It's All Relative Ch. 09

Story Info
Matt's spends time with a cousin and Mom returns home.
8.5k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/09/2020
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This story is pure fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (wink)

If you haven't read the previous chapters (1-7), I highly recommend you do. Things will make more sense, or not...


She shook her head, "No, the furthest I got with a guy was some kissing and him groping my tits.

Matt nodded, "Did you get aroused at all?"

"Not really," she replied.

"Not a no" is what registered in Matt's mind but he replied, "Ok, so not a happy experience. But not a dramatically negative one either."

He reached over and patted her knee.

"You need a positive experience." Matt turned on the charm and smiled a big cheesy smile, "you need a kind, gentle, caring person who's concerned primarily about your feelings. It sounds like right now your a lesbian by choice, not because you're completely turned off by men."

Kelsey, smiled at Brit, "I have all that now."

"But I was going to add, you should have a perfect sized penis for you to have fun with. But yup, in Brit indeed you do have most of that," Matt replied and signaled his surrender, "Well, I'll just throw this out there, if you ever want to experiment with no pressures, expectations, or consequences, keep me in mind."

"Oh look, Rochester city limits," Brit said.

The rest of the day was taken up by getting the rig setup and then taking the girls and Ben to their apartment in the city.

They had a nice place not far from the hospital where Brit worked as an executive assistant to the director. Kelsey showed him around as Brit started supper. They lived in a two bedroom apartment with views overlooking Cascade Lake Park. The place was stylishly furnished. This surprised Matt because Brit and Kelsey certainly didn't exhibit the typical snobbishness and delusional moral superiority of today's millennials, they were quite grounded.

Supper was a very nice Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo, garlic bread, Caesar Salad, and a tasty Red Moscatto. By the time supper was over it was 9 pm. They talked about what there was to do around Rochester, turned out there wasn't much really. But they agreed to meet up again in three days, that'd be Wednesday. They'd show him around and Brit concluded with a suggestive wink that it would just be the three of them that day. Ben's father would have him for the day and over night.

So, Matt had that to look forward to. He was appreciative of a few days of quiet time to himself. The near continuous fuck fest that had been the Soaring Honker was delightful but tiring and stressful. Besides in 2 weeks he was to be back at the Soaring Honker and picking up his mother from the airport.

After what he'd learned from Sheila and Brit he was really looking forward to seeing her again. He lay awake at night fantasizing of ways to be able to get her into bed. It often included either Sheila or Brit as advocates. His mother's willingness to lay around half naked during their time in Fiji and what he recently learned convinced him her historical conservative facade was just that, a facade.

Wednesday finally came and he spent a lovely day with Brit and Kelsey. It was warm and lovely. The girls, as he thought of them, wore light pullovers. Kelsey had on shorts which were tight on her ass and it was the first time he'd gotten a good look at her legs and ass. He admired both and wished he could get his nose buried between them. But he'd come to the conclusion that Kelsey really didn't mind penis' per se, just that men were attached to them. Brit was wearing a knee length cotton skirt, it looked very comfortable.

Most of the day was spent at the Quarry Hill Nature Center and it was there that Brit got a bit handsey and in a dark corner of one of the exhibits, she backed up into him and rubbed her ass against him.

"Careful, little lady," he whispered, "you'll awaken the beast."

She replied by reaching back and grasping his hips to pull him tighter against her ass. Kelsey noticed and offered to get a bucket of cold water.

Brit kept teasing him now that he was walking around with a poorly concealed hard-on by brushing against it and making comments about how wet she'd gotten. Kelsey shushed her a few times, to no avail.

He was watching the indoor hive when Brit grabbed his hand and pulled him away. Matt didn't hesitate and followed. She was headed toward a "family restroom." Matt knew at once what she planned. She opened the door and pushed him inside.

Once the door closed she pushed Matt up against it and leaned into him for a kiss as she locked the door. She drove her tongue into Matt's mouth and was smiling against his lips as her hands started unbuckling his pants.

His hands slipped up under her t-shirt and caressed her back just as she managed to pull his cock out and started stroking it. Matt returned the kiss as he enjoyed the stroking.

After only a few minutes Brit backed away pulling him by the cock to follow her lead. She held her skirt under her ass as she slid her ass up onto the sink counter.

Matt lifted her legs so her knees were bent over his elbows and then stepped to her, the act resulted in her dress lifting up and sliding down her thighs up onto her belly. He gripped her upper thighs with each hand and, as he suspected, she was sans panties.

She hadn't been exaggerating when she said she'd gotten wet. Her pussy was glistening as she leaned back against the wall and grabbed his shirt to pull his lips to hers. As their tongues swirled around each other she pressed his shaft against her clit, Matt slowly moved his hips so slide it back and forth.

Brit slowly moved the head down sliding it over her clit until it was pressing right where it needed to be. She held it tightly by the shaft and kept him from thrusting into her. Breaking their kiss she latched onto his chin with her teeth and gently bit him as she pulled his cock into her.

Matt had only a moment to reflect on her grasping his chin with her mouth when all his attention got focused on his cock entering her.

She let go of his cock and grasped what she could of his shirt to pull him into her. As he slowly sunk in deeper and deeper he saw her grit her teeth almost in a growl as her nostrils flared sucking in air.

"FUCK, that's nice," she said.

When he was almost all the way inside he puller her hard by the thighs and jerked his hips driving the last inch or so into her. Her slammed into her.

"OH!" was all the sound she made but she smiled, her eyes still closed. Matt began stroking. This was a classic bathroom counter fuck. But being in a public bathroom they made sure her dress stayed under her ass as they fucked.

It might have been the location, or it might have been their own lust but it didn't take long for either of them to begin to sense "the end was near." The fingers of Brits right hand were rapidly working her clit as Matt continued to fuck her. Matt came first. The intense pleasure which results in him cuming expanded from the head of his cock to his balls. He thrust deep just as his balls pulled up in their first deposit, "mMmm" he made and then did short thrusts with each additional ejaculation and then moved his hands to her ass and pulled her tightly to him driving his cock deep inside. He savored the feeling as he ground his hips to her.

Brit wasn't far behind him. As she worked her clit she kept pulling him to her with her left hand and she felt him swell as he pumped himself into her. Her own orgasm was close at hand (so to speak) as well. When he pressed against her it increased her finger's pressure on her clit and in a few moments she felt her own orgasm.

Brits orgasms are deeply intense but she doesn't yell or screen or thrash about.

For Brit the wave of pleasure began with an increasing intensity in her loins, she held her breath and then her orgasm erupted. A tingling spread rapidly out from her clit followed closely by the feeling of heat almost exploding outward

accompanied by the physical release of her orgasm. She had to spread her fingers to avoid direct contact with her now hyper sensitive clit. She used those fingers to spread her labia and make the pressure of him pressing against her clit more intense. Her va-JJ (her term) rippled with spasms.

Unlike when they'd fucked the first time, this time Matt could feel the gripping sensation around his cock and she became much more lubricated. He imagined that this orgasm must be more intense than their first together.

As Matt did little grinds against her mound he leaned forward to kiss her.

Brits mouth opened and they locked together in a passionate kiss, their tongues swirling around each other. As the orgasmic ecstasy subsided their kiss transformed into the kiss of lovers. Less tongue yet more expressive of their coupling.

Brit wrapped her arms around Matt's back and puller herself against him. They were breathing hard and had a light sheen of sweat from their ordeal.

Brit hummed into his mouth and broke their kiss long enough to say, "Mmmm, that was lovely" and then kissed him again.

Matt smiled against her lips and replied, "Yes, it certainly was."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

They were startled by it and jerked in surprise. "Occupied!" Matt said in a loud voice.

He kissed her, "Shit, we'd better get going." he said.

They broke their embrace and Britt scurried the 3 feet or so to the toilet where she did what women do after making love. Matt turned to the wash basin when there was an audible 'plop' under Brit. Matt turned to her and raised his eyebrows, "Was that me?" he asked.

She looked up at him and nodded, "Yup, you pretty much filled me up." There was another 'plop', "really filled me up, I don't want you running down my legs, this might take a bit" which was followed by a contented look on her face as she began to pee.

Matt smirked and shook his head before he turned back to the wash basin and cleaned himself up. Being the ex-married man he offered her a warm wet paper towel which she accepted.

When they existed the Family Bathroom there was a man with a little girl waiting. He made a snide comment about using the bathroom for sex and Matt spat back at him, "Hey, just because my daughter has a disability which isn't visible doesn't mean she doesn't need assistance."

As if on cue, Brit tugged on his shirt, "Come on Daddy, let's go see the flowers again."

The man mumbled an embarrassed apology and disappeared into the bathroom

They joined up with Kelsey and when they rounded the corner all three burst into laughter. Kelsey said, "Thank God you two were quiet in there. That guy almost had his ear to the door, creep."

Matt looked at Brit and said, "Daddy?"

"Hey, what do you expect on short notice?" she asked.

The rest of the day was spent walking around the paths and at one point he was helping Kelsey up over a rock and had held out his hand to her but when she'd gotten back on the path she hadn't let go of it. He it felt so casual that, although Matt noticed immediately, he wasn't sure what she must be thinking.

One thing to realize about Matt is that he's an old school gentleman where women are concerned. It's not popular now and even sometimes regarded as disrespectful but he opens doors for women, says "yes Ma'am" to most every woman, offers them a seat when seats are limited, hurries if he knows she's waiting, all learned from his father and Grandfather. It's second nature to him and on the few occasions it's pointed out he disregards the concern and views it as simply respectful, polite, and considerate. This may sound counter to the experiences of the last few months but in every case Matt treated his partner with respect and didn't force anything on anyone.

Thursday and Friday were pretty much uneventful with Matt spending most of the day with Kelsey and Ben as Brit was at work. Matt was very conscious and respectful of their relationship and had decided not to make any advances toward Brit. If she wanted to fuck, she'd decide.

The weekend arrived and it found them without Ben again. He was spending the weekend with his dad. They were aghast when the'd learned he'd never been to the Mall of America, once the largest shopping mall in the world. They spent the entire day walking around shopping. Matt insisted on buying each time they looked longingly at something. More than once Brit protested but Matt simply ignored her and paid anyway.

It wasn't that they couldn't afford to pay, Brit's job paid very very well. He was just being the gentleman.

They were headed home about 11 pm when Brit's phone rang. There was some emergency meeting called for the next morning, Sunday morning.

"Is that normal?" Matt asked.

If it was brighter in the car he would have seen Brit's furrowed forehead. "No, in fact very abnormal" she said.

"Did he give you any clue what the meeting is about?" Kelsey asked.

Again Brittany replied, "Only that there's an outbreak of something somewhere. It's a conference call with John's Hopkins, Cleveland, New York Presbyterian, UCLA, and others. I'm there to take notes for Gianrico."

Matt deadpanned, "Bet it's something out of China."

"Beats me."

"He must have a lot of confidence in you."

Well I've been in this position now for 5 years and know the ropes." she replied.

They got home a little after midnight and it was 1 am when Matt finally closed his eyes back at the rig.

He got up at his usual time and did the routine 1.5 miles. He was relaxing after the run when his phone rang at precisely 8 am. Matt answered in his normal, "Howdy."

It was Kelsey, "Morning Matt, what we doing to day?" She sounded far to chipper and awake for his liking.

"Today, oh..." he said, "well, um, I had mentally written today off, is Brit back yet?"

"No not yet, she went in at 6 and said she probably wouldn't be home until late."

Matt took that in before replying, "I wonder what that means?"

"Well that usually means into the wee hours of the morning," Kelsey replied.

"Oh, you up for breakfast then?"


Matt smiled, "I'll take that as a yes then. Ok, give me a half hour to shower and I'll be over to pick you up."

Kelsey answered quickly, "No need for that."


"Ya, I'm sitting outside your door."

"Say what?" and Matt looked outside the kitchen window. There, drinking a Starbucks something or other, sat Kelsey in a cloud of her own breath. It had been cold last night.

"Well shit." Matt said before hanging up. He went to the door and opened it, "It's freezing out here, get inside silly girl."

He stepped aside to let Kelsey in but was surprised when she kissed him on the cheek and said, "Good morning handsome" as she waggled a second Starbucks at him. "I know you don't like coffee so I picked up a hot chocolate for you."

Matt's mind was wrapped around the "handsome" statement but managed to gratefully take the cup and said, "Thanks, you know, I don't care what Brit says about you, I think you're great."

She tilted her head at him and gave him the international look of "You're so full of shit."

He found the little marshmallows that are required in hot chocolate in one of the cabinets and dropped in a small handful.

Kelsey was just drinking and smiling at him before she said, "That's a new look for you isn't it?"

He opened his arms and replied, "You caught me just after my run, what can I say..."

then he looked down. He'd been so flustered by her arrival he'd forgotten he had slipped off his running stuff.

Matt was standing there in his briefs.

"OH! JESUS!" he said as he turned bright red, turned, and scurried back to the bedroom and slid the door closed behind him.

All he heard was Kelsey's laughter behind him.

When he finally reemerged all showed, shaved, and cleaned up he was still embarrassed.

"Jeeze, I'll never live that one down now will I?" he said.

Kelsey shook her head, "Nope, never. I'm just sorry grabbing my camera didn't come to mind until you'd already run off."

"Thanks God for that" he mused.

Kelsey sat there for a minute or two before saying and clearly not wanting an answer, "You know, of all Brits relatives I've met you're the least like an asshole so far."

Matt smiled a cheesy grin and nodded his thanks at the statement.

They spent the rest of the day together just chatting. They decided on supper together and eventually she'd gone home to get ready. They went out for a nice supper that evening. It was the most date like non-date that he'd ever been out on. It felt kinda weird, yet really nice.

The evening finally came to an end at 10 pm when he dropped her off at their apartment. They talked for a few minutes at the door. Kelsey surprised him again when she kissed him good night. The surprise was it was a light kiss on the lips whereas she'd previously only kissed him on the cheek. As he walked to the car he wondered if it suggested anything more. He decided it really didn't and besides, he really liked Kelsey and wasn't going to jeopardize the fact that they seemed to really enjoy each other's company. Gay or not, bi or not, hetero or not, didn't matter to him. He was determined to not think with his cock.

The next week and a half went by like a flash. Most of it was spent with Kelsey as they entertained Ben. One evening when Ben had gone to bed and Brit was working late they'd sat on the couch together watching something or other on the streaming service VUDU. Matt had nodded off during the movie and when he woke up he had another surprise. Kelsey was curled up next to him with her head in his lap and was sound asleep.

He stroked her hair as she slept and then it struck him. He shook his head as if to clear it from the fog, "damn, no, that can't happen." In that fog was the 'love' word.

That was two days ago. Today was Saturday and time to head back to the Soaring Honker. His mother was due to arrive tomorrow at 10 am. Maybe he was a grown man but he still wanted to make sure everything was in order before she arrived. She was supposed to stay with Sheila but he'd been nurturing the idea of her staying with him for a few days. It wasn't all that odd and he imagined their time in Fiji where nothing happened but him ogling her tits had shown him to be harmless. But he had to admit to himself that the information that she'd been having sex with her sisters and her niece had certainly turned everything on it's head. Now he was preoccupied with daydreaming ways to have sex with his mother.

The girls and Ben dropped by to say their good byes. They hugged him and kissed him lightly on the lips and he promised he'd eventually be back to see them again. They weren't the only ones with watery eyes when he drove out of the park.

The drive back to the Soaring Honker RV Park was a bit over three hours. He took his time and stopped a few places to look for something nice for Mom. Arriving at the park at just after 4 pm he was greeted by Dorothy and John. They'd kept his old space open and soon he was all set up again and sitting next to a fire as he drank an iced single malt. Just the drink for a cold evening in October.

"Damn, October already," he thought to himself, "time flies when you're having fun." John joined him at 6 pm followed shortly thereafter by Dorothy who sat down in Johns lap.

She was wearing her usual skirt and flowered blouse. She smoothed the dress in her lap as Matt noticed her.

"Dorothy," Matt said, "have you lost weight? You're looking lovely tonight."

"Why yes, yes I have, it's nice of you to notice." She smiled.

John poked Matt's knee, "It's all that 'EXERCISE' she's getting now." he said followed by him screwing up his face and winking repeatedly at him.