It was Working Until...

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Life never turns out as you expected, but sonetimes it just.
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Kim Nguyen. She's entirely responsible for my life now. I'm just joking of course. Kim has no idea who I am. All she did was attend my very rural high school starting my freshman year.

She was slim with long black hair. Quiet, shy, very intelligent and totally flawless. Walking perfection. I was completely mesmerized by her. She didn't know I existed, deservedly so. I was young and a typical dumbass guy back then.

She made an impression on me that never went away. I had a thing for Asian women. Not an obsession, but definitely a preference. Although I had a normal life, going to college, dating, etc., the seed was planted. When I graduated, I moved to a city and lived my life just like everyone else.

Complete truth here. One hot August night, I just finished a fantasy football draft at the office of one of my friends. His office was down the street from a strip club I'd heard was very popular. It's a cool place, and having a drink and getting some boobs rubbed in my face sounded like a good idea at the time. I just wanted to relax. So we went down there.

I had been there an hour or so. More accurately 4 drinks. How ever much time that took. I was on a stool at one of the 3 stages, watching Jasmine put on a show. Jasmine can only be described as a sex pot. She oozed sex. Not just that she was stunning for a tiny Asian girl, but she acted like she was on ecstasy.

It was how she flashed her megawatt smile. How she touched every customer in a gentle and familiar way to make it feel more intimate. How she made sure everyone was having fun. Every guy in there wanted her.

I'm not an idiot. I know it's an act. But sometimes you just want to escape reality. I didn't want to think too hard. I didn't want to "look behind the curtain" that night. I just wanted to enjoy the show.

So, when it was my turn, I tipped her a twenty. You won't believe me, but I honestly just appreciated her effort. I'm sure that job can be difficult too, but she made it a blast. Best dancer I've ever seen.

So, how did she respond? Let me tell you again. This is the real story. No bullshit. She faced away from me, and got on her hands and knees. Then she expertly hooked her heels over my shoulders and introduced me to her "business end". Over and over again.

Of course I loved it. I don't know if I lost my balance or she pushed me back too hard, but I fall backwards in my stool, onto the floor with her sitting on my face. Yup, a 92 pound Asian stripper knocked me off my stool.

We were all shocked for a minute, and then the bouncers arrived. One picked her up and made sure she was ok, and the other picked me up by the collar, ready to haul me outside and probably beat the crap out of me.

"No!" Jasmine shouted. "It was my fault. He's good. He's good!"

The bouncer confirmed with her 3 times before he let me go. Even though I wasn't drunk, they cut me off. Jasmine apologized and hung out with me for a few minutes. Likely making sure the bouncers left me alone more than anything else.

It was her turn on the next stage, so she left to go dance. I decided that with my bodyguard occupied, it would be wise to excuse myself for the night and I left.

Seriously, that's the true story of how I met her. There's a small group of guys that can confirm it. I hope none of them are reading this. A week went by, and I couldn't get her out of my mind. I actually got in my car and started to drive down there one night, but stopped myself. It's a strip club. She was just doing her job. Don't be a simp.

So, I went back to my life. A couple more weeks went by, and I got her out of my system. Not out of my memories, but I accepted it for what it was. A fun encounter and a good story.

That's where fate intervened. A freaking pizza hut of all places. I was out with a coworker, eating lunch back when they still had a buffet, when a set of arms wrapped around my waist as I was standing in the line to pay.

"Where did you go?" Jasmine asked me.

I guess the hug was no big deal considering she had literally sat on my face already. We chat for a while. It was weird. I am usually an expert at reading people. It's my superpower, in a way, but I had no idea about her.

She was dressed really sexy and flirted very openly with me, but asked nothing even remotely near a personal question and left without anything that could be construed as a reason to see her again. No number. No "come down to the club". Nothing. Just in case I was blinded by some Asian fetish, I asked the guy I worked with if he thought she was flirting with me.

He said absolutely she was, but he assumed I knew her well and knew how to contact her. When I told him I didn't, he was equally confused.

I wrote if off as a misunderstanding. Maybe she's just really friendly. I don't know. I couldn't read her. I had an audit coming up at work, so I didn't have time to worry about it.

The audit lasted all week, and had to cover all shifts. I was in the quality department, and worked closely with the auditor. That Thursday night, we went to dinner. All my bosses, the auditor and me.

We finished dinner, and walked outside to leave. The auditor asked where he could go for a drink, as he didn't have to get into the plant until 2nd shift the next day and was bored.

None of my bosses were keen on going out. My direct boss asked me if I would take him out. He gave me his credit card and said to do whatever he wanted. Make him happy.

So, they left me with the auditor. He told me he really wanted to go to a strip club, and I told him I don't go to those places, but I knew where one was.

I got 2 steps in the door to the club, when I hear a girl shout, "Jason!!!".

Jasmine literally sprints across the club and jumps into my arms, completely blowing my story that I'd never been there before. Most embarrassing moment I can remember.

Jasmine kissed me on the lips and asked where the hell I'd been. Apparently, she thought it was clear that she wanted to see me again.

She understood I was kind of there on business, but she made it clear that I was to come back tomorrow and see her there. She even gave me a coupon to get in free. She held my face and repeated, "Come back here tomorrow night." Like she was talking to a toddler. Then she gave me her gorgeous smile and all was forgiven.

So, she went back to work and I went back to entertaining the auditor. "Do whatever he wants" turned into over a thousand dollars in charges on my boss's card, but we passed the audit at least.

Side note - I overheard a hilarious conversation a month or so later when my boss had to explain the charges to his wife. Mr. McCance, wherever you are, I'm sorry.

Funny how small events can change your life forever. I was asked to join the quality department because I took an SPC class in college. That led me to the audit, and the auditor who talked me into taking him to the strip club. Otherwise, I probably would have never seen Jasmine again.

I did go back the next night. Aside from when she had to dance, she spent the whole night on my lap as we talked. I will add a note here in anticipation of comments. After my first $20 tip, I never gave her a single penny. No, she wasn't trying to get money out of me, so don't assume that.

Her real name is Sam. Short for a really long Asian name. Sam is actually really smart. Totally flaky, but definitely smart. Her bubbly personality wasn't just an act. That is her real personality. She could charm the fur off a grizzle bear.

She told me she wanted to see this movie that had recently come out, and asked if I would go with her the next afternoon. Talk about an ego boost.

Of course I did. Sam is smart, gorgeous and a lot of fun. I wanted to know more about her. It's not that I didn't see the red flags, it's just that I chose to ignore them. Sam seemed like a good time, and I wasn't looking for anything more than that anyway.

So I picked her up for the movie. Looking back, it makes more sense now, but I was a little shocked at her appearance at that time. Yes, she's a stripper, but the skirt she wore was TINY. And the rest of her outfit didn't get any better. She didn't wear a bra, and she was practically hanging out of her halter top. She's got some impressive breasts for a tiny Asian girl.

I like a sexy girl, but this wasn't really appropriate for a movie theater. It isn't just that. Of course guys looked at her, but she made no effort to hide it. She let them look, even encouraging them to look by her movements and body language. It fed her confidence I guess.

We went to a dance club afterwards, and there is no way else to say it. She's wild. She danced with me and with other guys as well, and she openly flirted with them. I didn't say anything, but she acted like nothing was wrong. Like that is normal behavior. She wasn't even that bold at the strip club.

My enthusiasm for our date was tanking at her behavior, but at closing time she told me how much fun she had and that she really enjoyed our date. I thought I was boring her. Guess I was wrong.

I drove her back to her apartment and she invited me up. Do I really need to tell you I accepted? I'm not going to go into great detail here, but she rocked my world. I thought I'd had good sex before that night. I was wrong. There is just no way to fairly describe it. My mind was blown. Her enthusiasm for sex was off the charts.

When we were finally done, she made not too subtle hints that I needed to leave. No problem. I understood that. I asked her when she was off again, and she said Sunday. I learned that she answers questions very literally.

"Want to go out Sunday?" I asked.

"Sorry, I already have a date. But I'm free Tuesday." she replied.

Although I felt really awkward, I asked her out for Tuesday instead, and she accepted. I guess it is not completely unheard of for a woman to date other people, especially since it was only our first date, but we had just had sex, and she didn't exactly tell me she was dating anyone else beforehand.

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but maybe it's because she is a stripper. Maybe she's just having fun too. I thought to myself, if she was a guy, she'd be a hero. Besides, there's a certain fantasy quality to having a promiscuous / stripper girlfriend. Not that she was my girlfriend yet, but there are a lot of guys who want a "slut" for a girlfriend.

Again, I'm not making the assumption she is a slut, but if that's the worst case scenario, then I would be fine. After all, she is a stripper and we had sex on the first date. So at the very least she isn't a prude. I'm good with that.

We went out four more times. All ending in sex, and me going home afterwards. Each date better than the last. If she is fun out of bed, she's a freaking blast in it.

We talked some in-between our dates, but not nearly as much as I had with other girls I dated before. She was always busy doing something or working. She remained a mystery to me.

So I took her out to dinner one night. Boring by her standards, but I wanted to talk. I asked about the other people she dated. If she had sex with them too. All the things I think I was entitled to know.

Instead of hashing it out there in the restaurant, we went to a hole-in-the-wall bar to discuss our "relationship" over a drink. She said it was time for us to have "the talk".

She pretty much laid it out to me. Yes, she is unconventional and likes a fun life. She doesn't give one fuck what anyone thinks about her. She lives life one impulse to the next.

She does date other people and has sex with them. She had no intention of stopping. Not to be rude, but if I can't handle that, then it would be best if we stop dating.

She said she had fun with me, but had no plans to change who she is. It sounds bad, but she didn't say it in a "rub my face in it" way. She's not one of those people who go around telling everyone how big a slut she is. We are dating, so she was just being honest with me.

"I don't know what it is, but you are different. I can usually figure out people rather quickly, and get bored of them rather quickly, but we've been dating for a few weeks now and I'm still figuring you out. I'd rather keep dating if you can handle it." She gave me her speech. "Look, I know most people consider me a slut, but I just do what seems fun at the time without caring what the consequences are. Either you like that or you don't, but I won't lie and I won't hide it." She finished.

I could write several paragraphs about the internal dialogue I had then, but the outcome was rather simple. She's hot, amazing in bed, and a fun person to be around. No, we weren't going to find love, but there's nothing wrong with fun either.

So should I keep dating her, with no expectations? She could decide to drop me at any moment. I decided to just enjoy the ride while it lasted. I wasn't exactly looking for love either. Similar to her explanation, I found her intriguing. There was a lot more to her than what is on the surface.

It did last. We saw each other usually twice a week, and briefly chatted a couple more days each week. We got more comfortable with each other. She slowly divulged more information about herself, and she eventually met all my friends.

Yes, she was a lot of fun, and I guess I got used to her open flirting with anyone she found attractive. The only time I struggled with her behavior was when we went out on a holiday weekend with my friends.

She liked dancing, and was really good at it. I guess because of her work. A couple of the guys brought their girlfriends along too. I could see immediately they didn't like her. They probably sensed the danger. It didn't help her case when she put her feet in the lap of one of their boyfriends and asked him to massage her feet when she took a break from dancing.

However, she was able to charm them too. She shared a few dance moves with them, and by the end of the night they were laughing and chatting like old friends.

She danced with me about half the time, and it didn't surprise me that she danced with my friends too. I danced a little with their girlfriends also. But she didn't turn off the charm when she danced with my friends. She did all the little things that makes guys interested. Maybe she can't turn it off, I don't know. She flirted blatantly with a couple of them.

Eventually she asked one of them out, which he immediately told me about - bro code. She had even rubbed his dick through his pants as they danced. I thought it was a little tacky she asked out my friend, but I didn't say anything to her.

Yeah, it was a little humiliating that she hit on others guys during our date. I won't lie. She did eventually go out with a couple of my friends in the next few weeks. I just didn't know how to react to her fucking my friends. I consider dumping her.

That's just how she is though. She dresses like a slut, talks like a slut and lives like a slut. She said herself that she is a slut, so I shouldn't be surprised when she acts like a slut. At least she didn't do it behind my back.

But there was just something about her that I had to keep investigating. I was having fun despite her antics, and didn't want to get off the ride yet. Yeah, I knew it would end badly for me, but damn she is just so addictive. Bouncing along from one disaster to the next while chasing butterflies.

So the ride went on. We ebbed and flowed like normal couples do. Mostly depending on her moods. For example, she developed a crush on a woman at her work, and they spent a lot of time together. I maybe saw her only 3 times in the month she was dating that girl.

Then one day, just like that, she was bored with her. "I'm tired of eating her pussy." She declared like she was changing brands of body wash. She made it up to me by going out with me 8 times in the next two weeks.

My friends thought I was crazy, but in the same breath admitted they wish they had a girl that hot and that horny. I just shrugged it off and reminded them I'm not in love with Sam. I'm just enjoying the trip.

The holidays rolled around and she told me she was going home for a couple weeks. Home, as in Asia home. No, I wasn't invited. I asked her straight up if she had a boyfriend or husband there.

"No." she answered. "Guys from my country suck at sex."

Then she wiggled her pinky, indicating they have small dicks.

"But I'll go out to the city and visit a couple bars and let a foreigner pick me up while I'm there." She explained, not at all ashamed of telling me that. Honest to a fault.

I guess it's good she is telling me at least. I asked her, "Aren't the girls at those bars prostitutes?"

"Yeah, they are." She shrugged her shoulders, not seeing it as a problem.

We had sex three days in a row before she left, but I still couldn't help wondering what was wrong in her head that she didn't think that was a problem? That was when I realized she isn't just a slut or eccentric. She's got a loose screw or two in her head. Something deeper went wrong in her.

I didn't feel any better when she only messaged me twice during what turned out to be three and a half weeks she was gone. She did ask me to pick her up from the airport when she got back, and that included sex and her falling asleep in my arms afterwards.

I thought that meant she missed me, and we were taking a step forward in our relationship. But, she all but disappeared for a week after that. One text, that just said, "sorry, busy".

The next week wasn't a lot better. I only saw her once. Again, she didn't offer much of an explanation. Basically she said, "would you rather talk, or fuck?"

Well, if course I choose sex. Any guy would. I realized about the middle of the following week, that it was aggravating me. Like it or not, I had some kind of feelings for her. I can't say it is anything beyond enjoying being with her, but nevertheless there was something there.

I kind of put my foot down and told her that I liked her, and liked being with her, but she was not being fair to me. She told me to come over the next night, and we would talk. Followed by a selfie of her gesturing as if she was offering me a blow job. Damn, she knows how to get to me.

So, I went over. She did give me that blow job, and then we talked.

"Look Jason, I won't lie to you. I missed you when I went home, and that scared me a little." She started with. "I know I have issues. Lots of issues. That's why I keep everyone at arm's length. Not having a relationship keeps me from facing my issues. It's a coping mechanism. I know that. I also know all the sex in the world won't silence that voice in the back of my mind, but it really does help. So yes, I am a whore, but it was working for me until I knocked you off that stool."

It was good to hear in a way, but I also realized it must have been difficult for her to say. She's spent her whole life running from her issues, and laying it out for me couldn't have been easy for her, but I still deserved an explanation.

"I dealt with my feelings the way I always do. I tried to fuck them out of my mind. To bury them under so many orgasms they just die. You see right through me Jason. I could lie but you would know it's a lie. I found the biggest cock I could find and let him fuck me senseless so I didn't have to think about how I felt." She gave me her honest reply.

"So, what does this mean for me?" I asked. It's a fair question and she owed me an answer.

"In the short term, be patient with me. You know how I am. I'll get bored of him soon, but I need to work this out. After that, I won't say I will stop dating other people, but I am willing to see if I can deal with those feelings a little at a time. You are the closest thing I've ever had to a boyfriend before, so I want you to remain in my life. I'm never going to be normal, but maybe I can take baby steps towards something you can find acceptable enough."