Jack and His Magic Stalk

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Virgin teen boy gets magic powers to give woman orgasms.
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This is the nutty story of a virgin teen boy, who gets magic powers from an alien. This leads to monster cock sex with at least four horny girls.

I really was unsure what category this should be in, as it is silly, with horny alien & teen sex with huge dicks. Later episodes should be more absurd, and include group sex, more aliens, virgins (some alien), maybe fetishes. Just whatever weird ideas occur to me.

My intention is to write the next episode involving Misty, whom you meet here. Then, I will likely write the ending, which should add a bit of human-alien romance. Lastly, I can fill in episodes in the middle, of the absurd adventures Jason encountered with his magic. Every episode should have a fairly stand alone quality.

Among those engaging in sex, or any similar interspecies biological function: All humans are at least 18 years of age, and other beings are over the age of consent for their culture.

Author retains all rights, except those ceded to Literotica, per rules.



Among those engaging in sex, or any similar interspecies biological function: All humans are at least 18 years of age, and other beings are over the age of consent for their culture.

Jason couldn't fall asleep, so he opened his tent and went outside. He put on his high school-logoed sweatshirt for the nighttime chill. The state park was in the mountain forests. The windless night left the lake with a perfect reflection of the Milky Way above; it unwilling to share its sky with any itinerant clouds.

It was his 18th birthday, and his friends had invited him to a camping party in his honor. There were more girls than boys, and Jason had thought he would no longer be a virgin after tonight.

If he wasn't so clumsy talking & flirting with girls, he might gotten one to help him lose his virginity well before this. If it just weren't for ...

He had nice enough facial features. He just made 5' 10" tall, had a well-shaped, but lightly muscled build, and big shoulders. So, t-shirts that fit his shoulders were baggy to his waist.

He just did not fill out his clothes well. Nor his pants; yup, average again. Even with a raging hard-on, like the one he had for Misty right now, any girl would have to look twice, or more, to detect that hard rod through his baggy jeans.

None of this sounds like a deal breaker for a sexually impatient teen girl. It was just those curly loops of flaming red-orange hair. Even when he had tried cutting his hair short, it still seared a girl's eyes with its youthful vibrance.

Jason stood by the edge of the lake, trying to hear the barely lapping waves. The groaning, pleading, and exaltations, coming from the other three shaking tents of his friends, drowned out the stillness of nature. Five girls for four guys, and his buddies had invited some of the most willing girls those guys knew.

With Jason at the water's edge, the scoring was buddies 5, girls 3, Jason zip. And, with those sounds coming from the tents, those scores would be climbing soon, but not for Jason.

The partying early had fueled some girl-on-girl action that turned cock-hungry, resulting in a drunken Ron being stripped while being dragged into one of the domed tents by Sandy & Chrissy. Jason wished they would turn out the camping lantern in the tent, because it was casting their oscillating shadows on the wall facing him.

That girl-on-girl action also had sparked Carly & Ann into action, and arm-in-arm, they escorted the very willing Phil to his nightlong destiny. The remainder was footballer Mick, and his girlfriend cheerleader Misty. Yup, that hard-on Misty. And that most vocal Misty.

Above all the other pleasured voices, Misty's voice rang clear with, "Oh God! Yes, Yes, YES! Make Me Come, Mick!

Jason thought her noises should have been coming from his tent. He wanted to be the one holding Misty's gargantuan tits, and ramming her wet depths. Yet, here he was, his dick wrestling with his underwear, looking at placid waters instead of bouncing tits.

The cold air hit Jason's cock, but it did not slow him down. His eyes closed, and seeing Misty's naked body; he yanked and thrust. "Yes Misty, I am gonna cum!"

His legs sagged as he gripped his expanded, pulsing rod. He heard the little splashes in the water. As his breathing slowed, he cried out quietly, "Please, I want to be able to make any woman scream like Misty did."

He closed his zipper, and sat down on the beach rocks. The noises had even escalated behind him. He tried to shut them out of his thoughts.

Suddenly, there was huge splash in the lake. His eyes strained in the moonless night. He could somewhat trace the pattern of the waves as having originated in the area of the east shore.

As he stared across the lake, his eyes caught an odd, pale green glow, near the origin of the waves. No other campers seemed to be around, and to get away from the exuberant noises of his friends fucking, and even the evocative smell, he decided to check out the glow.

He walked the nearly half-mile distance around the lake, and knew he should be close. Then he heard a quiet voice behind him, and before he finished turning, the green glow started again, from where the voice came from.

"Earther, Help?

The creature was maybe, 4 feet tall. It glowed a pale green, rather like the hands of his luminescent watch. He had an urge to jump back, but he could not detect anything aggressive in the creature's soft features, and big eyes. It had two arms and two legs, in about a human's locations. Those appendages were roughly half the length of a proportionate human child, with 4 toes, and 4 fingers per.

Its wide mouth had narrow lips, which formed something like a little grin.

Jason knew that the first contact with interstellar species had happened in the last few years; it took up half the news each day, what with all the new discoveries. Jason had seen nothing like this creature in the news, and few aliens were allowed on earth yet, even less in the U.S. of T.

[Yes, the United States of Trump. Lord Trump of Earth (what he declared himself after he fired the entire US Congress, ended term-limits, and bought the rights to the Fountain of Youth) had called for a bubble around the whole planet to keep the thievin', rapin' aliens out. Oh, he also replaced the eagle with the Twitter logo, as the national bird.]

[Anyway, I digress in trying to ghost write the autobiography of Jason, as he told it to me. So, back to the green critter.]

It looked at Jason, and said, "Adoy escape from Vaderians. Need help."

Jason thought it seemed sincere. Jason offered cautiously, "I have some food and a medical kit back at camp?"

"No hurt, no hungry."

"Well, do you need me to take you some place, such as a government office?" Jason was thinking to keep his speech more formal and structured for this creature.

"Space vessel safe under water for travel, no government idiots."

"Can you tell me what kind of help you need?"

"Want you, need YOU," it said as its grin widened and it pointed at Jason.

"What...what help can I offer you?"

"Need!" and the glowing arm grew brighter, and a small beam of light came out of its finger as it pointed more emphatically."

Jason looked down to see where the light was pointed. "HEY, no way!!" The beam had made the crotch of his jeans, and adjacent underwear, transparent. And Jason's cock was apparent, there.

"What do you mean? You want my penis!?"

"Me...what Earther say?...Horny!"

"No, No, and absolutely NO!"

"Strange, it is." Adoy explain. "Please rest."

Jason was ready to bolt, but his curiosity won out, and he chose a fallen tree to sit on. "I am not agreeing to anything, but I will listen to your proposal."

"Good. Me Adoy, You...?"

"My name is Jason Phillem. Please call me just 'Jason,' for convenience."

"Yes, Jason. Adoy escape from bad, bad Vaderians. Them capture me, four rotations of your planet, in time. Put Adoy in locked place. Adoy magic for escape no work in bad place. Vaderians use Adoy vagina, many times."

Startled, Jason queried, "You can do Magic? And you are a Female of ... your species?"

"Yes, female. Much magic. Magic in vagina, too."


"Adoy have one of your earther movies me watch...all time, when Vaderians not penetrate me. It called 'John Holmes is Supercock," Movie good! Make Adoy wet, want nice earther to penetrate Adoy. Not mean Vaderian."

"If I am right, then you want...intercourse...with me? I am sorry to say that I am not big & long like John Holmes."

"Adoy can change you!"

"What...change me to be a...a monster cock?"

"Monster? Just change big for Adoy, then change back to Jason. Magic last 6 earth hours. You safe, no pain."

"This might actually be interesting," Jason said, "how would this process work?"

"Too many words. Me show. No clothes on you."

"I suppose that would be alright, but it is cold for me outside, and the ground is rough for my skin."

"Adoy know" and the creature put both its hands together, palms out, and a beam of light was emitted.

Jason suddenly saw there was semi-transparent dome over them, and a flat surface under them. He was pleasantly warm, just on the cool side. He took a step, and the floor felt like a smooth, firm mattress.

"No Clothes," Adoy repeated.

Jason shyly complied, taking off everything, hesitating with his boxer shorts.

"No" Adoy pointed her finger at his waist, with the light coming out of it again. The finger moved to point at the ground, and Jason's boxers fell to the ground.

Adoy now smiled. Jason saw her straight teeth, thankful that there were no fangs.

"Jason must lie flat."

Jason lay down, waiting anxiously. Adoy walked over him, straddling his semi-erect cock. Jason could see an apparent opening between her legs. It looked more round, like an anus, but with thick lips that were twitching, and were definitely moist.

"Jason must say words 'May The Fuck Be With You,' and make hand like this. Then 6 hour time start." Adoy announced. Her gesture was clearly Adoy's version of an FU gesture.

Cautiously, Jason said "May the Fuck...be with you," and gave the flying finger salute.

Then he heard Adoy quietly say, "M-T-F-B-W-Y," and he saw her eyes close, with a happy look on her face.

Jason suddenly felt a tingling, and just a bit of discomfort, as his cock & balls nearly doubled in size; length and girth. He could not believe what he was seeing. The massive member between his legs, plus his balls, were bigger that anything he had seen in the gym shower, or when any of his buddies had their goods getting blown by the slut du jour.

"SHIT!" Jason exclaimed.

Adoy's pussy started to glow brighter. She reached down with her hand and touched Jason's crown. The slight growth pain gone now, Jason flinched at the contact, but then realized Adoy's skin felt like velvet.

"Adoy like. Very pretty. Not like ugly Vaderians with big, black helmet."

"Adoy like big flow at end," she said, as she stroked his big balls gently.

Jason watched, now eagerly, as Adoy lowered herself, and her brightly glowing pussy started to open, with the lips forming waves that traveled around the circular opening, continuously.

She lowered herself, until he entered her, and she sank all way down with a big "squish"; her hairless body pressed to his pubic hairs. Quite a contrast; glowing green on top of flaming red-orange hair. Jason could not believe what he was seeing and feeling. His cock was way up inside her small body and he could see the shape because the glow of her skin dimmed to show his shape within her. It looked rather like a shadow on what Jason assumed was her stomach.

As her pussy lips ran around him, he was absorbing how erotic this was. But, most sensual of all was that she just sat on him. Some - what he supposed were - muscles within her, went up, then down, over & over. He felt as if he was going in & out of her, but neither of them was moving.

The sex was already so hot, he was already close to blowing. "I think I am gonna cum!" he pronounced, and was astonished to look down when she lifted a bit. His balls were glowing bright green like her pussy, and his cock was the same bright green. Even the former "shadow" on her stomach had switched to a brighter green than her surrounding skin.

Adoy said, in a slightly strained tone, "What Jason want...think it so."

Jason could barely comprehend what she told him, but started pleading with himself to not cum yet. This was just too good to have it end yet. His genital glowing dimmed and the "shadow" returned to her front.

Jason was momentarily stunned. 'Did I do that?' he asked himself. He thought 'cumming' and he glowed; thought 'not cum yet' and the glow almost disappeared.

Jason was astonished, but was simultaneously distracted as Adoy started to physically move up & down on him, using her short legs. The speed slowly increased, then increased again. His nerve endings asked for surrender. Her eyes were tightly shut with a strained look on her face, but a very big smile.

"Oh SKkkrriiik! Prepare!" Adoy announced with quivering huffs.

At that moment, the two of them levitated off the floor of the dome, by at least a foot. Yet, Jason still felt as if he was fully supported.

Jason thought, 'Almost cumming,' and the glow returned.

"Jason. Ooohh, Jason...FFeeebrittt...JASON - FLOW NOW!"

Jason smiled, 'CUM NOW'.

He did not simply cum, he blasted into her. Each blast probably lasted three seconds, and he lost count at four.

Adoy's movement halted; her pussy lips stopped waving and gripped; her mouth formed a very human like "O" and her head swung back & forth, a full 180 degrees.

Her stomach was swollen and his cum was dripping everywhere around him, and it glowed too. His orgasm was unlike anything he could have imagined. Actually the whole fuck had been absolutely surreal, especially for a virgin.

"Adoy must rise. Prepare'"

She lifted up, her pussy lips sucking on his enormous cock, now dim, and cleaning him from base to tip. When she released him, no cum dribbled down. Jason had cum residing all over his hips and balls.

He said, "I had better go down to the lake and clean up."

"Adoy join." She floated them aside, until they were clear of the cum pool on the floor, then lowered them to the floor. She removed the dome and extended the "floor" all the way to the shoreline.

Adoy used a wave of her fingers to make the cum pool on the floor rise up and follow them as they walked to the shore. Jason went into the cold water to his waist, and started washing himself. Adoy let the levitated cum pool drop to the water, just beyond Jason.

She put her feet in the water, and then her vagina opened. Jason saw what must have been a quart of glowing cum stream out. She cleaned herself and then they both stopped to look at the patch of glowing cum, floating on the lake surface. It was about the size of a beach towel.

"Adoy so, so happy. Jason more than me fantasy! More than John Holmes!" With her paired palms, a beam shined at Jason's manhood, and his parts returned to normal-for-Jason size.

"Now, Adoy must leave soon."

Jason said, "That fuck was unbelievable."

"Jason not believe it happen?"

"No, NO," Jason said, "What I meant is the fuck was amazing, stupendous, fantastic...ALL that and more."

"Good, Adoy happy Jason happy. What gift can Adoy give Jason, to thank?

"That fuck was so wonderful, I don't really need any..."

Jason stopped. He thought...'Wait...yes, Yes! Misty!'

He asked, "What you did to me, the magic. Can I do it with somebody... rather...another female other than Adoy?"

"Does Jason want to please many female?"

Jason nodded his head briskly and smiled broadly.

"Naughty Jason! Adoy do." She put the beam back on his manhood, and her lips silently spoke.

Jason did not feel anything different.

"Adoy done. But tonight, only four and half hour remain."

"Thank you, THANK YOU!" and he surprised himself and Adoy when he hugged her. That naked hug reminded him to put his clothes back on.

"So, you need to explain to me the process of how I do this again with other females."

"Rest again."

Jason sat on another tree trunk, and Adoy levitated over to next to him. Her small hand started stroking his leg. Jason enjoyed the velvet touch, and realized he still was not cold.

"Many words. Adoy try to talk short, best earther words."

"Magic work 6 hours. One time each day. Jason say words 'May The Fuck Be With You,' plus make hand, to start time. Female say words 'May The Fuck Be With You' or 'M-T-F-B-W-Y,' she choose. No hand needed. Female then think what she want, and she get!"

"All female change mind. She change whenever want. Choose right, best orgasm in life. BUT, only get magic Jason for 6 hours, once each female, whole life. After, only get normal Jason. Most happy rule for Jason; female no get pregnant, unless she & Jason agree."

Jason was thinking through the intricacies. "How big can she make me?"

"Too big, Jason fall on face!...HA..Ha..Adoy funny." "Just 3 foot, no more."

"Will it hurt?"

"No, not new pain for Jason, no hurt. Jason body be stronger, match female.

"So, if the female I am fucking wants my penis to be 24" long and with lots of cum like you wanted, then she just thinks those ideas?"

"Yes. Female be careful. Do not ask for big, BIG Jason, when Jason inside vagina. Much pain, Adoy know. But, Jason control when ejaculate."

"Can I fuck more than one female in 6 hours?"

"Yes, all that want. Each must say words. Six hours from first words."

"So, I can fuck each one, the way they want, and ejaculate with each one?

"Yes, Fuck like bunny!..Hee Hee, earther joke."

"Can I masturbate with my magic penis?

"No. Magic only for female; vagina or fellatio. Also, if female just want watch Jason ejaculate, that acceptable.

"My magic penis worked with you. Will it work with other aliens, too?

"Yes, yes. Many to please."

"I can use these powers forever?

"Yes. However, meet 'right' girl, then only use with her; no other. But use all day, and forever."

[Okay, these guidelines could take more pages than you may want to read, if I tell it as Jason said the conversation went. So I am going to summarize all the rules that Jason found out, and in clearer English. You can skip past these, if you wish, and come back at your leisure. I will try to repeat these in each episode, for reference.]

+=+=+=+=+ Guide For The Use of the Magic Stalk +=+=+=+=+

1 - Females are only permitted access to Jason's magic; no males, no amorphous, and no beings that do not have male/female procreation relationships in their species. Jason's magic is only available for purposes of vaginal penetration, fellatio, the female's manual manipulation of him, and exhibitions of ejaculation. Jason has no use of his powers for self-masturbation.

2 - Females are in control of penis & scrotum shape, girth, & length. No options for multiple cock or testes, or additional appendages. Choices may be changed at any time. Requests for more than 3' of length, 14" of girth, or 1 pound testicles will not be honored.

3 - Each request must be preceded by the spoken phrase "May The Fuck Be With You," or alternately, "MTFBWY." The FU gesture is not necessary. To receive her request, the female simply needs to think it. Request period cancelled after 15 seconds with no changes requested. Jason is not responsible for damage from irrational choices.

4 - Jason must initiate the 6-hour window, using the same spoken phrase "May The Fuck Be With You," with the acronym not accepted for this purpose. As well, Jason must make the middle-finger-raised gesture, using either hand. Jason is only allowed to use the magic for one 6-hours period per 24-hour period. Any activity outside the 6 hour period will only be with a normal Jason.