It's Just Sex Ch. 07

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Can love find a way for Taylor?
11.3k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 01/16/2024
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I originally started this expecting it to run over 5 or 6 pages but somehow it grew into 72,000+ words and I ended up splitting it into seven parts, mainly for ease of reading. For that reason, I've placed it in Novels and Novellas rather than Romance or Loving Wives, either of which might also have been a suitable genre for it.

Please note all 7 parts are written and will be released to Literotica as and when I finish editing them (hopefully that will be weekly).

I make no apology for the fact that my characters are flawed; they make poor decisions and bad choices but somehow they manage to enjoy a happy ending. That's just how I like them. So, if you prefer your story's a little more sugar coated then perhaps this isn't for you.

Constructive criticism is, as always, welcome but please remember it is just a story, the people don't exist and the situations never happened.

At least not as far as I know.

Please enjoy.


It's Just Sex - part 7




The same three words repeated themselves over and over through my head as I sat in the back of the taxi and stared out of the window at the world closing up for the night around me.

Was that really what Jerome, had suggested I become.

Could that be really what my ex-husband Jon thought of me now?

I could feel the tears pricking the corners of my eyes as I tried to make sense of the way my life was continuing to spiral out of control at everything I did.

"You ok love?"

The voice of the cab driver jerked me out of my reflections.

"Sorry, what?"

"Are you ok?"

"Oh yes, yes thanks."

I dismissed his concerns and went back to wondering what I was going to do about work on Monday and Jerome's suggestion I go and work for his agency.

Paying the cabbie, I hurried up the stairs to the safety of my small apartment. Once inside I realised I was thirsty and then remembered that he hadn't even made me a coffee before I left his place.

So, feeling a desperate need for caffeine, I started to fix myself one and let myself think back over the events of the evening.

Throughout the evening Jerome had shown me what an arrogant arsehole he was and I had already decided that I had no intention of ever texting him, even though the sex had been incredible, probably the best I had ever had after Leon. Then his suggestion before I left, that I go and work as an escort for his business had just confirmed my opinion of him.

However, there were other decisions that needed to be made about my future and what I really needed to do was speak to Deanna. It was late though and I knew she would either still be with Andrew or at home with her husband.

Flopping down onto the sofa with my coffee I sighed, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. I wanted my husband back, that much I was certain of but, as always, I had no idea of how to go about it.

Then there was my job. I wasn't sure I could go back to work on Monday and face Darren, not after the way he used me and certainly not now I knew the truth about him.

Sex with him had been pretty good and I had, just for a while, let myself wonder if there might be something more than just the physical between us. Was it possible that if Jon didn't want me then perhaps someone else might.

Then I had found out he was married and, on top of that, Deanna was also sleeping with him and had been, on and off, for a few years.

I knew I was being hypocritical about the fact he had a wife; all the men I had slept with from the parties had been married. The difference with them though was that their wives had known and had been doing exactly the same as me.

'But if I didn't go back to work what would I do?'

'Become an escort for Jerome?'

For a moment indecision gripped me again and I paused, considering the idea and then immediately dismissing it. There was no way I was going to do that.

'What did I want?'

It was an easy question to answer.

What I really wanted was my husband back, even though he was seeing Jennifer Waites now.

That led on to my next thought, one I seemed to be having a lot lately.

'How could I get him back?'

Sipping my coffee, I stared blankly at the wall opposite and thought about everything, the tears slowly starting to trickle down my cheeks.

My life was a mess, partly of my own making, and I had no idea how to get out of it. More than anything I needed to talk to my best friend so picking up my phone I tentatively started to type.

Once I was done I finished my now lukewarm drink and headed for the bedroom and sleep.

It was past nine when I woke up the following morning and after my first coffee of the day I showered and thought about what I was going to do.

Not wanting to dwell on my problems I followed my usual routine and tried to keep myself occupied; there was laundry to be done, the flat needed tidying and I made a quick trip out for groceries. All the while I waited for my best friend to call but by three o'clock I still hadn't heard from Deanna.

Feeling utterly despondent I made myself a coffee and had just sat down when there was a knock at my front door.

Wearily I forced myself up off the sofa to open it.


Startled I took a half step back.

"Who else were you expecting." She grinned and eased past me into the tiny apartment.

"Umm... no one really."

Sitting herself down on my couch she picked up my drink, "Do you mind? I'm desperate for one."

"No, you go ahead, I'll make myself another."

It was a couple of minutes later when, with a fresh cup of coffee in hand, I dropped onto the couch next to her.

"So, how was last night?"

I hadn't even had a chance to take my first sip when she began to question me about Jerome.

"It was great, at least until he turned out to be an arsehole." I told her honestly, "How about yours?"

"Why? What happened?" Ignoring my question, she continued to probe.

"He... err he.... umm."

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, I found myself embarrassed to tell her about what he had suggested.

"Oh, come on hon, he obviously fucked you last night."

"And then I left." I whispered keeping my eyes fixed firmly on the floor.

"Ok but was it good? Did you enjoy it?"

Looking up I couldn't help but relax a little and grin, "Yes, the sex was great, it was just him."

"So, what's the problem."

"It was.... afterwards, when I was telling him about Darren and work and that I didn't know if I could face going back there."

Deanna shrugged and took a mouthful of her coffee, "What did he actually say?"

"He.... he suggested I become a whore and work for the agency he runs."

"A whore!" The surprise in her voice was more than evident.

"Well, an escort, but basically it's the same thing, isn't it?"

"Are you going to do it?" Her eyes went wide as she looked at me, "It all sounds rather.... wicked."

"No. I'm not!" I suppose I should have been outraged but, even if it had only been for a brief moment, I had considered it as well, "All I want is my husband back."

"I can think of worse ways to earn a living though." She bit her bottom lip and giggled naughtily.

"That's as maybe but it's not happening." I smiled before changing the subject, "So, how was your night?"

"I've had better but it certainly got Selwyn going when I told him all about it."

"You're so bad, I don't know how you get away with it?"

Deanna chuckled shamelessly, "My husband loves it. Hearing about my adventures turns him on."

I sighed and finished my coffee, "Another?"

"Do you have any wine babe?"

Five minutes later I was back from the kitchen and our coffee cups had been replaced with wine glasses.

"Have you thought any more about coming back to the parties? Selwyn's still keen to invite a few singles to freshen things up a little."

Deanna swirled the white wine around her glass and avoided looking at me as she asked the question.

"I couldn't.... not if Jon was there with... with her."

Biting her bottom lip my friend studied me for a few seconds, considering what I had said and letting a pensive silence descend on us before responding.

"What if he was there without Jennifer?" Her voice was barely audible when she finally spoke again.

For a second I sat and looked blankly back at her, struggling to comprehend what she had just said.

"What.... what do you mean? What's happened?" I finally managed to splutter when her words sank in.

"Don't get too excited hon, because I'm not sure of anything, but Selwyn heard a rumour that he had come to his senses and kicked her out."

My heart started to race, "A rumour? Hasn't he spoken to Jon? He's his boss."

"No, not yet. He was going to try to get hold of him when I left to come to see you."

I sat back with my mind in a whirl as a whole torrent of thoughts filled my brain.

'Had Jon really broken up with Jennifer?'

'Was there a chance we could get back together?'

'Should I go to the next party?'

In a matter of half-an-hour my life had been turned upside down yet again and, suddenly, I had a glimmer of hope for my future.

Despite forcing myself to remain calm and not get carried away I couldn't help but feel a small tingle of excitement deep in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm going to go babe. I want to get back to my husband." Deanna swallowed the last of her wine, her voice jerking me away from my thoughts, "I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything more."

"Please." I almost begged her.

"And think about coming to the next party. Selwyn has a few single men he'd like to invite." She added with a salacious grin.

"Yeah sure."

I wasn't certain I would but now I was feeling a little more upbeat about the rest of the week-end and the upcoming week so, after a light dinner, I settled on the sofa and watched a movie.

By the time I went to bed I still hadn't had a call from Deanna and my good mood had soured a little but, nonetheless, I still managed a relatively good night's sleep.

Sunday passed uneventfully and, with still no update on Jon's situation from my friend, I did my best to remain positive deciding that I would go in to work the next day and simply try to avoid Darren.

Despite my new found optimism I still walked through the main doors to the office building with a sense of trepidation. Now I knew more about my boss, that he was married and had been Deanna's lover in the past, I regretted sleeping with him.

His door was pulled shut as I walked by and I didn't bother to say hello, going straight to the small kitchen to make my usual morning coffee.

Relieved at not seeing him I sat down at my desk and had just started to relax when he appeared in my doorway a few minutes before midday.

"Everything ok Taylor?"

I looked up in surprise as his voice jerked my attention away from the computer screen in front of me.

"Err.... yeah, sure.... it's all fine."

"Oh, I did wonder." He gave me a charming smile, "You didn't stop by to say hello."

"Sorry, I've been busy."

"Have a good weekend?"

Taking a breath, I paused and, trying to stay calm, I answered rather caustically, "Fine thank you. How was your wife?"

His eyes narrowed and for a second he frowned, convincing me that he was aware of my altered feelings towards him.

"She's very good thank you." The smile quickly returned.

"Was there something you wanted?" Changing the subject, I asked rather coldly.

"Oh yes, I'm going out to a meeting with Anderson's. I should be back about three."

"I'll see you later then."

"If anything changes I'll ring you."

With that he turned and left leaving me to sit back and reflect on the conversation we had just had.

'Could he tell I was angry?'

'Would he try for a repeat of the other weekend?'

'Was I going to be able to stay here?'

My confusion about Darren only grew a minute or two later when my phone pinged telling me I had a message from him.

You seem rather annoyed with me Taylor.

Perhaps we can have a drink one night

and you can tell me what the problem is.

Whereas previously I would have probably said yes despite my reservations, now I had a decision to make; whether to confront him about what had happened or to simply say no and, hopefully, calm the whole situation.

Turning my attention back to work I put the matter of Darren out of my mind for the moment and tried hard to forget that I was still waiting for Deanna to call me.

Burying myself in what I was doing the time flew by and it was around a quarter to four when my boss finally arrived back in the office, coming straight to see me and closing the door behind him.

"So, Taylor. Do you want to talk about this now or shall we have a drink after work?"

My stomach clenched and I took a second to answer.

"After. I'll talk to you after work."

"Good." He smiled winningly, "Shall we say five-thirty. Across the street at the wine bar?"

For the next hour and a half, I struggled to focus on work as I let myself wonder about what Darren was going to say to me and how I might respond. Whatever else was going to happen I needed to stay angry at him and not let him charm his way around me.

It was almost a relief when the clock showed five thirty and I was able to pack my things away.

My boss was already there when I pushed open the door and walked into the wine bar, just a few minutes late.

Taylor, what can I get you?"

He stood up and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll have a white wine. Chardonay if they've got it, please."

Sitting down I waited nervously, trying to calm myself, until he returned with my drink a couple of minutes later.

"So, are you going to tell me what's upset you?" Dropping into the seat next to me he immediately asked.

"You." I answered succinctly.

"What have I done?"

Taking a sip of my wine I frowned at him, "How about the fact that you're married and you took advantage of me."

"Oh, come on Taylor. You're a big girl now and I never hid the fact I had a wife."

I glowered at him, "I would never have slept with you if I'd known."

"You fucked enough married men when you and your husband went to Selwyn's parties. It wasn't a problem then" He smirked,

"You know about that?"

"Yes, I know and before you ask, Deanna told me."

Blushing I stared at him, knowing he was at least partially correct, before answering

"That's completely different."

"Is it?"

"You know it is."

"Just because your husband was doing the same thing doesn't change the fact they were married men."

Trying to collect my thoughts I concentrated on my wine for a moment, taking a mouthful and reflecting on what he had just said. He was right, I had slept with several married men including Deanna's husband Selwyn but, and I felt this was the important part, my husband had known and taken someone's wife home with him.

"I wondered if you were going to go to their next party?" Darren continued on, "Selwyn told me he wants to invite a few single men and women to mix things up a bit."

"Are you going?" My response was more than a little cutting.

"If he can even the numbers up, then yes."

"And your wife?"

His lips twisted into something resembling a smirk, "She's not here and we are."

"I have to go." Picking up my glass I quickly finished my wine, "As for going to the party... if you're there..... I doubt it."

"Why not, it'll be fun."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Pushing back my chair I got up, "Goodnight Darren."

Walking away I didn't bother to look back as I pushed open the door and stepped out into the dusk to make my way home.

That night was a miserable one as I ate my evening meal and waited impatiently for Deanna to call.

In fact, it was another two uncomfortable days before I eventually heard from my friend. I had just cleared away my dinner things on the Wednesday night when there was a knock at my door.

"Dee!" Once again she surprised me and turned up uninvited.

"Sorry to drop in unannounced but I needed to talk to you." She said as she stepped straight past me and into my apartment.

"Come in, why don't you." I said a little sarcastically as I closed the door behind her.

"Thanks." Deanna threw back over her shoulder, "Got any wine?"

A few minutes later I handed her a glass and sat down on the sofa taking a swallow from my own drink.

"Have you heard from Jon?"

Biting her bottom lip she frowned, "Yes, sort of."

"What's that mean? Sort of?"

"It means that Selwyn has spoken to him but he's not saying very much."

"So, is he with Jennifer or not?"

"Apparently, as far as my husband can ascertain, they're taking a break."

"A break! They've only been together for a couple of months."

"It would appear that Jon is fed up with her constant whining and wants to split up with her while she wants them to get back together."


Taking a mouthful of wine, I thought about what she had just told me.

'Did it mean Jon wanted to get back with me?'

'If it didn't was it an opportunity?'

Either way I needed to exploit it to my advantage, my only question now was how to do it?

"Are you coming to the party on Saturday?"


Lost in my thoughts about my former husband I had almost forgotten that Deanna was there and looked up in surprise.

"Our next party on Saturday. Are you going to come?"

"Darren asked me the same thing on Monday."

"I know, he told me." She grinned.

"You've seen him?"

"Yesterday. We had dinner and.... and well you know."

"Christ Dee have you no self-control." I didn't know whether to be shocked or envious, "How does Selwyn put up with you?"

"I don't know what you mean." She giggled, "Anyway he was out with his new HR assistant last night."

Shaking my head in disbelief I took another sip of my wine.

"So, are you coming?" My friend continued.

"Is Jon going?"

"Honestly I don't know about the men. Selwyn has told me there are a few single guys who are interested but I don't know their names, apart from Darren's."

"And the women?"

"Well, if you agree to go it will make three."

'Would this be a way to start getting back with Jon?'

I sighed, wondering what I should do. If my ex-husband was there it might make him jealous but if he wasn't would it matter? It wasn't as if I had remained celibate since our divorce.

"Ok, I'll go but promise me you'll try to find out who these single men are?"

"Agreed." Deanna said happily.

That night I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about the upcoming party. Today was Wednesday which meant I had a little over 48 hours to make up my mind and form some sort of strategy.

Not that I had a lot of time to dwell on my plans as the next two days at work were more than a little difficult.

At the office I tried even harder to avoid my boss. Knowing Darren would be at the party on Saturday and that there might be a confrontation if Jon went, made me more than a little apprehensive.

'What if Jon was there and I drew Darren's keys out.'

'Perhaps I shouldn't go.'

'What would Deanna say if I pulled out?'

The fresh set of worries took over, at least temporarily from my regular ones, and I found myself fluctuating between cancelling and attending every half hour or so.

It was a relief to get through to Friday afternoon and I was at my desk finishing up what I was doing.

"Are you going tomorrow?"

Glancing up I saw Darren leaning against the door frame, his arms folded, as he stood there smiling at me.

"I err.... I'm still not sure."

"Really!" He raised an eyebrow, "Deanna told me you were definitely attending. Selwyn's arranged the numbers based on that."