are offensive and ignorant. I'm sure you're a trained international linguist. And the blow hard calling it a load of crap, I'd estimate you'd be very aquainted with what crap looks like, I'm sure you see it in the mirror every day. Shut your ignorant pie hole. A great, sexy clever fun story that took a few chances and was fun to read. Period. jahoo

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very good story

I really enjoyed your story. As for the other comments regarding grammer, spelling, etc I wouldn't worry too much...Some people will complain about most anything. Look forward to reading more of your work :-)

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