Jackie Pt. 01


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Shannon said "I think we could have a photo of the three of us and the Director of Tennis in sexy golf and tennis outfit. Maybe one of us will dress very provocatively to indicate the swinger aspect. I play golf and have a really sexy outfit."

"I guess Jackie and I will represent the swinger aspect," Edward concluded.

"But we are old, would not it be better to have the younger set do that?" I asked.

"Actually, I think we represent well the desired demographic," Edward said. "Let's get to work. We have a lot of work to do so come see me if you have questions. Let's meet at 9 every morning until this is done. Anything else?"

"Can we use the gym and pool now?" I asked. "I am working out at the Y now but it would save so much time to work out here."

"I would like to also," Shannon said. "Is 7 ok with you Jackie?"

"Sounds good," I said.

"Ok, you do know that this club will have a communal shower. That is one of our swinger tenants. While discussing our motif, over the next two weeks you two will work on your wardrobes. Go to see Anna. Here is her card. She knows what I like and is expecting you Saturday. Until then no more slacks only skirts at the club. We can meet in the locker room at 7 tomorrow morning to work out and I will show you our lockers. Ok now get out of here and get to work."

Shannon and I were stunned. Shannon followed me back to the office and asked, "What did we just do?"

"I think this is the beginning our change to being swingers," I said with both excitement and apprehension. "I don't have anything he is going to like."

"Me too," Shannon said. "Did you know this was going to happen?"

"Not exactly but then he made no secret he is going to mold us to what is needed for this endeavor."

"I guess you are right," Shannon said, "but somehow I thought he was kidding."

"I don't think Edward kids about this stuff and we had better be prepared for this being just the start. There is no telling what he has in mind for us. But I am to the point that I have no choice. Whatever it is I am going to try. I need the money."

Shannon nodded. "Me too. I had no job offers out of college and I have been waiting tables."

Edward shows Jackie and Shannon his way

Shannon and I arrived at the club at 7am wearing gym shorts and tee shirt and a bag with our clothes for the day. No make up. There was Edward waiting for us.

He gave us a locker each in the middle of the locker room. He clearly wanted us to be seen by everyone. These lockers were in the area close to the shower so everyone would pass us. We all worked out about an hour, talking a lot about how the day would go.

We went to the locker room and as predicted Edward's locker was between the two of us. He started undressing. Shannon and I hesitated. "No need to hesitate girls, a lot of people are going to see what you have under those clothes, so time to start getting used to it. After all I am not a stranger am I?"

Shannon and I looked at each other, giving each other a node. We both pulled our tee shirts over our heads. Then came the bras. Edward was already nude and staring between the two of us. He had a hard body and a nice package for an old guy. He had all his body hair removed.

Then Shannon and I started removing our shorts and then panties. Edward whistled.

"You should show those massive mounds all the time Jackie," Edward smiled. "They are very impressive."

Shannon actually looked hurt. "Don't pout. You know you are gorgeous from head to foot. Let's go shower."

Shannon and I turned away from Edward as we showered and showered in a hurry. As we were drying off Edward came up and asked if we needed any help. Edward watched us closely as we dressed.

I was left with the sundress that I had originally thought about but wore a nice flesh colored bra that actually fit. I also wore regular bikini cut panties. Shannon wore a short blue skirt with a red blouse. At least I showed a lot of cleavage where Shannon was covered. Her skirt was much shorter than mine however showing more leg. I was not sure who Edward would like the most.

"Come by my office at 9:30am to meet the Director of Tennis and at 4pm for a discussion on wardrobes."

Shannon and I met the Director of Tennis, Bruce at 9:30. He was a hunk. 6 foot 2, thick blond hair, a sculptured body and very handsome bordering on pretty. He was not the smartest guy around however but would attract females to the club.

Shannon and I spent a lot of the day together working on call list and planning for the open house. At 4pm we went to Edward's office.

"You girls are doing great in all but one area," Edward started. "I really like how the marketing material and planning for the open house is going. But I made it clear about how I wanted you to present yourselves. Neither of you are close to the look I require. Shannon you have a classic body of a beautiful women but are not displaying it at all. No one would think sexy looking at how you are dressed. Jackie you could wear a trash bag and people would think you are sexy but that dress is awful."

"Shannon take you shirt off and remove that bra."


"I don't repeat myself," Edward commanded. "And from now on in this office say Mister Ed."

"Yes, Mister Ed," Shannon said and removed her shirt and bra.

"From now on you do not wear a bra in this club. You don't need it."


"Remove your skirt and panties Shannon. Jackie take that awful dress off."

"What," I asked.

"Do it."

We both did as we were told.

"Neither of you did what I told you. Neither said 'Yes Mister Ed'. So you are going to make me punish you both. Jackie get that paddle hanging on the wall. The only way you two will learn is with a little pain."

I was in a daze and did what I was told. I tried to hand the paddle to Edward.

"Keep it. Shannon bent over my desk. Jackie paddle her butt until I tell you to quit."

We both stared at Edward.

"Ok it will now be double the licks for both of you. It was going to be 5 but now it is 10. You say what?"

"Yes, Mister Ed," Shannon and I said in unison. We both realize this was the start of our transformation according to Edward. If we wanted out now was the time. But I did not want out. This is what I needed. I was beginning to get moist and excited.

Shannon bent over the desk and I started paddling her beautifully firm butt. Whack, ... whack the first 2 licks struck as I hit her butt. "Harder," Edward said, "or I will take the paddle and it will be very hard."

I gave her 4 more licks and both cheeks were turning very red. Edward stopped me and rubbed her cheeks. "Good, her butt is nice and warm. Give her four more."


Before she could move, Edward rubbed her ass and I thought probably fingered her pussy.

"Ok, that is good. Shannon have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes Mister Ed. I answer each command promptly with Yes Mister Ed."


"Don't wear a bra or panties at this club."

"Good. Now it is your turn Jackie. Pull off those awful panties and bend over the desk. Take the paddle Shannon."

"Yes Mister Ed," we both said loudly.

I pulled down my panties and bent over the desk. Whack,...whack,...whack,...whack,...whack went the paddle five before Edward stopped Shannon. He rubbed my ass for a long time and definitely fingered my now moist pussy. "Continue." Whack,...whack,...whack,...whack,...whack and before I could move he again was rubbing my butt and definitely finger my pussy. He continued until I had an orgasm for the first time in years.

"What have you learned Jackie."

"Say 'Yes Mister Ed' whenever you command me to do something in this office."

"Good. Now the only article of clothing you two wore that I approve of is your bra Jackie. Whenever you wear something to this club I don't like I will throw it away. So Jackie you can keep your bra but the other stuff is gone."

"But what do we wear home?" Shannon said.

"What I have not thrown away."

"But that means I have to go home nude," Shannon cried.

"You should have thought of that before coming to my club in inappropriate clothing. So my instruction to go see Anna tomorrow is important. She knows what I like. Shannon no bra. And for both of you no panties unless they enhance the beauty of your pussies. Jackie shave that bush. I am sure there is a pretty pussy under that so why hide it."

"Yes Mister Ed," we said together.

"See you Monday. These are exciting times."

Luckily it was late so the parking lot was almost vacant. There were still a few workmen on the course. When they looked up I am sure they got more than they thought they would on this Friday night.

"I will call you tomorrow morning to arrange a trip to Anna's," I said to Shannon.

Shannon was crying. "Ok, I have never been so humiliated."

"Yep. See you tomorrow," I said.

I got in my car and drove back to my condo. Luckily I had a towel in my back seat that let me cover mostly as I entered the condo. There was a crowd in front of my condo. I said, "Fell in the pool."

I masturbated for the first time in 4 years that night as I thought about showering in front of Edward and being paddled by Shannon. I had taken the first step on my journey.

Shopping for clothes with Shannon at Anna's

Shannon came over to my condo at 8am Saturday morning. It turned out we lived in the same condo community. She also was just setting up house.

"Jackie, I don't think I can do this," Shannon said. "Didn't you find yesterday afternoon humiliating?"

"Well sure but I also found it exhilarating. Somehow I know this is what I want. I have been in sexual purgatory for at least 4 years. Let me tell you my story." I then went on to tell her how I got here.

"You mean you are 50 years old with two daughters older than I am?" Shannon said in amazement.

"Well one is older but my youngest, Tiffany, is 25 also. And yes I am 50 years old."

"I am amazed at how good you look. You think this will be fun?"

"I think it is something I want to try. But I have less to lose than you. Why do I care about reputation? And honestly, I need the money. My husband's illness came at a very bad time and it ate up most of our saving. I have about $5k left in my checking account, no savings, and no retirement plan. I looked for 6 months for something and this was by far my best opportunity. So I am going to do my best to make it work."

"Didn't you find it humiliating to drive home naked. When I got to my condo there were several workmen that took advantage of the situation. They yelled vulgarities at me as I ran to the condo. And having to do Edward's biddings. He fingered my pussy after you paddled me."

"Me too. The paddling left me excited and wet."

"I thought he made you orgasm. I was wet also I guess but mostly humiliated."

"I wanted him to fuck me," I admitted to Shannon.

"Really, I just wanted to get out of his office," Shannon said as she thought about it.

"Aren't you excited about this opportunity? Think about it, we are a part of building something new."

"Yes the business opportunity is very exciting to me. I think if we are successful it will jump start a failed start to my career."

"I think you are right and maybe the swinging aspect won't be as bad as you think. Let's go see Anna and see what Edward wants," I said.

Anna shop was called, 'Anna's Clothing Treasures'. Anna was a young, maybe 30 years old, average size, brown hair and eyes. Her tattoos and clothing made her distinct. Her arms were covered with a pattern of tattoos. Her chest from the cleavage to her neck had a pale tiger eye. It was tastefully done. She wore a rainbow colored tube top and a small skirt. It could not have been more than 8 inches wide covering her butt. She had jewelry in her navel and nose. There was a tattoo that looked like a tiger paw on her thigh. She had an interesting look.

"Hi, you must be Jackie and Shannon," Anna said. "Edward did a good job describing you."

"Hi Anna," I said. "Edward is very observant. Did he tell you what he wanted for us?"

"He did but there is still a lot of option within his parameters," Anna said. "The other thing you need to know is I know Edward very well. In fact he is responsible for my shop. He helped me with capital and advice to set this up."

"Really!" Shannon and I both said.

"Yes, Edward expects a lot but if you stay with him, he will do things for you no one else can or will. It is hard to believe to start with but if he takes an interest in you, you are lucky. My advice is give it a chance."

"So you went through the humiliation stuff?" Shannon quizzed.

"Oh yea." Shannon raised her skirt to reveal a perfectly bald pussy, wearing no panties. She also had a small rose tattoo in the V above her pussy.

"That is a beautiful tattoo," I said. "Was it painful to get?"

"Sure but I like it. I am a little concerned about getting older with these but for now I like my style. Tell me about your styles."

We discussed it for a time with me concluding before last week my style was frumpy grandmother. Shannon said professional.

"Well, Jackie you don't look like frumpy grandmother and we are going 180 degrees from that. You have marvelous assets, tits and ass, that we are going to accentuate. Shannon we will make you sexy professional."

We both agreed. So we spent a large part of the day naked trying on clothes. The more the day went on the less we cared who saw. Anna gave us all the attention she could while waiting on other customer. We had a quick sandwich at noon and by 1:30, we each had decided on 3 outfits each knowing we would have to repeat wearing outfits and come back next Saturday to continue.

"Edward wanted us to pick out a swimsuit each plus gym clothes," Anna exclaimed. "He said there was the potential to put The Swinger Club logo on it and sell it at the club. Of course, this is beneficial for my shop. However, before we start, I could not help noticing your thick bush Jackie. Want to do something about that?"

Shannon and I looked at each other laughing. "If she does not want a paddling, she needs to take care of it this weekend," Shannon said.

"I understand. I can do it in back for you Jackie as a courtesy. Shannon, look around, it will take about 15 minutes."

After Anna and I got to the back, I removed my jeans and panties and laid on a couch. "I think it would look neat to give you a narrow landing strip and wax the remainder of the hair off."

"Ok," I answered not having any idea what that meant.

First Anna trimmed my hair with scissors. Then she applied wax and before she pulled saying, "This is going to hurt just a little." She pulled and I jumped.

"It startled me more than hurt. Continue."

"Only a few more pulls and I will do it quickly." Anna made a few more passes and said, "Look in the mirror and see what you think."

I looked in the mirror and there was a small one inch by 2 inch strip of hair extending from my slit that was neatly trimmed. Otherwise I was completely bald.

"The redness will go away in a couple of hours and should be pure white skin."

"I must admit that looks a lot better than the bush. Thank you Anna."

"You will need to trim the strip and let someone wax to remove stubble but will take less time next time. My salon next door can do your hair and do a Brazilian Wax with the same appointment."

So we tried on swimsuits. I chose a red one piece that had a 4 inch strip of material that started at my cleavage, tapered between my leg and ended in a string at my waist in back. There were string ties on each side to keep it in place. There were 2 elastic straps around my torso and a string tie around my neck that held held the top in place. Shannon chose a red bikini cut to reveal more skin than normal but not nearly like the string bikinis.

"I think Edward would really go for the string bikini." I was sure Anna was right. Maybe Shannon was going to be the one paddled.

I chose a white sport's bra with a lot of support and showed some cleavage with red nylon shorts that barely stretched over my ass. Shannon chose a tank top and the same shorts.

We thanked Anna and as we asked how much she said, "Oh no Edward paid for everything. In fact, he opened an account for you two with a Do Not Exceed but you are no where close. That is so Edward. He does not like to point to the good things he does, only point out the mean stuff."

We decided to go to a club and have some fun

We chattered all the way home. Excited about our shopping trip to Anna's and did not want to end the day. "Want to come in and let's figure out some trouble we can get into," I asked Shannon.


As we walked up to the door of my condo, we saw multiple packages. I picked them up saying, "I think these are from Edward."

Shannon brought in the packages from the door. Shannon said as I entered the room, "Let's see what he is sending you."

I opened the first package and it was business cards for me. "These look great," Shannon said.

"I bet you have some just like these waiting for you at your condo."

"Open another," Shannon said excitedly. It was cards announcing the open house in two weeks. "Boy these look great, we need to start handing these out this weekend."

"You are right. Why waste time. I don't know about you but I want to do something adventurous tonight."

"Me too," Shannon said. "Let's go clubbing and distribute the announcement cards."

"I have never been clubbing."

"Then we have to do it," Shannon said. "You will attract men like flies to a flame. I just want to be close."

"Oh stop it. We need to go to a high end club to find the right candidates."

"We need to go to the Phantom," Shannon said excitedly. "But I am not sure we can get in. It has a waiting list and you must be rich or extremely desirable."

"I bet Edward can get us in. I will call him while you go see if you got cards also."

"Let's see what the other package is first," Shannon instructed. I opened it and was confused about what I was looking at. Shannon laughed, "Do you know what that is?"

"Not exactly."

"It is two vibrators. One is called a rabbit and the other is one that goes over your pussy and is activated with a remote. See what the card says."

'I thought you could use this at home. The remote control one might help you when presenting to groups. Stimulate yourself and it may improve your speaking capability. Mister Ed.'

We looked at each other and laughed. "Well who knows I may try it," I said.

"Call me when you get home and tell me if you got the same. Want to borrow my car?"

"It is only a 10-minute walk but I do have the packages so yes let me take it."

Shannon left as I was dialing Edward. He answered his cell phone on the first ring, "Hi Jackie. Get the packages?"

"I did. Shannon and I want to go to a club and distribute the open house announcement and were thinking about Phantoms. Do you know it?"

"The owner is a good friend of mine. Let me call and get you on the list. I will call you back. And great idea. You two are good together."

We hung up and I got a call from Shannon. "Got the same packages."

"Edward knows the owner of Phantom and is getting us on the list. He will call back in a few. Will call you back when I hear."

We hung up. I started putting my stuff away when Edward called, "Jackie, the owner Henry is sending their VIP limo at 7:30pm. I gave him your address."

"That is great. Want to go with us?"

"I would love to but I am out of town on business," Edward answered. "Give me a rain check. You girls need to dress to kill. Make a good impression on Henry if you see him. He knows a lot of people that would go for our motif. In fact, Henry is also a good candidate. I told him a little about the club but said you and Shannon would fill him in."