It Started with Pizza


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So the two of them continued dancing as the others left. The time passed and they danced and Sue continued to drink. Until finally the DJ announced there would be one last song. Unusually for such an event it would be a slow one. Frank hesitated unsure what to do, but Sue flung her arms around him and pulled herself close to him.

"Lets not leave just yet," she said as she grabbed him. Sue buried her head into his shoulder pulling him closer to her.

The touch of her soft hair on his face was delightful as was the aroma of her perfume. They began to gently dance together, Frank praying that he wouldn't step on her toes. The lightening in the room was gradually reduced until they were in almost darkness.

"Thank you for staying," whispered Sue. "I don't normally drink this much, but we didn't win anything and that really pissed me off. So I have over indulged a bit."

Frank didn't reply, but noticed Sue pushing into him more and more. He began to feel excited, as Sue's body became closer and closer. Her tight dress rubbing up against him. He placed his hands on her hips, loving the way he could feel her body beneath her tight dress. Frank began to get a hard-on and as Sue continued to rub up against his body, his erection got stronger and stronger. They danced for some while, dangerously close, until Sue whispered into his ear.

"I can feel how hard you are," she said. Frank was already embarrassed by the fact he had an erection. So hearing Sue comment on it made it even more awkward. In the very dim light the couple stared at each other, Frank not sure what to say or do. "It feels lovely," said Sue, "I love I can excite you that much." She gulped realising the alcohol had loosened her tongue too much and that her words had embarrassed him.

They continued to stare into each other's eyes in the dim light. Suddenly they were kissing. Many times they would argue about who made the first move that night, neither of them would ever know for sure.

The first kiss was very quick with their mouths unresponsive, but then there was another, and then another, each one in quick session, but always getting a more enthusiastic response from the other. Finally they enjoyed a long passionate kiss both of them loving the wet, warm feeling from their mouth's meeting. Sue's hand reached behind Frank's head, pulling him closer. As they kissed her jacket slipped slowly off her shoulders and as it did Frank began to kiss her on the neck. Slowly he lifted her head and as Sue remained unmoved he kissed her again on the lips. As he went to kiss across the top of her chest, she threw her head back. Suddenly as though she was coming out of a trance she jerked and took a step back.

"Just hold me," she said quietly. It was just about then the music stopped and the lights came back on. Sue quickly readjusted her clothing and smiled weakly at Frank.

"Come on," she said, sensing disappointment in him or perhaps he felt awkward, she wasn't sure. "I need to go to the ladies and then we'd better go home." She stated firmly.

In the car they drove in silence for a couple of miles before Sue reached out and took Frank's hand and held it in hers. She was pleased that he let her hold it and that he responded with a smile.

"Frank are you ok?" She said. She studied his hand, running her fingers across the palm making him shiver at the sensation.

"I am great," he replied, loving the sound of Sue saying his name and the way she was touching him. Sue for her part was pleased he sounded like he meant it.

"I had a great time tonight," she continued. "I am so pleased you stayed. I hope its not going to spoil your match tomorrow."

"I had a good time too," said Frank, "I just hope. I just hope no one saw us," making her realise he was a little nervous about what had happened.

"Well, what's done is done," she said firmly. "Anyway I think we are in the clear. Everyone we knew had gone, we were in a corner fortunately and it was pretty dark."

They continued to chat for the rest of the journey, holding hands except for when gear changes were necessary or Frank needed two hands to drive. Sue noticed he drove slower as they got nearer and nearer to her house. She smiled, happy that he wanted to have as much time with her as possible. Why had she never met a man as sweet and caring as Frank? She thought.

"Park here," she announced suddenly, as they reached the road next to the street she lived on. Frank pulled up.

"Will you be ok to walk from here?" he asked surprised that she had asked him to stop, especially they were not yet at her house. He regretted that he would not see her to the front door.

She grinned. "Yes, but I'd really like another kiss first," she said. She slowly stroked his cheek with her hand. "God I want you to fuck me," she said suddenly and desperately. Frank cheeks flushed and heart pounded as he watched Sue's eyes began to fill up and he wondered if she was going to cry. "But it's impossible," she wailed. "But I want you to fuck me," she repeated.

Frank slowly moved his head forward, his mouth slightly open as he kissed her, on the top lip. Sue pulled away and breathing fast she seemed to slightly shake her head and go to say something. Frank placed his hand on her cheek and then using his thumb he played with her lips. Sue closed her eyes and after a few moments kissed his fingers and briefly sucked on them before again backing away. "I want to fuck you," she said again. She let out a sharp sudden breath as Frank slid her jacket off her shoulders. He ran his hand down her neck to her breasts. Sue went to say, "I have never," but Frank kissed her again on the lips this time with passion and confidence. His hand caressing the top of her shoulders as they continued kissing, Sue's arm floated in mid-air before holding Franks face and for the first time she properly kissed him back. Her mouth opened wide and he felt her tongue probe his mouth. He slowly kissed the top of her chest and slowly down towards her breasts.

"I want you to fuck me," she said again and he paused and their eyes both met. "I don't know if it's even possible in the back of the car," she said. "But I want you." Frank felt a sense of panic. They were in a street, anyone could be watching, and Sue was suggesting they make love in the back of his car. He knew he could not. He could not help thinking if she had not been drinking she would not be talking this way. Fear overwhelmed him and he tried to think of something to say.

In desperation he made excuses. Frank reminded her about the story she had told about the friend of hers they ridiculed for shagging in the back of a car. He tried to say if they were going to make love, he wanted her to think about it. She needed to be very sure and then he wanted to find somewhere really special. Finally he told her.

"Tomorrow this spell might be broken and if we rush into something, you might wish you had never met me. I want you to be my friend forever," he commented. He meant it, but all it did was frustrate her, but she was not about to beg. So she gave up with a sigh.

Sue now too disappointed to do anything else announced she was going home.

"I need the bathroom anyway," she lamely said. They said goodbye to each other with one long kiss and tried to reassure the other with lots of "see you tomorrows." They both knew there was a tension in the air as they parted. Frank watched Sue walk away regretting he had not been bolder, but in equal measure relived. Sue equally was torn, very annoyed at being rejected but partly pleased he had continued to act like he cared about her and wasn't just after one thing.

Perhaps in many ways it just made Sue want him more and if they had screwed in the back of the car things would not have progressed beyond that one night. It's hard to know.

The long slow burn of their relationship towards finally being lovers took another step forward. The very next lunch Frank took Sue to a pub she had never been to before and after a great meal, she was surprised to see him turn right rather than left as they pulled out of the car park.

He showed her a quiet track he had found where they could park up and kiss without any fear of being discovered. Now they used this pub all the time and their kissing began to get more and more passionate and intense. Frank seemed content with their relationship, but Sue now always wanted more. However he continued to resist her, saying they should think carefully about any next steps.

They found another way to spend more time together as Frank began to offer Sue lifts to and from work. He soon worked out if her arrived late enough there would only be Sue at home. If he was lucky he was allowed into the house and they would stand in the kitchen kissing for a while before travelling to work. The dropping off home at the end of the day was always less successful, there always being someone in the house.

Finally fate must have decided they needed a nudge in the right direction. So one day both Frank and Sue were called to the boss's office and told they were going to see a client a long way away, and that it would mean a night away in a hotel.

Neither Frank nor Sue were very relaxed the night before the trip and found sleep difficult.

However they tossed and turned for different reasons. Frank despite being so reluctant, now just assumed they would finally sleep together and was thrilled. Sue, who had been so keen up to this point, stayed awake worrying about her growing doubts that starting an affair was a good idea. Especially with a younger man and someone she worked with. More than anything she feared the ridicule of discovery and the damage it would do.

Sue commented as they pulled away from her house that she felt like, "she was going off with her lover." She made it sound like she wished she wasn't. Frank was already annoyed that she had scuttled out of the house as he pulled up, denying them the chance of a kiss and a cuddle before they left. This comment seemed pretty stupid to him, as to his mind that was exactly what she was doing and he said so. This made for a tense journey and pretty much their first ever row. All be it a silent one. They spent the journey locked in their own private, sad thoughts.

Frank was so unhappy it was several miles before he even realised she was wearing a peach blouse, white skirt with matching heels and her legs were bare. He knew she was wearing this outfit for him, they had talked a lot about what they liked about each other. However, he remained cross.

Frank got even angrier when once checked in Sue suddenly announced they should go separately to their own rooms. As she blurted the words out Frank just stood silent, looking devastated. When Sue was alone in her room the look on Frank's face played constantly on her mind. She began to fill guiltier and guiltier, before she finally relented and called him. It was clear Frank was not in the mood to chat or make plans he just wanted to know if he could come to her room. So not wishing to hurt him more she agreed to come to him.

Before she got to his room he already had the door open and was looking down the corridor for her, which annoyed her.

"I'd have found it on my own," she said tersely but she continued to walk towards him.

He apologised saying he was just too excited to wait.

"I don't know if I am going to stay," she said as she got near to him, but as she spoke Frank grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her into the room. He pulled her to him and kissed her, but their lips only met briefly before she pulled away.

"No," she said.

Her hands rested on his shoulders and they looked at each other. There was a long pause before Sue slowly moved forward and they kissed again. Her hand strayed to the back of his head. Frank closed the door and they continued to kiss before again Sue pulled away.

"I hated being sent away," he said sulkily, looking down at the floor.

"I am sorry," she said. "Sorry about what I said. " Her wide eyes looked pleadingly at him as he raised his head again to look at her.

"Its ok," replied Frank, all eager and suddenly excited now, like a puppy. They stood together; Sue's back resting against the wall as they resumed kissing. He reached down and undid the first button on her blouse, revealing a little more cleavage, but she immediately pushed his hands away.

"No," she said. "Let me go and get ready for dinner and then lets eat first. We have the whole night?"

"And then?" he said. "After we have eaten?" He was now grumpy again.

At that moment she considered just leaving the room and turning her back on his childish behaviour. However, a voice in her head told her it was lovely how much he wanted her and that till now she had been the one leading him on. Her anger at his grumpy behaviour subsided and she knew what she wanted.

"And then you can do whatever you want with me," she replied with a shrug. Adding, "But in my room, a girl likes to wake up with her things around her. So bring your toothbrush and razor when you come to pick me up for dinner. Shall we say half an hour?"

Sue headed for the door. "You brought some protection right?" she said, and smiled when Frank nodded. And then she was gone.

He showered and dressed in about five minutes flat. He sat TV remote in-hand jumping from channel to channel, unable to concentrate. Occasionally he looked at his hand shaking slightly in his excitement. The half an hour slowly passed, before he could finally go down the two floors to Sue's room.

Heart beating fast and a little breathless he knocked on her door. He nearly knocked a second time before he finally heard the noise of someone turning the lock.

When she opened the door he was once again taken aback by the vision before him. She had changed into a pale blue dress that set off her blue eyes beautifully. She had a black belt around her waist and black high-heeled shoes. She studded his face and was pleased to see her outfit had made an impact.

"Come in!" She said. When the door was closed she continued. "Does sir approve?" She did a little twirl. The slightly flared skirt, which was above the knee, raised a little as she turned, showing Frank more of her legs than he had seen before. She briefly studied him, smiled and then fiddled with the collar of his shirt. "That's better," she said, kissing him and taking the toiletry bag that was in his hand from him.

"You look amazing," he said.

She smiled and pretended to tick things off on her fingers, "Buttons for you to undo, a short skirt, some cleavage showing and of course my legs are bare. God know why you say you love these skinny things so much though." As she spoke she twisted her legs from side to side to show them off.

She placed the toiletry bag on the bedside cabinet and then grabbed her handbag that also was the colour of her jacket and shoes. Taking him by the hand she led him out of the room.

Dinner was a disaster, Frank had no appetite and just wanted to go back to the room and in the end Sue gave in and called for the bill.

So much for the man I love talking to, she thought, and as they headed towards her room a few doubts wandered through her mind. Frank also now very nervous, sensed her uneasiness, and so when they were safely in her room there was clearly tension in the air.

"This feels a bit tacky," said Sue quietly, looking at Frank and shrugging.

Frank looked at her, "if you don't want to go through with this then that's fine," he said and he meant it. "I could just go back to my room."

He sat down on the sofa. This time there was no childish grumpiness just an honest offer to give her a way out. Perhaps if he had been stroppy with her she would have told him to walk, but his words only made her think carefully. She realised if she woke up tomorrow without having made love to him the disappointment would be overwhelming. This was the one chance and she had o grab it.

Sue sat down beside him, turning towards him as she did, her knee rested on his leg, "I have to have you." She simply said and holding his head with her left hand she kissed him. He braved touching her left leg just above the knee. God her skin felt great, so soft and silky. They sat together kissing for some while, smiling and laughing. They were finally relaxed about being together and began to enjoy each other. Frank's hand slowly reached edged higher and higher up Sue's thigh as they continued kissing.

Finally the question rolling around in his head had to be asked, "Can we make love?" He asked.

Sue nodded, "but on the bed. I like to be comfortable." She stood up, smiled and walked towards the bed, laughing quietly to herself when Frank diverted to the bathroom on the way. Emerging after having done what ever he had to do.

He stood and admired Sue, kneeling in the middle of the bed, looking at him.

"Turn the lights down," she said and Frank turned off the main lights and he put on one of the small lamps by the bed.

"That's better," said Sue, and she held out a hand, "come here!"

Frank climbed onto the high hotel bed. He kissed her hand as he edged towards her. Sue fell backwards pulling Frank on top of her and they kissed.

"Mmmmmmm, I love feeling your body pressing against mine," she said as Frank kissed her neck and briefly held her by the waist, before running his hand up her thigh. As he stroked her legs Sue rolled slightly so she was now properly on the bed.

Frank smiled and knelt up, holding the calf of her right leg he lifted it and with a slight struggle pulled her shoe off. He held the shoe as he kissed the top of her foot making Sue giggle.

"Feet... yuk," she said cringing as Frank threw the shoe onto the floor. Sue lay still, putting one arm above her head, and resting the other on the top of her thigh. Frank straightened her leg kissing all the way up her thigh. He then repeated the same process with the other leg, before kissing her on the mouth and neck.

He gently pulled Sue up, and began to undo the top buttons of her dress, kissing the top of her chest and breasts as they came into view.

Sue held his head and pushed him into her, pressing him against her breasts murmuring how lovely it was. She helped him pull her dress off her shoulders and she swiftly removed her bra and let it fall to the floor. Frank couldn't help pausing to admire her topless. Sue feeling shy reached out to him. So Frank gently placed his right hand under her breast and began to kiss across the top of it. Sue closed her eyes and cocked her head to one side, loving the feeling of his lips on her skin. Slowly she fell back onto the bed as Frank reached down and removed her knickers.

"Do you like oral sex?" he asked. Sue was amused by the formal way he had spoken.

"Doesn't everyone?" she replied. She lay still, watching, as Frank lifted her dress and began to slowly lick her pussy. She gasped grabbing the duvet in her hand and resting a leg on his back as he continued to lick her. At first he licked up and down with his tongue, before ending with a kiss. He then began to flick his tongue across her clit. His hand now gripped her ass, as he continued to pleasure her. Sue breaths began to be noisy and erratic, in time now with how he licked her. Her eyes closed as a hand slowly reached down and began to gently stroke his head. She looked up, briefly stroking the skin around her belly button and then using her hand to pull at her skin, she opened her pussy for him, a little more.

He paused and looked at her, "is that nice?" he asked.

"Its soooo good," she moaned. "It's been so long."

She stopped speaking mid-sentence as he had resumed licking and sucking her pussy, as inside he felt a surge of pride that she liked it so much. When he pulled her legs apart a little more, her head flopped back onto the bed, overcome with the sensation of the way he was caressing her. Her hands began to gently stroke her thighs and even her own touch seemed to be magnified many times more than normal. Sue's hands began to stroke and cup her breasts as Frank continued. Finally he raised his head and she took the opportunity to take his head in his hands and kiss him.