Jackie Pt. 03


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When I woke up the following morning I realized the alarm clock wasn't ringing in my ears. When I look at the clock to check the time I saw it was already nine thirty. I jumped with a start and was out of bed before I could take a breath.

"Come on Angie we're already late. I thought I set the alarm?" I told her as I started running around unable to figure out what to do first.

"No we're not Jack come back to bed and cuddle with me," Angie said sleepily.

"No joke Angie it's nine thirty." I told her in a shout.

"Yes baby I know. I looked at the clock when you jump out of bed. Now come back here and cuddle with me." She told me a little sterner.

It took me a second before I realized that Angie had something up her sleeve. She was usually the first one out of bed. Even when we were a half hour early she complained we were late.

I slipped back into bed and Angie immediately cuddled up to me and said. "That's better let's cuddle for a few minutes then we can get up."

I waited a few minutes, well it was really about one minute before I asked. "What's going on Angie you usually up before I am?"

Angie opened her eyes and said with a sigh, "I think I like Jackie better, at least she likes to cuddle with me. She wouldn't get all worried about going to work."

I laughed and said. "That's because she doesn't have a job to go to."

"It's good thing too she'd never get a thing done. She'd spend her whole day chasing off the office studs trying to get into her panties." Angie told me.

Jackie had been known to attract the attention of men before. Nights she and Angie went dancing Jackie had more that enough offers to dance, as did Angie. For the most part she accepted each one graciously. But a few times she had to say no as the guy was getting too familiar with his hands. She had also received many, many offers to drive her home or breakfast after the clubs closed, all of which she refused. Dancing with a guy was one thing but sleeping with him was completely out of the question. But I couldn't deny the attention was very pleasing.

"Thinking about switching sides on me Jack?" She asked as I thought about the attention I received at the clubs.

"No" I said in a shout and I'm sure it sounded too defensive.

Angie giggled and said. "May be Jack wasn't, but I think Jackie might with right man." I tried to protest any inclinations toward other men. I'm sure I sounded emphatic about my straightness. Through all this Angie laughed shamelessly till she said, "Come on lover time to get in the shower." I'm not sure when we started referring to Jack and Jackie as two separate people. It started around when I moved in with Angie but the exact date eluded me. Then again there probably was no real date. It was a progression that we took to get to that point.

There was definitely a difference between the two. Jack was more orderly, he liked things done a certain way and he liked things done on time or earlier. Jackie was much freer, she was willing to go which ever way Angie wanted her too go. She was also more feminine, liking things like cuddling and plenty of kissing. She could spend all day in bed with Angie and never tier of it. That's not to say Jack couldn't, but Jack never got the chance. Weekends were Jackie's time and week days were Jack's

The way my mind worked I'm sure I would make an excellent case study for some psychiatrist if I ever decided to go to one. I really didn't see the need. I liked what was happening to me and I couldn't see changing it in the least.

After a long hot shower Angie and I got dressed to go out. She wore a pair of black leather pants and a white button down blouse. Underneath her clothes she wore stockings white lace panties and garter belt with a matching lace bra.

I wore black lace panties and garter belt with a matching camisole. I also wore stockings and socks. Over that I wore black dress slacks and a dark red polo shirt. After putting on leather jackets Angie took my hand and led me to the car.

I had asked several times why we were off but all she would say was we were entitled to a vacation day now and then. She also told me she had made plans for the previous weekend and I had disrupted them with my surprise on Saturday. Not that she was complaining at all but she still wanted to do the things she had planed.

First we went to a restaurant where we had breakfast together. After the restaurant, Angie drove to the fair park where the Celtic festival had been held. When we reached the park Angie got out and talked to the guard for several minutes before we were allowed to drive on to the grounds.

She drove around for several minutes before saying. "I think this is where it was. Come on honey lets get out for a few minutes." Before I could even answer she was out of the car.

It was cold out, as the temperature had been a few degrees below the freeze point. There was snow on the ground and from what I could see there were several inches. It hadn't snowed in a few weeks so this must have been from the last snow fall that never melted.

Angie looked around as if looking for some reference points. Finally she took my hands in hers and said. "I think this is the place." After I asked her what she was talking about she said, "This is where I fell in love with you. It's where I dressed you in a skirt for the first time."

I looked around and saw we were standing just about where the tent was that she had talked me into wearing the Scottish kilt. I looked up into her eyes and said. "You told me it was a kilt not a skirt."

Angie had worn four inch heeled leather boots that made her stand several inches taller than I did that day. For some reason I was sure she had wore them so she could be taller than I was. Seeing she was an inch or two taller than I was in bare feet the four inch heel made her look like she was towering over me.

Angie looked down on me and smiled her dazzling smile and said. "Of course it was a kilt my love but you know as I do, in your mind you were wearing a skirt. I fell deeply in love with you when you wore that skirt for me. I knew you were the man I was looking for. The one that would complete me."

Angie pulled me into her embrace and kissed me hard on the lips. I felt urgency in that kiss that felt almost like she was afraid of something. I could even feel her shake slightly. I thought it was from the cold but at the same time I didn't think that was right either.

When Angie pulled her lips from mine she said. "Jack honey I know this is something you're suppose to ask as the man in our relationship but we both know that's not how our relationship works. You and I both know I call the shots, you either agree or disagree. So I'm taking this a step further. Jack honey would you give me your hand in marriages?"

I couldn't believe I had heard those words come out of her lovely lips. Like I said earlier I had thought about it a few times but never seriously. When she had mentioned it on Saturday it was a complete surprise to me that she had entertained thoughts of us marrying. And now to hear her actually ask me to marry her I was in complete shock. In fact I could only get out a simple little yes that was barely audible.

The smile on Angie's lips increased tenfold and she took me in her arms once more and hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe. She kissed me passionately and her tongue drove into my mouth like she was trying to get it into my throat.

We kissed for a very long time till finally Angie pulled her lips from mine and said. "Darling you've made me so happy. Here let me put this on your finger as a sign of our commitment."

Angie pulled a blue velvet covered box from her jacket pocket and opened it. In side was a man's ring with a large diamond in the center of a gold band. Angie took the ring and slid it onto my ring finger of my left hand.

Once the ring was on my finger I said. "I think I'm the one who is supposed to give the ring?"

"Normally that is the case my love but as we both know our love is different from most. Besides I have my grandmother's engagement ring that I had promised to wear once I became engaged. I hope you don't mind it mean's quite a lot to me."

Angie pulled out a second ring box from her other pocket. The box looked quite old; as it was dust stained and looked tattered about the edges. When she opened the box the ring I saw inside surprised me. It looked like a three caret marquee cut diamond on a gold band. The diamond looked in good condition but you could tell it was quite old and even the gold on the ring itself looked well used. How could I even think of telling her she couldn't wear it? Besides I didn't have the means to replace it with one of equal value.

Angie did let me slide the ring onto her finger and once it was in place we kissed deeply and told each other how much we loved the other. It was only after neither of us could stand the cold any longer we got back into the car. The car was quite warm seeing Angie never turned off the engine or the heater.

We kissed a few more times before Angie asked. "Are you ready to get your Valentines gift?"

As far as I was concerned I already had it and nothing she could give me would top the marriage proposal. "I have every thing I could ever want right now. You don't need to get me anything more." I told her.

Angie kissed me then said. "My love there is one more thing I want to give you. It's more of a necessity than a frivolous gift."

I had no idea what she was referring to. She pulled out of the fair grounds waving good bye to the guard as we passed. We drove down the road holding hands whenever it was safe to do so. The next thing I knew we were driving passed several new-car lots till Angie pulled into a Lexus dealership.

As Angie brought her car to a halt in front of the dealership a man in a very expensive suit came up to the car and open the door for Angie. As we were getting out of the car I heard the man say. "Miss Macdonald it's wonderful to see you. I was hoping you would be here on Saturday."

"I had thought I would be too but my fiancé had a surprise for me that I couldn't tear myself away from." She told the man as they shook hands.

After being introduced to me the salesman said. "The car is around back I had it detailed and it's all ready to go. I'll be back in a few seconds." The salesman then trotted off toward the back of the dealership.

Once he was gone I asked Angie if she was buying a new car. "Well kind of. I'm buying a car but it's not for me."

Before I could find out any thing more the salesman drove up in a brand new Lexus 300ES. It was red pearl with black leather interior. I later found out it had all the bells and whistles.

Once the salesman had the car stopped he got out and handed the keys to Angie. She in turned handed the keys to me and said, "Happy Valentines Day Jack."

To say I was dumbfounded wouldn't be an exaggeration, maybe an understatement. I couldn't seem to get any words to form in my mouth. Both Angie and the salesman looked at me with smiles on their faces. And before I could get any words to come out of my mouth the salesman told Angie to bring me in to sign the papers once I composed myself.

Once the salesman was gone I swallowed a few times then asked, "Angie what's going on?"

"It's simple my love I bought you a car for Valentines. Unless you don't like it, you could get another color or style." She told me. She seemed positively thrilled with herself.

"Angie I really don't need another car. My car is just fine the way it is."

Angie giggled and said, "Jack my love your car is a ten years old rattle trap. I don't think it's very safe any longer. After all you couldn't get it to start three times this winter. I would feel much better knowing you have a good car to drive."

I knew there wasn't any sense to try and talk Angie out of buying me the car. Once she made up her mind there was no changing it. Besides I really needed a new car as mine was on its way out. I would have bought a cheaper car but Angie wouldn't hear of it.

After we signed the papers and I found out Angie had paid cash for the car I followed her back to the house where we got changed for dinner. When we left for the restaurant Angie had me drive the new car. It was the first time Angie ever let me drive with her in the car.

After the restaurant we went home and made love till around midnight. The next day we went back to our normal schedule. It didn't take long before word got around the firm that Angie and I were engaged. Congratulation came from just about every one.

The following weekend Angie asked Jackie to marry her. Of course Jackie loved the idea and quickly said she would. Angie gave Jackie a girl's engagement ring with a one caret marquee cut diamond. From that moment on when I was Jack I wore the man's ring and when I was Jackie I wore the girl's ring.

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Purple_RaihnePurple_Raihnealmost 15 years ago
Ignore the closet case

The louder a man bellows about his balls and how manly he is, the louder he whines about whatr a sissy a man in touch with his feminine side is, the more the chance it's HIM who wants a cock in his ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You know for a person that is turn off by this kind of stories I noticed that you read and commented on all of them. Come out of the closet and let you dog fuck you sometime, you might be a happier person. If you dont like these stories then don,t read them

I like the stories so that why I read them, so take a chill pill and go to the Disney site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Finally, an ending...

The say,"all that is well ends well." I for one do not believe that and by reading this story, we all know who wears the pants in that household.

How humiliating it is to let his lover and wife to be fuck him in the ass. He must not think very much of himself and has no respect for either of them for letting her treat him like a male whore. She paid Jackie for whoring by buying her a new car. I guess this was to clear Angie's conscious

If there is a another chapter to this sick story, I imagine that Angie will have Jackie sucking male cocks and being fucked in the ass by males. That way he can let a male cum in his mouth and then snowball it with Angie. I hope that the do not catch any STD's this way.

I would like to say that this is strictly fictional, but it seems as if the author has lived the life Jackie (Jack) since he know it so intimately. Could this be an autobiography?

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