Jack's Story Ch. 01


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"What's wrong? Is the other leg cramping now?" I knew she caught me looking.

"No, it's kind of odd ... my thigh feels like it is starting to cramp a little."

"Really? You mean here?"

I slid my right hand up the outside past her knee running into her Mormon garment on the way. I tried to get my fingers inside the hem. There wasn't enough room. I kept my hand between the garment and her pants. It was hard to do a massage when the fabric wanted to slide under my fingers. I had kept my eyes on her face.

"Does that feel better?"

"Actually it is the inside of my thigh. You need to move to the inside."

I guess I got caught by surprise by that. I put my left hand up her pant leg and the right one outside. The garment was still in my way. I started to do the best that I could. Lori Ann started to drift back into thought. Again, her facial expression telling on her. I wanted to slide my hand and grab her cunt with my fingers. I decided to play it safe.

Lori Ann was starting some little moans. I could she her moving her ass a little in the chair. As I massaged her thigh I thought she was rocking her pelvis a little. If I could make her cum like this she probably could not hide it.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked.

Lori Ann was slow to answer.

"The cramp is a little higher. Would you mind?"

"Let me see what I can do."

I was working my hand up the inside of her thigh, taking my time. In a couple of minutes I could have the edge of my hand against her pussy. About two inches away Lori Ann looking at me with a blissful look and spoke to stop me.

"That is the spot right there."

I took what I could get. I stayed in that spot. Lori Ann was a woman on a tightrope. Her eyes and her pussy were saying "go ahead" while her mouth was saying "stop". I had to listen to her words. I still think I made her cum. As she looked up she looked over my shoulder at something.

"Party's over. Here comes old Clint."

Clint was damned near eighty years old. His wife had been dead for years. Like most old people he couldn't stand to be late. Every shift change he would be 15 to 30 minutes early. This time it was twenty. I wish I had ten more minutes with my hand near Lori Ann's crotch.

Lori Ann stood up and smoothed down her pants leg. She looked at her image off the window and she flicked at her hair.

"Do I look okay."

"Sure. Fine."

Really she looked like she was coming down from a good fuck. Here's hoping Clint wouldn't notice.

Right on the hour Marie came in for her shift. We left her and Clint in the shack. As we said goodbye Marie gave Lori Ann a strange look and then looked quickly to me and then back to Lori Ann. Our cars were parked side by side. At the back of them Lori Ann stood about 5 feet from me.

"You know, what we did, some people would call cheating. I think Marie thinks something is up."

"It was fun for me." I offered.

"Oh, it was really fun for me." Lori Ann almost giggled. See you Wednesday." Our days off were Monday and Tuesday.

It was time to go home to face my wife. If she was there. I waited in the dark after I got home. I decided she probably wasn't coming. I walked down the street to the Bishop's house hoping to see him and his wife through a window or something. No one was home. I stood there about twenty minutes just looking at the bastard's house. His car appeared coming up the street and he parked in the driveway. His wife was not with him. I walked home and no sooner did I get in the door that my wife pulled her car into the garage.

I could tell she had been crying again. She also smelled like she just got fucked and didn't get a chance to shower. Maybe they met somewhere or fucked in the car. She walked straight into the bedroom, went into the bath and started the shower. I slipped out to the garage to look for clues of her infidelity in the car. I found myself smelling the seat.

When I went back inside she was still in the shower. I looked, but didn't see her panties on the floor with her clothes. Either she hid them or wasn't wearing any. My wife fucking some other guy is something my brain really hadn't dealt with. I thought of what Lori Ann had said about the 75% of marriages where someone fools around.

I didn't want to think she was fucking the Bishop. We often talked about how we could never be strict Mormon and about some of the things that bothered us about them. The idea of her letting him fuck her just didn't seem like something she would do. Then her with any other man's balls slapping her ass was something I thought would never happen to us.

She came into the bedroom naked. Her nipples looked like they and been aroused and roughened. I looked at her bush and could see her cunt lips. The outer ones looked puffy and the inner ones hanging lower that the outer ones. They seem to glisten.

"How was work for you today?" I was surprised that she spoke.

"Fine, I guess. About the same as yesterday."

She turned around like she had done hundreds of times before to get her gown from her bottom dresser drawer. I had often stared at her womanhood when she had done this. This time my gaze was even more intense. Her pussy didn't look like it had been abused or stretched. Still the lips seemed swollen more like not long after we had sex.

I tried to notice a little bit of sperm dribble out or it gaping open a bit as a clue. It did seem damp in the center, but that could be her natural juices ... or it could be the remains of a huge load of cum, earlier squirted at her cervix. She turned to face me, raising her arms and dropping the gown over her shoulders, to slide past her tits and stop half way between her pussy and her knees.

She took a pair of panties from the upper drawer and stepped into them. As she lifted a leg I thought I saw what could have been sperm just inside her cunt lips. She pulled her panties up and walked towards the bed. There was a dark feeling in the air. I didn't offer to say anything and their wasn't anything she was going to say to make me feel better or be any less suspicious.

Once in bed I lay there quietly. There weren't many nights we went to bed and not kissed goodnight. From in the dark I heard my wife speak.

"This has been an awful couple of days."

"I'm not so sure it was as awful for you as it has been for me."

It was quiet for a while until she spoke again.

"Would you make love to me?"

She had to be shitting me. After what appears to be her infidelity she thinks I'm going to fuck her? Almost thirty years of marriage was on the line. She had been sixteen when I married her. I was twenty. Guys go to jail for that age difference, but we were in love. Her mother was divorced and the dad was no where in the picture. It was one less mouth to feed. Her mother signed her consent and we were married.

Our first time was her first time. I'd had experience with a girl we all called Slutty Sally and a woman that was five years my senior that I worked with before our marriage . I've always loved my wife and to have her cheat on me now was terrifying. Throw in the idea that in might be the Bishop she let fuck her and it was devastating.

Our conversations always went to the effect of "Those fucking Mormons" to what seems to be her "Fucking those Mormons." Still I laid there and had to think about her tight little pussy and what it must be like for her to let another man fuck her. Maybe she decided it was time to move up. The Bishop had a good job and a nice house. If he could ditch his wife mine would probably move right in.

"Well? Are you just going to lie there or can we make love?

My dick had started to stiffen when I thought about the other man fucking her. Maybe I was wrong about it all and owed her an apology for the way I acted and what I said.

I was already on my back, wearing just a T-Shirt and boxers. I always slept that way. There was enough light in the room she had to see my dick starting to poke into the air. I wasn't sure what I would do if she grabbed it. After a few minutes she was hovering her face over it, looking at it.

Fuck it anyway! What was she doing? ... Comparing me to the other guy?

"You are stubborn, aren't you? She lowered her face and took my cock in her mouth. No hand, no stroking it, just took it into her mouth and start to work it with her tongue.

In almost thirty years of marriage I don't think she had my cock in her mouth a dozen times. And, never without me hinting and begging and her when she'd be in an awfully compliant mood. Now she was swirling her tongue around its head and starting to bob up and down on it. She stopped and pulled her mouth off me to speak.

"Is that pretty good?"

"Really good! What's the deal?"

"It was something I wanted to do? Now will you make love to me?"

I really wanted to see where the blowjob was going. She never had sucked my cock long enough to get me to cum. I wanted her to gag on my sperm as I flooded her mouth with it. Yet, the way she asked me to make love to her made it sound all so special. She rolled on her back and I got between her legs. I'd always aimed in the general direction of her outer lips and she would reach a hand down to guide me. Grabbing it by the shaft and rubbing the head against her slit to lube the end.

This time I found myself thrusting my pecker in the air.

"Aren't you going to help me?"

My wife giggled a bit, "Oh, I'm sure you'll find it."

It was there alright! I hunched down a little and jabbed into her crotch. When I felt the edge of her slit with the end of it I redirected slightly and put the head right in. Always in the past she would hold it as the head went in and we would do some short strokes until the wetness from inside coated the first couple of inches of my cock.

Not this time. The wetness was right there. There wasn't any battle. I just pushed right in and slid right in to the balls. I kept buried and did little nudges before beginning long and slow strokes. Some other guy had to have recently fucked her. She was so wet and so slick and even felt like her cunt was hotter. The extra wetness swirling around the head of my prick as I pumped it in and out of her was like fucking and getting a blow job all at the same time.

My wife seemed pleased with herself. Lying there fucking back at me she had a look of passion and smugness on her face.

"You seem to be enjoying my wet little pussy. It seems to be nice and tight, not to big or too deep?"

Not that I didn't know where this was going, "No, it's really good and really slick."

"Good, then I don't want any more yelling at me."

I pretty much got what she said. I think she told me she fucked some guy, but wasn't going to admit it. I didn't really care. This was really good and I was trying to find a way to get my balls in her, too.

She wrapped legs up over my back and arched her cunt up to me. I felt like I was in deeper in her than I had ever been. We just fucked the hell out of each other for about two minutes. She screamed and I dumped the whole load inside her.

We laid together like that. Her legs still around me. That whole deal with the legs was something new. I looked into her eyes. She wouldn't quit smiling at me. I was thinking that this had been pretty great. I still wanted to know who fucked her because it was pretty obvious that someone had gotten to her before she came home.

She put her legs down and I got up to go the bathroom to try to take a piss and wash off my cock. I've gone to sleep with her pussy juices on me many times, but wasn't about to doze off with some guy's cum stuck to my balls. She stayed on the bed, making no effort to get up or clean up.

"Are you good there for the night?" I motioned towards her messy pussy.

"I'm good. Look at me down there."

I stepped over and looked. There was a huge pool of cum just inside her pussy. More than I have even done in my memory. I little bit was running down the crack of her ass.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked.

"Oh, I'll keep it inside me for a while." She pulled her knees to her chest and all that cum went back inside her.

"You missed a little." I took my finger and nudged it up into her open pussy. I stood there staring at her cunt. It didn't look any different than ever. Except that it just kind of inhaled a big dose of sperm. Even the little glob I had pushed inside her had slid on into her depths and out of sight.

She was the same woman I married. Her pussy was all pink and wet inside. Just this time I guess I was sharing and working its way to her womb was sperm from two of us. Good thing she was on the pill. Well, I guess she is still on the pill. I really hadn't noticed if the dispenser they came in was still in the bathroom vanity drawer.

I was ready to sleep. Maybe shake it all out in my head tomorrow. Next to me, Mary Beth had brought her knees down, but had her pussy mound rocked into the air in kind of an unnatural manner trying to hold in the seed. We had always used a pillow under her ass to get the best angle for me fucking her. This left her with her snatch elevated.

"Aren't you afraid you are going to lose the little swimmers when you go to sleep?"

"You go on to sleep. I'm going to lay here like this for a little while. If I make a mess I'm the one that changes the sheets and I'll have to shower before work anyway."

When I woke up she had already gone to work. I laid there a minute before what had happened raced back into my mind. I looked at her side of the bed. The sheets were clean and dry. Maybe a couple of dried specks, but nothing like the cum that was in her when I went to sleep.

I went into the bathroom to take a piss. There was a note stuck to the mirror. There had never been a note on the mirror. It was her handwriting, "I made it thru the night and didn't spill a drop." Then a big heart shaped happy face for a signature. That little slut.

I looked in her vanity drawer. No birth control pills. I checked the rest of the drawers in the vanity and then checked her dresser. Even the shelf on her side of the closet. I checked the kitchen drawers and by the sink. She spent the night with a load of sperm against her cervix and I can't find any birth control.

Let's hope it's not her fertile cycle. Why would she do that at age 46? Risk getting pregnant like that? And, the chances are that the other guy's sperm knocked her up because they got there first.

My day was spent doing errands. It was my day off. When she came home there was no mention of sex and everything seemed normal.

"I read your little note."

"Yeah, how about that? I figured I'd wake up with cum all over me."

"To me it was something you would never do."

"I know ... but it was fun!"

From my point of view I was ready to fuck her again. She didn't show any interest. I thought about her overflow cunt the rest of the evening. She dressed and went to work again the next morning. I tried to stay busy the rest of the day. When she came home we had a regular night of it. No signs of interest in sex from my wife. She had me wanting it.

Wednesday had me back at work with Lori Ann. Wow, had my life changed since I last saw her. We got checked in and the other guards left.

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