It's All Happening at the Movies!

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MILF Ann is on her own at the movies.
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It was Friday, and my husband Dan was leaving after work on a fishing trip up north with two friends.

"I'll be back Sunday, probably in time for supper, Ann."

"Can't you stay for supper?"

"We'd lose about two hours. Leaving earlier will get us to a campsite before dark."

"When you get back, maybe you should take me out to dine as a reward."

"Can't you line up something fun to do with a woman friend?"

"I'll see, but my two best friends may have plans with their husbands. I could dine out by myself tonight."

"Just don't go by yourself to a bar. You'd get tired knocking down passes!"

I was 42, 5' 5", with brown hair, brown eyes and the kind of figure most men favor: good legs and large breasts that were balanced by my hips and jutting ass. Men seem to think I also have a pretty face.

"Thank you, dear, but I'd never go to a bar alone. I might fantasize about going, but I'd be scared to do it. You behave yourself too!"

Dan was 43, 5' 10" with short brown hair, blue eyes, no beer belly and a face that I liked.

"Sure, I'll resist squirrels and mice making passes at my food."

Soon after Dan left, I called Jean, but as I expected, they already had plans.

"There's a movie I want to see, "Forbidden. It's at the theater by the campus."

"Oh, yes! It's very romantic and very sexy! We saw it at the big theater complex. Do go! You don't need an escort to dine out or go to a movie."

Martha and her husband were going to visit other friends.

I decided to dine out and go to the movie. At a movie, one can get by wearing plain clothes, but dining out at a good restaurant calls for dressing up. When I dress up, I feel good, because I look good. I chose a floral print sleeveless dress with a neckline low enough to show some cleavage and a hemline about 4" above my knees. I put a light jacket on in case of the night air and the air-conditioned theater.

I skipped the chains and chose a locally owned restaurant. I ordered a beef stir-fry and a glass of Cabernet. Restaurants often serve wine in small glasses and fill them up to look like a lot, but this owner knew how wines should be served: in 18 to 20 oz glasses one-third filled. The result for me was that it didn't seem like much wine, so I ordered a second. By the time I left, I was high.

I drove carefully to the theater. It had only one floor, with entrances at two sides. There was a wide middle row of seats and narrow rows on each side. Damn, it was almost full! This must have been the first showing. Most of the audience were probably college students. I did see a few older couples, perhaps faculty. I should have arrived earlier. I wanted a seat in the middle about halfway to the screen but saw none. There were seats at the very front, but I did not want my eyes overwhelmed and have to turn my head from side to side, as if I were watching a tennis match. At the very back row, against the wall, I spotted a seat in the middle and third in from the aisle.

I excused myself as I stepped in front of a boy in the first seat. Perhaps the wine had gone to my head or perhaps it was just the boy's big feet, but I tripped, nearly landing in his lap. He grabbed my hips to steady me and stood. The other rose, also and moved into the third seat, before I could trip over him, too.

"You're a gentleman! Thank you!"

"No problem, lady!"

Sitting, I watched my skirt ride halfway up my bare thighs. Dan prefers my legs bare. He says bare legs are sexier, especially because I have beautiful skin. I wasn't the only one looking, either. Young college men they were, but they seemed boys to me, which turned out to be an illusion. What were they doing without girls?

The crowded theater soon became warm, so I wanted to remove my jacket, but it was a struggle in close quarters. The boy on my right helped get my right arm out. In the process, his hand grazed my bare upper arm, giving me shivers of pleasure. The boy on the left helped with my left sleeve and also felt my arm as he bared it. Next, I looked down at how well the dress clung to my bust and how the cleavage of my white breasts shown even in the dark theater. Again, I wasn't the only one who noticed. Was I sandwiched between two young admirers?

During the first passionate scene, feeling warm in my seat, I crossed my right leg over my left, displaying even more bare thigh to the boy on my right. He glanced down and afterward seemed to be using his peripheral vision with his left eye while trying to keep his right eye on the screen. A few minutes later, I switched legs, which had the same effect upon the boy on my left.

At the nude scene, I put both feet on the floor. Wow, this was sexy! The woman displayed full frontal nudity, with only a thin bush to hide her labia! Of course, the man's penis was not shown. Jean and I had talked about why filmmakers like to show a lot of graphic violence but become prudish about nudity and steamy sex scenes. Jean said,

"Maybe if young guys got laid more often, they wouldn't feel a need to assert their virility by beating somebody up or killing people in mass shootings!"

The actor was busy feeling the actress all over her lovely naked body. Was it the heat or the sex that seemed to be moistening my pussy?

A hand grasped my right knee. By reflex, I jerked my knee away, closing what little cooling space I had between my thighs. Now they were on the bed caressing and passionately kissing. I opened my legs a few inches to emit some heat. The hand returned to my knee, but now I was half expecting it and made no response. Then the hand began moving up the top of my thigh!

A ding on my phone signaled a text. I checked and it was from Dan:

"Just grabbing a late supper near the campgrounds. How about you?"

I replied, "At the sexy movie sitting between two hot young admirers!"

"Wow, give me details later!"

Dan's favorite fantasy during our foreplay was of me exciting another man to ravish me. Then we'd pretend that he was that other man fucking me. Tonight, I might have a sexy real story to tell him! I could just not cooperate but let my seat mate do what he wanted. The public place in the presence of an audience would keep me safe from going too far.

His hand was feeling me up the top of my thigh from knee to hem. Then another hand grasped my left knee, which did give me a start! Seeing how far his cohort was getting with me, he did not withdraw his hand. Soon it was exploring the top of my left thigh from knee to hem. Seemingly in tandem, they coaxed my legs further apart and began feeling me up the insides of my thighs. The actor had mounted the actress. I watched his bare ass humping her.

Mr. Right Hand grasped my wrist and guided it to his manhood to show how hard he was for me. Mr. Left Hand followed suit. Thus, they kept my hands occupied. The boys' hands were getting crowded, so I opened my legs further. The boy on my right reached the crotch of my bikini panties first and began rubbing. The boy on my left flank began a new maneuver by squeezing my left breast, another thrill! Thrills were spreading through my body. Mr. Right insinuated a finger under my panties and began feeling my cunt. I hoped that he wasn't repelled by my womanly bush. Not wanting my labia pinched, I spread my legs even further. He explored the slit between my outer labia. He probed deeper to touch and separate my inner labia. He found my clit.

He worked his finger as far as he could into my cunt and thumbed my clit while he finger-fucked me! Mr. Left was feverishly feeling up my inner thigh and massaging my breast. I withdrew my right hand to cover my mouth as I came on his finger. He extracted the finger, squeezed my tit to get me to look his way and see him sniff and then suck my love juices from his finger! The two then busied their hands with my thighs and tits until the movie ended. I guess we all had lost track of the story, because it could not compete with our reality.

As we rose to leave and entered the lobby, Mr. Right Hand whispered to Mr. Left Hand,

"I saw her first!"

"Just barely!"

Mr. Right Hand said to me, I'd love to get to know you better!"

"Even better?"


We were now outside.

"My mind, too, or just my body?"

"Your sexy mind and your exciting body!"

"I'm old enough to be your mother! I have a son in college! Besides, I'm married!"

"You're exciting me even more!"

"Oh, boy!"

"Oh, man! Come up to my pad for a drink. You can follow me in your car and leave whenever you want."

"I guess I'm flattered, but I already let you go too far."

"Well, I'll write down my address, in case you change your mind."

When I got into my car, I checked my phone and saw another text from Dan:

"Couldn't wait for details but used my imagination. Have hardon, will travel, reluctantly to my sleeping bag. Love."

I called him, doubting that he had been able to sleep.

"So did you have fun at the movie?"

"Are you okay so far with me fulfilling your fantasy?"

"Yes! Tell me the details! Are you done?"

"You may not sleep at all, if I tell you. A certain part of you will get up and keep the rest of you up."

"I probably won't sleep imagining what you did!"

"It was what they did to me! I just let them do what they wanted, because the movie and they were exciting me so much! My seatmates thoroughly felt me up! I doubt that any of us noticed how the movie ended. Our reality show was more exciting than the playacting. I'll add details later, hoping I didn't go too far."

He replied, "This gets better and better! My dick is throbbing! Where are you now?"

"The movie just ended, and I'm in my car, about to go home. I refused to go home with him for a drink, because we both knew he would fuck me. Did you want me to? Is Dan Junior getting soft?"

"Were you tempted?"

"Yes! My body wants to surrender to him, but my mind says it would be wrong."

"My body and my mind agree with your body, so your mind is out-voted! However, you can still veto."

A tap on my window made me jump. Seeing Mr. Right Hand, I lowered it.

"Hi again! I didn't want to give up until you left. You're just so exciting!"

"I guess I could come for a drink and conversation."

"Great! Just hanging out with you and looking at you a little longer beats the Late Show!"

He drove slowly to make sure that I could follow. He hopped out of his car and opened my door. His reward was another view of my legs nearly up to my panties. He took my arm and led me up the steps of a house that was being rented to students. I again removed my jacket and sat on the soft couch, which made my dress ride even further up my thighs than the seat in the theater did. Should I try to tug the hem down, as if he hadn't already seen and felt what I was showing?

"I'm afraid that all we have to drink is vodka and kalua."

"Oh, just a touch then."

I knew that vodka could be as strong as 100 proof, and kalua was a liqueur with a substantial amount of alcohol, too. He gave me more than a touch. I hastily took a swig to calm my nerves, and it tasted like 100 proof! I'd have to "nurse" it.

"I'm sorry, but I haven't introduced myself. I'm Kevin."

"Hello, Kevin! Now I won't have to name you Mr. Right Hand! I'm Ann."

"Lovely to meet you, Ann! Why call me... oh, I get it! I suppose my friend Tim is Mr. Left Hand."


I felt as if I were blushing. There seemed to be a flush from my throat to my cleavage. Kevin kept his distance in a chair opposite me, but that was all the better to see further up my legs. I took another sip and asked him his major, business.

"Funny business?"

"Oh, that's cute! I WAS pretty busy in the theater!"

I shouldn't have referred to that! It sounded as if I were flirting with him.

He got up carrying his can of beer to sit beside me, not bothering to conceal his erection.

"That's not fair, drinking weak beer and giving me strong liquor!"

"A gentleman doesn't offer a lady a can of beer, even with a glass. You rate something special."

He snuggled up to me, put his right arm around my shoulders.

"You impress me as intelligent. Do you teach at the college?"

"I do, in the English Department."

"Where have you been all of my first year? I'm taking freshman English, but I haven't seen you."

"You go to your class and perhaps have an occasional visit to your professor's office, so chances are that we wouldn't meet."

Kevin placed his right hand on my knee. I crossed my left leg away, exposing more thigh almost to my panties, a bad move, for he felt me up all the bare way! I turned to protest, but he covered my open mouth with his, pulled me toward him, and frenched me. I pulled my head back. He kissed my neck, my throat and the bare swell of my breasts. My body didn't want him to stop. What would my husband want me to do?

Kevin broke our clinch to get his breath. I took another swig of my drink, which heated my stomach to match the temperature on the outside of my body.

"May I ask whom you were talking to on your phone?"

"My husband."

"Did you tell him what you were up to at the movie and how you got two guys up?"

"Uh, umm."

"Some men, in middle age, get used to their wives' charms, even to a hot MILF like you, and either cheat or urge their wives to be sexier. Do you know what a MILF is, or should I define it?"

"I know. You seem to know a lot for your age."

"Thanks to the Internet, I read a lot of porn. Some husbands, after 20 years or more of marriage, need more stimulation from their wives, so they show them off in sexy clothes. If this excites the wife, all the better. Pretty soon, he wants her to show more and then do more. First, they fantasize during foreplay. Then, he wants her to get real and make some exciting memories."

"Well thank you, Dr. Kinsey!"

Kevin knew more about what I was doing than I did.

"Who's he?"

The door opened, and in walked Mr. Left Hand!

"Tim is my roommate. This is Ann. She calls you "Mr. Left Hand."

"Happy to meet you formally, Ann, although I enjoyed our informal meeting immensely! I'm sorry to be late! You two are ahead of me."

Tim sat on the other side of me.

"Do you mind?" he asked as he reached for me.

I was just opening my mouth when Kevin said,

"You know the way. She has a thigh and a tit for each of us, so help yourself! We can heat her up twice as fast!"

So I sat, with my dress up to my hips, being manhandled all over my naked thighs while they took turns French-kissing me, and was thrilled by all of the tactile attention. Soon, there was a hand at my back finding the zipper of my dress and unzipping it as far as it would go. Kevin and Tim pulled my dress down to my waist. Kevin then unfastened my bra. Each took a shoulder strap to pull it off me. I submitted by holding arms out for them to strip me. My nipples were extremely erect.

"God, what an awesome set of tits! Lady, you were made for sex, for exciting men, with those big tits, beautiful legs, and fine ass!"

Now I had a hand on each breast and each thigh. I moaned.

"That's it! Let's all three of us enjoy your body!"

They pulled out their hard cocks for me to hold.

"You play with these, while we play with your attributes!"

They thoroughly explored my breasts with their hands and mouths, exciting me more and more.

Kevin got up, and Tim followed his cue. They pulled me to my feet and stripped off my dress. Tim held me by my tits while Kevin knelt at my feet to peel down my black bikini panties and strip me completely naked. I knew the fashion of shaving, so I felt old-fashioned and even more embarrassed.

"Here we have a mature woman, Tim, not hairless like a preteen, but with her cunt coyly hidden by luxuriant foliage!

I admired Kevin's vocabulary and way with words. He would have been a good student in my class. Kevin grabbed my ass, pressed his lips to my pubic hair and inhaled my sexual perfume.

"Ann, you not only look sexy but smell sexy! Let's check your flavor."

He pushed me back onto the couch, pulled my legs over his shoulder and kissed my cunt. With his fingers, he parted the foliage and began licking between my outer labia, then my clit and finally between my inner labia. I held his head in place and got it in a wrestler's lock with my legs. He penetrated me with his middle finger. He licked and finger-fucked me to an orgasm that was plain to all!

"You taste sexy, too! Tim, have a taste of her."

Tim then licked and finger-fucked me to another orgasm!

"Okay, she's ready to be fucked! I saw her first, so you can stay here and beat off thinking about her!"

Kevin led me into a bedroom. I stood naked and embarrassed while I watched him remove all of his clothes. He did have a handsome circumcised cock, which looked about the size of Dan's. I hadn't experience with comparisons, but I guessed between 6 and 7 inches, plenty of manhood to satisfy me. He stepped close to embrace and kiss me passionately. I felt the impatience of his hard cock against my belly.

"Do you mind?"

I sat on the end of the bed and accepted his cock into my mouth. The scent, feel and taste of his manhood excited me even more! Then he directed me to lie down on my back. We lay together, caressing and kissing, which delay only made us more eager for our union. I raised my knees and shamelessly spread my legs wide to receive the first cock other than my husband's.

Kevin penetrated me easily. The physical and psychological excitement combined intensely! I gasped. He thrust deeper.

"Oh, god, you feel good!"

Kevin drove his cock home, giving the coup de grace to my fidelity. I was still orgasmic from the two lickings, so I came again as he possessed me. My scream brought him the smile of sexual conquest. He lay with me to prolong our union. He stroked my thighs and kissed my breasts. I caressed his back and squeezed his ass.

"Ann, what a treat you are! I haven't gotten laid all semester!"

"I'm surprised! What's wrong with the coeds here? I would write you a recommendation, if I dared!"

"Maybe they're too studious. We're all going into deep debt for our education, so we have to be serious about it."

Kevin reared up and began to fuck me, slowly at first to savor me. The bedroom door opened and Tim entered! He began stripping.

"Hurry up, dude! I want a piece, too!"

Kevin replied, "Just one? I'm having at least two, probably three!"

"Whatever you can do to her, I can match!"

After my initial shock and embarrassment, I became even more excited. I'd never had another man watch me get fucked! Tim sat down next to us and pulled my hand to his cock. He drank a can of beer and felt me up, alternating hands so that I felt a cold one on my breast.

Kevin said, "Don't go off half-cocked, now Tim!"

"Funny! You're more likely to go off half-cocked doing what I'm just watching!"

"God, I think you're right! Ann is just too exciting!"

Kevin fucked me harder and faster as he felt the sperm surge from his balls into his cock.

"Oh, baby!" he cried as he pumped his first load into me. I could feel the spasms of his cock.

Kevin and Tim had made me cum three times. Now I was beginning to return the favors. Kevin lay on me and kept his cock in me for us to enjoy the afterglow, until Tim said,

"Uncouple already! I'm dying to fuck her!"

"Do you mind, Ann? Tim did help excite you."

"Hell, I made her cum! Hold my beer, dude!"

Tim rolled over on top of me, claimed my tits and French-kissed me. With his legs between mine, he rose, lifted my legs and spread me wide. He possessed me in one masterful thrust, with about 7' of cock, I estimated.

"How do you like sloppy seconds?" Kevin asked.

"Well, if you hadn't lubricated her so well, I'd probably have already cum in her!"

Tim needed only a brief pause to make sure he wouldn't ejaculate prematurely. He began fucking me harder and faster than Kevin initially did. We got a good rhythm going as I lifted my hips to meet his thrusts. He caressed my thighs.