Jackie's Discovery Ch. 02

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Secrets are hard to keep.
8.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/30/2005
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Jackie and Steve had met up to get even for their spouses having an affair together. She had seen her husband's, car at Steve's house and heard Carla and Brad together.

They had only slept for a few moments after sex, when Jackie nudged Steve out of her bed saying, "That should make us even."

"How about a round two?" Steve asked.

"Don't push it Steve, this was a grudge fuck, no more, no less. Now go back to that slut wife of yours and tell her she's a whore."

Steve was unable to parry with her anger, and just left Jackie irate, wallowing in her self pity and rage.

A few minutes after Steve had left, Jackie walked to the living room and noticed the light on the answering machine blinking, indicating a message had been received. She pressed the play button and listened as Brad's voice erupted from the machine, "Hi honey, I'm going to need a ride home tonight; my brother borrowed my car for a date he has with Cindy. Call me when you get this. Love you, bye."

Jackie was stunned; she crumpled to the floor, sickened by the realization that she had made a grave mistake. Cindy was Steve and Carla's daughter. She had been the one she had mistaken as Carla, and Bob, Brad's little brother, was the man she had heard through the window.

"Oh my god!" She muttered through her hands pressed to her face. "How will I ever explain this to Brad?"

Jackie called Brad, but decided not to mention anything about the mix up. Then, just as she was getting ready to go to pick Brad up, she realized there was someone else that she had to call, Steve, he had gone home and was quite possibly in a rage over the incident. Jackie called Steve's home number and he picked up on the first ring.


"Steve, we have to talk. It wasn't Brad at your house today it was…"

Steve cut her off, "It was Bob, I just found out myself, he's still here with Cindy."

"Oh god," Jackie sobbed, "What are we going to do?"

"Jackie we can't say anything to anyone." Steve replied earnestly.

"But I've made such a big mistake. I'll have to tell Brad." Jackie pleaded.

"No, you mustn't tell him, he'll get mad and tell Carla, I couldn't possibly explain it to her, Jackie. Please don't say anything."

"I have to go." Jackie said matter-of-factly, and hung up the phone.

Bob stood in the kitchen doorway and watched as Steve pleaded with his sister in law over the phone. What was the big secret? What were these two up to?

"What's up Steve?" Bob asked as he stepped into the kitchen.

Steve tensed and turned white as a sheet, turning to face Bob. "Oh, nothing Bob, what's up with you?" He managed to say, his voice trembling.

"You look like you saw a ghost." Bob said inquisitively, his eyes squinting, trying to discern what Steve had cooked up with Jackie.

"Oh, just some disturbing news, that's all."

Bob wasn't convinced, "What does Jackie have to do with it?"

"Oh no, you heard that? I'm so ashamed, Bob, you can't let anyone know what I… We have done."

"What have you done that could be so bad?" Bob said with a smile, and as he did so realized what was tearing at Steve's heart. "You mean you and…Jackie…are lovers?"

"It's not like that, Bob, It was a big mistake."

"I'll say so," Bob interjected.

"Jackie saw Brads car here, thought it was Brad having an affair with Carla and, well…"

"You and Jackie were getting even?"

Steve nodded 'yes' his eyes downcast, "You have to keep it secret, Bob."

"Shit, you screw my sister in law and I'm not supposed to tell my brother? You don't ask for much, do you?"

"Please Bob, I can't bear to break Carla's heart like this…"

"Ok, Ok, I'll have to think about this, meanwhile, don't you dare go near Jackie, do you understand?" Bob admonished Steve.

"You have my word Bob."


The following day Jackie droned around the house; not sleeping the night before had left her listless and depressed. Brad was at the gym with the guys, at noon she heard the door bell ring and couldn't surmise who could be just dropping by unannounced. She looked through the peep hole in the door and saw Bob, Brad's brother, standing there. Jackie's heart leapt for a moment, but then composed herself and opened the door, smiling widely as she did.

"Hi, Bob. What's the occasion?"

"Hi Jackie, is Brad home?"

"No he isn't, he goes to the gym Saturday mornings. Can I help?"

"Well, I'm here to see you, Jackie." Bob explained with his gaze level, his eyes burning a hole through his sister in law.

"Oh?" Jackie looked startled, "What about?" She leaned against the door for support, her knees were weak, and her mind raced grasping for a steadying thought, anything that could make this moment go away, could explain Bob's presence here, without dredging up the sordid acts of the previous day.

"Maybe we should talk inside Jackie."

"Uh,,, oh,,, ok." She froze as Bob walked through the doorway, past her to the living room. Finally, managing to move herself to the opposite end of the couch, sitting, hands clasping and fidgeting in her lap, avoiding his gaze.

Several minutes of tense silence filled the space between them before Bob finally spoke. "Jackie I was at Cindy's house yesterday." He paused and waited for a response, then continued, "I found out about the mistake you and Steve made…"

Jackie burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, unable to mask the fear and anguish that had consumed her.

Bob was touched by the emotional scene before him, and reached for Jackie, then thought better and pulled his hand back, offering instead his soft even voice as a consolation; "Oh Jackie, don't be so hard on yourself. Look it was just a mistake, but we have to reconcile this with Brad…"

"Oh god!" She bursts out falling back onto the couch, flailing her hands as she does so. "I can't tell him, Carla will kill Steve and me, and Brad will leave me for sure. I can't tell anyone, I just can't."

Bob saw her point, as bad as it was, the situation could become much worse, Steve had expressed it much the same way too.

"Ok, ok, we'll hold off telling anyone," he said, as he moved closer to her, placing a hand on her shoulder and wishing he hadn't confronted her now. She leaned into his chest and sobbed, he could feel the tears as they flowed freely onto his shirt. He held her there for what seemed like forever, before she fell asleep. He laid her back on the couch, covered her with a comforter, and left her to rest.

Bob was Brad's younger brother by some sixteen years. Their parents were surprised when Bob came along; he was an unexpected addition to the family and was always the 'baby' of the family. He was now eighteen and in college, although still living at home with his parents. Brad and Jackie were 34 and seemed more like uncle and aunt to him than brother and sister in law. Bob had become infatuated with Cindy, Steve's daughter in high school, and now dated her as often as he could, they were a matched pair; both liked casual sex with few strings attached. This is how Bob had come to be at Cindy's house when Jackie mistakenly assumed he was Brad.

Now Bob shared a secret with Steve and Jackie. A secret he desperately wanted to share with Brad, but couldn't, for everyone's sake. Now he found himself wishing he hadn't stuck his nose into their business. He regretted knowing anything about the whole affair. He had even stopped calling on Cindy, he just couldn't be with her without recalling the fallout that had befallen the people he loved and wanted to protect.

Some few weeks later, after school, Bob had come home and his mother informed him that Jackie had called and asked that he return her call as soon as he could.

Bob picked up the cordless phone and went onto the veranda to call Jackie, "Hi, you wanted me to call?"

"Yes." Jackie said, succinctly, "We need to talk."


"But not at my house, I'll pick you up, at seven, ok?"

"Sure, ok."

Jackie waited at the curb, as Bob left the front porch and made his way along the curved path to car door. As he entered, the glare of bright white light made Jackie's face appear frightful and ghoulish. Bob said "Hi" and fastened his seat belt, as Jackie accelerated, the car lurched from the curb and she began driving out of the neighborhood.

"Where to?" Bob asks.

"Nowhere, I just need to talk, and you are the only one I can talk to about it."

"I see…"

"No you don't see. I'm living a hellish nightmare, day and night, I can't sleep or eat, Brad wants to know what's going on and I can't tell him. Oh Bob, what do I do?"

"To tell the truth, I haven't been myself lately either." Bob admits.

"How do you mean?" Jackie asked confused as to how it related to her predicament.

"I haven't been able to make love to Cindy since that day; I've just stopped going over there altogether."

"Well, if its any consolation, I haven't been able to engage Brad sexually either. What's wrong with us?"

"I can't explain it." Bob shook his head dejectedly.

Jackie's cell phone began to ring, not recognizing the number on the caller ID at first then it flashed into her mind that it was Steve's. She answered, "Hello… You have got to be kidding me??? No, we'll meet you at the park in ten minutes." She looked sideways at Bob and explained, "Carla suspects something. Steve is worried."

"This is getting out of control." Bob said matter-of-factly.

Steve was waiting at the park entrance, Jackie slowed to a stop in front of him and watched as he opened the car door and slid into the back seat. No one acknowledged the other as Jackie pulled into a dark corner of the park, stopped, and turned the ignition off. Steve spoke first, "Carla is really upset. I think she knows something."

"How… What could she know?" Jackie asked.

"She wanted to have sex…and I couldn't perform." Steve admitted, with a furtive look toward Bob in the front seat, visibly uncomfortable by his daughter's boyfriend being privy to so much intimate information. "This whole deal has me so upset I can't do anything without thinking how I've fucked up."

"Me too," Jackie mumbled.

"Yeah," Bob chimed in.

Steve was stunned, "You guys are having problems too?" He asked as he looked from one to the other incredulously.

Both were nodding in the affirmative.

"What am I going to do?" Steve pleaded.

"I don't know, but we can't go on like this. Let's put our minds to it and get back together tomorrow, Ok?" Jackie said firmly with mock finality.

Everyone agreed, and Jackie drove them back and dropped them off.


As Jackie was driving home alone she worked the issue over and over in her mind. As she was about to scream out of frustration, She thought that if Brad and Carla were having affairs too there wouldn't be a problem. Then the answer struck her, Brad and Carla were not the problem; they were the solution. She quickly dialed Steve's number and explained her epiphany to Steve; they just had to get Carla and Brad together. Steve saw the genius of the idea and said he was "willing to try anything", then said,

"Wait a minute, what about Bob, he's not going to foul this up is he?" remembering that Bob was reluctant to go along in the first place.

"Oh shit! I forgot about him." Jackie spat out virulently, and then with acquiescence,

"We'll just have to include him."

"But my wife…your husband?" Steve sounded confused.

Jackie cut him off with that thought, "We'll work it out tomorrow," and hung up the phone.

Jackie's mind raced. She had dedicated herself to finding a way that the three of them could exorcise the demons that plagued their every waking thought. She thought she had determined the correct manner to accomplish the task by the time the two men arrived. They had chosen an out of the way café to meet where they could concoct the plot that would relieve them of their guilt without the admission of any mistakes on their part. Jackie explained the outline of her plan; they would have a get-together, Bob would seduce Carla, Brad would be coupled with Cindy somehow and when the whole event was over, everyone could go back to their lives knowing each had been shared by one another. But could it work?

Steve had reservations, "I don't know if I want Brad with my daughter." Bob was just as concerned, "Why do we have to drag Cindy into this?" Jackie took control, "Look, to make this happen there can be no loose ends. We are either in this or not, but we can't leave anyone out or we will be right back to where we are right now."

The two men saw the logic of her argument, and admitted that she was right.


Saturday had come and the plan was in full effect, all week long the three conspirators had made preparations for the upcoming get-together. Jackie had forced herself to have sex with Brad, if only to chat him up in the bedroom about Cindy. She made it clear that Cindy had been unashamedly attracted to Brad; she had even overheard Cindy making comments at the salon last week. Brad didn't comment he didn't have to; His orgasm was enough to tell Jackie that she had made an impression; he came like he hadn't in years. Jackie smiled a little knowing smile, the seed was planted.

Steve too tried to overcome the angst of having to perform sexually and performed oral sex on Carla several times during the week leading up to the event. He talked nonsense, pillow talk mostly and then asked her what she thought of Bob as a match for Cindy.

"I dunno, he seems to be preoccupied with other interests." She dismissed the thought.

"He's good looking, don't you think?"

"I suppose so."

"He sure has eyes for you." Steve said between tender caresses of her clitoris.

"What?" Carla asked, not sure of what her husband was saying.

"Uumm, He watches you all the time and I think he likes it when you walk around in your bikini. I know I do."

Steve continued his ministrations to Carla's carefully trimmed pussy. As he came up for air he said, "Do you think he's well hung?" then, as he said it he placed his tongue back into her warm sex pot. Carla didn't respond in the way he expected, her whole body began to convulse, her answer came in wave after wave of orgasm.

Bob knew that having sex with Cindy would defeat the purpose of setting up his brother with her on Saturday night. If she was satiated, she wouldn't go for Brad's advances, and every thing would fall apart. But could he stand having his brother fuck his girlfriend? He was ok with screwing Carla, her mom, she was totally hot, but he still harbored concerns about Brad and Cindy. So his preparation was to avoid Cindy all week.

The plan was arranged around a hot tub party at Brad and Jackie's home. Everyone lounged around with plenty of alcohol and soft music. Jackie was so anxious she continually floated in and out of the house, making herself busy so as to disguise her nervousness. Finally, she realized that the couples were clinging to their own mates. This can't stand she thought; we have to break this up. She called Bob to help her in the kitchen for a moment and as he walked in, she shot him a look that could freeze a flame.

"You can't hang on Cindy, you have to work on Carla or we're a bust." She admonished him.

"I know, I know. I'm just so scared."

"Here, take this bottle of wine and share it with Carla, she loves this stuff."

"Ok." He said, took the wine and moved back to the patio.

"Umm, that looks good, Bob, are you gonna share?" Carla asked.

"Sure." Bob said with a smile and moved to sit at her side on a chaise lounge.

Steve took the hint and exited the patio through the kitchen and found a spot next to Jackie to watch them without being seen.

Jackie commented that "This better work."

Steve didn't answer, but he did agree. Brad was pretty well on his way to being drunk and hadn't taken his eyes off Cindy all night.

For her part, Cindy was jealous of the attention Bob was lavishing on her mother. Well two can play that game, she thought. Turning to Brad she asked, "Would you like to get in the hot tub with me Brad?" Knowing the overture was not lost on Bob.

When Bob ignored her, she stood, moved to the edge of the hot tub and reached slowly to the clasp that held her bikini top in place, with a flick it snapped open and her lovely teenaged breasts jiggled and bounced as they sprung from the confining patches of cloth.

Brad looked, first at Bob and saw no response, then toward the house, no one there either, hurriedly he moved to hot tub and stepped out of his shorts and into the warm, swirling water, never taking his eyes from Cindy's beautiful young breasts.

Carla had been oblivious to her daughter's antics, but realized that she couldn't make any advances toward Bob in Cindy's presence, she whispered something into Bob's ear and rose, moving to the house on unsteady legs, cradling the bottle of wine as she moved.

Jackie and Steve pressed themselves into the dark corner of the kitchen so as to avoid Carla discovering them. She passed by without incident and turned toward the back of the house and the bed rooms. She peered into one then another bed room before settling on a room that appeared as though it was a guest room. She lay back on the bed and swooned from the anticipation of her young prey.

Bob stood to follow Carla, but instead moved to the shadows to watch his brother and his girlfriend as they soaked together. Soon he had forgotten about Carla.

Steve felt frisky with all the intrigue and sexual overtones, he tried to caress Jackie, but she rebuffed his attempt, saying, "Stop, now is not the time."

Cindy began to make her move on Brad; he folded his arms under his head so he could watch as she reached out and began stroking him, sliding the loose outer flesh of his rock-hard shaft up and down in a mesmerizing rhythm that increased the ache in his balls almost beyond endurance. Suddenly, she scrambled to her knees and leaned over his loins, her face a scant two inches from the blood-engorged head of his lust-hardened cock.

Her head dropped slowly and then her pointed tongue was flicking teasingly into the wetness of the tiny opening on the tip. Brad sucked in his breath as chills rippled along his spine. She dipped lower, enveloping the entire sensitive head of his penis in the moist, warm pressure of her lips. As her mouth tightened around it, he involuntarily thrust his pelvis upward, pushing more of his tingling male-flesh up into the hot, wet cavity of her sucking mouth.

Jackie could hardly breathe. She could hardly believe what she was seeing as Cindy lowered her head over Brad's lust-stiffened cock. She heard a soft groan next to her. "Cindy's going to suck him off," Steve whispered, breathing heavily.

"Oh, God," Jackie moaned, tears brimming in her eyes. The awful sight of Brad's penis disappearing into Cindy's hungrily ovalled mouth was just too much for her to stand. The sounds coming from them made her shudder: wet sucking noises, punctuated occasionally by small mewls and groans of totally absorbed pleasure. She wanted to get up and run, but knew her legs would not support her. She could do nothing but sit there and listen in torment while that girl made love to her husband.

Suddenly, she was aware of Steve's hand, softly massaging one of her breasts. He gave a sudden hard pinch against the soft, rubbery nipple, sending a flash of pain and, unexpectedly, pleasure shooting down the full length of her spine. Frantically, she twisted against him, coming to face again the lewd spectacle of this young girl sucking her husband.

In her abrupt panic, the sight astonished her and she stared for a moment, fascinated by the obscene act they were performing.

Instead of the absolute revulsion she would have expected, she could feel a strange light-fingered quivering up between her tensely trembling thighs. She clenched her eyes shut again, but could not block out the lewd, inciting picture. The soft moans and wet sucking sounds forced themselves into her ears, magnifying the obscene image many times over. As she felt her body begin to betray her, Jackie uttered a low helpless groan which was quickly choked off by Steve's lips pressing hard against hers. His tongue flicked into her mouth, causing her to squirm frantically in an attempt to stem the flowing tide of passion stealing over her. She tried to get away from him, but his strength was too great.