Jack, Juliette, Me and It


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"And who wouldn't want to suck them Julie," I said taking a breath, "they're prefect."

"And the next night you were watching me masturbate, I came so hard that it woke me up."

"Really? And the next?" I was expecting 'taking off her bra and reaching out for my cock'.

"I stripped off my bra and wanked you and you came over my tits."

"You dirty... DIRTY... GIRL!" I pushed up hard into her with each exclamation.

"Fuck me Jack, FUCK ME!"

I did so. She came, I came, sexual perfection.

Although we had both decided we would probably go back to work after her three-month R&R there wasn't a great rush.

We were both totally into each other. We lived together and slept together. OK, we'd gone back to her flat and collected some more of her clothes, but she hardly wore them, instead walking around my big warm house naked, allowing me the pure sexual pleasure of admiring that prefect female form, and she didn't mind a bit.

We had a lot of sex, I mean all the time. Thanks to her Bioidentical hormone replacement she hadn't suffered with too many issues that she had been warned about. We did have a supply of flavoured lubes of course, but I never bothered using them when I was going down on her.

She remembered her dream of me going down on her, so we had to try that of course, and I did that lots and lots. I could remember the dream of her asking me to fuck her anally, and she just talked about that one initially of course, but then after a while, a few nice dinners and some bottles of wine, she said rather drunkenly fancied trying that one, after all we had gallons of lube.

It started off being drunk and hands-and-knees-horny but finished as another lovey-dovey 'me on top of her, but with her legs on my shoulders as I very gently fucked her arse.

It was the first but very definitely not the last.

To celebrate her successfully fighting of the cancer and keeping her second ovary, I booked an Airbnb out in deep in the country in the nice warm English August, somewhere I'd been before in a previous heartbeat, and it had a place in my heart.

OK, where I might have had a heart.

If I'd had one.

I'd been in a heartbeat whose family had lived in that self-same cottage for five generations, three or four hundred years before, I couldn't remember exactly, but I remember his parents contracting bubonic plague from a passing relative fleeing it in their town. Then it was his younger siblings. 'It' knew how the disease was spread but it was too much to prevent with just me against the primitive seventeenth century world that believed it was to do with 'miasma', not a more profound view of public health and pest control.

I was helping and guiding 'Gideon', just helping him to avoid the infection I knew was just there from the glow in his brothers and sisters. He gave of his best, and I was even there to make him dig down just a little deeper when he buried his parents, and not to dig where his father had suggested he wanted to be buried, right where their water supply originated from before it ran down the slope to farm's well.

I helped him choose another area where he would eventually bury both parents, his three brothers and two sisters. 'It' and I both knew that his days were numbered, but we couldn't have him abandon his family's farm and stock and go to visit his Uncle Ezra and just take the plague to him and his village like his relative had.

He realised two days later that he was infected, so we had him retire to his bed and drink his father's entire supply of apple cider, he died that evening, almost poisoned by the alcohol, but exposure taking him almost painlessly. His almost mummified body would be discovered a year later by a replacement preacher keen to find out where all the many but widespread parishioners written down in his baptism and marriage records had gotten to.

But here nearly four hundred years later, I drove the Mercedes M Class four by four that I'd chopped Jack's ridiculous Testosteroni in for, into the chipped slate driveway of a truly 21st century converted farmhouse, a thousand years away from what Gideon had lived in.

I opened the car and stepped out, breathing in that fresh country air I loved so much when 'It' had me in the UK.

I was being super-romantic with Juliette now, because I felt that was what was needed, what she deserved. We'd been together for two months now and I'd found such a change in her, I was convinced that was my job. This trip was almost to bring it to a close, it was obvious to me that Jack was the man for her despite how much they'd hated each other initially.

We prepared the evening meal from what we'd brought with us, sharing the moment, two of the most confirmed 'individuals' I could remember in thousands of years, working in partnership, feeding the other pieces of fruit, slips of cheese, bread; a beaming Juliette placing a tiny piece of apple between her teeth and feeding it into my mouth with hers, arms around each other kissing for all we were worth.

We took to this particular mode of eating and never made it to the kitchen table we'd already set up, drinking our wine stood against the kitchen counter. Even though I hadn't needed to in weeks, I picked up my gorgeous lover and carried her through to our bedroom, laying her on the soft fleeces covering it.

With a kiss for every patch of skin I'd exposed, I stripped her naked; I licked, kissed and tongued all of the placed that I knew would inflame the desire she'd spent years ignoring, I brought her to several orgasms until my erection begged me to stop.

I quickly stripped off and lay on top of her,

"Please Jack," she gasped, "let me, I want to make love to you, to give it back..."

"Later baby," I said rising up to ease into her soft pussy, bringing forth the same sigh from us both.

This was altogether the most amazing moment in my two millennia (ish) of experience, never had I known such intensity, passion or pleasure.

We both came, holding the other as if we'd never let go.

We were silent for a while, just basking in the afterglow.

"Is it always this good Jack?" she said.

"No," I said in all honesty, it never had been not for me (Whoever I was) and Jack's memory was quite clear that he'd not had that many lovers and the best had been his ex, but I didn't think it would be wise to discuss sex with another woman at this perfect moment.

"Tell me a out your ex?" she said.


"She was... IS a surgeon at the hospital that treated you."

"What was her name?"

"Allbright, Kat Allbright," Jack's memories came back and they were all tainted with his miserable spin; but she had been a great wife to him in my humble opinion.

"Wow!" said Helen, "she did my surgery, tall girl, my age, brown hair going towards red."

"That's Kat," I said with a hint of pride.

"She's gorgeous, you divorced HER?"

"Other way round in the end," I said, "fantastic girl but we were both working really hard to be the best in our work but going in different directions, with neither of us wanting to meet the other halfway. Lots of shouting, tears, divorce three, no FOUR years ago now. We still chat occasionally as I manage some investments for her family."

"No children?"

"Nah," I said adding Jack's lack of care. Children would have taken up too much of his valuable time and might have taken some of the attention away from him.

I was desperate to find something better about OUR relationship and mentioned that mine and Kat's lovemaking always had that ol' devil of contraception hanging over it; she took the pill but didn't like it. Jack wore condoms but complained about loss of sensation, and she hated the mechanics of a cervical cap and didn't medically trust a coil. She had just introduced the concept of him having a vasectomy when the latest 'Call of Duty' was released and along with a period of evening and night shifts she didn't see him in bed for almost seven weeks.

Contraception had ceased to be a problem, as they were rarely in bed together for long enough to need it. The argument had been the beginning of the end for them both and a promotion for her just added to his resentment.

Even though I'd existed right through primate and the medieval I had always understood the reproductive process from the start. After all, hadn't I encouraged, urged, bullied, and pushed several woman and quite a few men to have that quick shag, that knee-trembler, that fast fuck that had resulted in a pregnancy that 'It' considered would have a beneficial impact on life on earth.

"So that was that," I said to the naked woman in bed next to me that would never need a contraceptive unless medical science took off quite significantly in the next couple of weeks.

She rolled over closer to me, slipped and arm around my shoulder and kissed me, pressing those amazing tits of hers against me. I slid a hand down to cup her bottom and pull her closer.

"Do you know..." she said with a hint of a crack in her voice, "I never wanted children Jack," she smiled even through the four or five fat tears running down her face, "not once... you know? Like you, I had a career, I wanted success, I wanted the best for me, for Juliette," I nodded, "but now I actually can't, physically don't have the gear anymore, it's all I can think about, is that wrong?"

"Of course It isn't, you always had it in the back of your mind that you could, even though you didn't think you would ever need it. Now that's all changed you're bound to feel that loss," I pulled her closer, "It's a real bereavement Julie, don't knock yourself because of it."

"I would have liked to have... well... to have given... to have had a child... with you I mean?"

She looked gorgeous at that moment, and I felt such love for her there and then, I felt a massive surge in my being, my chest tightened, I felt my blood pressure rise.

Was this it?


Not now!

Was my job done? I started to panic that I'd move on, that I'd lose all of this, all that I... that 'It' and I had... had done for Jack.

"Jack Baby... what is it? You look terrible!"

"Don't know," I fabricated, "think... might be something I ate, 'scuse me a second..."

I ran for bathroom knowing it wasn't that.

I walked out to the huge glass patio doors, unlocking the smallest and stepping out into the warm Dartmoor evening, naked, barefoot.

I looked up to where I'd had Gideon bury his family. The last time I'd shifted it had been right there. I boldly walked towards the side of the hill, to the small dry stone wall enclosure I had Gideon build around the area he'd buried his family. I hoped that they'd put him in there too.

There was a weathered and battered stone and I could just make out the name 'Trembath' and the hints of Gideon's relatives Christian names. They'd been remembered after all.

"COME ON!" I screamed into the night, "Is this it?! Is this the final punishment?!"

I looked up to the top of the Tor and at the clear moonlit sky when I felt 'It' was back with me, and I was scared. Jack and Juliette were the longest I'd spent on any task in my entire existence and the thought of me bouncing from the gorgeous woman I... no Jack had fallen in love with was breaking my... heart?

But I didn't have one!

"Well done Jack," 'It' said as if from nowhere, "I'd been saving that pair up for years, they had to have been the single most difficult and unpleasant man and woman we've ever had to deal with, you and I; and you played it like a dream. Thank you."

"Do I have to leave now?" I actually spoke the words - I never had before when communicating with 'It', never needed to, not once. They ran out quickly though as I thought that in a moment I would appear in another heartbeat with another problem to solve, and leave Juliette behind.

"I don't think so," 'It' said, "you can stay here if you want?"

I began to feel warm and a little dizzy as what was some of the millions of thoughts, memories and personalities started to disappear from my consciousness.

"You're giving up two THOUSAND years of civilisation for this woman Jack," 'It' said, "two entire millennia of thoughts, deeds, triumphs and experience, are you sure she's worth that?"

I considered that for a moment; of course she was.

As I contemplated that, I realised I could no longer remember the names of all the battles I'd fought in, those skinny little wars I'd taken part in across the globe and across the centuries, my commanders and the men I'd commanded, since the Battle of Vellica when I served a Roman General working under Caesar Augustus.

Then it was the medical knowledge that slipped away with the doctors and nurses, moments before I could have carried out a kidney transplant, and had done, but all that knowledge slowly drifted away.

I could speak most European languages fluently and as I felt myself dumb down, I hoped I might still be able to order food in a French or Italian restaurant.

OK I wasn't JUST watching my thousands of lives pass before my eyes; using my thoughts I was looking at what would become of Jack and Juliette in the future, just to see what I could expect.

I saw a young angry girl with little hope of being adopted, a run of foster homes, then with Juliette and Jack, no, with Juliette and ME.

Then there was a little tearaway boy, ungovernable and unloved, boiling over with anger. Two tragic, tiny victims of a world that didn't have enough time, resources or emotion for them.

There were shouts, screams, escapes, broken crockery, tears. This gave way to hugs, tears, adoption forms, schools, music lessons, graduations, political office, auditoriums, applause, award ceremonies, applause, the UN. I could almost see their names...

"Naughty-naughty Jack!" 'It' said, "That's a bit like having your cake and eating it," there was a return to the single consciousness that I'd inhabited for all those weeks now as 'It' pulled away from me. "Thank you Jack, your life is yours again."

"What will you do?" I said to the open sky before me.

"Oh, You don't think Juliette had those sex dreams on her own did you? I have a new spirit in need of retribution and rehabilitation that's making the world a better place, like you did."

"Like WE did - and thank you," I paused, "Who are you?" I asked.

"Me?" I could feel the words in my head getting quieter as 'It' spoke, "I really can't remember to tell the truth; a combined universal consciousness, a sense of 'right'? Belief? Oh I don't know, how about 'Fate' -- I can live with that, Goodbye..."

"Please," I said, "who am I?" thinking as my last few hundreds of years of memories disappeared.

"You're Jack!" 'It' said, as if it was bloody obvious.

"Show me," I said simply, and 'It' knew what I wanted to see.

Of course.

I was back in town, no JACK was back in town, the day he'd bumped into the woman, the day I had him buy donuts, the day I'd collected Juliette from her surgery.

"Imagine a different timeline if you will," 'It' said.

The scene started with the bump into the woman that day, the strong words, Jack not apologising, instead hurling abuse at her. Her 'alpha male' man arriving, more abuse, fists being thrown around, Jack starting to have the better of it. Phones in the background, 'hello, police?', a knife drawn from a sock, pain, a scream, such pain. Pain I'd recognised from sword thrusts, daggers, bayonets from hundreds of heartbeats before the relief that death brought.


I guessed this was where I'd seen Dr Allbright at his funeral; why I could never see Helen in Jack's future, but saw him in hers. It wasn't the lecturer I could see in Helen's future, I was seeing me.

'It' then showed me an angry Juliette storming out of the hospital and jumping in a taxi, the infamous Mr Hackney; driving to her flat, a card payment, 'Mr Hackney' drives away, a similar stabbing agony to Jack's as she carried her bag up the two flights of stairs to her flat.

Agony of trying to get up and out of bed, unable to stand and cook for herself or get to the front door for deliveries.

Then the flat battery of her mobile phone, rolling off the bed and falling to the floor as she tried to get the charger wire, staples pulling from wounds, such pain, fainting. Waking to the morning sunlight on her bedroom floor, too weak to get herself up, fighting it, more open wounds, blood, hunger, dehydration, death.

Her passing only mourned by the letters pages of several newspapers asking how such a thing could happen to a working woman in her late thirties in this day and age, press coverage of her discovery when the smell of her decomposing body drifted through air vents to a neighbour's house nine months after her death. No one at HER funeral.

That had been what would have happened, but the chill of that lonely Tor snapped me out of it.

And suddenly 'It' was gone, I knew that what I'd been and who I was but with no detail. There was such a void in... in MYSELF that I wasn't sure what to do next.

"Jack!" I heard a shouted voice from behind me, and I turned. It was Juliette running towards me, as naked as I was but beautifully so, the tracks of her tears illuminated by the moonlight, "Jack! Oh Baby, I thought you'd gone, please..." she burst out, "please come back into the house, we..."

I pulled her into my arms with the final realisation of what had happened in the moments I'd walked out of the house and now.

I was free.

"Juliette?" I said, "My Darling Julie; marry me?"

"Wh... what?" she gasped out.

"Marry me, I'm totally in love with you and want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Oh Jack," she said putting a hand to her face, then removing it to nod and gasp out a passionate "Yes!"

We walked back to the brightness of the open door but stopped to sit on a raised grass mound that looked out over Dartmoor.

"Who were you talking to?" she said tucking her arm under mine and looking up at the moon.

"Oh, myself," I said, "just getting some things straight in my mixed up, messed up head." thinking about what I'd managed to get from 'Its' view of the future before it disappeared. "You were adopted weren't you," I added.

"Yeah," she said simply.

"You can't have children, but you know what it is to be in care?"

"Hell, yeah."

"Why don't we rescue a couple of kids from some shitty care home, bring them to live out in the country somewhere, like this," I waved a hand around us, pulling my beautiful woman to me, "we'll love them, send them to good schools, teach them to express themselves; after all," those 'It' thoughts were still just there, "What could possibly go wrong?"

"Love you Jack," Helen said, and pushed me back onto the grass and climbed over me.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great writing far that real rarity, a truly original story

WetmartinisWetmartinisabout 1 year ago

Juliette? Helen? Am I missing something?

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 1 year ago

Wow. That was overwhelming, but good. 5* and I think it would make a good TV series.

jlg07jlg07about 1 year ago

What a different, interesting story. A bit like quantam leap, but with a dark side. Awesome job. 5*

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 1 year ago

So very sweet and nice! 5stars.

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