It's Only Fair Ch. 05


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I got off exit 39 and stayed on the service road until I came to Roslyn Road. From there I travelled south, checking my directions against the streets I was passing, made two small turns and stopped in front of a converted stately home with the swinging green and white painted sign that read 'Bekoff and Stelling, LLP'.

I parked the truck and after unhitching Amber's car seat from the cradle, I made my way inside. A pleasant young woman was at the desk, smiling as I came in. "Hi. May I help you?"

"I'm Rick Masters. I have a 10:30 appointment with Ron Bekoff."

"Excellent, please have a seat and he'll be with you shortly."

I sat down, the worn but comfortable lobby chairs felt good to me. The air was cool, indicative of the fact that someone had turned the AC on here. The waiting area was tastefully decorated and there were the smattering of standard lobby magazines fanned out on the low coffee table for people to read. I passed the time playing 'try to grab daddy's fingers' with Amber until I heard a door open up and a familiar voice call my name. "Hey, Rick."

Standing up, I walked over to Jessica Lanier and gave her a hug. "Hey, Jess. It's great to see you."

She returned it before we pulled away and she looked at my purply/yellow eye with pursed lips and a deep stare. "The same to you. But I don't like what I am seeing." Her expression changed to pleasantly professional, "But that's why you're here to take care of you and your daughter's interests." I grabbed the carrier as she continued, "Come on, let me introduce you to Ron."

I followed Jessica to another office, this one decorated in deep browns and tans. A large man was sitting behind a battered steel and wood desk, mounds of marbleized reddish folders were stacked on both sides of him and seemed to have spilled onto the floor. He was in his late 40's, had dark bushy hair and a squared off jaw. He had the spread that most men gathered in their middle age but he carried it well and with grace. He stuck his paw of a hand across his desk and grabbed my free one. "Ron Bekoff, pleasure to meet you." He looked at my daughter next and made a goofy face, getting her to smile in return. "Please, have a seat."

He looked over at Jessica and said, "Thanks, Jess. I'll take it from here."

"Thanks, Ron," she replied, turning to me. "You're in good hands, Rick," she said and then left.

From that point on I spent the next 25 minutes telling Ron of my plight and what I had gone through to date. He listened, taking some sloppy notes on a legal sized yellow pad, his pen scratching across the surface in sharp dashes and loops that I was beginning to wonder if even he would be able to read. At the end of my tale we spent the next couple of minutes clarifying some points before he settled back in his oversized chair, the springs underneath it groaning in complaint.

"Rick, that is a hell of a story. You did the right thing, both in trying to fix the problem and again in realizing you couldn't. I'd like to help you, but by helping you, I think you'd be best helped by someone other than me."

My face fell. "You mean, you won't take my case."

"No, no, not that. I'd like to have one of my partners come in and listen to this. He's been doing family law for 30 years and truthfully, I'm thinking that if I was in need of legal counsel and help and I was you, I'd go to him. Can I get him to come in here and listen to this?"

Feeling better, I agreed, "Sure. Please. I'm kind of a fish out of water here."

"No doubt." He stabbed the white button on his desk phone and the receptionist's voice same out of the speaker, "Yes, Mr. Bekoff?"

"Sonia, get Lenny to come to my office please."

"Right away, Mr. Bekoff."

We chatted together comfortably a few minutes until a figure appeared in the doorway and Ron broke into a smile. "Lenny, come in," he said standing. "Lenny, this is Rick Masters."

I turned, shaking this new lawyer's hand. He was shorter than I by four or five inches, and was on the thin side as well. To my eyes he was in his late 50's, maybe 60, and had the look of a math teacher about him. He shook my hand firmly though, pumping it twice and offering, "Lenny Furman, Mr. Masters. Happy to meet you."

"Lenny," Ron said as his compatriot sat down in the next chair, pulling out his own legal pad and a pen from his inside jacket pocket, "Mr. Masters needs some help here and I told him you were the best."

"Let's hear what's going on."

At this point Ron and I told the story, Ron adding his own thoughts and points as I reiterated the tale. Lenny wrote down even faster than Ron did, barely looking down as he put down his own observations, every minute or so the trailing page he was working on was flipped up and he started over on the next one.

"Well, Rick," he said, putting his pen down and leaning back. "That is one hell of a story."

"Can you help me?"

"Sure. But I need to know what's the end game you are looking at? What do you want to have happen?"

The corners of my mouth turned down as I gathered my thoughts. "What I want? First and foremost I want what is best for Amber. She's my kid, and she's completely innocent in all of this mess." Both men nodded at this, bolstering me as I continued, "I want...I want Elle to get better and become the person I had married and loved and lived with. I want her to get the help she needs and to come home. I understand that if that is not an option for whatever reason, I want only what is best for her and I am not looking to screw up her life." I held up a finger, "But, I will not, under any circumstances, if that is the case, give up my daughter. Period."

"It's possible, Rick. It depends on a lot of things. But right now you have a window and we should take advantage of it while we can."

"What do we do?"

"First thing we do is file an order of protection against Elle for Amber and another one for yourself."

"But, isn't she already out of the house for 30 days?"

"True, but if she is cleared, and I've done this before, the Hospital will not want to keep her, she'll be released and she'll be allowed to come back home. This'll put you both back in the same situation you just got her out of, and it'll be that much harder if she comes back in the house to have her removed again. By getting the orders, we safeguard your daughter and you. It also shows to CPS that you are taking the potential threat seriously and being proactive."

"The CPS guy was there last night and said that there wasn't a problem from what he could see."

Lenny smiled sadly at me. "Rick, CPS has a case opened now with your and your wife's name on it. They are going to proceed with an investigation and perhaps a dozen visits to your home and your daughter's daycare to check on her and her care. They are going to be allowed to stop by both announced and unannounced. And be aware that even the nicest of CPS workers are looking for problems. And that is already a strike against you; you're a man and the agency is prejudiced against single male parents as responsible and qualified guardians."

"That's ridiculous! It's my child and I am already pretty much doing the job myself."

"Then it's our job to make sure that they have no reason to be concerned about you, Amber, or your home. Make sure it's spotless, neat, and I don't know if you drink..."

"I don't."

"Good. But if you do or have visitors who do, make sure they don't do it near the child. Think Mother Theresa, that's what you have to be."

"How long will CPS be in my life?"

"Typically 6 months to a year, although there have been times where they kept a case open for as much as 2 years."

I slumped, feeling the wind rush out of me. "Terrific."

"Also, another thing," Lenny continued, checking his notes, "you do know the police don't have the right to enter your home and check around? According to your story, you invited Officer Rafferty to look around the basement?"

"Yeah. Was that wrong?"

Lenny sighed. "Yes and no. No because you were being accommodating to the police in what is a difficult domestic disturbance call. This probably went a long way to smoothing things out for them and making their job easier. But, once you do that, they will then expect that should they have a need to return for more investigation that they can once again enter your home and look around at will."

"So what do I do?"

"You go to the 5th Precinct as you were going to, give your wife's bag to this Officer Rafferty, and then you casually mention that you have retained legal counsel and that any further issues or concerns should be passed through me. This will let them know that your 'open and welcoming' position is now closed and they should be more focused on their investigation with what they have at their disposal or get a warrant should the need for one present itself."

He snapped his fingers, "Another thing. After today, I want you to have no contact with Mrs. Masters. Go to the hospital, bring her clothes, but after that you are to have no contact with her. There'll be an order of protection in place and we don't want anyone to look at your contact between each other as a point of leverage. Does she have any family?"

"He brother lives in Maryland, but her mom still lives in Lindenhurst."

"Good. You should get in touch with her anyway and tell her what's going on with her daughter and your marriage. Let her know what's going on and have her act as the go between for Elle and yourself if there are needs that have to be met that neither side are aware of."

I drummed my fingers on Ron's desk and sighed. "That's quite a bit. But not a problem."

"Remember, Rick. We're building a team here; a team to protect your daughter and to a lesser extent you."

"Team Amber," I quipped, getting a smile from both lawyers.

"Team Amber indeed." Lenny looked over his notes one last time. "The handcuffs and bag of kinky sex toys and duct tape. You indicated that from your wife's comments and your own thoughts that she was not engaging in self-bondage, but might have friends or partners, correct?"

"Yeah. I stumbled upon some places on her computer where she was visiting sites that cater to this stuff. She also has another email account that I don't know the password to yet, but the email seems to be specific to her newfound interest."

"We can use that as a further example of your wife's disintegrating family interest, but truthfully unless these actions were performed while the child was home or could be exposed to it, most judges will not put much weight on it. Long and short of it, people are allowed to be kinky in the privacy of their own home. Adultery is not a crime, neither is bondage. For your own peace of mind, you should see what you can do about getting to the bottom of it."

I nodded. "I will. I have a friend who might be able to tell me about anyone that might have stopped by while I was at work."

Lenny stood up, extending his hand for me to shake which I did heartily. "Rick, it's good to meet you and I'm sorry it was under these terrible circumstances. I'm your lawyer, and we're going to build a wall around you and your daughter. Team Amber. I'll get started on the orders and will file them when court opens tomorrow. Go take care of what you have to today and remember, CPS is not looking out for you and your daughter's best interests - they are looking out for what they PERCIEVE to be just your daughter's best interests. So be vigilant and ever ready."

"I will, and thanks again Lenny."

We finished shaking hands and I did the same with Ron Bekoff. They led Amber and I back to the receptionist's desk where Jessica came out as well. I wrote a check for $5,000 for Lenny Furman as retainer, asking him to please not deposit it until Friday so I could fund the checking account first. He waved his hand dismissively and told me not to worry. A last round of handshakes followed along with another hug from Jessica and we were out of the office and on our way once more, back towards the Expressway.

My dashboard clock showed 1:17 and I know that Amber was hungry and so was I. I drove along and took the exit for 107 south, eventually stopping at Johnny Rockets; a nostalgic burger place that had been popping up all over Long Island. I placed an order for a burger with the works and a plate of chili cheese fries and then asked for a children's meal of chicken nuggets for Amber. While it was being prepared I took her into the bathroom, locked the door, and used the Koala Bench in the stall to change her wet diaper and take care of my own business.

We ate lunch together, Amber enjoying her surprise day out with her dad while I mulled over everything that had been presented to me to date. I paid for the meal from the extra cash I was carrying around and then we got back in the car while I worked my way eastward towards Huntington. I plugged in my handsfree wire and thumbed my contacts until I came to 'Elle's Mom' and dialed it.

The phone rang twice and I heard Elle's mom's raspy voice answer, "Hey, Rick. How are you?"

"Hey, Jan," I replied. "I've been better. You hear from Elle lately?" I asked, cursing at myself for stalling.

"No. She hasn't been returning my calls either lately. Wanted to come by and see my granddaughter."

"Jan, Ellle's been arrested."


"She was taken out of the house last night and is now in some Hospital in Huntington under psychiatric care or something like that. From what I was told last night, it's because her bi-polar disorder got thrown out of whack during her pregnancy and she needs help."

"Oh my god, Rick! I can't believe it. How's Amber, is she ok?"

"Yeah. She's fine."

"I don't understand," Jan said, her voice lost sounding, "Why would the police come to your house?"

I gritted my teeth. "Because, Jan. I asked them to."

"You? Rick? You!?" I could tell Jan was getting upset. "Rick! That's my daughter. Your wife! How could you call the police on her?!"

"Jan, please. I didn't have a choice."

"Of course you did! You don't call the police on your wife!"

"Jan, she hit me over the weekend."

"I don't believe you," I could tell she was crying, sobbing as she tried to understand what I was telling her. "She wouldn't."

"Jan, she threw the computer at me and I have a black eye; could have blinded me. I know you're not there all the time, but trust me, it has been getting difficult living with her. She's just so disinterested in our home life and has this growing anger and violence in her. And it's only going to keep getting worse."

My heart was breaking, all I could hear was Jan on the other end, crying by herself. "Jan. Jan. Listen to me. CPS came and I had to get a lawyer also. They were talking about taking Amber away..."

"They wouldn't!"

"Jan, they could. They really could. So I need your help. Amber needs your help. After today, according to a lawyer I had to get, I am not allowed to have any contact with Elle. None. So I need you to contact her please. Whatever she needs, you're going to have to do, ok?"

"Of course. Of course." I could tell she was trying to pull herself together.

"I'm on the way there now to drop off some clothes for her. I'll call you later tonight and give you the information and the address and directions, ok? Then, why don't you come over," I thought ahead, "come over Thursday night for dinner. You can play with Amber and have a visit. I have my mom come too, alright?"

"Ok, Rick. Ok. I can do that." She sniffled, "I am so sorry. I feel...ashamed, I guess."

"It's not your fault, Jan. I'll see you soon."

We hung up and I drove on, taking Exit 49 north off the Expressway and travelled my way towards Huntington Hospital and 5 North. It was a nice looking 6 story building on the side of a hill. The parking was plentiful and I took Amber out of the car along with Elle's bag, walking in and looking over the directory.

North wing. Fifth Floor. Psychiatric Services.

Well, now I know where 5 North comes from, I mused. I took the elevator up, a faint buzz announced before the car came to a stop. It opened to a lobby, festooned with older padded chairs set up in a square pattern around a brown and grey circular pattern rug. I followed the one sign towards the large double door marked Psychiatric Services - In Patient, and knocked on the window to the right of it.

It slid open and a pinched face nurse looked out at me and said, "I'm sorry, no children."

I held Amber a little tighter and replied, "I'm sorry, I did not know. I am dropping off some clothes and supplies for Elle Masters. Can I give these to you?"

She looked me over, again with that sour lemon looking face and answered, "One moment," before sliding the window closed. I saw her get on the phone and talk to someone briefly. She nodded twice and then pointed at me and the main doors, indicating I should wait there.

I stood there with Amber, looking through the reinforced windows, the antiseptic hallway beyond was empty of people, only a number of doorways and openings lined the walls. From about halfway down on the right side, a large shouldered orderly and a nurse strode out and headed in my direction. Behind them, from the same room they emerged from, Elle leaned out of the doorframe and stared past them at me.

She looked worn out. Her hair was lank and she was wearing the same clothes she had left the house in yesterday. No makeup, eyes red, entire body just leaning on the wall as if it was not there, she would fall over. On seeing myself and Amber she perked up slightly, but I could tell it took some effort to do so.

The orderly pressed the large bar on the wall on his side and the two doors opened up. "Mr. Masters?" The nurse asked.

"Yes." I hoisted the bag I was carrying. "I have Elle's things."

I handed them to the orderly who took them without expression or comment. The nurse said, "Thank you, Mr. Masters. If there is anything else, we'll let you know. Please be aware, that no children are allowed here."

"I understand that now, I'm sorry. Did not know. As for contacting me, I am going to give you another number and name to call if you can?" I gave her Jan's information and had her remove me as emergency contact, glancing over her shoulder to see the orderly hand Elle her bag and step back from her; letting her have an unfettered view of Amber and I.

The nurse thanked me and stepped away, the doors closing behind her, leaving Amber and I on one side of the doorway and Elle on the other - looking at one another through the glass. I stayed there long enough to hoist Amber a little higher and pick up her hand to wave at her mother. She giggled at that, her smile pulling one from my wife down the hall. I tried, I really tried to smile as well, but couldn't summon up the effort to produce one. We turned away and took the elevator back down to the lobby and then out to my truck to once more take to the road.

Fuck. Fuck you, Elle. Fuck you so much, you fucking bitch. I couldn't rail or yell, Amber was in the backseat. But internally I cursed my wife out for what she had done and was doing to us, to me, to Amber. Fuck. Fuck you, you fuck.

I drove to the 5th Precinct and saw Officers Rafferty and Blake, giving them the bag and subtly informing them of my lawyer and some of the things he had suggested. They got the hint and thanked me for this, letting me know that if they needed to, they would get in touch with me soon. They did look through the bag and Officer Rafferty did let me know that the handcuffs were key style, not safety. Which meant that without a key, there was no pin to press to release them.

I drove home, that tidbit percolating in my head, making me more confident that there was someone else most likely engaging in this kinky play with Elle. Once in the driveway, I closed the door and stepped across the street, taking Amber with me, walking right up to Stan's door and knocking.