It Was All Part of The Plan


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I was released from the hospital with various papers and instructions. I was also told to make an appointment with my personal physician for a follow up.

Kim drove me home and let me off. She knew I was about to have a talk with Linda, and she didn't need to be there.

I picked up my evidence envelope from my rental car and went inside. Linda was sitting on the couch with some packed bags next to her. I put my hospital papers, and my envelope on the table, then sat down across from Linda.

"I am ready to talk Linda. My jaw is still sore, but I think I can manage. I will let you have your say, then it will be my turn"

Linda began, "Randy, I know I screwed up big time. I let Luke get to me. He has always had some kind of power over me. He talked about old times, and old feelings, and convinced me that he still had a thing for me. I still resisted, explaining to him that I was married, and how much I loved you."

She was crying now, and took a minute to compose herself, then went on.

"He was persistent, and told me how much he had missed me all these years. I have to admit that I have always been very attracted to Luke sexually, but I thought of you and how much you meant to me. Finally he said that he wanted to just have one last moment with me. He said we needed to get it out of our systems, and that would be it. He wouldn't bother me anymore."

She stopped to see my reaction, but I sat listening without much emotion, so she continued.

"He kissed me, and it brought back a lot of emotions and memories. I knew it was wrong, but I gave in and agreed to a one time meeting, which is where you caught us. Randy, it was only that one time, and there was not going to be anymore meetings. I am so sorry, but I will do anything to make up for it. I ask that you to forgive me, and let's stay together."

I sat and looked at her a moment, then said, "so you're telling me that last Friday was the only time you two had sex since he came to town?"

With tears in her eyes, Linda said, "Yes baby, that was it, and I never should have let it happen. I let things go to far, and I deeply regret it. I am so sorry. Please, give me a second chance here. I promise it will never happen again."

I got up and walked over to the table, pick up the envelope, and sat back down. Linda gave me a concerned look.

"Linda, tell me more about last Thursday night when you went to that business dinner. I know Luke was there. Did you have any intimate contact with Luke that night?"

"No, of course not. We talked, but it was mostly with our clients. We all had dinner, some wine, and talked business for quite awhile, which is why I got in so late."

"Yes, you came home, immediately took a long shower, then would have nothing to do with me," I said.

"I'm sorry honey, I was just so tired I needed to get some sleep."

"Time and again I voiced my concerns about Luke and his intentions," I said. "You kept blowing me off, telling me it was nothing. When you informed me about last Thursday night's meeting, and how Luke would be there, I got a very bad feeling about the whole thing."

I continued, "I decided to hire a PI to find out exactly what took place. If Luke tried to put a move on you, then I could confront him with evidence. Of course I found out a whole lot more."

Linda got this horrified look on her face as I opened the envelope. I handed her the pictures of her by herself with Luke. They were dated, and time stamped. Then I handed her the pictures of them at the car. There was a good picture of them kissing with Luke's hand inside her panties.

Linda almost fainted. Then I handed her the picture of Luke sitting in the backseat with his pants down. Another showed her next to him with her panties being pulled down. Then another with her straddling his dick as he is closing the door. The last one was shot through the window, and clearly showed her them fucking.

"I have evidence that you fucked him at least twice, plus you lied to me about Thursday night. I think you should leave Linda. No more excuses, no more lies, just get the hell out"

Linda stood up and grabbed her stuff. She walked towards the door, then turned and said, "I know you don't believe me, but I did not intend for this to happen, and I deeply regret all the pain I have caused you. I love with all my heart, and would do anything to change what has happened."

She really did look sincere, and for a brief moment, I wanted to run take her in my arms. It was a very brief moment, and I could not be married to someone I cannot trust.

"I'm sorry too Linda, sorry because we had such a great life going until that asshole came to town. We would have made great parents."

Linda said, "Please think before you do anything. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I will quit my job and devote myself to being the best wife to you for the rest of my life."

She walked out, and it suddenly felt very quiet and lonely in the house.

Monday morning I met with Susan and gave her the cell phone video. I told her to serve Linda at work as soon as possible. Susan promised Linda would be served Tuesday afternoon. She also said she could pull some strings and get us before a judge in about three weeks.

Linda tried calling several times but I didn't answer. She left a message that she was staying with a friend of hers.

Over the next three weeks I worked and packed. As soon as we signed the papers, I was selling the house. I also was still recovering from my injuries.

The court appearance finally came, and Susan was awesome. I'm sure glad she wasn't representing Linda. Susan presented our petition on the grounds of adultery. However, we were willing to split everything 50/50.

There would be no alimony. Since we both worked.

The judge thought it was a very fair offer considering the circumstances. He asked Linda's lawyer for a response.

That jerk got up and started demanding the house, alimony, and all kinds of things.

Susan stood up and responded back, "My client has made a very fair offer under trying circumstances. You either accept the offer, or we are going to submit for public record pictures, videos, and detailed reports of Mrs. Burn's having sex with Mr. Luke Johnson. We will also file suit on the company Mrs. Burns and Mr. Johnson works for, showing their failure to control deviant sexual behavior of employees on the job. Furthermore, we will file suit against Mr. Johnson for Alienation of Affection. Now let me ask you again, do you accept our terms for divorce?"

Linda's lawyer had practically crawled under the table. Linda said, "Give me papers, I will sign and accept your conditions."

I signed the papers. Susan then informed Linda that she would receive a check for her half in the next couple of days. It would amount to about $75,000 a piece including what was in each checking account now. As soon as the house sold, she would get half of the profit.

And so it was done. In 60 days the divorce would be final.

I went home and immediately put the house up for sale. I also began looking for a new home. A couple of weeks went by and I had pretty much healed from my injuries. We also had a contract on the house. We would both collect about $20,000 on that.

I found a nice little two bedroom house on the lake for rent. It had a nice deck, a hot tub, and a boat slip. Of course I had no boat, but who knows.

I heard through the grapevine that Linda had moved in with Luke. Well, so be it.

I decided to make some changes in my life. I changed my eating habits, and joined a fitness center. I was going to lose weight, and tone up my body. I started working out five days a week after work. It was part of my plan.

After I had been working out for a few weeks, I noticed a flyer on the fitness center bulletin board for a karate class starting the following week. I went by and signed up. I also bought my Gi, or uniform. I looked good in it. It was part of my plan.

My karate class was such that I could go to the fitness center after work, then run home to eat and change, then to karate. They were all pretty close together.

I went to my first class excited and eager to learn. Our sensei, or teacher, was a woman. We started with some stretching and exercises. I noticed that a very attractive lady had lined up next to me. She was probably just a couple of years younger than me, but she was so beautiful. I thought, she is probably married with kids. I did not see a ring though.

The sensei then asked us to find a partner that we would practice with through the duration of the class. I was surprised when this beautiful lady immediately turned and asked to be partners. I know I said yes, but I'm not sure how it came out. I was so surprised she asked me. She laughed, and we made our formal introduction. Her name was Julie.

After class she said thanks for being her partner, and goodbye. I just said goodbye. I kicked myself for not saying more. It had been a long time since I flirted with anyone other than Linda.

I vowed to talk more next time.

After class the next night we did talk a little, then we parted. I was better, but I decided that I would ask her to go get a drink after the Thursday class. Thursday is almost the weekend.

I did, and she accepted. I asked first if she was married, or attached, and she said no. We went to a little wine bar, had a couple of glasses of wine, and talked for quite awhile. She told me she had divorced about six months ago. She caught her husband fucking his secretary. They were trying to reconcile when the secretary came up pregnant. She divorced him, and took him to the cleaners.

I told her my story, which almost made me break down. It had been awhile since I had thought about it, and it brought back some pain. Julie kissed my hand, and gave me a hug.

"I know what you're going through Randy," she said.

Come to find out, we both had Susan representing us. We got a big laugh out of that, and both agreed she was awesome.

Before we parted, I asked her for a date this weekend. She couldn't because she promised to go visit her parents, but suggested that the next weekend would work. I quickly agreed, and we set our date.

Our date the following weekend was outstanding. We had dinner, then went to a Jazz club for drinks and dancing. I kissed her a few times, but told her I would take it as slow and easy as she wanted. She was impressed by what a gentleman I was. She was also impressed that I graduated from MIT.

Over the next few weeks we were together a lot, either on dates, or just at each other's house. In the meantime, my divorce became final.

After about five weeks of dating, we made love for the first time. To say it was incredible is an understatement. She brought me to heights I never knew I could reach. She said I did the same for her. We fell head over heals in love with each other.

One night after karate, and after I said goodbye to Julie, I drove to this bar where I had heard that Luke, his buddies, and Linda hung out several nights a week.

I walked in, and sure enough they were sitting at a table drinking, laughing, and carrying on. At least they guys were, Linda didn't look too excited.

I walked up to the bar and ordered a beer. I started talking to Joe, the owner, when Linda noticed me. I looked at her, and I saw a smile on her face. I nodded, smiled, and went back to Joe, and my beer.

Luke noticed Linda looking my way. He turned and saw me, then headed my way. He was laughing, and kept looking back at his buddies for encouragement, which they gave.

He stood behind me and said, "Well, well well. If it ain't the little wimpy pussy whose wife I fucked, then beat the shit out of him. Hey wimp, you're ex wife is with a real man now."

He turned around, grabbed his crotch, made a couple of pelvic thrust, laughed, then turned back.

I looked a Linda, and could tell she was embarrassed, but also ashamed of what she did to me.

Luke continued, "I noticed you didn't file charges on me. Were you afraid I would come back and kick your wimpy ass again?"

The laughing continued, then he stopped.

"I don't like wimpy little bastards that can't satisfy their wife in the same bar as me. So you just tuck your feathers between your legs and get out of this bar."

Joe started to say something but I told him it was ok. I threw some money on the bar, and started walking towards the door.

Luke started dancing like a chicken, and said, "That's it wimp, run away. I'm going to give your ex-wife a real good fuck tonight. Something she never got from you."

Linda started crying and ran to the bathroom.

I left the bar smiling. It was all part of my plan.

Over the next several months I worked hard, both at the fitness center, and in my karate class. I was becoming a very fit, and very lean, fighting machine. Julie was getting pretty good with her karate also, plus she looked fantastic.

She decided to move in with me at the lake house, and sell hers. We pretty much knew we would eventually get married, we were just taking it slow. The sex was frequent, and it was great.

We moved up from the beginning class, and worked hard to move up in belts. We were both now a green belt, working towards blue. After we got our blue belts, I figured it was time to revisit Luke, at the bar.

Julie and I walked into the bar, and sure enough Luke and company were there. I noticed something different. Whereas I had been working out, and training in karate, Luke had been sitting on his ass drinking beer.

He was a fat ass, and had lost all his muscle tone. In fact, he looked like an overweight piece of shit. Linda had gained weight too. She was not near as attractive as she used to be.

I walked up to Joe, and whispered in his ear. He grinned, nodded, and handed me what I asked for. He poured us a couple of beers, and Julie and I sat down.

When Linda looked over and saw me, her jaw dropped. I saw her say the words, "Oh my God."

I had worn a very tight fitting T shirt, along with tight fitting jeans. It all showed off my muscles, and my new physique. I had on flip flops, because I figured I might need use of my feet.

Julie and I sat down and started sipping our beer. Linda kept staring as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Luke noticed, and turned around. He stood up, and started laughing, just like before.

"Well boys, it looks like the little wimpy bastard has come back where he is not welcome. HEY WIMP, didn't I tell you not to come here a anymore?"

He walked over to our table, but stopped in front of Julie.

"I do believe the little wimp has himself a new girlfriend. Looks like I may have to whip your ass again, and show this little lady what it's like to have a real man."

Luke put his arm around Julie. She jerked back, and I jumped in his face.

"Touch her again, and I will break your arm," I said.

Luke looked at me with a confused look, then regained his composure and said, "Hey Randy man, I satisfied your ex-wife, I'm sure I can satisfy your girlfriend."

I prepared myself for battle. I got into my defensive position, because I knew exactly what Luke would do. I took off my flip flops and concentrated on his right fist. Karate teaches you to exploit an opponent's weakness, and ignore the size. You are taught to remain calm, and focused. I was.

Luke looked at me and laughed. I concentrated on his right hand. Sure enough here it came. He tried that quick sucker punch again. I was ready.

What happened next was so fast even I couldn't believe it. I had practiced this move many times, but when it came, even I was amazed.

Luke's right fist came at my head. I moved my head back to dodge the blow. My right hand caught his right wrist and pulled it down, using the momentum of his punch in my favor. I then placed my left hand on his elbow to bring his arm down. At the same time, my knee and leg were coming up. I felt his arm break over my knee. Luke screamed, and went down.

I wasn't done with Luke yet. Luke had just dropped to his knees when I connected with a side kick to the face. It is called Yoko Geri. I used the blade of my foot with my toes pointed down. Luke was now officially out of commission.

As soon as Luke hit the ground I noticed one of his buddies coming at me from behind. My next move is called Ura Mawashi Geri, or reverse round house. He never knew what hit him it was so quick.

As I checked to see if either of those two were going to get up, the last buddy was coming at me with a chair. He too was trying to attack from behind. As I turned to take the blow of the chair, I saw Julie's foot connect to his jaw. He dropped like a sack of potatoes.

We stood side by side in our defensive stance, daring anyone to get up . No one did.

Joe walked over and unlocked the door. The patrons in the bar stood and applauded. Julie and I relaxed, then bowed to each, then I gave her a high five. It was all part of the plan.

Linda walked over, looked down at Luke, then said, "Luke you wimpy little bastard, I am leaving you. I am going to go get my things and move out. Don't come looking for me or I will sic my ex-husband on you."

Then Linda looked at me and said, "Randy, I know I have said this a lot, but I am truly sorry for what I did to you. You didn't deserve it, and I don't blame you for divorcing me. I did deserve it."

Then she introduced herself to Julie and they shook hands. Linda smiled at Julie and said, "Honey, you have a remarkable man there. Take good care of him and treat him well. Don't blow it like I did."

Julie replied, "Yes I know. He is something special, and I don't plan on ever losing him."

We both gave Linda a hug and wished her well. Then she left the bar.

Joe walked over to Luke and his buddies. He told them to get Luke to the hospital, and never come in his bar again. He also said that if they had any ideas about calling the police, to forget it. There were plenty of witnesses who saw that Luke had started the fight, and Randy acted in self-defense.

I never saw Luke and his friends again.

Linda quit her job and moved away. She got a better job in another city. She emails me periodically just to find out how I'm doing. I never read or send an email to Linda without Julie seeing them first. Linda eventually married a science teacher whose previous wife was killed in a car wreck.

By the time they married, Linda was a little too old to have kids. She became a mother to his two children, and loves them very much. They adore her.

Julie and I were married about two months after the bar fight. I was asked to head up this startup company that manufactures high end electrical components for the airline industry. They offered me a great salary, plus a lot of stock. The company grew under my leadership, and eventually went public. I am now worth about 20 million.

We moved out of our little rent house, but built a much bigger house on a huge lake lot we bought. It has a huge back deck, a pool, hot tub, and four boat slips. We have two boats and two sea-doos.

We also had two kids. A boy first, then a girl. Julie does not have to work, and enjoys her job as wife and mother. We love each other more everyday. We really are one big happy family.

I guess you could say, "It Was All Part of My Plan."

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