Jackie and Artie Ch. 03


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I mustered all of my self-control and said; "You can't do that, you're my sister-in-law."

Keeping her hand on my penis, Nattie stopped squeezing me. "Why not, I'm just you're sister-in-law. It's not like we're blood relatives and truthfully, I'm only your half sister-in-law."

Confused, I stared at Nattie. As I realized what she was telling me, I suddenly I began to understand.

Seeing the recognition in my eyes, Nattie said; "That's right Artie, Jackie and I do not have the same father and if you remember what Gary Conners looks like, it's really quite easy to determine which of us is actually his daughter.

I looked from Nattie to Jackie and back to Nattie again. Now that I knew, it was obvious. Jackie has a fair complexion and light brown hair. Nattie's skin is richer, almost olive toned and her hair is dark brown. Jackie is slender and sinewy. Nattie, while still very sexy, is more solidly built; more athletic.

Gary Conners lives in Seattle so I don't know him very well. Still, I did spend quite a bit of time with him during the week of our wedding and since our wedding he's visited us twice a year so that he can see his grandchildren. Gary is a slender, graceful man with light brown hair and a fair complexion. Jackie's resemblance to her father is readily apparent.

Understanding, I said; "You're telling me that Gary Conners isn't your father?"

Nattie smiled. "That's right."

"Does he know?"

"Of course he knows. Gary and my mother divorced when I was seven and Jackie was five. By that time it was fairly obvious that I probably wasn't his daughter. He was divorcing my mother because he knew that she was a chronic cheater so that made the likelihood that I was fathered by another man even higher."

Nodding, I said; "I see. That's why you use the name Reid, rather than Conners."

"Actually my father made me do that. Once he discovered that I wasn't his biological daughter, he disowned me."

"That must have been painful."

"It was. Gary Conners raised me from the time I was born until I was seven. In my mind he will always be my father."

"That's why Jackie was so concerned about establishing that Cassie is my biological daughter."

"That's right. After seeing what happened between Gary and me, Jackie was terrified by the possibility that Cassie might not be yours. Mom, Jackie and I were all relieved when we discovered that she really was your daughter."

"Have you ever met your biological father?"

"No, mom doesn't even know who he is."

I shook my head. "Today, Connie told me that the other men in her life were never a threat to Gary Conners, but I guess that really wasn't true."

"No it was true and the men in Jackie's life should never be a threat to you. I was an accident."

"An accident?"

"Yes, right after they got married Gary and my mom decided they wanted to have a child, so my mom quit taking her birth control pills. She also stopped playing around with other men."

"She must not have stopped completely."

"It was early November. Gary's dad had a brother who owned a farm in Northwestern Iowa. Every fall Gary, his dad and his two brothers went to the farm for a weekend of pheasant hunting. Mom understood that it was also a male bonding trip so even though she was invited, she stayed home."

"That Saturday night she went out for dinner with her good friend Jenny Frye. Jenny was also married and she enjoyed partying with other men just as much as my mother did. Because my mom was off the pill, they were planning on restricting themselves to a girl's night out without any fooling around at all. They went to a steak house that also had a nice bar. It was a little like this place, only not as expensive."

"What happened?"

"After dinner they went into the bar for a drink and met two businessmen from New Jersey. They were in town for a weekend sales seminar."

"I see."

"After a couple of drinks together, they invited Jenny and my mom to go back to their hotel with them. My mom's never been very good at saying no, so she agreed to go, but she since she wasn't on the pill she told them that she needed protection. Unfortunately nobody had any condoms. This was 1977; the AIDs epidemic hadn't yet started so women who were taking birth control pills didn't have to be as concerned about using condoms. It was late and the area drug stores were all closed. They ended up buying condoms from a vending machine in the men's room at a freeway gas station."

"Not your highest quality product."

Quality wasn't the only problem. Paul; that's my biological father's name, or at least the name he gave my mother that night; was apparently quite well endowed. He needed magnums and they weren't available in the gas station machines. The very first rubber they used broke."


"Unfortunately neither of them realized it until after he'd finished cumming and pulled out. Of course by then it was too late."

"And that was prior to the invention of the morning after pill."

"Yes it was. A month later my mother missed her period. A visit to the doctor confirmed it, she was pregnant. She hoped and prayed that the father was her husband and not Paul; but as I matured, it became increasingly apparent that I wasn't Gary Conners child."

"I'm sorry."

Nattie shrugged. "I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about it."

"What do you mean?"

"While I wish I was Gary Conner's daughter, I'm not and there's nothing I can do to change that. I also understand that if that rubber hadn't broken that night, I wouldn't exist and someone else would now be Gary Conner's daughter."

"Yes, I see."

"I just wish that he would accept me. I know there was a time he did love me and I can't believe that someone can just stop loving somebody."

"Have you tried to talk to him?"

"Many times; he returns my letters unopened, he told Jackie that he deletes my emails without reading them and when I try to call him he hangs up as soon as he realizes it's me."

"He's hurt."

"Yes, but I didn't hurt him."

"Your mother hurt him."

"She did, but she also always loved him."

"She had another man's baby."

"It was an accident, an accident that produced me. Artie, how would you have reacted if you'd discovered that Cassie was another man's child?"

"I don't know, it would have been difficult, but I don't think I could ever stop loving her and I can't imagine ever cutting her out of my life."

"And Artie, that's why I'll always be in love with you."

"I'm your sister's husband."

"That doesn't mean I can't love you too."

Nattie gave my penis a squeeze. "That doesn't mean that you'll ever get a chance to fuck me."

I laughed. "I didn't think it did."

Leaning over, Nattie whispered; "But I hear that you give wonderful head. I hope that someday soon I will get to feel your tongue in my pussy."

My face flushed with embarrassment.

Nattie tongued my ear and said; "I also understand that you like to kiss and lick Jackie's ass."

Shocked, I stiffened.

Giggling, Nattie said; "Jackie and I are not only half-sisters, we're also best friends. We tell each other everything. Cowboy, I love having my ass licked, but I've only met one guy who enjoyed doing it. Most guys won't even consider it."

"May I ask who the guy was who enjoyed doing it?"

"Sure Cowboy, you can ask me anything."

"Who was he?"

"His name was Milton Craig. Everyone called him Miltie. Miltie was my botany lab partner during the fall of my junior year at Kelroy. He was a lot like you; slender, not very tall, cute as a button and as sweet as homemade candy."

"I'm not sure a guy likes to be thought of as being cute as a button."

Nattie laughed. "Get used to it cuckboy. We all think you're as cute as a button and were not going to be willing to pretend otherwise."

"I see." My voice reflected my embarrassment.

"Come on sweetie, we love you and yes, we also think you're outrageously sexy; sort of like a debonair socialite."

Smiling, I said; "I like debonair socialite better than cute as a button."

Nattie gave my penis a gentle squeeze. "I'll bet you do cutie pie."

"You like to tease, don't you Nattie."

"I do and that's what got me into trouble with Miltie."

"In trouble? What happened?"

"Like I said, we were botany lab partners. That fall we spent a lot of time together. We became friends, good friends. Unfortunately Miltie was kind of shy and I liked to tease him. No, it was more than that, a lot more than that."

"What do you mean?"

"Jackie has a bit of a sadistic streak. So does my mom."

"Yes, I've become quite aware of that."

"I have one too. I guess all the Reid girls have one."

"All right."

"When Miltie and I became friends he started hanging around my apartment a lot. That was fine with me; I really did enjoy his company. In his own way he was charming and kind of gallant. It was also easy to manipulate him and it wasn't long before I had him doing my laundry, cooking my food and cleaning my apartment. I also got a thrill out of making him beg for sex and I quickly discovered that I could get him to lick my pussy and ass for hours in exchange for as little as a handjob."

Nattie was actually describing the relationship with Jackie that I'd created in my imagination. Nervously, I said; "You realize that you're describing the relationship that Jackie and I have."

"Yes I do, but there's one significant difference in the relationship you and Jackie have. She makes sure that you know you're loved. I didn't do that with Miltie and it's now one of my greatest regrets."

"What happened?"

"My teasing, degrading and domination of Miltie became increasingly cruel. Artie I was young and stupid and the power I felt when I was teasing and tormenting him was exciting. I can't begin to tell you how much I wish I could go back and change the way I treated that lovely guy." Nattie sighed. "But I can't and one night it all blew up."

"Tell me."

"Miltie was at my apartment. We were watching television. Over the past month, I'd become increasingly stingy about granting him any kind of sex. He wasn't even getting handjobs anymore. If he wanted to cum he had to masturbate while he was either licking my ass or kissing my feet."

"You do realize that many of the men visiting cuckold web sites would think this was an unbelievably exciting fantasy."

"Yes, for some men I'm sure it does make a pretty good fantasy, but in reality it can be horribly unpleasant; believe me, I know."

"So what did happen?"

"Earlier that evening, I'd gotten a call from Myron Long. Myron was a big black guy that I knew from the dance clubs."

"Myron Long?"

Nattie giggled. "He was appropriately named."

"That doesn't surprise me."

"It shouldn't. Our mom, your wife and I are all size queens."

"I learned that last night."

"Anyway, Myron was a couple of years older than I was and incredibly sexy. He also had that attitude of casual arrogance common among street wise black men. Sex with him was unbelievably hot. I don't know if you're aware of this, but you're wife, our mom and I all occasionally enjoy a man who treats us like a slut."

"Yes, Jackie's told me about that."

"Well Myron was a classic."

"I see."

"Anyway, I invited him to come over, but I didn't tell Miltie he was coming and I didn't tell Myron that Miltie would be there."

"This doesn't sound good."

"It wasn't. It was one of the stupidest things I've ever done. When Myron arrived and saw Miltie he asked what the wimp was doing there."

"He really asked that?"

"Yes and it gets worse."

"Tell me."

I was excited and getting off on the kinkiness of the situation so I told Myron not to worry about Miltie, he was just my maid."

"You didn't."

"I did and every time I think about it now, I want to cringe."

"Yeah, it doesn't sound like it was your finest moment."

"It wasn't."

"What happened next?"

"Before Myron arrived Miltie had been sitting on the couch with me, but when he went to sit down again I told him that was Myron's spot. Myron and I both laughed as Miltie obediently sat down in the chair across from the couch."

"How did he take that?"

"I don't really know. At that moment I was so wrapped up in my own pleasure and excitement that I wasn't paying much attention to Miltie's reaction to what was happening. I wish I'd paid more attention. If I had I might have stopped pushing him so hard."

"What did you do?"

"Myron and I sat down on the couch and immediately started making out. While we were making out Myron was slowly undressing me. It wasn't long before he had my blouse unbuttoned, my bra unhooked and my jeans and panties down around my knees."

"And Miltie was sitting in the chair across from you, watching."

"In my mind he wasn't just watching, he was obediently watching and that got me even more excited."

"So what happened next?"

"I opened Myron's pants and took out his cock. Artie, Myron is big, amazingly big. As soon as I had it out I leaned over and kissed it and then I looked across at Miltie and told him that this was a man's cock, not a little boy's wee wee like he had."

"How did he react to that?"

"He just stared at me. That should have been a signal to back off, but by then I was so excited by my little power trip that I didn't pay any attention to what was happening with Miltie. Instead I stupidly pushed him even harder. I told him that I was going to suck Myron's big beautiful black cock and if he wanted he could take out his little wee wee and jack off while he watched because that was all little boys got to do."

"Whew, that was harsh."

"Artie, I am so ashamed of myself for saying that."

"We all do things that we later regret. What did Miltie do?"

"I'd finally pushed him over the edge. He stood up and said no. His voice was controlled, but the undertone of hurt and anger was unmistakable. He stared at me and told me that he once thought I was his friend, that I cared about him, but apparently he'd been wrong. It was now clear that I felt only contempt for him."

Nattie paused for a moment and then she said; "Myron stood up and moved towards Miltie. It looked like he was going to hit him. I grabbed him and screamed that he should leave him alone. Myron relaxed and Miltie took that opportunity to turn and run out of my apartment. I started to follow him, but since my jeans were down around my ankles and my blouse was unbuttoned I had to put myself back together before I could do anything. By the time I got down to the street in front of my apartment Miltie was over a block away."

"So what happened after that?'

I went back upstairs, but I didn't feel like partying with Myron anymore. Myron is actually a pretty nice guy, so he understood. We talked for a while about what had happened. We agreed that we'd both been inexcusably stupid and then he left. After he was gone I tried to call Miltie, but he refused to answer his telephone."

"Did you ever get a chance to talk to him?"

"I wanted to apologize so badly, but Miltie never gave me a chance." Nattie shrugged. "I don't really blame him. I really was an asshole. The next day he withdrew from the botany class and whenever I saw him on campus he'd turn and walk the other way. When I tried to call him he'd hang up as soon as he realized it was me. The semester ended just before Christmas. Miltie went home for the break and never came back."

"So you've never had a chance to apologize."

"No and I would still love to be able to do that."

"Have you seen Myron Long since then?"

"Yes, we still occasionally get together. He wishes he could apologize to Miltie too."

Nattie smiled at me. The sadness in her eyes was evident. I smiled back at her.

For a moment we looked at each other in silence and then Nattie sighed. "Artie, I really blew it. Miltie was a wonderful guy. All I had to do was make sure that he knew I loved him. If I'd been smart enough to do that we might have been perfect for each other."

"Why don't you try to contact him now?"

"I wouldn't know where to begin looking for him and even if I could find him, I can't imagine that he'd be willing to talk to me. No Artie, I doubt that I'll ever see Miltie again, but I did learn from that experience. So did Jackie and my mom."

"What do you mean?"

"Artie you are going to be the most loved cuckold who ever existed. Jackie, my mom and I are all going to see to that."

As we both grinned at each other Nattie gave my cock another squeeze.

I laughed.

Nattie smiled, but then her gaze suddenly moved to Jackie. For a moment her eyes shifted back and forth between Jackie and the men at the bar and then she turned to me and whispered; "Artie, I think your wife just found her playmate for the evening."

My stomach filling with butterflies, I stared at Nattie with a puzzled expression.

She said; "Artie, watch her, you'll see. Jackie really is good at this; better than either my mother or me."

I pulled myself together and turned my attention to my wife. Her gaze was fixed on the bar. Remembering what she'd told me earlier, I followed Jackie's eyes and immediately picked out the object of her attention. He was a tall man, at least six foot three. Broad shouldered with a muscular torso, he reminded me of the athletes Jackie dated before we were engaged.

Chuckling to myself, I realized that I had to revise that statement. I now knew that Jackie never really stopped dating those jocks. In fact, she not only continued dating them after we were engaged; she was still dating them after we were married.

Excited by that thought, I continued my appraisal of Jackie's stud. He was a handsome man with chiseled facial features that brought to mind a western movie hero. His full head of long wavy brown hair was combed straight back. He carried himself with an air of self-assured dignity and when he spoke, the men standing around him at the bar listened intently. Pangs of jealousy crept into my gut as I realized that this was a man of obvious substance,

Next to me, Nattie whispered; "He really is a dreamboat."

I looked at her.

Immediately fearing that she might have upset me, Nattie said; "Artie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

I smiled. "It's okay; I think I'd be disappointed if Jackie picked out a homely man."

Nattie laughed. You don't have to worry about that. When it comes to selecting playmates all three of us are quite fussy." She gave my penis a gentle squeeze and asked; "You doing okay big guy?"

I nodded.

While this was occurring, Traci returned from the bar. Without saying anything she set a glass of wine in front of my wife and then she walked over to our table. There was a second glass of wine and another bottle of Heineken on her tray. After setting the glass of wine in front of Nattie, she set the bottle of beer next to my still nearly full glass.

Not sure what to do and concerned about running up a large bar tab, I nervously said; "I didn't order that."

Traci nodded. "I know you didn't, but the manager of the Goldenrod thinks that Connie, Jackie, Nattie and some of the other women who come here are good for business, so they drink for free. Since you're Jackie's husband, I decided to extend that same courtesy to you."

As I was about to protest, Nattie put her hand on my arm and said, ""Thank you Traci." And then she opened her purse and took out a five dollar bill. Handing it to me, she said; "Cowboy, please tip her."

Traci raised the hem of her skirt. I folded the bill down the middle and slipped it under the strap of her garter. As soon as it was secure Traci lowered her skirt, leaned over, kissed my cheek and said; "I just love little cowboys."

I blushed. Next to me, Nattie chuckled and gave my cock another firm squeeze.

Traci gave me another peck on the cheek and said; "Please excuse me, I have to take care of a couple of tables. I'll check back in a few minutes."