It's All About Faith Pt. 04


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Faith turned her head about half way back to Buck and he leaned forward to hear her whisper, "What would you do if you were up there?"

"Close my eyes, pretend there was no audience, and hang on for the ride."

She showed him her sparkling smile and then faced the front again as Kali watched the two of them with a mixture of jealousy and curiosity. The first guy didn't last long and she wasn't quick enough. His spunk jumped up and over her shoulder and it slipped down her back as he continued to spray her with his last few jets of warm fluid. The guy in the third chair went off next and he got her face with a couple of pulses before she got her lips over his cock and swallowed the rest of his offering. Hank was right behind him and his woman caught it and took his whole load in her mouth. Kali decided Hank just didn't do anything for her. He looked too pale and soft for her taste. The one called Leon was last, and the audience was starting to murmur as she worked on him and he continued to stay hard. Her hand was getting tired, but she was giving it her best and then all at once he erupted and she ended up wearing all that he had to give her. Kali didn't miss anything. All of that action was getting to her, but she was curious and intrigued by the whole experience as well.

Everybody was quiet as the four couples put themselves together and Peggy handed the women white towels to wipe themselves with before getting dressed. It took a few minutes before all of them were dressed and off of the stage and in the meantime Buck asked Kali, "Doing okay, hon?"

"I think so. This is all so unbelievable, so totally unbelievable."

"I agree. Were you afraid you would be picked?"

"I was petrified."

"I'll bet you could have done it though."

"Well, I don't intend to try, so we'll never know for sure."

"What did Faith ask you?"

"What I'd do if I was up there."

"What did you tell her?

"I'd close my eyes and hang on." Kali just smiled.

"Okay, while everybody rests for a minute, I'll tell you about our next game. Then we'll finish the evening with something a little different, a little surprise for one lucky duo. Everybody reach under your chair and pull the numbered paper out and hold onto it." Buck and Kali looked at each other and reached under to find their number. They weren't sequential so the whole number thing was random. "Okay. No explanations needed because it will become plain in just a minute. Number...sixteen, where are you?" She looked to the back and said, "Hey, there you are." She pulled a paper out of a bowl and read, "Number sixteen, you have to remove your shorts. Not your skivvies, just your shorts. Oh, and don't put them on again until the end of the show, wonderful, thank you." All eyes went to Peggy again and she pulled the next one and said, "Number nine." It was the guy next to Kali and when he raised his hand that rattled her, "Hi Gus. Oh bummer, the paper says you're to strip below the waist love." Kali swallowed and looked at Buck. He just squeezed her hand, but said nothing as Gus shed his pants and underwear showing his rapidly growing manhood. When he sat down Kali looked by reflex and then cursed herself as she looked away too late. She now had a mental image of his hardness and it wasn't going away.

"Number...four, There you are, hi Judy. Okay this paper says...oh, this isn't your lucky day love. You have to strip naked for us."

"Oh my God, I can't do that."

"Everybody show her some support. Let her know we want to see her naked. Guys call out and tell her how sexy and good looking she is." The room was full of male voices as they showered her with gentle words, sexy words and dares. Two told her how much they wanted to make love to her as she blushed and looked around trying to keep up with everybody. Whether or not it made sense, it worked and she stripped naked and handed her clothes to the guy that was sitting next to her. She posed and the audience applauded for her as her blush went down over her breasts before she sat down.

"Wonderful Judy, we're proud of you and all of us thank you especially the men. Okay, number...wait, two stuck together here. Let's try that again. Number...eleven, number eleven." Kali's heart stopped beating and her hold on Buck's hand tightened to a painful level. Buck nodded his head in encouragement. She told herself that Judy had just survived it and she had to strip naked. That wouldn't happen twice in a row. It just couldn't. She reluctantly stood up and the audience recognized her as Faith's visitor so they all applauded her generously. Kali didn't move or speak as Peggy fished into her bowl and pulled out Kali's fate. "What's your name?" Kali had to swallow before she could manage, "Kali."

"Nice to meet you Kali, let's see if we pulled a good one for you...oh damn. You have to strip to your panties, Kali." Her eyes went wide and she tried to convince herself it was a joke or she heard wrong. Buck moved his hand to remind her he was right there and she looked down as he smiled at her. That was well short of her salvation, but it did help her. She released her hold on him and then turning so the naked guy behind her couldn't see as she stripped her top off and then her bra and shorts. Her eyes were almost closed as she felt dozens of pairs of eyes on her. She knew the naked guy next to her was about to see her breasts and he could already see her ass covered by a pair of those sexy panties from Alice's. She'd done it so she sat down and she received another round of applause as she showed Buck a thin smile. Then for whatever reason, she looked at the naked guy next to her, and his cock was hard and waving at her. She just knew it was her, that it was waving at with some kind of sexual sign language. She gave him one of her thin smiles and looked back at Buck again.

"Number twenty seven," Peggy called out. "Wendy, when did you get here? Well let's see what the stars have lined up for you tonight. Well, you only have to strip to the waist. But then you have to let the people on both sides of you suck your breasts and feel you all over until I call the next number. Go ahead love and I'll wait." Wendy had a guy on one side and a woman on the other and they wasted no time bathing her with their mouths and roaming all over her body. Even Kali forgot that she was all but naked and turned around to watch the action. Wendy couldn't have been happier and when Kali realized that could have happened to her she felt lucky and quit worrying about her situation. Then Peggy, wearing a large smile said, "Oh my I guess that was the last number. Oh well, you three just go ahead or quit or whatever and we'll get on with the last part of the show up here."

Chapter Sixty Eight

Buck and Kali looked at each other again and her smile was a little stronger. He leaned over and whispered, "You are so hot and so brave. I'm so lucky to have you by my side, Kali."

"I love you, Buck." He kissed her gently then before he looked back at Peggy again. "Okay now for the last treat of the evening. Faith, would you join me please?" Faith glanced at buck and then joined Peggy and slipped her arm around her. "Everybody here and for that matter for this whole part of the state probably knows Faith and her husband Max. Faith here's a question for you. Right now, right this minute which man would you like to make love to?"

"Right now?"

"Right now."

"Anybody in this room right?"

"Anybody, Faith, who would you pick?" Kali knew the answer even before she said it, and she was in a desperate fight with herself instantly.

"I'd have to pick Buck."

"Really and why is that?"

"Well, it isn't hard to see that he's handsome, but he's also a gentleman. He's charming, and the first time I met him and even though he had no idea who I was, he extended a protective shield for me when he thought I might need it. I've never forgotten that simple and sincere gesture. I'm also sure he's a good lover."

"You make him sound pretty special. Come up here please, Buck."

That was exactly what he didn't want to do even for Faith. But he and Kali had discussed it and she was right. This was a priceless opportunity for them. If this didn't open some doors, there wasn't likely to be much that would and they should just go home and cut their losses. He also could feel Kali staring at his back and he hated knowing what this was going to do to her. First Anita, and now Kali. He glued a smile on his face and went up to stand next to Peggy with his arm around her and touched Faith's arm with his hand.

"Buck, I take it you like Faith."

"Of course I do, and is there anybody that can resist her charm and beauty?" The room erupted in applause so Peggy smiled until they settled down again. "But you have a woman right?"

"I do have and she's very good looking and a priceless diamond in my life. That made Kali's eyes mist over but she smiled and blinked back her tears.

"Kali is it true, is Buck a good lover?"

Kali just wanted to crawl into a hole but she smiled and said, "He's a great lover."

"Buck, you're a pretty damn lucky guy you know."

"I'm lucky beyond measure. What are you doing after the show by the way?" The audience loved that injection of humor and clapped for him.

Peggy laughed and said, "What if I told you it would be your good fortune to make love to Faith."

"I'd accuse you of lying or making fun of me."

"Faith, what would you say to that?"

Her voice was soft as she asked him, "Buck, could we make love? Right here and right now?" Peggy repeated Faith's words for the audience and everybody went silent.

"I can't say no to you tonight, Faith." The audience heard that and everybody applauded...except Kali. She had long since forgotten that she was all but naked and was totally focused on the love of her life and Faith. She knew she would have to close her eyes once it started. All Peggy had to do was get out of the way. Faith was very comfortable around people, whether it was three or three hundred, and she knew she wasn't at all bad looking even though she was a good eight years older than Buck. There was little doubt in his mind that Faith had arranged to have them make love on stage. She hadn't been to subtle in her signals before, but even at that he couldn't believe where he was and what he was about to do.

They came together in a long kiss like true lovers. She looked at him and whispered, "I've been thinking about this for a long time and I can only hope that Kali will forgive me."

"And Anita," that made her smile then and she said, "I'd like to hear you're story some time."

"There's a good chance that you will. Now it's my turn to admit that I've admired you for sometime as well, and I believe all of your fans and followers are eager to see us please each other."

"And I'm sure we can."

"If we can't, rather than embarrass ourselves, we'll fake it okay?"

She smiled again then and told him, "We won't have to fake anything. Now undress me honey and let me feel your hands on me." Buck didn't feel the least bit suave or smooth, but he did his best as he unwrapped this beauty standing before him, beauty in and of itself, the pleasing to the eye for the moment doesn't last. People adjust to beauty if it's always there, but inner beauty always manifests itself in fresh ways so there never is the risk of becoming jaded. Women like Anita and Kali...and Layla...all had inner beauty and perhaps even Carly too and that's why he loved them all.

With Faith now naked, his hands slowly explored her as he kissed her before he bathed her breasts with his tongue and lips. She undressed him then and they came together as Kali, forgetting to close her eyes watched every move. It would hurt later, but at the moment she couldn't stop watching her Buck.

There was a passion and impatience with Faith, but Buck was okay with that too. He was eager now to experience this woman, but he was eager to be back with Kali too. He really was a very lucky man. Their actual lovemaking wasn't sensational or unique except to them. The moves were conventional and the sensations that rippled through them were not a new discovery. But like inner beauty, to lovers the sensation was always new and fresh and exciting and wonderful. She responded to his touch and his thrusts and even feeling his sweat under her hands as he pounded into her faster and faster. Faith talked when she made love. Not loudly but in near whispers as her eyes drilled into his. "Yes honey, yes like that. Oh fuck, I knew you would be wonderful. I'm close baby, so close now. God, how I wish we could just fuck all night." Her butt was bouncing up and down slightly as her orgasm inched nearer and nearer until she uttered, "Oh...oh, oh..." and then her arms pulled at him until they were pressed into each other and he emptied himself into her and planting his seed as deeply as he could. As soon as the intensity of her orgasm eased, she pulled him into her lips and kissed him hard and deep as the last of her climax slowly returned control of her body to her. Buck gave her a few more slow and deep strokes as he whispered, "Damn, you are good Faith. You are all woman and all passion, and I'm not sure I could keep up with you for long."

"Oh, I know you could. I know you won't, but you could." The audience was clapping but the two of them were ignoring the noise for the moment. They still basked in that sweet other worldly afterglow while Peggy stood off to the side and smiled at the couple in front of her.

Faith finally said, "We better get up and thank our adoring public so you can get back to Kali. I'm sure she's not all that happy at the moment. Like Max though, she'll get over it." Hearing Kali's name brought him back to the real world and he pushed himself up and off of her before offering his hand to her. His cock was spent but was still well above soft as she stood up and looked at his cock one last time. Faith kissed him one last time and said, "Let's get dressed and go find Ethel. Oh, and be sure to kiss Kali and talk sweetly to her."

"You're like no woman I've ever known Faith, and I'll always brag that you're my friend, because you are you, and not because of who you're married to."

"Thank you Buck," and as Faith arranged her hair with her fingers the best she could they walked over to Kali and Buck kissed her and held her close to him. She said nothing, but she did smile up at him, and the three of them walked out together to find Ethel and her iced tea.

Chapter Sixty Nine

The village came to life again as the residents spilled out of the Playhouse and onto the streets. It took a few minutes, but Buck managed to get their drinks from Ethel before she ran out and then they moved off to the side to talk. Faith hugged Kali and softly told her, "I hope you can forgive me for what I did."

"I forgive you Faith, and judging from Bucks actions, I'd have to say you really got to him." "I think we got to each other." Then she kissed Buck again and told both of them, "I plan to be here for the Saturday show as well and I rarely come to both of them like that. But unless I'm mistaken, there's a chance that will be the last one for you two and it may be a very long time before I see you again."

Kali tried to be strong and upbeat but her eyes and a weak smile gave her away as she said, "This will be my only time here I'm sorry to say." Faith saw the hint of tears and spilling some of her drink on the ground she pulled Kali to her and silently held her. Faith was curious about their arrangement but that wasn't the time to ask questions. They talked for a few more minutes, Buck and Faith shared a last kiss and flattering words and then she left and Buck and Kali moved toward the house.

"Kali, I'm sorry about being called up to be with Faith."

She showed him her bravest smile and said, "You are not, she had you really going. I was watching remember?"

"Oh, I remember you sitting there naked in the second row. Next to that naked guy no less."

With what could only be called a bashful look Kali said, "I wasn't naked, I had my panties on."

"And aren't you glad you were wearing them."

"I really am, and to think that since we've been here, this is only about the third time I've worn panties." Once more they shared smiles and with arms around each other and Kali leaning against Buck they went home.

As they went inside Buck said, "I'm going to call Mitch."

"Now? Isn't it getting late?"

"It's just after ten, so he'll still be up and probably Layla too. We need some help, honey."

Kali sat next to him on the bed and Buck paused, took a deep breath and placed the call. "Hello," Mitch said with a gruff voice.

"Hello yourself," Buck could see Mitch straighten up in his mind as the tone of voice changed.

"What the hell, you're supposed to be in Discovery."

"We are in Discovery and at Faith's house. We'll explain later, but right now we need your help."

"Talk to me."

"Look some things up on the computer for us." Mitch's voice was weak as he handed the phone to Layla and told her to talk while he went to the computer room.

"Hi Buck."

"Beautiful Layla, how are you hon?"

"We're doing okay. How is Kali?"

Buck put the phone on speaker and said, "Ask her yourself."

"Hi Kali, doing okay?"

"I'm fantastic, confused, and afraid...I'm a mess, but this place is amazing."

"I agree. Sounds like we'll need some serious girl time when you get home."

"Maybe so," Kali knew that wouldn't happen once they knew that she was so in love with Buck and that they were making love.

"I better put Mitch back on. Love you, Buck."

"Love you too Layla," and a second later Mitch said, "Okay talk to me."

"Winthrop Fashions in State College."

"Say that name again."

"Winthrop Fashions for men and women."

It only took him a couple of minutes before he said, "Well hello...interesting. It just came to me."

"Care to share this?"

Would you care to guess what Faith's maiden name is?"

"Not Winthrop."

"Oh yes, Winthrop."

"No shit. Damn that calls for thinking in a new direction."

"So tell me the story?"

"I'm on Faith's phone so I better wait, but you may have lit the fire."

"You and Kali getting along?"

Buck looked at her and said, "Better than anybody could imagine."

Layla jumped in with, "Can't wait to hear your stories, yours too, Kali."

"We'll be talking," but those were just words.

Buck slipped his arm around Kali then and said, "We'll get back to you, but tomorrow we're going to do some serious thinking and taking notes. Thanks guys," and he hung up.

Kali was watching him closely as she asked him, "Why didn't you ask about Anita?"

"Because I'm sitting right here next to you, and it's you that's on my mind. Now don't start on me, because we have a couple of things to take care of tonight and then tomorrow the real work begins." "What do we have to do that can't wait until tomorrow?"

"First of all Kali I have to tell you that I love you so much."

He sat there and watched her as she stared at him before dropping her head into her hands. "Great, just fucking great, damn it Buck, you don't love me."

He stood up and lifted her to her feet like a rag doll. "Now damn it Kali we went through this before remember? You told me you loved me and I said you didn't. You blew up. You just went freaking nuts. Well guess what, I do love you and you'll just have to deal with it. I didn't want that. I still don't want it to be truthful. All I wanted to do was have us come up here, solve the problem and go home. But oh no, you had to fall in love with me and now...well I realized this morning that I love you."

She was crying again as she looked up at him and said, "But you can't honey. We can't be. Damn it I can' can't just up and leave Anita."

"I know it, but I don't know what to do."
