It's Nice to Be Included


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I felt Monica leave her position as my orgasm ended, but I was too busy staring stupidly at the ceiling to look down at her. She audibly moved to the other side of the room for a minute, then came back and stopped long enough to kiss me gently.

"Hope you liked that as much as I think you did," she said. "I'm gonna go check on David, okay?"


I would have preferred her to stick around a little while with me, at least until I felt like moving again, but I also didn't feel like making an issue of it. She hadn't put on any more clothing and I was pretty confident I knew what she was going to be doing once she got to David's room. In some ways that was good because the last thing I wanted was to change their relationship. Monica might be having fun with me, but there was no doubt in my mind that there was something deeper between my siblings than there was between us. Maybe that would change, maybe it wouldn't. I was content to wait and see what happened.

Eventually I forced myself to move and stood up to examine Monica's room. My panties lay discarded and unloved on the floor, but I ignored them for the moment. I shouldn't have snooped, usually we all were pretty good about leaving each other's stuff alone, but I couldn't help myself. In hindsight there was no reason to think I'd find anything naughty in the room after my sister so recently got caught by mom, but I still had held some initial hope I might figure out what had given her away. In the end I found nothing at all incriminating.

I picked up my panties before leaving and discovered there was indeed a wet spot visible on the front, though not an embarrassingly large one as I'd been afraid of. If I'd been a little more daring I might have skipped putting them back on to make my way back to my room, but I'd had more than enough excitement for the time being. Plus my underwear was only damp enough to be slightly uncomfortable.

As I was closing Monica's door behind me I paused as I heard a sound from down the hall. It came from David's room and I suspected I knew what kind of sound it had been, but again I couldn't restrain my curiosity as much as I should have. I snuck down to right outside his door and I could indeed make out the occasional soft moan from inside, as well as a few infrequent and less distinct noises. There was no question left in my mind what they were up to.

Suspicion thus confirmed I left my siblings to their fun and went back to my room for real. I made sure to lock the door behind me before stripping off my panties and collapsing on my bed. For several minutes I did little more than go over recent events in my head. Despite having cum so recently, my thoughts were sexually charged enough that my hand strayed down to my pussy. Alone with my renewed horniness and no outside pressure to be doing anything else, I allowed my imagination to run wild and lazily fingered myself to another orgasm.


The next day was Saturday, and the perfect time for a weekend as far as I was concerned. Never mind that I would have been okay with most any day being a weekend.

I slept in as usual, and only got out of bed when the sun got too annoying to ignore. Sometimes I wished my room was on the other side of the house, sometimes I thought smaller and just wished I could remember to close my curtains before I went to sleep. That would probably work just as well for my purposes.

The house turned out to be deserted by the time I made it downstairs. It didn't matter to me too much one way or the other, but because my Saturday mornings often still involved cereal and cartoons it meant that at least I'd avoid any teasing. No one ever seemed to agree with my belief that there was nothing wrong with some mindless, childish fun for a few hours once a week.

I curled up on the couch in the living room in my tank top and pyjama pants, clutching my bowl of cheerios and settled in. I giggled unselfconsciously at animated characters doing silly things for about almost an hour before I was interrupted by the sounds of someone returning from wherever they had been. I repressed a small sigh and put a lid on the giggling, but didn't turn off the show I was watching.

David's footsteps were the most recognizable of anyone in the house, heavier by far than mom's or Monica's, and those were the ones I heard. He would have been able to locate me too from the sound of the tv, so I felt no need to make my presence known. He'd come see me if he wanted to.

A couple minutes later he did come check on me, walking up behind the couch and leaning over the back of it. He considerately waited for a commercial break to speak.

"Hey, how's it going?" he said.

"Pretty good."

"Good. Uh, can I talk to you about something?"

He seemed serious enough that I was pretty sure I knew what the subject might be.

"Okay," I said, just a little bit nervous all of a sudden.

"Alright, well...."

David faltered almost immediately as he tried to say whatever it was he wanted to say, leaving me even more convinced as to what it was about. He sighed and walked around to sit on the couch with me.

"Look, I know you and Mon were up to something yesterday," he said. "And... I sort of know what's up, but Monica's being particularly stubborn about telling me things. I'd just like us to be on the same page here."

"What do you want to know?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Well, short version is I saw what you and Monica were doing in her room after teasing me out on the deck, and partly I just need to know where that's coming from."

So I hadn't been the only one snooping, though David probably hadn't meant to. He would have just been looking for Monica and found both of us instead. I wasn't all that surprised that I had missed that, and I wouldn't have been surprised either if our sister had neglected to mention the intrusion to me.

David was also deliberately dancing around the subject of his and Monica's relationship. Not that I could blame him.

"I guess it started 'cause of what you two were doing," I said hesitantly. David nodded like I had just confirmed his suspicions, but let me go on. "I didn't expect it, but... it feels good. It's... I don't even know how to describe it."

"That's okay," David said with a tight smile, "I know what you mean. I can't believe she would tell you and not even let me know though."

"She didn't. I already knew."

"Oh." He seemed to have some trouble processing that one. "How long ha-"

"A while," I interrupted.

"Oh," he said again. "Shit."

"Yeah, that was Monica's reaction too."

"And of course she wouldn't waste the opportunity to mess with me," he said, putting the pieces together quickly. "You understand we didn't want to have to hide it from you."

"Don't worry, I get it. It's hard to trust anyone with something like that."

"It wasn't about trust so much in some ways. I know you wouldn't tell on us, but it's not really fair to put something like that on you. It was bad enough that we had to deal with it sometimes. Not that I regret it at all, but it's not without its problems."

"Yeah, I can see that. Even if I don't necessarily agree with it. So what now?"

"I don't know, I guess we just see what happens."

A thought occurred to me.

"Does that mean you're okay with me and Monica messing around?" I asked. "'Cause we don't have to do it anymore if it bothers you."

"Why would it... anyway yeah, it's cool. I don't mind getting to see some of that every now and then."

"That's pretty much what Monica said you'd think about it."

"Well she does know me pretty well."

"I guess I just didn't believe at first that you'd be interested at all in me."

David thought about that one for a minute.

"That's always a tricky one though isn't it," he said slowly. "Like partly you spend a lot of time repressing any kind of sexual thoughts about the 'wrong' sorts of people so you might not even know yourself who you're interested in. I suspect, although feel free to prove me wrong, that you weren't planning on getting involved with Monica up until right around when it happened."

I nodded.

"That's pretty much how it went with Mon and me too," he said, "'cept it was also awkward as hell for a little while. Worth it though."

"So how do you think of me now?" I asked softly.

Again he appeared to choose his words carefully.

"I think I need to talk with Mon about it," he said. "That said, if something were to happen... it wouldn't exactly be torture."

"You're a charmer alright."

"Aw come on. It's still weird for me to, like, talk to you about this stuff. Give me some time to adjust."

I smiled a little at his discomfort. Finally I wasn't the only one in new territory.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't know if I'm ready to... take things too far yet either," I said, gesturing wildly as I struggled to imply 'sex' without actually saying it.

David nodded like he understood.

"It's a big step," he agreed. "Sometimes I feel like Monica doesn't always see things that way though, like she's in it more for the thrill than for an actual relationship. I'm glad you're thinking about it."

My eyes went wide at the hint that there might be unseen trouble between my siblings.

"Monica wouldn't-" I started, then was interrupted before I could even start to make my point.

"Oh don't worry, I'm mostly joking," David said, waving his hand dismissively. "I know she takes it seriously when she needs to."

"But not as seriously as you," I said with a growing certainty. "You love her."

I didn't fully know why I said it, I might have been way off on what the problem was, but as it turned out I was right.

"Yeah, I do," he admitted. "Not that she doesn't, but sometimes it would just be nice if it didn't matter that I was her brother. If that makes any sense."

It made plenty of sense to me. When it came to Monica and me, we were just messing around. Our being sisters just added to the fun. If it was something more serious than that, I knew I'd want it to be based on more than an accident of birth too.

"On the other hand, it is way hotter that she's my sister," he mused. "And yeah, before you say anything, I know I can't have it both ways."

"I was almost starting to feel a bit sorry for you too," I said.

"I'm sorry. But I never get to talk about this stuff with anyone. It's nice just to say it out loud even. Thanks for that," he said, squeezing my knee gently. "Anyway, I'll leave you to it."

He got up and left before I could figure out how to respond. If nothing else, I at least felt good about being someone David thought he could talk to. That's all I'd really wanted from my siblings a few days ago when they still thought their secret was actually secret, and now I had that and more. So far so good.


Monica returned a little after lunchtime, and I ran into her in the kitchen while she was making a sandwich. I had just been passing through, but I stopped when I found her there. As long as I was more or less a neutral party between my siblings I decided I might as well make use of it.

"What? Am I in the way?" Monica asked when I didn't say anything right away.

"No, I just wanted to ask you something."


"Do you love David?"

That phased her as I suspected it would. It was an awfully blunt question.

"Yeees," she said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Good. You should tell him that."

Monica stared at me a moment longer, then turned back to her sandwich.

"You're frigging weird sometimes, you know that?" she said.

I grinned like it was a compliment.

"Thanks," I said, then started to walk away.

"You should come to David's room tonight," Monica said just before I left the room.

I turned back, but by all appearances she was still ignoring me and may as well have given me a casual 'good-bye'.

"Uh, okay," I said.


If she'd wanted to leave me nervous and guessing the rest of the day, Monica had done a pretty good job. There didn't seem to be anything I could do to stop myself thinking about her invitation for anything more than a few minutes at a time. Not that I didn't want to accept, but it was going to be another big step for me in a very short amount of time. Unless she was just messing with me and had nothing the least bit sexual planned. I didn't think that's what she was doing, but I wouldn't have entirely put it past her either.

There was no question of sleeping that night at what would have otherwise have been my normal bedtime. It would have been a completely wasted effort. Instead I continued fiddling with a book I was reading or some homework I had while also glancing at the time at regular two-second intervals waiting for it to be late enough. I kind of hoped Monica or even David might come tell me when it was time, but I suspected the decision, including when to join them, would be left up to me.

Finally I just got too impatient and crept out of my room, treading as silently as I could on the floor of the hallway. First I checked Monica's room and, as the lack of light coming under the door indicated, she wasn't there. There was however a faint glow coming from farther down the hall where David's room was. I didn't hear anything as I approached and I knocked softly on the door to see if I'd get answer.

"Come in," Monica called.

That confirmed she was there at least. I opened the door and found both her and David on his bed, both with their shirts off already. Assuming they'd started with any shirts on anyway.

David's bed was bigger than either mine or Monica's, although it actually wasn't really a proper bed in some ways. It was just a box-spring and mattress directly on the floor, he'd preferred it that way for a while and at times I could see why. If nothing else, it did remove the possibility of a the bed frame creaking during sex.

"You took your time," Monica told. "We thought we might not see you at all tonight."

"You never said what time," I protested.

"Mon's just picking on you," David interjected. "She was over here way earlier than normal. Even though she's always accusing me of me of being impatient."

"This is different," Monica said firmly. "I wanted to make sure I wasn't the last one here."

"God forbid anything happen without you in the middle of it," David said, rolling his eyes.

"Exactly. I'm glad you understand," Monica said, pretending to be oblivious to his sarcasm. "Now then...."

Suddenly the attention was all on me. Both Monica and David looked at me as though I was expected to know what to do, and I definitely didn't.

"What? Why are you guys staring at me?" I asked.

"No reason," Monica said after a slight pause. "Why don't you come up here on the bed with us? Or wherever you're comfortable. You can just watch if you want. David would like to see you with less clothes on though I'm sure."

She poked our brother playfully as she said the last part and he responded by tickling her mercilessly on he sides until she broke free and rolled away to the end of the bed. With the two of them being topless, it was quite an interesting scene to watch.

"Alright come here," Monica beckoned me a little breathlessly. "We need to get rid of that shirt of yours. You won't match us otherwise."

"But you just said-"

"I changed my mind. New rule, you have to at least take off your top if you want to stay."

Maybe she had a sudden, inexplicable desire to see my boobs, maybe she had just correctly read my reactions and decided she could get away with her demand. Either way I knew I didn't want to leave yet. I was already feeling the pleasant first signs of arousal and I wanted more.

"Don't pay any attention to her," David told me when I hesitated. "She makes up rules all the time with me too. You don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

"My rules usually work out pretty well for you," Monica countered. "They're for the greater good."

David snorted, but I spoke up before he could say anything else.

"I'll do it," I said quietly. "But not if you're both looking at me like that," I added when I realized that I was going to become the center of attention again.

I got two nods of acceptance to my terms, and without warning Monica raised herself to her knees and pounced on David. That left the half of the bed she'd been on free, and with the two of them doing something halfway between making out and trying to knock the other onto the floor, I had some small amount of privacy. At least for a moment.

I was wearing a tank top and pyjama pants, similar to what I'd been wearing that morning since it tended to be what I wore to bed most of the time. I closed my eyes as I pulled my top off, I wasn't sure how exactly that would help but I did it anyway. When I reopened them I was still unobserved, giving me more an odd sense of disappointment than relief.

It was only when I bounced down on the mattress to join my siblings that they stopped what they were doing and once again turned to me. I got two appreciative looks from them, as well as a motion to come closer from my sister. She looked about ready to be done with David and jump me instead, but all she did was kiss me when I got close enough. Just a quick, loving kiss.

"Fuck that's hot," David said.

I blushed slightly, but along with the small amount of embarrassment came the arousal that I was starting to get used to. I liked being desirable to both my brother and sister, it was exciting in a way that nothing else in my life had ever quite matched.

"You like that don't you?" Monica said, and I got the feeling she was actually talking to both David and me, although it was directed more at him.

"Yeah, I do," David said.

Monica kissed me again, for longer this time, and played with my breasts a little too. I stayed passive and let my sister control the pace, which mostly meant keeping my arms out of the way while she explored my chest. At some point one of her hands and left, and was soon replaced by a slightly larger, not quite as soft hand; David's hand. I hadn't been expecting that, but I wasn't about to complain. It was different, but it still felt good.

I was slowly overwhelmed by the combined attention of my siblings and was eventually pushed onto my back. I put up a pretend struggle when they tried to pull on my pyjama pants, but Monica pinned me to the mattress and let David finish removing them. I didn't get to see his reaction to seeing me naked for the first time since I was busy kissing Monica again. It then occurred to me that I hadn't yet actually been fully naked in front of her either.

Even after I was stripped Monica wouldn't let me up. She pushed me back a couple times when I started to sit up until I got the hint and stayed where I was. She then scooted over to a position where she could lay my head in her lap and look down at me while also getting a good view of what David was up to.

My brother had been running his hands up and down my legs, particularly the inside of my thighs. For a moment I thought her was actually getting ready to have sex with me, and even though I still didn't know if that was what I wanted I was ready to go along with it at that point. I felt safe with him and Monica, and I could have been convinced to do most anything without too much trouble.

It turned out not to be anything quite so extreme, and I kind of suspected that it had been worked out before hand without my input since David looked at Monica rather than me for confirmation. While Monica stroked my hair soothingly, David leaned down until his face was very, very close to my pussy. For the second time in two days it appeared I was going to be eaten out by one of my siblings, and I felt a little thrill of wrongness run through me at the realization.

He started out slow, testing the new area he had to work with, but it was obvious fairly quickly that David knew what he was doing maybe even more so than Monica. That made sense since, as I imagined, he probably got more practice licking pussy than she did.