It Started with a Unicorn


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"It's OK, Sydney. Whatever you want, whatever you do, will be OK." She smiled, very gently. "I promise."

"Shannon," I whispered again. "Tell me..."

"I won't have to, dear. You'll know. Listen to your body."

Taking my hand, she led me into the bedroom, stopped and turned to face me.

"You're very, very pretty, Sydney. I want you." I felt cherished, excited at hearing that. "But you can say 'stop' anytime, hon."

I nodded. Her eyes seemed enormous to me, filling the whole room.

She smiled a little. "You sure you're OK?"

I nodded again, solemnly.

"Would you like to get yourself ready, or...?" A slim hand reached for the top button of my blouse, stopped just short.

I thought I knew the answer to this one. I reached up, mirrored her move, stopped with my hand just short of her own top button.

Her smile grew broader; there was no longer any need for words. Her lips came down on mine again and I tried my best to keep up.

My efforts to unfasten her blouse came to a sudden stop when her hands slid over my shoulders, drifted down to my breasts. It was welcome, but still a shock. I froze, gasped softly as her thumbs began to circle my nipples, sending ripples of unfamiliar pleasure running through my body. Her hands felt so much better than my own ever had.

I pressed my lips harder against hers, my fingers fumbled again with her buttons.

Her hands continued to squeeze and heft my breasts and my excitement soared with each touch.

I pulled the blouse off her shoulders, down her arms, let it fall before reaching behind for her bra clasp.

I learned something. Boys' ineptitude with bras had been a standing joke in high school girls' washrooms. To my embarrassment, despite years of dealing with my own, I found myself as clumsy as the worst of the tales. I blushed scarlet as Shannon's hands gently swept mine aside, freed the catch in a second.

She giggled. "It's always harder with somebody else's."

Humiliated yet still eager, I busied myself with pulling her bra off her shoulders and arms. For the first time, I felt the soft, heavy joy of another woman's breasts. They were entrancing, arousing - and surprisingly fun. That word kept rattling through my mind as I shifted, squeezed and fondled Shannon's soft orbs.

They were larger than mine, with areolae the colour of milk chocolate. Her nipples were taut, as large as the first joint of my little finger. To me, they were perfect, perfect as the feel of her own hands now inside my blouse, stroking me, squeezing before brushing the near-weightless blouse off my shoulders and freeing my breasts entirely.

Shannon bent forward. The feel of her tongue tip on first one, then the other, nipple was amazingly arousing. I felt a wetness between my legs, a difficulty catching my breath.

Tongue swirling, her lips stayed on my buds as her hands felt for, found and pulled on the zipper tab for my skirt. A shift of her fingers and it fell to the floor, leaving me in my open, transparent blouse and thong.

Shannon stepped back, her eyes examining me, a happy, eager smile on her face.

"You're amazing, Sydney!" With that, she felt for her own skirt fastenings, tossed the garment to a nearby chair.

Her G-string was smaller than my thong. In seconds, her hands had pushed both down around our ankles.

"Oh!" I complained. "I wanted to look!"

"Too bad," she teased softly, pulling me towards the bed. I shifted my shoulders and the blouse flowed off my arms to the floor as we walked.

She stopped suddenly.

"If... if you are still..."

I couldn't have imagined her stammering before and I giggled aloud at the hesitation in her voice. They say, a nod is as good as a wink. Instead of responding, I slipped by her and began to pull down the duvet towards the foot of the huge bed.

Shannon's delighted laughter filled the room as she came forward to help. A moment later, I was lying on my back in the middle of the bed, watching as she moved around the room, turning off the overhead fixture, lighting candles on tables and bureaux . Flickering light rebounded off mirrors, walls and ceiling, giving the room a soft warmth. Seconds later, lighter discarded, she made the bed bounce as she landed on it. Arms open in welcome, I joined her in happy laughter.

My breasts flattened against the gentle pressure of hers as she lowered herself onto me. Most of her weight was on her knees and I found myself wishing that I could feel more of it. Her lips again met mine and I felt my head pushed down into the pillow, felt myself swirling away in daydreams at last fulfilled.

I ran my hands over her head, along her arms and back and shoulders. I couldn't get enough of her. Shannon's lips moved from mine, her tongue tracing its way along my neck, my collarbone, up my neck again. Sharp teeth nipped gently at my earlobe and I wiggled happily.

She shifted, her head moving to drag a broad tongue down my throat, over first one breast, then the other. It felt the best, the most exciting thing I'd ever experienced. She began with lips and tongue and teeth to tease just one nipple. I found it hard to breath, harder still to accept that this was finally happening. I raised my head, watched her mouth move over and around my boob, saw her other hand squeeze gently, pull my other nipple away, stretching, rolling gently.

Watching it was almost as nice as feeling it. I reached above me, found a pillow, tucked it under my head. At the same time, I slid my other hand down between us, found one of her breasts, found the nipple, began to play and toy with it.

Shannon lifted her head, smiled at me, bent to my other nipple. Her movement allowed me to get a firmer, broader grip on her boob. I squeezed it appreciatively, heard her growl deep in her chest, felt her tongue strokes grow faster, stronger.

Then her tongue was sweeping down my chest, over my tummy, over my bare mound. I waited, uncertain but hopeful — if that makes any sense — but groaned in disappointment when she bypassed my sex, her tongue instead licking my inner thighs lightly, gently.


She turned her body, lay between my legs now. I'm a small girl; her long arms allowed her hands to remain on my girls, fingers clutching, thumbs teasing, while her tongue teased and toyed near my pussy.

"Shannon," I moaned, louder this time.

The moan turned to a small shriek as her tongue finally found its way to where I needed it. I shivered, shook a little as its delicate tip swept along the outside of my ladylips, then, slowly, infinitely softly, between them.

I pulled her head in, felt the pressure on my mound increase, felt her hands squeeze harder as her careful, gentle, teasing tongue continued to stroke my sex.

I felt my nipples almost catch fire. I was so close, so very close...

Then she lifted her head, smiled at me through lips covered in my dew.

"How's Sydney?" she asked.

"Shannon," I panted. "I can't take much more. Please..."

She lowered her head, gave my lower lips a broad stroke with her tongue from bottom to top, lifted her head again, her smile happy, bright, laughing.

"You have no idea, girl, what you can or cannot take."

Her face went solemn. "Unless you want me to stop?" The grin reappeared.

"No! No, Shannon! Please don't stop!"

I could see tenderness in her twinkling eyes. She kissed my mound, bent back to my pussy. Her hands left my boobs. I gasped as her tongue began to circle my pearl, round and round and round at the same time as a slim finger traced and teased my entrance, then slowly slid home.

My breathing was ragged. I could feel the blood pounding in my ears. My stomach was rigid and my abandoned nips felt like they were made of iron.

Her finger swirled, stroked, explored my ribbed, slipperiness. Then her finger turned in a soft 'come-hither' gesture inside me, dragging its tip across my inner walls. And again. And, as her tongue-strokes became suddenly harder, lashing my clit, her finger found and rolled over my G-spot and the world exploded in in fire and light and skyrockets and earthquakes and angels... It flowed from head to toes, up and down, over and over and over in a pleasure I'd never dreamed possible.

I heard my voice calling her name, fading, leaving me alone in a silent world of my own personal ecstasy.


I don't know how long it was before I woke to find myself still in bed, my head on Shannon's shoulder, her arm around my waist. The duvet was pulled up as far as our hips.

From where I lay, I could see her boobs, rising and falling slowly with her breathing. Entranced, I reached out sleepily with one finger, touched one nipple, swirled lightly around it.

Beside me, I sense Shannon come awake. Her hand came up, cupped mine on her breast.

"Tease," she said softly, then, "How's Sydney doing?"

"Good. Really, really good, Shannon. Thank you! That was amazing."

She hugged me.

"It's not every night that I am so blessed, Sydney. You're a lot of fun."

I glowed inside at hearing that, raised my head suddenly.

"But, Shannon, what about you?"

Her hand petted me gently.

"It's OK. I had fun. Later, maybe. Meanwhile, can I get you something to eat? A drink?"

"I am thirsty." I giggled. "Can't think why."

Her giggles joined mine.

"That bottle you brought -- it's in the fridge."

I smiled, pulled myself off her shoulder, rolled over for a kiss. This time, I was driving. Shannon's lips were as soft as they'd been earlier and there was no urgency now, no force behind our kisses. It was happy, light and, if not loving, then 'deeply friendly'.

I lifted away in due course, smiled, leaned down and lightly licked one nipple with the very tip of my tongue, then the other. I rolled away and sat up, looked at her beside me. Her messed hair looked lovely to me. I ran my hand through my own, guessed I was about the same.

Hand in hand, we padded barefoot through her apartment into her kitchen. There were mirrors here and there and I was amazed at how good we looked together, how natural it seemed for me to be naked beside this tall, commandingly beautiful, wonderful woman. I couldn't remember any reason I might have once felt for embarrassment or shyness. Not with Shannon. Not now.

Opening the door to the refrigerator, she bent over to pull out the bottle and I was struck by the beautiful feminine symmetry of smooth labia just visible between perfect cheeks.

"Here we go. Bring a couple of glasses, will you?" She pointed to a rack of them hanging over the central island. She waited, her hand out for mine, led us to the hot tub in its corner room.

There was no shyness about getting into the tub this time. It was as natural as walking down a street to meet a friend for a latte.

We sat, our hips under the foaming water together this time, our arms around each other. There was no cold wind today; the air was still and the lights of the traffic and buildings below were clear.

Shannon pulled away a little, found the wine. There was a loud pop!  as she thumbed the cork out of the bottle, sending it plunging out into the darkness. She giggled and I joined her as a fountain of champagne erupted from the bottle.

"You're not supposed to do that," she remarked. "They say it bruises the champagne or something. But it's fun once in a while and it's a roof down below, so it won't hit anybody."

I held up the flutes, watched her fill them and set the bottle down. I moved over to rest against her again. He body felt real, welcoming in the warmth of the tub. Her smile was happy, generous and I leaned in for a slow, relaxed kiss.

"Mmm," she said as I broke away for a sip of champagne. "You learn fast, Sydney. Or is it natural talent?"

"A good teacher?" I suggested. Her smile was brilliant as she pulled me in for another kiss.

We sat back, the warm water swirling across, comforting my skin as I admired the view. I felt Shannon's hand stroke my thigh and returned the favor. So wonderful to be so pleased by touch -- the touch of another and the touching of another.

We talked as we watched the airport, enjoying the bubbly and each other. Grace would be returning in two days; she wanted to be 'a astrobot' when she grew up. I had a major project due next week. No, I didn't expect any problems with it, had already got a good start. She'd bought the condo from its original owner, who happened to have been the developer, too. I didn't ski, but thought I might want to learn someday. She'd bought her skirt at Nordstrom; yes, I'd been in there, but no, I hadn't ever bought there, too expensive for right now.

"May I show you something?" she asked.


She pushed off the ledge beside me, knelt on the ledge on the far side of the tub so as to be able to look down at nearby streets. Mostly out of the water, she shivered, then hit a button. I felt the heat lamps begin to glow.

"Down there," she said, pointing. "I worked down there to put myself through school."

I moved over, knelt beside her, followed where her hand was pointing.

"What? The little auto dealership?"

"Uh-huh. The sales manager's wife had apparently been asking why all the sales staff were men and he needed a token woman to get her off his back. But I fooled 'em!"

I looked at her, my eyebrows raised.

She grinned. "I spent a weekend online memorizing numbers and statistics -- mileages, legroom, options, engines, the works. I cross-referenced to Consumer Reports' reliability ratings for various brands, models and years.

"Monday morning, I knew more stats and more details about what they were selling than any of the men."

The giggle turned into a broad grin. "A woman in car sales was unusual and I started to get other women coming in in hopes of getting a square deal from another girl. That and the numbers in my head wound up making me their top sales agent for that quarter." The grin grew positively wicked. "OK, some short skirts and tight blouses for the male customers helped, too."

I laughed.

"That some 'little girl' knew more about their stock than the good ol' boys they'd always hired was humiliating to some of them, but Mrs. Sales Manager was on-side when the sales bonuses were announced. That summer paid for my second year and there was no way they could turn me down when I came back the year after that."

"Meticulous attention to detail," I said, remembering.

"Yup. And now I'm up here and they're still down there."

She leaned on her elbows, sighed with contentment. And, perhaps, a little bit of justified, triumphal schadenfreude.

I moved back to fetch my glass on the other side of the tub. Flute in hand, I turned, stopped. My breath caught in my chest.

I had a perfect view of Shannon's perfect bum above the water, glistening sex again visible between firm buttocks.

I quietly set the flute down again and moved behind her, slowly so as not to disturb her thoughts, until my tummy came to rest against her bum. I was again surprised at how good skin-to-skin felt. I put my hands around her waist and leaned my body forward to rest on her back.

"Well, hi!" She sounded happy, pleased. Her arms came back and clasped my thighs.

We stood like that for a bit. I felt — I don't know — content? 'Content' seems kind of mild, now that I think on it. All I know is that I liked it. I felt as if I belonged  for the first time in my life.

Standing back up, I seized Shannon's hips, pulled, lifting her to her feet. My hands turned her to face me. I felt my heart beat faster, I could feel my ladylips swell, my nips become harder again.

Her hands reached out to clasp my head; the kiss was endless, timeless, without boundaries, an expression of happiness and love.

I surfaced eventually, almost gasping for breath. My hand between her breasts pushed a little.

"My turn," I said.

Her eyes opened a bit, as if wondering. I pushed again; Shannon backed up against the slanting wall of the tub.

"Up," I directed. Her smile changed as she caught on. She rested her hands on the top of the tub, lifted herself up to sit on its broad edge.

"Don't move." I refilled her flute and made sure it was within her reach, then knelt in front of her, looping my forearms under those long, firm thighs, looked up — way up, it seemed — then down to something I'd never seen anywhere but in a mirror.

Her sex was flawless, beaded with water from the hot tub, bare but for her landing strip, its outer lips plump, almost hiding the delicate inner ones. I found it beautiful, desirable, entrancing.

I looked back up to her.

"I want this, Shannon. Tell me..."

She smiled, stroked one side of my head with her hand.

"Whatever you want, Sydney. It will be fine. I'm going to enjoy whatever you try."

There was such calm patience in her voice, such acceptance. I leaned forward and kissed her mound before looking up at her again.

"But you'll tell me...?"

She nodded, leaned forward and kissed the top of my head.

"I promise. If you need help, or if something is really good. I promise, Sydney."

Satisfied with that, I leaned in again for my first time.

That too felt right, proper, what I had wanted and waited for and needed.

I lowered myself a little in the water, spread her legs a bit more. I could see more now. I reached out with a forefinger, traced around her outer labia, then her frail inner lips, her opening, her clit. As I touched the latter, I heard Sydney inhale slightly. Looking back, I saw her parts swell a little, become a little darker.

I ran my finger over her again, softly, slowly. I felt a slickness that had not been there seconds before. I smiled, looked up at her; her chest was rising and falling, her nipples hard now, protruding further.

"I think you like that," I whispered.

"I think I do," came the soft reply.

Well, I thought, if it's working, keep doing it - at least for a while. I continued stroking her pussy, letting my other hand roam over her sleek skin, thighs, mound, tummy. I lifted one of my arms out from under her; by stretching just a little, I found I could reach those lovely, entrancing orbs. My hand squeezed one gently, swept my thumb over a hard nipple and I heard Shannon sigh.

"You sure you've never done this befo...?"

Her question cut off as I slid a finger inside her slippery entrance. I wiggled it slowly, tracing her clit with my thumb as I did. My hand was coated with her juices now.

She seized my head, turned it up to face her. Her face was flushed, eyes very wide.

"Sydney," she whispered, "I've been dreaming of this. I couldn't believe how..." She gulped, took a deep breath. "..when I bought those clothes back to the store..."

Half-lost in thought now, she hissed in pleasure.

"I've wanted you since you showed up at my party dressed as a braless pirate."

She'd noticed my lack of bra!

I grinned inwardly.

"I..."" She gasped a little as my thumb rolled her bud under it. "As soon as I saw you in the door, I wanted to send everybody home, to have you all to myself."

I gently pinched her nipple between thumb and finger, pulled it slightly away, released it, swept over to find the other.

I whispered. "Kiss me, please."

She bent forward, down. I raised myself up without stopping what I was doing. Our lips met softly, but there was a fire in hers, a need, a hunger. Her tongue moved inside my mouth, seeking, demanding.

I smiled, lowered myself to her sex again. I could smell her now, that strange-familiar female perfume. It resonated deep, deep inside me and I shivered.

I bent and, for the first time, tasted another woman. Shannon shivered herself as my tongue tip circled her outer labia, shuddered as it traced its way between them, skirting my thumb and fingers still at work. She groaned when I leaned my head in further with broad tongue-strokes.