Ivanovs Ch. 07


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"Aw Nicky, it's OK," Nina crooned.

"I miss Momma, Nina. She had never been away from me. Not this far away. I feel silly because I'm a grown woman, and I should not be ..." Nicky sobbed. Nina held her until Gernick came and took her in his arms.

Gernick held his wife, because he understood. Having Claus gone was hard on him as well, but he needed to accept that his Dad had a life of his own. He and Claus had been together for centuries, but they needed time, and he and Nicky needed to become independent. Gernick held his wife, and she cried onto his shoulder. Nina watched them. They needed a distraction, and she knew what would get their attention.

She asked, "Are you two through feeling sorry for yourselves? Because someone needs to plan a baby shower for Garrick and Shari."

Gernick looked confused. Nina sighed, "Listen, their baby will be born soon and as their family you have to have a party where people buy gifts for the baby. The women will have one for Shari and the men need to have a Daddy party for Garrick. Look Gernick, call Thaddeus, he planned Blaine's and BJ's before their girls were born." She told him. Gernick nodded and rushed to the phone.

Love, Gernick will call and ask about a man shower for Garrick play along and plan something, she sent.

Yes dear Thaddeus replied as he called his brothers. Gernick called and the men met to plan a get together for Garrick.

As Gernick was dialing, he had a thought, "Wait, Thaddeus planned a party for BJ? Why did I not hear about this?" He suspected that maybe Nina was making this fictitious party up.

"Right, Julianne went into early labor, so it was canceled. But you still have time to have one for Garrick, but you must hurry. We can have a party the same weekend at Celia's house for Shari." Nina stated.

"Wait, why not have the party at her home. That way she won't have to travel with gifts," Nicky suggested.

"Nicky wolves cannot transport, and the pack will definitely want to give her gifts. Besides, what if Garrick doesn't want wolves in his home?" Nina expressed her concerns.

Gernick was offended on behalf of his brother, "Nina, you are not serious. The entire pack is a part of our family. Garrick would be so hurt to know you thought that way." He admonished, but he understood. He and his brother had the chance to meet every member of the pack, yet the pack still had not met key members of their family. It was time to remedy this.

So Gernick went to call Thaddeus and then he called Kale, to inform them about the shower for Garrick. He needed to check with Javon to see if he could bring the rest of his family to the compound to let them finally meet. "Let's just have one big party, and that way we can avoid giving them the same gifts twice." Gernick suggested. "I want to talk to Javon. I can do that now." He explained as he kissed Nicky and vanished to the Alpha's office.

Javon and Gernick talked and Gernick explained his feelings. Javon nodded and told him, his family would be welcomed. After he left, Nina asked Nicky had she helped Shari set up her nursery. Shari had been home a few weeks and Nicky checked on her daily, as did Brenwan and Cantar. Eugenia, had returned home with Lars, Phillip, and Terse. Manson, having found his mate in the pack healer Kim, asked for asylum with the pack. Javon knew they would mate soon, and he hoped to gain a new pack member. Manson was a natural leader and he could easily see him fulfilling the role of Beta within the pack. He also liked his brothers, and secretly hoped they'd consider joining the pack as well.

Nicky left Jonathan with Petra and she and Nina appeared at Shari's home. Brenwan and Cantar were there. Seeing her sister-in-laws, Nina was instantly nervous, but Nicky introduced her to them as her sister. The other two women accepted her immediately. The women asked Shari about the nursery, and she gave them a quick tour. They spent the next few hours setting up. Nicky knew the other women would be as excited as she was to help throw a party, so she sent to her sister, Nina, I'll distract Shari. Explain the baby shower to Cantar and Brenwan.

Nina needed an excuse to leave out so she asked for directions to the restroom. Brenwan offered to show her, and Cantar volunteered to walk with them. It was perfect. After they left the nursery, Nina explained her real reason for getting them alone. Cantar was overjoyed. She could shop for something for the baby and they'd get to meet the other part of Gernick's family. Cantar had a million questions, as did Brenwan, but both women maintained their composure. Soon the three women returned to the nursery and Shari sensed something was up. She was not worried, she trusted these women with her life.

Finally Brenwan had to know. "Where's your handsome little boy and my nephew?" She asked Nicky and Nina. "Theo is with his dad, and Petra has Jonathan." Nicky explained as the women spent the rest of the day together.

Brenwan, I will call you later with specifics about the party. We want it to be a surprise, so think of someway to distract Shari. Nicky sent to the sister-in-law. She'd never spoken to her in this manner before and Brenwan was a bit shocked to hear her inside her head. Her facial expression never changed, as she replied. Leave it up to me.

Not wanting to leave Cantar out Nicky spoke to her as well. Cantar, I will contact you with specifics, and I would like for you to help with setting up and decorations.

Cantar smiled, Of course, I love parties. I won't let you down. She replied. She felt so good and proud that her sister-in-law trusted her enough to let her help.

Nina and Nicolette returned to her home and Nina stayed with her friend for the weekend. She called Elise and the pack was eager with anticipation to meet the other vampires that made up Nicolette's family. Nicolette called Amerie and she would come home for the baby shower. Nicky was happy. She could not wait for Amerie to visit.

The weekend ended and Nina returned home. She and Celia cleared everything with the Alpha's and the shower would be help at the community center in the compound. The guys decided to get Garrick dad gifts, and Gernick was shocked by the amount of work the males put in.

Having helped Shari set up the nursery, the women ordered everything else they thought she might need. The shower was on Saturday, and Nina was as excited as everyone else. Kyra called and told her that she and Malcolm were coming home for the shower. She didn't sound happy and Nina was a bit concerned.

Kim was vital in the plan for party. She called Shari on Friday and asked if she could come in to the center on Saturday instead of Monday. Shari knew she was seeing Manson and thought maybe he had plans with him. So she agreed to come in on Saturday. Ava sweetie, I hope Dr. Kim tells me you are ready to meet us soon, she sent to her daughter who answered with a shaft of warmth. Shari loved her little girl and was tickled pink at Garrick. He was so paranoid that she'd go into labor that he and several of his personal guards slept in shifts. Love, I have to go to the doctors-

Garrick panicked. Is it time? Don't move. I'm on the way. I love you. Don't panic. Within minutes he was home and ready to rush her to the compound. "Garrick, I am not in labor. Kim needs me to come in on Saturday. You didn't let me finish." Garrick was confused. Then slowly he caught on, she wasn't in labor, her appointment had been changed.

"Ok, sorry love. I just... You and Ava are the most important people in my world." Garrick sighed. Shari embraced her frazzled mate, and reminded him that both she and their daughter loved him so much.

Celia was at home and about to go to her mother's to help plan a quick menu when Kyra called. The two talked, and she helped her sister reached clarity on some problems she had communicating with Malcolm. Kyra was so young, and had so much promise. When the two ladies hung up, Celia was glad that her sister's formative years were basically unblemished. She liked Malcolm, the fates had chosen well for her baby sister. Celia walked to her mother, leaving Nickie and Benny with Blaine, to help put the final touches on the shower. The men had done their part. All they had to do was get Garrick to the community center.

Saturday morning arrived bright and early and Garrick was already up and ready to go see Kim. He was concerned. Shari had gotten bigger and seemed more tired than ever. His daughter seemed fine, but until she entered this world safely, he'd be on high alert. They arrived fifteen minutes before time as usual. The staff at the clinic acted as if it was a regular day. Neither had no idea of the surprise planned by their families. Gernick and Nicolette arrived at the Alpha home with the rest of their family. Kale was nervous. What if the wolves didn't like him?" Brenwan squeezed his hand, and sent I love you. Those words calmed him and he smiled at his mate. Cantar was nervous as well, she wanted to meet the people that affected her older brother in such a profound way.

Soon Javon and Elise entered the room. Their twins were with them because they were just as curious. After greeting the new vampires, Javon relaxed. He liked them. Brenwan was awed by the two children that looked almost identical and spoke of their beauty. Elise thanked her and laughed. "Let's get through today and then tell me if you still think they are angelic." She joked. Brenwan laughed as the rest of her nervousness dissipated. The group walked over to the community center and the vampires were awed. Cantar had to help put up the finishing decorations and she and Kyra were a well-oiled machine. They both appeared to be in their early twenties and Cantar loved bantering with someone she could really relate to.

Soon Kim had a nurse to call and see how much time they needed. She actually examined Shari and was surprised. "Well, Shari and Garrick, I think Ms. Ava here plans to arrive one day this week." Shari gasped. She had some mild discomfort but didn't want to mention it in front of Garrick. Kim understood, Alpha we need a daddy intervention, she sent. Within seconds, both Javon and Thaddeus were at the clinic to distract Garrick. He knew something was up, but Shari smiled and said. "I'll be fine. Besides I need to talk something over with Kim. Can we please have a few minutes?" Reluctantly, Garrick went with the guys.

"Now, Shari, I have a huge favor to ask. I have some new expectant mothers meeting at the community center. Would you talk with them and help calm their fears?" Kim asked.

Shari was honored and happy to help. The nurse called and told everyone they were on their way. The guys arrived first and Garrick wondered why the center was so dark. Right after he got there Kim and Shari walked in. As soon as he turned to ask what was going on, The lights came on and everyone yelled surprise. His whole family was there. All of his brothers and his sister. All of the pack, even Claus and Amerie were back from Asia. Garrick was stunned, as was Shari.

"Shari, you and Garrick need to sit. Nina directed them. Nicky and Gernick stood and explained the reason they were here. The children came out, and all of the pups hugged Shari and gave her cards they had made at school and daycare the day before. Marisol stood and she read a special poem that she had written for her Aunt Shari. Garrick was awed and could not speak for a moment. He stood and hugged the little wolf, knowing that he'd die before anyone dare hurt her or his family again.

Soon it was time for Shari and Garrick to speak. They were too choked up, and simply said "Thank you." Cantar and Kyra remembered the gifts, and the excitement picked up once more. Garrick had no idea that one baby would need so many onesies and diapers and wipes. But he knew that his daughter was one lucky little girl. As the party progressed, Kale spoke with is older brother and told him once again how he shared his joy. Garrick smiled, "You got me this time Kale. When Brenwan gets pregnant, it's payback." He teased.

Kale smiled, hoping that his brother's promise rang true sooner, rather than later. Brenwan stood aside watching the festivities. Shari glowed, so radiantly beautiful. The children were so full of energy and life. Everyone was exuberant. She felt as if she failed. It had been months since she'd drank the herbs that cleansed her body and she and Kale had made love many times, yet no child had been conceived. A part of her feared that Esmeralda had succeeded and she and her husband would never have kids of their own. Kale sensed her mood and quickly moved to her side. Brenwan, I love you. Whether we have a baby now or never, I will always love you. Brenwan nodded and replied, Kale, you are my life. I love you so much.

Margaret was holding one of the twins and Amerie was holding the other. Heaven and Nevaeh were as angelic as their names. Jonathan, Nickie, and Theo were walking now and the three cubs were busy keeping up with Javier who was trying to get into the cake at the dessert table. Laughing the two women moved to keep the toddlers from succeeding.

Gernick talked with the Alpha and the other men about some projects they wanted to work on at the compound. The party lasted into the night, and soon it ended. Everyone stayed and helped the Omegas clean up and soon headed home. Kale was worried about Brenwan, and Cantar sensed his concern. She stopped her sister-in-law and offered words of comfort. "Brenwan, it's okay. We are strong and we will handle whatever happens from now on. I know you want your own baby and I believe it will happen for you one day." She whispered as she hugged her sister-in-law.

For the first time since this nightmare started, Brenwan could not hold her tears any longer. Her fear, disappointment, and hurt came out in a sorrowful moan. Cantar for once had to be her strength, and held her up as she cried. Kale wanted to intervene, but Gernick stopped him. "Kale, let Cantar comfort her. They both need to reassure each other. Cantar needs to know she matters and Brenwan needs to release her hurt."

"Gernick, she is my wife. My heart. If she is hurting, then I need to be there for her." Kale insisted as he stood to move.

"Then be there for both of them and give them this time. Sometimes brother, we have to let the pain run through or it will fester." Kale still resisted. 'Kale, I almost lost my wife because I caused her too much pain. When I got her here to her family, they brought her back to me. Let us help."

Brenwan cried and when the tears were done, she felt relieved. Cantar still held her close and cried with her. Brenwan knew what she needed to do. She needed to talk with Kale. They had to come to an understanding. "Cantar, you know what." Brenwan said when she was done. "I may not have my own child, but I can be the best damn aunt these kids have ever seen. We can both spoil them and leave the hard parts to their parents." Both women laughed.

Kale approached them wanting to see if his wife was alright. She hugged him, and told him she was going to be fine. Cantar nodded and the women shared a look.

Garrick and Shari had no idea of the drama that had unfolded involving the other vampires because he insisted his wife go home and straight to bed. Kim said the baby could be born any time now, and he was making sure they were ready.

The women took turns over the next few days checking on Shari. One afternoon, Brenwan stopped by. Something was off. Shari was not in her usual place. Brenwan was concerned and sought her out. She heard her crying in a closet. Trying not to panic, Brenwan hurried to her. She was in labor and afraid to call Garrick. She'd yelled at him earlier and made him leave. Brenwan called Kale and he alerted his brother. Garrick appeared instantly and held his wife. Soon all of the vampires descended on the compound. The announcement of Ava's birth flew through the compound like wild fire.

Soon she was prepped and ready. Everyone sat in the waiting room, and Nicky noticed that Gernick was a bit green. She held his hand, knowing he was reliving the night of Jonathan's birth. After three hours of waiting Ava Diamia Ivanov entered the world kicking and screaming. Everyone cheered and soon they all went in to meet their newest family member. She was absolutely beautiful. She had the blackest hair and bluest eyes. Garrick sat there grinning like the proud Papa that he was. Each of his brothers held his baby girl. Each one kissed her forehead, in a promise that she would always be protected. Cantar was awed by her new niece as was Brenwan. When Brenwan held the baby, she looked directly at her aunt. Brenwan's heart fluttered, Never have I seen someone as perfect as you little one. You are divine. she thought, and the baby seemed to smile at her.

Shari stayed at the medical center for a couple of nights as a precaution and then Kim scheduled times for her to come in and bring the baby back for follow ups.

Kale took some time from his job to be with Brenwan. He knew she was disappointed that they had not conceived. He was also, but he wouldn't burden her with his fears. The night Garrick and Shari took the baby home was hard for them, and he didn't know what to do. The only thing he could do was love her. So that night, Kale Ivanov made love to his wife. He wanted to comfort her, show her his love for her. For once, he wanted her to cry out in ecstasy for him and not worry about creating a child. He needed to remind her of what they had, what they shared together.

Kale took charge and Brenwan loved it. In all of the centuries they shared, he rarely took control form her in any situation. But tonight, he was all man, and all hers. Lifting her and placing her in their bed, he covered her body with his. He left no doubt as to whom she belonged. Within minutes she lay before her husband, naked and trembling in anticipation as he rode between her thighs forcibly claiming what was rightfully his. He loved her so thoroughly that Brenwan was reduced to a mass of sensation. He would guide her to the brink of completion and then stop, refusing to let her go over the edge. He was in control and she would cum when he allowed her to. She needed release as much as she needed her next breath.

Kale loved her some more denying her release. His cock and balls throbbed, but he needed to remind his wife of the love and passion they shared. He loved this woman and tonight he'd make sure she knew so completely.

Brenwan begged him for released and he wanted to give, but not yet. He needed her to surrender to him completely. He needed the words. He wanted her to say, she belonged to him. Soon, Brenwan could not take anymore, and she screamed for him to let her cum.

"I love you baby," Kale moaned. So close, but wanting to wait a bit longer.

"Kale, baby, please. Oh God, Please Kale." Brenwan groaned.

"Please what, baby?" He asked as he slowly ground his cock deep inside of his wife.

"Please, let me cum." She moaned.

"No, I'm not done yet. I want you to scream my name. I want you to know that I'm the only man you need. Scream for me baby," he hissed "and I'll let you cum."

He began to rock striking her clit with each stroke. His thick pubic hair felt like electricity as it rubbed across the engorged nub. Brenwan groaned, and Kale did something new. He pinched her clit, and she screamed. Her pussy swallowed his cock shoving him over the edge as he shot rope after rope of cum deep inside of his wife.

Her heart beat wildly inside her chest. She could not breathe. Kale turned and pulled her body on top of his and held her close. "I love you, Bren." Kale whispered.

He whispered. Brenwan smiled and started to reply when she heard the smallest voice say, "Hi Mommy." Followed by a warmth so sweet and strong. Brenwan stiffened. Kale was instantly concerned because she was crying.