It's Your Love


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I feel you push your vulva into the palm of my hand, and I wish I had ten fingers instead of five... The inside of your pussy feels warm and wet and soft and satiny to my fingers, and the shape of your vulva fits my hand completely. Your mouth distracts my thoughts, but I want to enjoy al this consciously, fully, and to be all eyes and take it all in. You are as beautiful as I had hoped, and I move myself a bit to bring my face close to your pussy again. Your scent is much stronger than before, and I can't help myself -- I have to taste you again. I continue to slide my fingers in and out, ant to stroke your inside with my fingertips, and I replace my thumb on your clit with my mouth. Hmm... so good! You taste wonderful. Your mouth on my cock is almost sweeter that I can stand, warm and wet, and the intimacy of our position is so great it makes me feel more than grateful we're here together... I don't think the language has a word for how you make me feel. I find your breasts with my free hand. Owww... You bite me softly, and I feel my cock jerk for a second.

You look my way and smile and I smile back -- I must be beaming with happiness all the time. I stroke your cheek for a moment, second best to kissing you, and wonder what I did right to be here with you -- someone up there cannot dislike me too much.

I stop sucking you clit for a moment and part your pussy lips to look at the soft red satin inside. I lick it up and down softly once or twice - it tastes as good as it looks, and I could go on doing this for hours. You moan as I clamp my mouth over you, and I eagerly fondle your behind with my hands. This is different from all I did before, and it feels completely right. You make me feel wholly at ease, welcome and equal, and oh girl, I never knew it could be like this. I take your inner labia between my lips and suck them into my mouth, just a very little bit. They're dark with blood, swollen, sweet -- asking to be touched and licked and sucked. I will not make them have to ask twice... What more could a man want than to be where I am now, with my heads between your legs?

Oh, and the things you do to me... Oh heavens -- so good, they bring tears. Where do they come from? Oh please, I must stop them. I don't want them blurring my vision of you.

Sucking your pussy makes me forget them again. Your belly feels nice and soft, and I run a nail down your spine. I feel you shiver, and you move your legs, and shift your bottom a bit, and I move my head along -- I don't want to let go, and I lick and suck your pussy lips, in all their beautiful, crinkled glory.

Your hands drive me wild. Oh, but I cannot give in to that -- I don't want to scare you off, so I have to practise restraint. Better concentrate on the joys of your pussy -- safe and lovely -- and wait for you to make the next move of your own accord. This is heaven anyway, and an experience that will make me smile just by thinking of it when on my couch I lie... I'll be perfectly happy if it lasts all night.


I can feel a light trembling in your hands that suggest you're holding back, and I wish you wouldn't, but am too shy to say so. I love the things you are doing to me, and I worry I'll embarrass myself my breaking wind or doing something equally humiliating if I let myself go and relax completely under your ministrations. I find I'm trembling too, and I know that soon, if you don't stop, I'm going to fall off the edge of the world. I wonder if it will be the stupendous, mind-blowing kind I've never had...I certainly feel crazed enough, like I'm on the way to that sort of orgasm. I decide that if I'm going over, so are you.

Taking a firmer grip on your steel rod, I bend over and suck, a long hard, deep pull of my jaws and tongue on you. It takes you by surprise, and your cock jerks in my mouth, as you groan low and deep. I can feel the tension in you as I alternate between light, teasing licks and deep, puling suckling of your cock. It wakes up the juices in my mouth, and I struggle not to slobber all over you, while my pussy weeps with need and arousal. I want you wound up and ready to explode, even as I feel myself nearing that pinnacle of pleasure. I worry that it's pee not cum that is flowing from me, and wish I could let go of the struggle to remain in control. I can't hold out against you and I want you to do more, go further, take all that I have opened up to you. I want to tell you to fuck me, I need to tell you, but the words won't come. I grind myself against your face, and suddenly, when you nip me gently on my clit, I shatter. You are still in my mouth, and I cannot scream out my release, but I don't want it to end.

Hurrying, afraid the feeling will pass, and needing it again, I let go of you and turn so that my pussy is lined up with your cock, and I show you what I want. I am trembling so badly that I cannot even line them up to get it in. I look at you and see your smile, and hope you're not laughing at my clumsiness and inexperience...


Mmmm...I love this -- you take my soul and turn it inside out...I don't know exactly how that works, but everything inside seems to tremble with desire, and love, and delight -- and at the same time I feel all bent on pleasing you. If only I can make you feel what I think of you -- what I feel for you...

Though I thought you might not want me to touch your being completely, I think you do, now. The way you handled my cock sparked off fiery lights before my eyes...

When you suddenly let go I was afraid for a moment you'd feel I'd crossed a barrier you didn't want me to pass, but now you have turned my way I see the need in your eyes, and a shy smile...Oh girl, if you knew how much I tremble inside and how uncertain I am, too.

I take your face in my hands. Hopefully you won't mind tasting yourself on my lips -- but you answer my kiss fiercely, hungrily, and I take my cock in my hand and try to find your sweet entrance. I feel it touch the top of your thighs. Good -- I must be close to where I want to be most, and it feels so right -- I smile at you but you have closed your eyes. Your face looks wonderful -- sweet, rosy, aglow with desire and just a little moist with perspiration, and I softly lick your upper lip, and then down to your chin, and back to your lips. When you open your eyes for a moment, "Brown-Eyed Girl" rings through my mind for just a fraction of a sec...Oh my, you do have me skippin' and a jumpin' alright!

I press forward a little, still not quite certain if it's okay with you, but you hands make for my buttocks and they show me that what you want is what I hoped you did. I feel your pussy entrance around the tip of my cock -- wet, warm, and so right! If only I could put it into words. Your skin feels hot and soft, and so smooth I can slide inside in one slow, slow stroke until my pubic hair gets tangled up with yours. I love the feeling of your mons veneris touching my pelvis, just above the root of my cock, and I wait one moment to adjust to the feeling, to memorise it, and to look at you. I hope it's what you want...You bite my tongue and you work the muscles of your pussy, squeezing me, and I respond by moving my cock with the muscles at its base. You look at me for a moment and smile, and then I lift myself on my arms and pull back, feeling every inch of your pussy around me, back until only the tip is still inside. I feel between us, and rub your nub with a thumb, and you suddenly spring to life and buck your hips. I sense your impatience...I cannot hold back any longer and I start to fuck you in earnest. All the things you did to me with your mouth just now, and all the things you do to me because you just are, find their release in a steadily stronger motion, the primeval rhythm of love... I bend down and take you in my arms and lift your shoulders off the bed to kiss you hard, and then you lie back again and push your hips up every time I drive down into your warmth. I have my arms around you, and I feel your breasts against my skin, full and soft, and infinitely beautiful, and I wish I could kiss your nipples at the same time as your mouth...

Then I find your right hand and hold it, our fingers entwined, and I nuzzle your neck while I pick up speed, and you lie and moan softly into my mouth, a low, throaty moan...

I try to move in and out in a kind of corkscrew motion, to touch you everywhere inside, and you respond strongly. Your free hand is on my buttocks, squeezing them hard, pulling me into you, deeper, deeper... We make a wet, slapping sound together that is music to my ears.

Yes, darling, yes -- you free your hand and push me over, and you look at me -- are you uncertain if that's alright? It is, I love anything you do. I smile at you and you smile back, panting, and you straddle me and push your breasts into my face. I bite your left nipple, but not so hard it will cause you discomfort, and then you are on top of me, all arms and mouth, and tongue, and breasts -- soft and warm and demanding, sucking me in completely, making me feel completely one with you. You are sexier than I'd ever thought was possible, and I try to touch all of you with my hands -- I wish I had eight arms, but my two arms have to make do...


I can't keep still. I need to feel the length and thickness of you plugging me, twisting and screwing and fucking me. My moaning must make me sound like a crazed female, and my flopping breasts are probably not the sexiest jugs you've ever sipped from, but I can't look to see if you're disgusted by their weight and length now. I am devoured by the overriding need to cum with you, to ride you to a little oblivion, to feel myself shatter around your jerking cock. You fuck into me, never letting out bodies separate, and as you fill me up, I squeeze around you, heightening the sensation of fullness, and stroking the spot that makes me shiver and shake. I am confused by the depth of my desire, and by the way it seems to be taking me over. I have stopped worrying about embarrassing accidents. I have stopped worrying. All I can do is feel. And suddenly, I want to feel your buttocks in my hands, the muscles tightening as you stroke into me. I roll over, and pull you with me so you end up on top again, and I grasp your bottom in my hands and pull you into me sharply, opening my legs and raising them as high above our heads as I can. You are sweating, as am I, and that makes it easier to slide our bellies together as we fuck frantically. You move above me, in me, around me with increasing speed, ramming me deep and hard, and I raise my hips to meet your thrusts, calling your name as I feel the orgasm crowd in on me. I want this to last, and I want to come, and I don't know what to do. I let you take me over the edge, crashing like a monumental wave, my insides turned to jelly, my legs useless, my arms flopping onto the bed. I can barely catch my breath, and you kiss my slack mouth and call me endearments in your language, and I murmur back in mine, utterly undone by the largest, longest, hardest orgasm I have ever had. I am still shivering when you pull out of me and wrap your arms around me, still breathing hard...


Oh my God, Teri...oh my... mijn lief, was it really this morning that we set eyes on each other in real life for the first time? I love the look of you lying there completely spent, smiling at me drowsily, and the look in those lovely lazy brown eyes of yours... a look that is bound to set me on fire again before long... but I have to regain my breath first... and my heart has to slow down a little, too... I'd hoped I might be allowed to steal a kiss from you -- but this...

I stroke your cheek and you take my head between your hands, softly now, and we kiss, intent on each other's presence, the urgency gone, for the moment... a sweet, long kiss... you taste sweet and I am not certain if I feel like laughing or crying or both... hhhh... my heartbeat slowly returns to something resembling its normal pace... my God...

You're panting, too, unable to speak as yet, and you run your hands through my hair, ruffling it some more... if that's possible, after this fuck... we're sweat all over, but it feel just right, warm and sweet, and I revel in the feel of your naked body under mine... your breasts, your belly...

I roll onto my side, and you swing a leg over mine, and we lie looking at each other. When the throes of our orgasm subsides we grin at each other, and we talk a little, in whispers -- it wouldn't be too edifying for an outsider to listen to, but for us it sounds just right -- it IS just right. Liefje... We just want to tell each other how grateful we are for this moment, how happy we are to be here together -- no, nothing highfaluting, but as heartfelt as it can ever be.

Eventually we sit up, and I realise I'm very thirsty. Is there anything to drink in the room? You suggest we consult the mini bar, but I have a bottle of white wine in my room. Shall I get it? Yes -- and you'd better get your other things, too...Ok. So I put on my shirt, trousers and shoes, and dash to my room on the next floor. I chuck my things into my suitcase and hurry back with my belongings.

The bottle has a screw cap, and you have found two glasses. They're no wineglasses but neither of us could care less... you sit at the head of the bed as I pour the drinks, legs crossed, and I sit down on the bed opposite you. We're just silent for some time, looking at each other not to miss a moment of this bliss. When we've drained our glasses, you put yours on the bedside table, and with a naughty grin you extend your leg and put a foot in my lap.

There must be a switch in it that connects with my cock... it comes to life immediately. I take your foot in my hands and stroke it for a moment; then I run my hands up your leg, and as I get close to your crotch, you bend over my way to kiss me. You move your bottom and remove your foot from my lap. Then you lift yourself a little and sit down on my crossed legs, your belly against mine. "Or are you too tired, young man?" you ask with a grin...

You know I'm not. My cock sticks up between us, and you rub your belly into mine, doing wonders to my erection... I take your head in my hands and kiss you hard. Teri... You know this is just the beginning; we must talk about it later. But first we have this need to attend to, this utter love that bursts out of every pore of us... You smile at me, that smile I cannot get enough of, and lift yourself high enough to position yourself over my cock; then you sink down, teasingly slowly. I feel your warmth envelop me again...


Oh my, the feel of you inside me makes me speechless, makes me want to curse -- loud, nasty words that would express the fullness, the utter completion, the mind-blowing ecstasy that I'm feeling as I ride your steely length. A word slips out -- "Fuck!" -- and your blue eyes darken, as though you know exactly how I'm feeling, as though you can feel the fire streaking up from the depths of my being through your balls to the crown of your erection that kisses my womb with each thrust you make up inside me. I want you so much it's a kind of madness, an insanity that makes my mouth water and my pussy weep and tremble around you. I don't want to cum just's too soon, I haven't savoured the feel enough; I haven't felt the slide of you against my most sensitive spots enough; I haven't ridden you enough.

I want to go faster, but I can't seem to go fast enough to give me the satisfaction I seek. I go harder, hoping it touches the ache I feel growing inside me. We grunt together as I slam myself on your hard cock, jerking it, fucking you, wanting more than I know how to express in words or actions. Another word escapes -- "Shit!" -- as I feel the wave rising, rising, ever rising to engulf me. It's fire and ice, together raising my heart rate, making my hands tremble, making my body weak even as my ride grows stronger, so that I must cling to your shoulders, and I cannot feel the bruising strength of your hands grasping my hips and driving me down onto you. I cannot feel your mouth ravaging mine, your lips eating at me, your teeth and tongue making a meal of mine. I can only feel the cresting wave, holding itself at the top, building, building, building. My legs burn, my lungs burn...I am burning up with heat and lust and love, and when you beg me to open my eyes -- when had I closed them? -- and look at you, I drag them open and see all the same things in your face that I'm sure are in my own.

You call out to me -- "Teri...liefje!" -- and bury your face in the side of my neck, ramming me, taking me, owning me, and I never want this rapture to end. You cry out as the wave crashes again, tumbling and roaring and swallowing me. I hear the words -- "Oh God! Oh fuck! Oh darling!" -- and I echo them in my head, because my mouth is dry, and my heart is pounding, and I can barely think. I cum and cum and cum, and your own orgasm seems to go on forever as well. You cannot seem to stop ramming me, and suddenly I feel a flood that soaks us both and the sheets beneath us. I am cumming again....oh God, help me! I can't stop! Oh this is too much! Oh God...

You're calling me, and I open my eyes. "Liefje?" There's uncertainty in your voice. What happened? We're lying together next to each other, and you look worried. You ask if I'm okay, and I smile an affirmative. I feel weak and helpless, and yet so full, so complete, so satisfied that I don't know how to explain it. I manage to say I'm okay, and you seem reassured. The worry dissipates, and you trail tender kisses all over my face. You ask if that happens often, and when I ask what happened, you tell me I passed out, after I squirted all over us and the bed. I can feel myself blushing, and I shake my head. It's never happened to me before, but somehow it makes sense that it happened this time. With you. Here.

I turn my head and see the clock. It's well past midnight, and breakfast before the first session is at 8. I remind you of that fact, and you smile at me, and kiss me, as though to shut me up. The kiss is deep and long and makes us both breathless. I laugh when you let me up for air, because I know exactly how you're feeling. No talk of anything but us tonight, no thinking about work or anything but us...


There's something right with my head, but I couldn't for the life of me describe what it is or how it feels, and I'm not sure I would recognise myself in a mirror. My cheeks seem to be different -- I must be all smiles, starry-eyed, and you are all smiles, too, and your eyes look lazily into mine, dark, deep, happy...

I can't remember ever having felt so completely satisfied, so completely at peace with myself and the world...

"It's Your Love" sings through my head: all I gotta do is say your sweet name... Teri, sweet Teri...

I put my arms around you and hug you close, and you snuggle up against me. Never mind the wet patch -- the room maid will have to deal with that tomorrow. I run my tongue along your lips and whisper to you how happy I am. It's late -- very late, but I know you're a real night owl, and I don't think I could sleep now, with your body so close, your breathing in my ears, the room heavy with your scent, the mingled smells of our arousal...

I'm not eighteen any more, but dash it all, I feel myself get hard again. What are you doing to me, girl? You look at me as if you know only too well, and you rub your belly against me, smiling as you bite my earlobe.

I find your mouth again, and you slide your tongue into mine, softly, slowly this time. We both know we cannot repeat what we just did, not tonight. Tomorrow -- but the present is here, and you are here, in my arms, where I want you most, and while we kiss you open your legs for me, drawing me into you like a magnet. So good...wet, warm, close...