Ivanovs Ch. 01


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He kissed her and nipped her neck. That action set Nicolette on fire. Gernick lifted his wife and carried her into their bedroom. Standing her on her feet, he stopped and kneeled before her. Since he'd taken her, he never assumed the role of the dominant. He always allowed her to set the pace. "Stand Gernick, undress me," she demanded.

He smiled and proceeded to give her exactly what she requested. He carefully unbuttoned her silk top, exposing her clear skin and voluptuous breast to his gaze. Gernick gasped. This vixen was dressed for him. Beneath her top, she wore a black and red lace bra that barely help her ample buxom. She was excited. He could smell her arousal and knew she was wet. Deciding to torture her, Gernick decided to feast on her nipples, so ehkissed her, moving slowly down her neck to her barely there bra. He sucked her erect nipple through the bra leaving her bra wet and even sheerer. As he feasted, he cleverly unclasped the bra exposing her breast to his hungry gaze.

Nicolette's pussy was drenched. She needed him and she was tired of waiting. "Gernick, hurry up." She demanded.

"As you wish, my love," he answered. And then he slowly kissed further down. Stopping at her fastener on her slacks, Gernick looked up at his wife. Her eyes were ablaze with desire; slowly, he opened her pants and then took his time pulling them down. Her crotch was drenched. She smelled heavenly and he never tired of tasting her sweetness. "Sit," he commanded and she did. He removed her pants and panties in one swoop. His woman was ready for him. She had shaved and was completely bare for him. He loved a clean shaven cunt. Gernick locked her pussy. Taking his time, he tasted her cunt. Hungrily he latched onto her pussy and loved her with his tongue. She came in his mouth feverishly. Gernick happily drank her juices. Gernick's cock was hard as still and he almost came in his pants.

"Stop, undress," she demanded. Within seconds, he joined his wife in their bed. Lying between her spread thighs, he entered her body, amazed at her tightness. He loved his wife, slowly with sure strokes. He rode her to completion as she came on his cock twice. Within minutes, Gernick flooded her pussy with his cum. They both lay spent.

"Nicolette, I love you," he whispered. She hugged him tightly. He was hurt, because each night he made sure he told her how he felt, but she never said the words back. She was happy, but she didn't love him. "Gernick, what are you hiding?" she asked.

'Nicky, nothing. It's just work." He tried to say when she cut him off. "You're lying to me. It's that council isn't it. Gernick, what are they up too?" she demanded.

"Nicolette, let me deal with them. You have nothing to worry about. I won't let them..." he stopped realizing he may have said too much.

"What are they up to Gernick? They always demand things what do they want?" she asked.

"Baby, don't worry. I will handle it." He answered. "Gernick, I want-"

"Nicolette, enough, we will not discuss this." He commanded. Nicolette froze. This was the tone of the Gernick before the baby, cruel, rude, and short-tempered. In the past she'd react to it, but she knew this man loved her, and for him to revert back, he was trying to keep something from her.

"You dare raise your voice at me? You dare. What does the council want Gernick? What have they demanded of you?" she asked, furious.

"Baby, I' sorry. I love you and I don't want you or the baby in danger. Let me deal with the council." He pleaded.

"Nina will be here in a few days. I want to enjoy her visit, but when she leaves, I want the truth. Do you hear me love?" she asked. Gernick smiled. She called him Love. That had to mean something. He kissed her and they made love once more. Secretly, he hoped that soon they'd add to their family.

Soon they fell asleep. That night Gernick's rest was interrupted by one person he wished he never had to deal with. Gernick, I want you in council chambers in three hours. No excuses.

The command woke him up and he cursed. "Baby, what's wrong?" Nicky asked. "Nothing, baby, it's nothing. Go back to sleep." He commanded holding her close. How dare he command me at my home? He never wanted me, and now he expects me to let him hurt my wife and child. I hate him, But I have to keep her and the baby safe.Gernick closed his eyes and tried to force the memory of his father's disdain from his thoughts.

The next morning he rose early. He kissed his wife and checked on the baby. His son was amazing. Claus and Amerie were asleep so he went into his library, He had to think. As he was thinking, Garrick appeared. "Brother, what is father up too? Do you need me?" he asked.

Gernick was relieved. Out of all three of his siblings Garrick was the one he could depend on most. "He wants Nicky to come before the council. He wants question her about Jonathan's birth. They have an issue with me saving my wife and child, so now they want to target her again. I will not allow it. I have to protect them."

"Gernick, you need to kill him. It is the only way. For over eight hundred years he has abused you. He uses her to hurt you. He is my father as well, but he is twisted and sick." Garrick exhaled, a sense of dread filled his stomach. "If you go against him, I stand with you." He pledged.

"Garrick, he has powerful allies." He explained. "If I destroy him they will chase me forever."

"Gernick, are you afraid? You have never feared anything, any man before. What is this?" Garrick demanded.

"Brother, come with me." He led him to meet his nephew. Jonathan was wide awake and when his father and uncle entered the room he cooed. Gernick smiled proudly and lifted his son. Garrick fell for the little scamp instantly. "Garrick, this is my son, my most precious gift. My wife almost died bringing him into the world. The council has treated her egregiously and their abuse of her stops now. His name is Jonathan. To me and his mother he is perfect in everyway."

"Hey. Little guy. I'm your uncle. Can I hold him?" Garrick asked, completely enthralled with the small bundle in his older brother's arms. Gernick let his brother hold his son. Garrick held the little boy close and inhaled his baby scent. He immediately regretted not fathering a child with his mate. This was something he'd remedy as soon as they settled this new threat from the council.

Gernick took the baby back and the two men took him into the library with them. Gernick placed him in the playpen Nicolette had placed in the library for him. He will not harm your son, brother. I will kill him before he harms a hair on his head." Garrick promised. "I scented him and his scent was mixed, Gernick what are you hiding.

Gernick looked away from his brother, worried. "No, he's fine and healthy, I will protect him from father."

Garrick nodded, You're hiding something. I hope you realize you can trust me, brother,

"Garrick, what are you doing here. Are you up to mischief again?" Nicolette demanded of her brother-in-law, as she moved to the playpen to check on Jonathan. She had not seen him in centuries, and was not surprised to find him here now. If Garrick was here, then something major was going on with the council. She eyed Gernick, and she smiled.

"Love, we didn't mean to wake you. Please, lie back down. I have the baby." Gernick suggested.

Nicolette smiled, "Husband, I will leave when you tell me the truth," she eyed him warily completely aware that his brother was standing right behind her. "What does the council want?"

"Nicolette. I will deal with the council. Don't worry." He rose and kissed her silencing her last protest. "I have to go, I love you. I love you and Jonathan so much." He whispered. "Now get the house ready for your guest. They'll be here soon." Garrick watched his brother and his mate. He'd been mated to Shira for over six centuries and she never responded to him the way Nicolette responded to his brother.

Nicolette faced her brother-in-law. Garrick, protect him for us, she sent as he lifted her son. Garrick faced his sister-in-law, nodding silently reassuring her that her mate would be protected.


Gernick and Garrick decided to drive to Greystone, the magnificent structure where the vampire council resided. To a regular person the building just seemed to be an old historical building that should be preserved for its natural beauty. But in the supernatural, this place was the council. It held the ruling body of vampires, the oldest amongst their kind. Gernick often refused to conform to any of the edicts of it, effectively securing his spot as an adversary of the council. Gernick could not recall which century he became enemy number one, and in all honesty he did not care. It was when he met Nicolette that he became aware of their actions.

The first time they targeted her, he stormed the council and beat the hell out of some of the members. He told them "FUCK WITH MINE, YOU DIE!" He meant it. They left her alone, but years ago, they decided to kill her. He stepped in and tried to appease them. But now, they were after her once again. He'd meet them and remind them that Gernick Ivanov was not a guy they wanted to fuck with..

"Come in. I'm glad you are early." Gregor greeted his eldest son. Gernick glared at his father. "Why did you call me here? I have told you and your lackeys that my wife and child are no concern of yours. If you so much as-" Gregor had heard enough.

"Silence, you have been a problem for me since the moment you were conceived. You have caused me untold embarrassment by rejecting everything we stand for. I should have sent an army to kill the bitch centuries ago. Maybe that would have broken you." He hissed, his tone dripping with derision. "The worst thing that ever happened to me was the moment you took your first breath. Because of you, I lost..." he looked away.

Gernick faced his father, his face set in stone. He'd never let this hateful man know how deeply his words cut him. He'd never accepted him, blamed him for his mother's death, and he could live with that. What he would not tolerate was him harming Nicolette or Jonathan.

"Father, that is enough." Garrick spoke. Everyone was aware of Gregor's dislike of Gernick, but he was going too far with this rant.

"Garrick, you disappoint your mother and me by standing with this riff raff." He snarled his at his son. "If you continue to take his side the council will destroy you as well." Then Gregor smiled, "After I kill you and the bitch you married, I'll raise the boy. Maybe he won't be as much of a disappointment, unlike his sire.

Gernick pounced, and grabbed Gregor's lapels. "Listen to me old man. You come near my family and your life is forfeit. I will kill you."

Gregor shoved him away. His son had a look in his eye, and in truth, it frightened Gregor. "Guards, get this cretin and his accomplice out of my sight," he demanded, and the guards escorted Gernick and Garrick from the chambers. After the two young men left, Gregor collapsed into his chair. He was tired, so tired. He had to show a strong front or the other council members would try and vote him off the council. The only one that truly understood was his wife, Esmeralda. She detested Gernick as much, if not more than he did. Essie, I need the drink. Bring it to me. he sent as he tried to regulate his breath.

"Gernick, I am here for you. Tell me what you need and it's done." Garrick vowed, steaming mad. Although Gernick masked his reaction, he knew him well enough to know that their father's words hurt him.

"Protect Nicky and Jonathan; protect the pack," Gernick whispered. "They are her family, Garrick, and I promised her no one would harm them."

"Then brother mine, I give my word, no one will dare rise against them." Garrick swore. Gernick watched as other council members arrived. Each member glared at him, but none had the courage to challenge him. Only one member walked in and was bothered by the situation. He knew Gregor was about to declare a mutiny where Gernick's wife was concerned, but he was unclear in what crime she committed.

Casius nodded at the two younger vampires as he passed. Shortly after he'd gone in Esmerelda arrived carrying a goblet. She greeted her son, her love for him obvious. Then she coolly spoke to Gernick. After greeting the two men, she walked into her husband'soffice, behind Casius.

Casius walked into Gregor's office. His old friend did not look well. He looked weak and withdrawn. "Gregor, are you well?" he asked. Soon Esmerelda walked in, "Here husband, drink." She demanded. He drank the blood and seemed to heal instantly. Casius watched and his suspicions began to grow. Gregor looked at his wife and thanked her. She took the glass, smiled sweetly at Casius, and then left.

"Gregor, I have known you since the beginning. Most of the time I can follow your thinking, but this vendetta against your son confuses me. Exactly what crime has he or his wife committed? I don't see what they have done?" he stated.

Gregor glared at his friend. How dare he question me? he thought. What crimes? Does it matter? I am the oldest of all vampires, if I declare something criminal, no one should question it. "Casius, my son has defied me for years. It is time I bring a stop to it. His wife has no regard for us or our rules. For her disdain, she should be punished."

Casius sat and looked at his friend. There was something else going on here. He could not let Gregor create charges against his son. Some vampires would follow him blindly, but he knew others were tired of his tyranny. They would resist and civil war would ensue. Gregor would be overthrown and a new leader would emerge. The vampire vying for leadership was worse than Gregor, and no one wanted him to lead. Unfortunately, if Gregor pursued this vendetta, he might get a chance to rule. The council would split and the entire nation could implode. Gregor had to see reason. His personal grudge against his son was personal, and causing a violent conflict was not good for their people.

As Esmerelda left Gregor's office, she glared at Casius once more. He might prove to be a problem for her, and she'd keep an eye on him. She saw Garrick talking with that bastard, and it seemed as if they were about to leave. She approached her son. Gernick knew his stepmother despised him, so he stood to excuse himself from her presence. Garrick grabbed his arm. This was his brother, his blood. The way they treated him was criminal, and his mother was the worse. When she forced him to go away when they were babies, it ripped Garrick apart. She bought him gifts to appease him, but her gifts made his distrust of her grow.

"Mother, despite everything, this is my brother. If you cannot be civil to him, then do not speak to me." He hissed.

"Garrick, she is your mother, don't turn on her. She's your true blood." Garrick turned to face Gernick. "You brother, are my blood. I will not allow her disdain to continue," he growled.

"Fine, son, Gernick, I apologize. I certainly didn't mean to come off as cold or uncaring. You are a part of this family." she replied, seething at the audacity of her son. How dare he chastise me in front of that asshole? So, my dear boy has taken side. I'll miss him, but now they both must die." She smiled sweetly and excused herself. Both men noted that although she smiled, it was fake and insincere.

Gernick acknowledged his stepmother, her disdain of him not affecting him in anyway. He knew she hated him. She'd always hated him. They were not really his family. His family was at home and he'd do whatever it took to keep them safe. As they exited the building, Garrick stopped. He looked at his brother, and had to speak. "You don't stand alone Gernick. You have family here too. I know you only see Nicolette and the baby as yours, but you are my brother. I will defend you until the end. Never think you fight them alone. I'm here."

Gernick froze. "Garrick you have always stood with me. Even when we were babes and they separated us. You fought hard to stay together. I remember. And I'll never forget. This is not about you or the others, you didn't kill... Your mother survived your birth, mine didn't. He blames me and wants me punished. I don't see how he can blame a baby, but he does. I won't let his hatred hurt of me hurt those I care about: my wife and son, Claus, Amerie, the Pack. So if you help me keep them safe, that is all I ask. I can take his hatred, his disdain, but he will die before he hurts them." He swore, and then the two men left Greystone. Garrick went home to see his mate and Gernick reported to his office.

Hello, I certainly hoped you all enjoyed chapter one of Nicky's and Gernicks story. I'm working on chapter 2, so please keep checking my bio page. Again thank you for reading, and please leave feedback.

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skippersdadskippersdadover 3 years ago

I agree ,I am glad you tell what happened with the council . I will keep reading

thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago
this council and the politics and sneaky slimy people is boring and dry

there are too many questions about why does everyone hate Gernick ???? Why would anyone follow a senile old fart into war over nothing and to war with the old mans son ?

All this posturing is boring.

boneamsboneamsalmost 11 years ago
Ding ding...round two!

Oh wait, you have the summer off? I guess that means you can write faster! Nice job lady, keep pouring it out there.

fefe428fefe428about 11 years ago
Wonderful start....

But I have to agree with the last comment....for some reason there seems to be many more typos than normally found in your work. You really should look for someone to at the very least proof read your work if not to work as a full editor.

Otherwise, I'm excited to see where this story is going to go!!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 11 years ago
Yes, yes, yes!

This is sooo good! Although, it could use an editor. More please!

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