Jacks River Falls


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"Yeah" Andrea replied "And I'm bushed from the hike in today, too." I leaned my face forward and kissed her briefly behind her left ear then again on her temple and lastly on the side of her jawline. I could see the smile on her face and I turned her to face me. With my arms already around her waist, she reached hers around behind my neck and our lips met for the first time and lingered. I let my hands explore from her buttocks up her back to the back of her neck and head and ran my fingers through her blonde locks.

We continued for several more minutes before I drew my face away from hers. "Maybe we should back off some tonight, I'm not prepared here to go much farther and if I don't stop now I won't be able to very soon."

"I know, I can feel it on my belly." She giggled.

"Let's get dressed and I'll walk you to your tent."


As we approached their campsite at Beech Bottom, we could hear familiar grunts and moans coming from a couple of the tents. I suspected from the way Andrea's fingers tensed in mine that she was supposed to be sleeping in one of the active tents.

"I guess Henry and Becca finally crossed the line. Well, they can't last all night, I'll just wait out here by the fire until they're done then go to bed." She sighed.

"Or you could come back with me to see how comfortable my hammock is with two people." I offered.

She considered that option for a moment then smiled. "Ok, I could do that."

We turned and started toward my campsite below the falls. Once there I unrolled my foam ground pad and put it in my hammock and unzipped my warm weather sleeping bag. I was glad I wasn't using my cold weather mummy bag, there's no way two people can share it but the square bag unzips into what is essentially a comforter that easily covers two people. I undressed to my boxers and Andrea undressed to her panties and we climbed into the hammock. It took us several minutes to finally get settled comfortably without the hammock dumping us both unceremoniously onto the rocky ground beneath.

As we snuggled up together Andrea asked "Do you mind if we just snuggle for a few minutes tonight? I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow. I want it as bad as you but I'm so tired I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy it as much and I know I won't be as good a partner."

"I don't mind at all, Doll. Just rest, we'll have plenty of fun tomorrow."

She curled up at my side with her head resting on my chest and her left leg draped across mine. Within minutes her left hand relaxed on my chest and her breathing settled into a steady cadence. I drifted off soon after she did.

I woke to the scent of smoke in the air and the sun already shining half way down the mountain across the river. Andrea lay in the same position she went to sleep in, we hadn't moved in the night. Of course, a hammock isn't really conducive to very much moving in your sleep. I brought my right hand up and brushed the blonde hair back from Andrea's face and lightly stroked her jaw-line.

She drew in a slow, deep breath and opened her eyes then smiled at me "Good morning. Thank you for last night. I really enjoyed it."

I smiled back "I loved every minute of it."

"I see you had a banner night. Where's Robbie?" The voice was a bit gruff.

"Good morning, Darrel. I think he stayed with Erin last night." I answered.

Andrea giggled "I guess we'll get to meet each other on our walk of shame."

We got up and dressed, I opened two packs of blueberry poptarts and lay them on the rocks of our campfire pit to warm up and mixed some Orange Tang powder into one of my water canteens for breakfast. I rinsed my mouth out with the travel size scope I keep in my toiletry kit then offered the bottle to Andrea and she gratefully accepted. After we ate our poptarts and washed them down with orange-ambrosia I brushed my teeth then Andrea and I began our trek back to her tent so she could change clothes.

We met Robbie just before we reached the falls.

"Good morning."

"Yes, it is." and a smile was the only response he offered as we passed.

We spent the day exploring the river upstream and I showed Andrea the Beech Bottom trail, which terminated at the Jacks within about a hundred yards from where they had set up camp. We walked about a half mile of the trail, until it climbed out of the cove and overlooked their campsite before turning north and away from the river. After we made the turn away from the river I pointed out one of the two available shortcuts for the trail. The steep path that dropped about a hundred-fifty feet down the sheer bluff from the ridgeline into the river gorge. In less than five minutes we were back on the river bank at the spot it had taken us more than twenty minutes to walk from on the trail.

"Yeah, that's the way we'll go when we come back again." she laughed.

True to my prediction on Friday, there were dozens of people milling around the falls before noon on Saturday. It was reminiscent of a busy Florida beach with nearly every available spot of bedrock covered by a blanket or towel. We made our way back to our previous night's campfire spot and against my expectations I retrieved my Ludlum novel from where I left it the night before and returned it to my backpack. After lunch I took Andrea along with Robbie, Erin and Jenna to the hidden pool I told Andrea about and again, just as I expected, no one disturbed us.

The crowd of day-hikers began trickling away about mid afternoon leaving our two groups and around a dozen new through-hikers who chose the area to camp for the night. When Andrea and I walked out onto the open rock at the upper level of the falls I found several people adding dry limbs and driftwood to a new pile of firewood stacked beside last night's community fire spot.

"Why don't we go grab your sleeping bag from your tent to have it close by tonight, the hammock will be more comfortable with one under us as well as one covering us." I suggested.

"Ok, I'll go do that if you'll go get yours and whatever else you think we might need tonight so we can lay out here for a while after everybody else leaves." Andrea said with a conspiratorial smirk.

"I like the way you think." I grinned back.

We spent the evening much like we did the night before, taking turns poking wood into the flames, laughing, lying and telling wild stories. Andrea and I had folded my sleeping bag into a thick, square pad to sit on. She sat in front of me, between my knees and leaning back against my chest while I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

Eventually conversation began to wane as people began to tire or simply achieve that level of relaxation that encourages the idea that all is right with the world.

During one of the contented periods of silence Holly spoke. "So I missed the fun last night, when do we start tonight?"

"Fun?" Ventured one of today's through-hikers. "What sort of 'fun' are you talking about?"

"Skinny dipping!" Holly answered, excitedly.

Several people laughed briefly at her exuberance but nobody seemed to be making a move toward the water.

I leaned forward and whispered in Andrea's ear. "Whatcha' think? Are you game?"

She nodded then we stood and began removing our clothes unhurriedly. After we'd laid our clothes on my folded sleeping bag we walked toward the river. I glanced around and saw that several others were stripping as well. Soon we had the same group in the water with the addition of Holly and two of the new through-hikers. It was basically a repeat of last night, Andrea and I paired off by ourselves near the upper end of the pool and the rest spread out into several small groups or pairs nearby.

We floated around for close to an hour, exploring each other with our fingertips, our lips and any other body part we could use to enhance sensory contact.

Soon I was ready to embrace a different activity and I suspected Andrea was as well. I led her to the riverbank and back to our sleeping bags. We dried off and without dressing we cobbled together a simple bed by laying both of our foam ground pads down and then covered them with our unzipped sleeping bags one on top of the other. I added two pieces of wood to the dying fire and ensured that the three foil packs were still in the pocket of my shorts beside our nest. I then joined Andrea between the two sleeping bags.

I lay on my side facing Andrea and reached up to stroke her cheek with my right fingertips. I eased my hand along her jawline and to the back of her neck, drawing her lips to mine. Our kisses began slow; brief pecks that evolved into us lightly sucking on the other's lips. When I introduced the tip of my tongue to her lips they parted readily and I found her tongue to be as eager as mine. She rubbed my chest and abdomen, lightly dragging her fingers through my chest hair. I pulled my lips from hers and began trailing light nips along her jaw to her left ear and gently drew her earlobe between my lips. Andrea's breathing began to draw deeper and small, half-silent moans began to drift from her throat. As I began to kiss her in the hollow behind her jaw bone and ear I stroked down her back with my exploring hand, past her waist to carress her butt cheeks. I insinuated my left arm underneath her head and neck then gently pushed against her left shoulder with my other hand, encouraging her to roll over. When Andrea was facing away from me I was able to caress her breasts with my left hand and reach between her thighs with my right hand while continuing to rain light kisses along her neck and jawline. Her breaths began coming quicker and her near-silent moans were not as silent as before.

Andrea reached her right hand behind herself and began slowly stroking my dick while I traced my fingertips along her saturated labia. She released my prick and reached between her own thighs then raised her fingers to my lips, turning her head to look at me. I closed my lips around her fingertips and savored her flavor. She then rolled back toward me and we kissed again. After we ended our kiss and Andrea lay on her back I slipped lower between the sleeping bags, kissing my way down her body. I lingered briefly at her breasts, giving them the attention they deserved with my lips, tongue and teeth then continued on my journey. Once I was settled between her legs I began to tease her with light kisses along her inner thighs then up and through the softest and silkiest pubic hair I'd yet had the pleasure of enjoying. Her musk was sublime, not at all overpowering; in fact is was most plesant. Andrea rested her hand on the top of my head, not yet guiding me for her own pleasre but letting me know that she was readying herself for that very task. I traced the tip of my tongue around the edge of her pussy, deftly avoiding her labia and clitoris. Andrea's breating became deeper and quicker and her moans were becoming more inergetic. I flattened my tongue and drew the broad, flat face of it across her clitoris and Andrea went rigid as her moan and breath both caught in her throat. She grabbed two handsfull my my short, curly hair and pulled me tight against her crotch. I began flitting the tip of my tongue across her clit. Before long, she was laying still, recovering from her orgasm, her breathing slowing and an expression of pure contentment. I crawled back up to her side I began to hear moans from at least two different locations nearby. I smiled to myself as we settled into a spooning position. I whispered into Andrea's ear: looks like we're trendsetters and she began to giggle.

Andrea rolled toward me and reached deeper under the sleeping bag while she continued to look me in the eye. I rolled onto my back as she began to stroke my cock and reached for one of the squares of foil in my shorts still waiting to do their duty. Never breaking eye contact, I bit a corner of the packet with my teeth and removed the latex within. Andrea reached up and took the condom from my fingers and reached back under our covers and rolled it down my prick. She then leaned over me and kissed me again, long and hard as she stretched a leg across my waist and slipping me inside her fevered pussy. After taking a few tentative strokes, she eventually had me fully seated within her and she began to rock back and forth. I reached down with both hands and took her by the waist and bringing my feet together I began to thrust up into her, causing her to gasp out loud. I was grateful for the numbing effect of the condom because I had been in a near continual state of arrousal for two days straight now and It had been several months since I'd been intimate with anyone else so I was already on the edge. I moved one of my hands to Andrea's breast and tweaked each of her nipples in turn. Fortunately, I was able to hold off long enough to enjoy the feeling of Andrea's vagina pulse and squeeze my prick as she came a second time but that was too much for me to hold any longer and I filled the tip of the condom.

I reached down and slid the condom off my slowly deflating cock, tied the open end and slipped it beneath my shorts beside our bed. Then I rolled back toward Andrea, slipped my arm back under her head and drew her back against my chest and held her in a 'spooning' position then we both drifted off to sleep.

When I woke, grey mist still hung in the air. I looked around and verified that we were alone at the top of the falls, the fire had died down but a strong bed of embers still smoked within the pile of ashes. I leaned out from under the sleeping bag and could just reach the wood pile and added several pieces to the embers to stoke it back to life. When I was fairly sure the new limbs would light soon I snuggled back into our makeshift bed and curled against Andrea. In a repeat of the previous morning she smiled without opening her eyes "Good morning Gavin."

"Good Morning, Doll."

"I could get used to waking up beside you."

"These have been two of my all-time favorite mornings, too." I responded

"Mmmmm. Do you have any more protection left?"

"Yes, I have a couple left, do you think we'll need one?"

"Yes, I think we might." She giggled.

After I tied a knot in the second condom I took Andrea by the hand and we walked to the water's edge.

"There's no easy way to do this, you might as well just jump straight in, rinse all the vitals out good and we run back to the bed. That's the main reason I stoked the fire."

Andrea stepped one foot into the water, looked at me and said "You've got to be kidding!"

I grinned, shook my head slowly side to side, turned and dove off the ledge into the frigid water.

When I surfaced she was still standing at the water's edge with a look of surprise on her face.

"Come on in and get it over with, the shock doesn't last long and we can warm up together beside the fire afterward." I grinned.

She stood there for a few seconds before stepping one foot into the water again and stepping back. "I hate you so much..." she mumbled then stepped feet-first off the ledge into the cold, deep pool of water up to her chest and gasped in shock.

It only took us a matter of seconds to wash ourselves before I climbed out then reached back to take Andrea's hands to pull her out of the water and we hurried back to our sleeping bags. We toweled the majority of the water off before we slipped back into our nest beside the fire and snuggled up together once again.

"I don't really hate you."

"I know, Doll."

We dozed again until we heard others start moving around on the trail nearby then we dressed and spent the rest of the morning helping one another pack and get ready for our trips home. We exchanged phone numbers and addresses before parting and promised to call each other that evening then after a final kiss on the trail beside Jacks River Falls, we walked off in opposite directions.

We met a few more times over the next month and I drove over to Athens for a couple weekends after her classes started but Andrea met the guy she ended up marrying later that year and our short time is just a pleasant memory now. I've married now to someone I graduated high school with. It only took us thirty years to reconnect and I don't see an end to that relationship.

I'm happy.

Thanks for sharing one of my more pleasant memories from my youth!


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

this was very sweet story but like several others what is going on with COLBALT BLUE

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Publication times and Nursery rhymes

Since we're all aware of C.Blue in Loving Wives category, I'll continue the trend.

- I was frustrated by the delay in seeing the "end" of that story as well, but after publishing stories myself, not nearly as frustrated as "Snat-Kiss" had to have been. Now, I'm very glad it isn't truly done, as I've become invested in the characters and know it Will be worth the wait for more.

- This tale was sweet. A very pleasant diversion that, like some pleasant relationships, didn't ask for a significant commitment, but yielded itself to a relaxing, brief time of sharing.

Thanks! I feel refreshed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What Indy said !!!!!QWX5X

SeanGregorySeanGregoryover 3 years agoAuthor

If you followed my recent comments you'd know that I submitted the entire Cobalt Blue story two weeks ago but Literotica has yet to publish it. I've made several inquiries that have as yet been unanswered.

IndyOnIndyOnover 3 years ago

Why post this story when you left Cobalt Blue unfinished? It was posted as a two-part story then at the end of part 2 it says "to be continued"?? Not nice for your readers!

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