It's My Party


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I was not much in a mood for partying, but I decided to clean up my act, and try to act like I was having fun. After a few minutes, and another beer, and a lot of people congratulating me for my birthday, I began to come back among the living and tried to enjoy the party. By Midnight the crowd had thinned out, and there were only a few close friends left. Marianne had rejoined the few and came to me to comfort me. She whispered, "Dad, don't worry, by the time Alicia and I are through with her she will change her tune. She already knows how much she hurt you with the suggestion, and she will know soon that if she follows through with her desires she won't just lose you, she will lose us forever too. She may think she can do it and get away by keeping it a secret, but we will know. Actually, I hate to say this, but I have a suspicion that she's already either done it or has plans in the very near future to fuck some guy thinking it is acceptable."

That was supposed to cheer me up, but all it did was confirm my suspicions and make me understand that it'll be very difficult, if possible at all for me to trust Brandi again. She crossed the line and it was somewhere when she suggested I might want to try a three-way with her and another woman. From there, it has progressed to an almost unlivable situation. Now I didn't know if I could even spend the night in the house. I needed to talk to Brandi, but even more, I needed to talk to the girls when they finished talking to their mother. I busied myself picking up dishes and glasses and letting the last few guests out. Some celebration!

At about three o'clock am, I had most of the trash and all the paper goods out to the big cans in the garage and all the plates, glasses and silverware in the dishwasher. Alicia and Marianne came to the living room and found me crying on the couch. One sat on each side of me. Marianne said, "Well, there is definitely some good news. After a strong interrogation, we found out what brought all this on, Who she had in mind to fuck, and lastly, that it hasn't happened yet and is supposed to happen in two weeks. She had hoped to acquire a free-pass from you before that time, but planned to do it anyway when he came back in the country. She still thinks we are wrong about you leaving her if she does it and for some stupid reason believes she can still get your permission for a one-time thing. We assured her she was wrong, but she says she knows you better than we do. The real eye-opener for her was when Alicia and I looked her in the eye and told her flat-out that if she did this with or without your permission, she would NEVER see either of us again. She went on the offensive for a few minutes blaming us for trying to break up her happy marriage and family. We let her rant and rave long enough that even she realized how stupid she was sounding. She cried for a few minutes then pulled us in to her and said she was sorry, but she may have to carry out the plan anyway, and that she didn't believe us that we would really dessert her."

I took a minute to digest everything Marianne said, the I asked, "Is there more? Or is it time for the three of us to confront her?"

Alicia looked at me and said, "We need a plan."

I agreed and told them both that the plan was probably pretty well set now. It would depend somewhat on Brandi's attitude and responses, but I felt that our marriage was already over. I told the girls I would understand whatever they decided to do and would support them and their decisions regardless. I told them, "Girls, you both know I love you more than life itself. The situation with your mother and I is probably beyond repair. She has compromised our vows even if she hasn't committed physical adultery, it has happened in her mind and she rationalized it away. While I can forgive her for that, I cannot easily forget that, and it would be next to impossible to ever trust her again. To her credit, she did try to talk to me before she committed the physical act."

The girls hugged me and said they agreed with my thoughts but that they hoped that I would try talking it out with their mom. They also said they would not leave her forever as long as she didn't commit the physical act of adultery. I agreed with them, and told them I didn't want to separate them from either of us. We were both still their parents, and we both loved them very much.

The three of us went to the master suite. The door was locked. I knocked and told Brandi to let us in. She whined "Go Away!"

We tried again with all three of us asking her to open the door, and I believe it was Alicia's words that opened the door as she said, "Mommy, I know you can hear us, please open the door if you ever want to hear any of our voices again."

Cruel words from a child for a mother to hear, but they sunk in and we heard her say, "Just a minute and I'll open the door." After about three minutes, she unlocked and opened the door. She looked terrible.

She looked at me and rushed over to hug me, I simply stepped away and she fell to the floor. There were four chairs in the suite and a small game table. We all sat around the game table, and I was the first to speak, "Brandi, please don't get your hopes too high from this talk. My only goal here tonight is to see if there is any way I can keep from visiting the Divorce attorney on Monday. You have already broken our wedding vows..."

She broke in saying, "NO, NO, NO I haven't slept with anyone, I didn't break our vows."

Then I reminded her of the part about forsaking ALL others and she cried some more.

I said, "When you planned to commit adultery, you forsook me, not others. That was effectively the end of our marriage. I doubt very seriously if it can be put back together, but I want you to answer some questions openly, honestly, and completely. If you do this, and the answers are acceptable, I will agree to counseling or whatever steps are necessary to try to rebuild the broken marriage. If you refuse to answer any of the questions or are not totally open and complete with your answers, I will walk out the door and never return. As you know, I don't own the house. We live here as a benefit of my employment, so you would have to leave immediately. I will do everything in my power to break you down just like you broke down our marriage. So, are you ready to answer some questions?"

Brandi looked at me with a shocked expression. Everything hadn't registered yet. She asked me to repeat what I'd just said, so I did, pretty much word for word. She then said, "Can I ask a couple questions first?"

"Of course, I want you to understand exactly what this means."

"Jeff, are you actually asking me to believe you'd leave me over one little indiscretion?"

"Well, Brandi, it sounds like you really don't want to do anything to save our marriage. One last time, will you do as I asked and answer the questions I have openly, honestly and completely?"

"Yes, I'll answer the damn questions. Why are you doing this to me? Didn't I give you a free-pass and carry out your fantasy?"

I looked at the girls then back at Brandi, and then Alicia jumped in saying, "Mom, you just don't get it. You need psychiatric help. Dad, please don't go on until we can get her the help she obviously needs. Dad, will you do that for our family? Just put off the questions and decisions until we can get her checked out by the doc, maybe there is even a physical imbalance that has caused her to lose sight of who she is and what she is doing. Will you do that for us Dad?"

She was right, this was NOT the Brandi we all knew and loved for nearly twenty years. I immediately agreed with Alicia and Marianne jumped in totally agreeing with us.

I went to Brandi and took her in my arms saying, "Brandi, I don't like what has been said tonight, but our loving girls are seeing things more clearly than either of us. I will stay right here and work with you through whatever is causing you these problems. It is very obvious that you're not thinking clearly, and it very well could be a physical problem. We'll get you to Doc Marshall Monday morning and begin the check-ups. Is that okay with you?"

Brandi understood that something was wrong, but she was uncertain of anything. She just held on to me tightly then reached out for the girls and we all had a group hug. That night, we didn't make wild passionate love, but we did hug and kiss and gently touch each other until we fell asleep sometime after five o'clock in the morning. At about noon, we were awakened by the girls bringing us coffee and bagels to get us going. We spoke very little, but all day Brandi just stayed right with me wherever I went. Monday morning I called my secretary and told her I'd not be in today. Then I called Doc Marshall's office and they worked her in at ten o'clock. Doc Suggested a thorough physical with an internist would be the first step. To make a long story short, After much testing and a psychiatric evaluation, Brandi has a hormonal imbalance and was going through an early menopause. There were few other minor things like a serious yeast infection, and signs of the beginning stages of Type 2 Diabetes.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

A few months down the road, Brandi was much more like her old self, but she wanted to talk to me. She told me that she still had urges about other men, and she wanted to talk about them with me so she could get through them. I suggested a marriage counselor who specialized in sex therapy. We went through six months of twice weekly meetings with her, sometimes together and sometimes individually. Brandi nor the therapist could never get a real grip on the problem until the therapist asked us together if we would consider a supervised sex session with Brandi and another man. They could do everything but vaginal or anal penetration. The therapist assured me we weren't going to get rid of this inner need of Brandi's without trying this. Finally, I agreed to try it, nothing else seemed to be working.

A week later, we went to the therapists office and the back room was set up for us. Brandi was told she would NOT meet the man before of after the session, and that she could do anything she wanted with him except take his penis in her vagina or rectum. She could give him oral sex to any stage of completion she desired. She could have him perform orally on her any way she wanted, and she would have six hours to enjoy the session, and she would be blindfolded the whole time. I would be able to watch the entire session. Brandi agreed to all of the conditions.

As soon as Brandi was naked and comfortable in the bed, The nurse brought in her blindfold, and tied it snugly. It had a foam liner to completely block any chance for her to see anything. I signaled that I was ready. Shortly, the man entered Brandi's room. He began by kissing her nipples and sucking a little. She reached for him but he pushed her hands down. There was no rush to do anything. He kissed and licked every square inch of her body, all the way down to her toes. He took each toe in his mouth and licked and sucked on it. He licked the soles of her feet. He moved up to her neck and kissed softly around her neck and licked her ears softly. Brandi was moaning the whole time with pleasure. She tried again to reach out for him but again she was rebuked and her hands were pushed to her sides. The man then kissed down her chest and stomach, lingering at her belly button. Brandi squirmed at his lovely tongue caresses. She was soon lost in her fantasy realizing she was fulfilling it now!

Brandi was in another world. Her mind had taken her away on a journey to self-fulfillment. The man continued his kisses and caresses. He moved back up to her tits and began sucking on one nipple and tweaking the other between his thumb and fingers. He sucked harder and began massaging that breast gently at first, then with a stronger massage. Brandi moaned as she felt her first orgasm begin to build just with him sucking and massaging her tits. She felt his knee slide between her legs forcing them apart. He moved his knee into her crotch and forced it against her clit. That's all it took for her to explode in orgasm. It lasted a good two minutes before she began to come down. As she relaxed, he moved his mouth down to her furry patch, separating the lips of her vagina with his tongue, he began an all-out oral assault on her womanhood. Within another few minutes, she was flailing around, groaning in orgasm again. This one was even stronger and it lasted over three minutes. She was wondering what the big deal was with intercourse anyway. She'd never cum that hard from being fucked. Now she really wanted to taste his manhood. She reached out and found his shaved cock. She was surprised, she'd never touched or seen a man who shaved his genitals.

Brandi was in another world. She wondered where this world had been all her life? She was glad she had a lot of time left to enjoy this session. Brandi decided to do something she'd rarely done for Jeff. She'd take his cock all the way down her throat, and to top it off, when he came, she'd swallow it all. Jeff Had begged her for that for a long time, but she never felt comfortable enough to do it. Today was the day she'd finally find out how it was to swallow this man's cum. Then she thought, "Oh, Jeff is watching, what will he think?" Those were the first thoughts of her loving husband since the beginning of the session.

I was really enjoying watching her arousal and climaxes. I hoped this session would put this behind Brandi and re-focus her on our marriage.

Brandi sucked his whole member down her throat. It was difficult, but she soon felt her mouth at the base of his shaved genitals. She pushed a little harder trying to get more in her throat. He grunted and groaned, and she could tell he was about to cum. She slid her mouth up toward the tip of his cock, then impaled her mouth on it again. He moaned loudly as his first squirt hit the back of her throat. She drank him in swallowing at every opportunity. He had six good squirts, then one small final one. She thought, "I wish Jeff would cum like that. I'd love to take his cum down my throat." Even she was amazed at that thought. The session went on for the full six hours. They had done everything from orally satisfying each other numerous times to doing everything they could with their fingers and hands. There had been no vaginal nor anal penetration with his cock, but they both examined every cavity on each other with tongue and fingers. She'd actually figured out how to do a prostate massage while blowing his cock. That was one of his wildest orgasms of the five he'd experienced in the six hours.

They both just collapsed when the bell rang signaling the end of the session. The man quickly got up and left. Brandi just laid on the bed for a few minutes. The doctor came in and brought her a robe. She was given some juice to help re-hydrate herself after the marathon session. Soon she regained some strength and asked for Jeff. She was told he was waiting for her in the office. "Did he watch everything?" She asked.

Jeff saw absolutely everything and actually was very aroused. HE is not upset with you at all. He's waiting for you to talk about the session and what it meant for you. Are you ready to go sit with him?

As we all sat in the office, the therapist asked a few questions of both of us. She asked Brandi if the non-intercourse sex was fulfilling for her. I was asked for my reaction to the violent orgasms Brandi experienced. I talked of how much I loved seeing her really explode and enjoy the experience. Brandi was puzzled as to how I could enjoy it so much when I'd been so dead set against her involvement from the start.

I mentioned that watching her fully enjoy a sexual experience really aroused me too. The therapist then told Brandi that the whole session was taped and asked if she wanted to see some of her orgasms. Brandi was a little hesitant, but I saw where the therapist was going and encouraged her to watch herself. She commented, "Then I'll get to see the mystery man? I thought the idea was for me to never know who it was, or see the man."

The therapist replied, "That was the original thought, but your overall reaction has caused me to think that it would do you some good to see yourself in ecstasy. It should really help you understand your feelings. So what is it, do you want to watch a few selected clips? Later, if you want the whole thing, we'll give you a copy of the whole six hours."

Brandi thought a minute then replied, "I think I would like to see a few of the really good orgasms."

"Well, I'll get it set so just the two of you will be able to watch alone in here." The Therapist pushed the TV directly in front of us as the picture began to roll. The quality was excellent. The first scene showed the therapist putting the blindfold on Brandi, the next scene showed me in the room and Brandi commented that she didn't realize I was right there in the room with her. The next scene showed a close-up of Brandi's Chest and Face as her nipples were being teased with the man's hands. Then there was a close-up of her deep-throating the shaved cock.

At this point, Brandi was enthralled as she saw herself impaling her mouth and throat with his cock. As he began to spurt the cum in her mouth, she giggled a little saying, "Jeff, when we get home, I want to try that on you."

Then the shot panned to her face as he was eating her pussy on one of her more explosive orgasms. You could see the utter joy in her expressions as she exploded with a violent orgasm. She commented, "Jeff, I really want to experience that with you, can we practice until we're perfect?"

Then came the revelation. The camera panned back to show the man. Brandi Gasped Loudly! "Jeff! What the?????" She grabbed my crotch and attacked my zipper, pulling out my freshly shaved cock. She smiled at me and I smiled at her. We went home and told the Alicia that everything was going to be okay. We pretty much told her the whole story. She was delighted. Alicia called Marianne and told her the exciting news. Brandi has no more desires to experience another man. When she gets a thought like that, she tells me about it and we find a way to come up with a new experience for just the two of us. We role play a lot, and we both have our eyes wide open knowing how easy it is to cross the line. We've had some unbelievable experiences together, and we continue to have sex in one form or another about three times a week. Even though I cried at my party, the end result brought us even closer together.

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WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorldover 1 year ago

Divorce would have shut her down.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Cuck shit, avoid!!!!!

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Even now this is still a bit of a smoking wreckage.

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