Jackie Pt. 04


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"I saw you in the window. That didn't look like you were making love; it looked like he was treating you like a hooker." I told her.

"Honey you make a lousy spy I spotted you when I came out of the office that day. The windows on the van might have been darkened, but the front window was still transparent. I saw you when I parked the car and we saw you standing outside the window. We staged that scene for you too."

"How long have you been having this affair?" I asked.

"For about five years now." She told me.

I was flabbergasted. "I don't understand if you two were lovers before we married why did you start dating me? Why didn't you two get married or at least live together? Why bring me into it?"

"First off, Dan's married. Secondly I fell in love with you. The day we met in the law library I thought you were really cute. I like how you treated me and even after at the bar you never tried to take advantage of the situation. You were always the perfect gentleman. Over the next three months you couldn't have handled yourself any better. By the time we went to the Celtic festival I was in love with you." She told me.

"Does Dan's wife know you two have carried on all this time?" I asked as I tried to figure out what this was all about.

"No Dan's wife has been institutionalized for the last eight years. She'll never get out. He can't divorce her as it would be unseemly." She told me and I noted a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I really don't understand why you're still seeing him when we're married. Most people stop seeing other people after they get married. At least for a few years, that is." I told her and I'm sure she could hear a hint of anger in my voice.

Angie looked away before saying, "I don't think you want to know the reason I was still seeing Dan."

When I spoke I could hear the irritation in my voice when I said. "Angie, tell me. You're not some flighty teenager. You knew what you were doing when you asked me to marry you. Apparently you were screwing him even then."

"Dam right I was screwing him then, actually he was screwing me." She told me angrily. "If you really want to know why I'll tell you but you're not going to like my answer."

I want to cool this discussion down. It would do us little good if we started yelling at each other so I said as calmly as I could. "You said you fell in love with me and I know I fell in love with you. If there is something wrong with our relationship lets work to improve it."

I saw Angie calm down before she said. "Most of our relationship is perfect I wouldn't change a thing. The one thing that's sending me back to Dan can not be changed so we're really at an impasse aren't we."

By this point I was pretty sure what the problem was and she was right there was no way to fix it. "It's the size of my cock isn't it?"

Angie almost laughed but she held it back and said. "If that's what you want to call the tiny thing between your legs. I don't know if you've noticed it or not but I've never call it a cock. Dan has a cock, it's big and fat and it makes me cum. I can barely feel your little dick when it's inside me. Hell I have to squeeze my muscles so tight to give you any friction it hurts me more then it give me any pleasure. Let's face facts Jack intercourse with you is like you're finger fucking me, thought at least your fingers know to rub my clit to get me off."

"I'm sorry I do the best I can." I told her solemnly.

Angie nodded her head and said. "Yes baby cakes I know you do, but sadly it's not enough. Don't get me wrong you're a wonderful lover but your little dick is a disappointment. Not only is it too small to satisfy me but you don't have the stamina like Dan does. The other things you do are wonderful. You give me so many wonderful orgasms with your tongue and your mouth. But when I need a cock you don't have the equipment."

I never felt more dejected in my life. I looked down at the table and asked. "So what do we do? I can't improve what I have?"

Angie seemed to brighten up as if she was waiting for that very question. "We have three options open to us. One is we get a divorce. I'm not in favor of that option and I hope you're not either. Number two is we continue on as before. You as the knowing cuckold husband passing your husbandly duties off to a real man."

"When you say a man you really mean Dan?" I asked.

"If we're going to go that route Dan would be one of them. I may have others but I will not be keeping them secret. I will entertain them in our bedroom whether you like it or not. I will also tell my lovers you are my husband and why I need to take on a lover. After they get done filling my pussy with sperm I'll call you into the room so you lick it out while they watch."

"That's mean spirited isn't it? I asked.

"Oh that's not the end of it either. As a cuckold you will not be having sex with me and you will be going back to wearing only men's clothes. I will also demand you refrain for sex completely unless I am present when you do it. That means you can only masturbate in my presents. And believe me I will not make it enjoyable at all."

I didn't like the sound of option two at all. Option one sounded better by far. "So what's option three?" I asked.

I could see Angie perk up as she took my hand a said. "I think option three will be the best for both of us. Option three we become lesbian lovers. We take your feminization to the next level for starters."

"What do you mean by the next level?" I asked as I already started to like this option seeing we would remain lovers.

"Actually we speed up what I've already started." Angie said as she leaned over and grabbed the mound of flesh on my chest that I thought was excess fat. "We make these bigger. That means no more male clothes for you only female clothes."

"Wait what do you mean speed up what you've already started." I asked shocked that she had something to do with what has been happening to my chest.

Angie smiled and said almost bashfully. "I've been feeding you female hormones for the last four months. I see they're finally showing some signs. Even Dan noticed you were starting to sprout little tits."

She stunned me again I had no idea she was doing that. "How, why did you do that?"

"The how is very simple I've been putting it into you coffee creamer. Why do you think I've been calling it your special creamer? The why; is because I love you and I want you to stay with me and be my lover, my she-male lover. I also want you to have male lovers too. I would feel really guilty every time I go out and take on a male lover when I know you don't have one." She told me excitedly as she massaged my breast.

"Why do you want me to have male lovers?" You know I'm not gay!" I asked her excitedly.

Angie threw her hands in the air and said, "Would you please stop saying that. Of course I now you're not gay. How could you possibly love me and love eating my pussy if you were gay?"

"Then I don't understand why you want me to have male lovers. Is this some form of punishment because my cock is too small?" I asked with a renewed hint of frustration in my voice.

I could see Angie was becoming angry when she said. "Let's face it Jack you're not what any woman would call a catch. Oh some woman might settle for a man like you with that tiny little dick you have but they'll never be happy."

"Not all woman what men with big cocks," I told her.

Angie laughed and said. "Maybe you could find a woman who never had a real man, but you'll always know how insufficient you really are as a man. You'll know every time you stick your tiny little penis inside her you can't give her what she really deserves."

She was right of course but she really didn't have to rub it in so much. "Why are you being so mean to me? If you don't want me any longer divorce me and get it over with."

"Because I don't want you thinking I don't love you any longer." She told me sadly. "I love you with all my heart. I've never loved any one as much as I love you. That's why I don't want a divorce. I'm also telling you this to make you understand why I was seeing Dan. I hated that I was cheating on you. I hated that you trusted me so much that you never thought I was unfaithful to you. It wasn't until I started leaving you clues that you finally decided there was other men in my life."

She shocked me when she said men so I had to ask. "You said men. How many were there?"

"I really don't know besides Dan maybe ten or fifteen." She told me with a note of pride in her voice.

"Fifteen," I said in disbelief. "Does this include before we were married?"

"There were a few before we were married but most came after." She told me.

"How soon after, did you at least let the ink dry on the marriage license?" I asked as I could feel my anger start to well up again.

Angie also saw it and said mockingly. "Probably not, remember after the ceremony I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Well I took your best man into one of the linen closets and he fucked me. Then during the party I did one of the ushers. Of course Dan did me before we left for our honeymoon."

I couldn't believe I was hearing this. "Jesus Angie couldn't you have waited till we got back from our honeymoon before you started opening your legs for every cock that walked the street." I asked angrily.

"Don't blame me. A girl deserves to have a man on her wedding day. I couldn't leave that special day to your puny little worm. I was just making sure I got what I deserved." She told me with what looked like fire in her eyes.

I was devastated, not only was my wife a slut but my best friend knew. How could I look him in the eye again with him knowing I was cuckold on my wedding day? This was turning into a nightmare I couldn't wake up from.

I studied Angie's face to see if I could see any signs of remorse but there was none. She obviously felt she wasn't doing anything wrong. She was just staring back waiting for me to say something. Finally I said, "I can't believe your doing this to me. You tell me you love me and yet you treat me like garbage."

"Your right Jack I am treating you like garbage, but I tired of sneaking around behind your back. I'm tired of checking into hotel rooms so I could get a good fucking when I have a perfectly good bed here. I also tired of quickie sex, I want to take my time and enjoy myself."

"Why now, why not a year ago before we got married. I don't understand why you didn't just come out and tell me this before we got married." I know I was whining when I asked this but I was beyond caring.

Angie sighed as if we had been through this before. "I told you I love you. I thought I could have my cake and eat it too. Now I know I can't, I feel guilty when I'm fucking someone else and you're not there with me."

"So what your saying is you want me to watch you with some one else. You want me to sit in, what, a chair while some other guy has his way with you?" I asked in disbelief.

Angie took my hand and said. "What I want is for you to join me in bed with him. I want to see you suck his cock and get fucked by him. I want you to lie with me while he's fucking me. Or we can play with him together." She looked so sincere I almost believed she thought there was nothing wrong with what she was saying.

I had a big problem with it though. "Angie I can't do that. I can't join you in bed with him. I can't turn gay because you want me to."

Angie looked frustrated when she said. "I don't want you turning gay for me silly. I just want you to be yourself and except your sexuality."

I was getting really confused now so I said. "Angie you know I'm straight, how could I do those things with another man being straight?"

Angie burst out laughing and continued to laugh for a minute or two before she said, "If by straight you mean heterosexually I'm sorry honey you are not straight by any means."

"I am so," I said defensively. "If you're referring to last night you have to remember I was forced into that. I didn't want to do the things I did with Dan."

"Oh please." Angie said as she went to the counter to get the pot of coffee. After refilling each of our cups she said. "If you remember I was there last night. You've might have been force to start sucking Dan's wonderful cock but it was you that sucked him till he came in your mouth."

"That's what I thought he wanted me to do. You even pulled me to my knees and told me to pretend it was your dildo." I told her in my own defense.

Angie giggled and said. "That's not true is it? He told you to help me suck his cock. All you had to do was suck it for a little bit and then pass it off to me. But once you wrapped your pretty red lips around his cock you didn't let go. No baby cakes you did that all yourself and no matter how much you try to deny it we both know you loved it."

I wanted to yell I didn't enjoy it but I knew Angie would never believe me. Hell I didn't believe it myself, so I sat there staring at the cup of coffee Angie had poured for me.

Angie picked up the bottle of creamer and poured a generous amount of the cream into my cup and said. "There you go baby cakes just how you like it, with plenty of that special cream."

We both knew what it meant if I drank the coffee. It would mean I wanted to be turned into a girl or as she called it a she male. I wasn't sure if I wanted that or not. I was still holding on to the thread that I was straight and not gay.

If I need any more proof I was gay Angie gave it to me when she said. "We both know how much you loved getting fucked by Dan. I never heard you squeal like you did last night. I've fucked you several times a week for the last year and a half and not once did you squirt you sissy cream with out your little dick being touched. I know you begged him for it and if I remember correctly you begged him to let you know how it feels to be fucked by a real man."

I knew she was right. I remembered it as if it had just happen. I had begged his to fuck me so I knew what a real man felt like in side me. I knew then I was a silly little gay boy and the tears started flowing from my eyes.

Angie took me in her arms and held me as I cried. She said soothing words that told me everything was going to be all right. I didn't believe her I thought this was the worse thing that could have happen to me.

After she held me for a few minutes she said. "It's okay baby, so you love sucking cock and getting fucked. I love it too. I love having a real man's cock in me and so do you. That's why you should drink your coffee and become a pretty little she male. Then we can share our dates and have wonderful sex with them. And after they leave we can make love like two girls."

"So we're still going to make love together even thought I'm gay" I asked.

"Enough with that gay talk. You are not gay you're bisexual like I am. And yes we're still going to make love together like two girls would. I would never deprive myself of your lovely tongue. That does mean we won't be having intercourse any longer but we'll make up for it in other ways."

I took the cup of coffee and took a big swallow of it seeing it had cooled since she had poured it. There was a distinct flavor to it that wasn't there before today. After I drank the coffee I said. "I could taste the hormones in here now that I know there in here."

"That's because I put double what I was putting in before. I also have some pills I want you to take. Then in a few months after we see how well you develop we may have to get you implants like I have." Angie told me as she forced me to finish off the rest of the cup.

"Why can't we have intercourse any longer?" I asked.

"What for love," Angie asked, as she poured me a half cup of coffee then filled it with the creamer. "We both know with your little dick or should we call it a big clit, does nothing to pleasure me. And I thing you enjoy when I suck you off more than when you try to fuck me. I know your thinking, you'll miss licking you sperm from my pussy, but believe me when I say you'll get your fill of that. I plan on having lots of men to fuck us and you can lick me clean every time." I didn't know where she was going to get these men but I was confident she would live up to her word.

After I finished off the third cup of coffee Angie poured one more and then opened her brief case. First she pulled out several bottles of pills and handed them to me then she pulled out a legal document that a judge would sign before saying. "Follow the directions on the bottles. When your start getting low let me know and I get them refilled."

She then handed the document to me and said. "This is a court order legally changing your name from John Anderson to Jacqueline Macdonald. From now on we go by my name instead of yours. I think that makes sense seeing as of today Jack Anderson will no longer exist. Actually as of three days ago Jack no longer existed."

This surprised me but I didn't argue with her. I knew it would have done little good as she always got her way. Besides what recourse did I have?

"From now on you will be my wife and I will take care of you. On Monday you have to go to the bank and let them know your name was changed. Also you have to go to the driver license bureau and get a new license. I'll call the Credit Card Company and take care of that. During the week I want you to pack up all your male clothes and bring them to good will. Then we can say good bye to Jack forever. Now why don't you start breakfast and remember we have a real man in the house and I'm sure he'll be very hunger. Okay baby cakes." She told me.

"Why are you calling me baby cakes all of a sudden?" I asked as I stood to start breakfast.

"That's what Dan started calling you after you passed out last night." She told me, then she went on to say. "He said your butt reminded his of sponge cake, soft and bouncy. He just started calling you baby cakes after that. I kind of like it too."

I blushed and said. "So do I. Do you think he'll want me again?"

Angie giggled, as she knew I had accepted myself. "I don't think you have a problem with getting Dan to make love to you again. After you passed out last night he kept going on and on about how hot you were. I was starting to get a little jealous of all the attention he was giving you. I've known for a long time Dan has a thing for very feminine she males. I just knew he would go ape over you once he saw you dressed up in your scanties. So I wouldn't worry your pretty little head about whether you get laid again or not"

After this exchange I started making breakfast. Once the smell of bacon started to fill the house Dan came down to breakfast. He was very nice to both of us and he kissed both Angie and I several times before sitting down to eat. After breakfast we when back upstairs where we had wonderful sex until Dan couldn't get it up any longer. Later that night we did it all over again.

Over the next three months Angie lived up to her word about bring men home with her. She only selected men that had no qualms with she males like me. Of course there was always Dan who was invited over on a regular basis.

Three months to the day Angie and I had our discussion I had implants put in. I am the proud owner of a thirty-four C cup chest that my lovers simply love. Once my breasts were healed I had my nipples pierced like Angie's. We also had our navels pierced.

Of all things I had wrong, the most significant thing was the pick up truck. Apparently Dan had bought the house I first saw him with my wife in. he was having it renovated before reselling it and the contractor left his truck there over night.

Dan wasn't a contractor. He was a federal court judge that Angie had tried several cases in front of. Of course that was before they became intimate. I know this because I am now his secretary and girl Friday. That means I get him what ever he needs, including things that most secretaries would never dream of. My life isn't perfect by any means but I could be worse off.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved the previous episodes, I liked the characters but what she did to him. He should have left. It was justa bit too far fetched an ending. Even with his feelings for her, he would have left. Sorry Scribbler, but I feel let down by the ending.

llyfrllyfralmost 3 years ago

Sorry dont see how she can love him, not a bad story but missing it. she weaponized her love for him and used it against him. sorry sad but its not love

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Its a good story. But I would like to see alternative ending like some authors write. Angie got her way from beginning to end, lied, deceived, committed adultery on her wedding day. Illegally obtained hormones and gave to someone without consent - both felonies. Then she gave him 3 choices. "SHE GAVE HIM" ! Jack had dirt on her and Dan the judge. Jack knowslaw also and law analysis. He can track down case law to firms that deal with such cases. Jack could have told Angie for for once in her your life you dont get your way. I dismiss your 3 choices. Then informs her of the 3 choices HE has decided - and she wont like any of them.

CaseyjoCaseyjoabout 3 years ago

Beautiful contrast between a dominant controlling woman and a man who is obsessively in love and enjoys being controlled.

I didn't much care for the way that she brought out his bisexuality and she turned out to be a whore and a dirty slut who would bang every swinging dick. She is too much of a control freak to do something like that.

However, you are the artist and I applaud your work. I look forward to more.

Tootight1Tootight1over 5 years ago
Good Story

I really loved this story, as a possibility of how it can go for a submissive guy. For a guy that feels he is not gay, he has a lot to deal with in his own mind, let alone deal with a wife who has manipulated his whole life. The total manipulation by his wife would have been enough for me to say nothing, but get my revenge on both of them. How I did it would be a worthwhile read.

I was under the belief that the story told, was as it was told. I have enjoyed crossdressing to one level or another since I was 12, needless to say I am retired, and still enjoy it. Of course my wife knew, and had many years of fun. I have also been to some socials in my area where there where other married couples. The point I am trying to make is that, for a guy being told he will never going to have sex with his wife ever again, and probably raise the Bull's kid, definitely would not fly. Add to that the special cream for his coffee, without him knowing along with the lies. No, now it's retribution. The last chapter was very disappointing, only to me, because I thought she really loved him. Everything she did to him and for him, was actually for her, that I find typical of todays woman.

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