It was Just One Time!


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Julie was feeling disgusted with herself, as the douche slowly dribbled out of her vagina, taking Rick's semen out with it, cleaning her out so that, if Mickey wanted to make love tonight, he wouldn't be getting sloppy seconds. When she was empty, she douched herself a second time, to make sure all of the spunk was gone.

She breathed deeply, inhaling, trying to see if she could detect any scent of sex still coming from her. There were her panties, with the half-dried crust of Rick's semen still in them. Crap! That would never do; she had to clean them. Pulling her pants all the way off, she pulled off her panties before putting her pants back on. Taking the panties over to the bathroom sink, she washed them, wrung them out as tightly as she could, then used the electric hand dryer to try and get them good enough to wear. It helped some, but didn't get them completely dry.

She couldn't put them back on, not as damp as they were, and she couldn't go home without panties on, so it was an easy choice: a quick stop at Walmart, and buy new ones! Luckily enough, she found a pack of six hipsters in the same style, so she quickly bought those. Of course, with all of the security cameras around Walmart, there was no way she could put the new panties on there; she'd get busted, and probably accused of shoplifting. Fortunately, there was another fast food restaurant before she got home, so she slipped into the bathroom there, and discarded not only her used panties, but the rest of the six-pack of new ones; she'd arrive home with the same number of un-semen-stained panties as she'd left with that morning.

Julie was feeling more and more guilty. The quickie with the med student had been good, sure enough, but really no better than sex with Mickey. Yeah, she'd been a little bit horny, and Rick - was that his name? - was really good-looking and a good fuck, but that was no excuse; there were plenty of good looking guys working at the hospital, and that didn't mean she should screw all of them!

"I've done some naughty things before," she thought, "but this wasn't just naughty, it was just plain bad. How the Hell am I going to make up for this one?"


"Come on, sleepy head, rise and shi . . . ." Julie's mother had stuck her head into her daughter's room, and there was Julie, still asleep, with Mickey laying in bed beside her. The covers were over them, but a quick glance at the floor showed their discarded clothing strewn around the room; they clearly hadn't just fallen asleep with their clothes on.

"Mom?" Julie said, sleepily, but that sleepiness didn't last long, as she realized the situation: Mickey was still there, beside her, and her mother had caught them. Why the Hell had they done that last night?

"You two need to get dressed and come downstairs. Breakfast is ready, and your father and I will wish to talk to you." With that, she closed the bedroom door. There had been about as much warmth in her mother's voice as a wind in the Yukon.

Mickey had awoken at the sound of Julie's mother's voice, a bit more abruptly than Julie, and he realized instantly what had just happened. After her mother closed the door, Mickey just said, "We're in some deep shit."

"Oh, my God, Mickey, my father is going to kill us!"

"Yeah, he'll be mad, but you know he won't actually kill us. Be one heck of a story in the Lexington Herald, though, "Teenagers caught in bed, blown away by outraged dad."

"Mickey, you can't be joking at a time like this!" Julie had sat up in the bed, the sheets falling off her, and Mickey taking in the view of her small breasts.

"Julie, you know what, I'm not the least bit upset that this happened. We're going to be together forever, I've always known that. This just moves the timeline up a bit, is all. And there's no way I can ever regret making love with you last night." With that, Mickey got out of bed and started to get dressed. Despite her fears, Julie had to smile when she saw her boyfriend naked in the morning light.


Breakfast was a tense affair. Mickey was seated at the table, beside Julie, while her parents were at each end; Julie's sister Meghan was across from Julie, a big, shit-eating grin on her face. Her sister was in trouble!

Very few words had been spoken, at least, not yet, beyond those required for courtesy at the breakfast table. There was a big stack of pancakes on the table, with fresh butter and syrup available, as well as a plate of sausage and a big pitcher of orange juice. Perhaps if he had thought better, Mickey wouldn't have eaten quite so much, but he was ravenously hungry.

But breakfast had to end, no matter how much Mickey ate, and, soon enough - too soon, really - Julie's father said, "Well, I think we need to sit down in the living room and talk."

"Meghan, go upstairs and take your shower," Julie's mother said.

"What? No, mom!"

"Go." That was all that her mother said, and Meghan obeyed, clearly disappointed that she wouldn't get to hear her sister get fussed at.

There was a couch and a love seat, as well as a chair, in the Martin's living room, and Mickey took Julie's hand and led her to the love seat; he'd been afraid that she'd take the single chair, and he felt that they needed to present a united front to her parents.

Mickey knew that he needed to be firm, and started talking before the Martins could weigh in. "Look, we've known for a while now that we'd eventually be getting married, and we'd planned on waiting a while longer, but we just got carried away. You do know that I love Julie, don't you?"


That had been more than twelve years ago, and Julie could still remember Mickey's profession of love, not only to her, but to her family. And now, she had betrayed that love.

Mickey had done so much for her! They had been planning on going off to college together, but the results of their first time together had changed that: Julie had gotten pregnant, and their daughter Sarah, named after her mother, changed everything. After getting married, Mickey had moved in with Julie into the same bedroom in her parents' house. Mickey got a job in construction, and quickly became apprenticed to the head carpenter. Julie commuted to nursing school in Lexington, and Mrs Martin helped to look after little Sarah during the day.

Once Julie finished nursing school - and she had gone straight for her BSN, so that was four years, not two - she passed her boards, and was able to get a good job at the University Hospital. Of course, as a new grad, it was night shift, which was a pain, because for two years Mickey and she didn't get to see that much of each other. Once little Sarah turned six, she was in school full-time, which reduced babysitting needs, and Julie was able to take a day-shift position, 7:00 AM to 7:30 PM, three or four days a week, on alternating weeks. Still living with the Martins, Julie had been socking away her entire salary, while Mickey's wages went to paying some rent to the Martins and helping with food and bills.

Mickey had given up his dream of going to college, but found a new one. Apprenticed to a top carpenter, he soon found he had an aptitude for it. Mickey and Julie had been married for ten years, when they made the big move: they bought a small farm, cash, and built a carpentry shop. Mickey was going to branch out on his own, making furniture, but while he had acquired some customers, that business was still small, and they depended on the income Julie was earning.

If she told Mickey what had happened, if he ever found out, he'd be crushed. My God, what if they got divorced? Julie was making $80,000+ a year now, a lot more than Mickey brought in, and they were living well, living the dreams that had come together for them. If they got divorced over this, Sarah would be split between two parents, she might even have to pay alimony to Mickey - even though he'd be too proud to accept it - and their small farm, with the house they'd already mostly restored, could Mickey even hang on to it?

There were only two options: she could confess her infidelity to her husband, and hope, pray, that he'd forgive her, and their marriage would survive. Or, she could keep her mouth shut, promise herself never, ever to do anything like this again, and pray that her secret kept. If she confessed, her marriage was in jeopardy; if she kept it a secret, but Mickey somehow found out about it later, their marriage would probably be in worse jeopardy.

There was only one choice, really. Their home was thirty miles away from Lexington, and surely Mickey would never run into Rick. She would have to keep this a deep, dark secret, not only from her husband, but never blabbing about it talking to her friends at work. And she would have to promise herself, never, ever, ever again! No matter how tempting some guy might be, just never again.

These thoughts kept wracking her brain, as she turned into the gravel driveway of their home. As she parked her car, she saw that Mickey had already closed up the shop; it was almost 9:00 PM anyway, but there were many evenings when busy patients had kept her late at work. This wasn't suspicious at all.

Julie put a big smile on her face, as she walked through the door. "Hi, honey, I'm home!"

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AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

Both in the story, and in the commentary, the term “mistake” is used. Anyone who uses that word is making lite of gross betrayal. Forgetting to buy milk is a mistake. Adultery is deliberately putting your selfish desires above the interests of the person you committed yourself to.


If a spouse chooses to forgive this heinous sin, second only to murder, so be it. They should do so with both the perpetrator and the victim fully acknowledging the marital crimes, and not attempting to minimize the impact by calling it a mistake!



ReedRichardsReedRichards2 months agoAuthor

I just noticed that the comment from lujon2019, which he then turned into his own published story, has disappeared. I have no authority on this site, and had nothing to do with his story being removed, and I was not the one who deleted his comment here.

goodshoes2goodshoes24 months ago

HUH??? Story fell off the cliff into an abyss. Do you plan to write a second chapter to this or just leave the shit laying on the floor?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wife needs major attitude adjustment, Doc Dick needs a good defenestration hfrom top floor of hospital.😈👿☠️

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

She is slut no excuse. Cocksman needs surgery primitive kind

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